446 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrency Turmoil: Unraveling the Collapse of a Unified Stablecoin (USTC) through Twitter as a Passive Sensor

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    This study sought to explore whether Twitter, as a passive sensor, could have foreseen the collapse of the Unified Stablecoin (USTC). In May 2022, in just a few days, the cryptocurrency went to near-zero valuation. Analyzing 244,312 tweets from 89,449 distinct accounts between April and June 2022, this study delved into the correlation between personal sentiments in tweets and the USTC market value, revealing a moderate correlation with polarity. While sentiment analysis has often been used to predict market prices, the results suggest the challenge of foreseeing sudden catastrophic events like the USTC collapse solely through sentiment analysis. The analysis uncovered unexpected global interest and noted positive sentiments during the collapse. Additionally, it identified events such as the launch of the new Terra blockchain (referred to as “Terra 2.0”) that triggered positive surges. Leveraging machine learning clustering techniques, this study also identified distinct user behaviors, providing valuable insights into influential figures in the cryptocurrency space. This comprehensive analysis marks an initial step toward understanding sudden and catastrophic phenomena in the cryptocurrency market

    A computational model of gene expression in an inducible synthetic circuit

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    Synthetic biology aims to the rational design of gene circuits with predictable behaviours. Great efforts have been done so far to introduce in the field mathematical models that could facilitate the design of synthetic networks. Here we present a mathematical model of a synthetic gene-circuit with a negative feedback. The closed loop configuration allows the control of transcription by an inducer molecule (IPTG). Escherichia coli bacterial cells were transformed and expression of a fluorescent reporter (GFP) was measured for different inducer levels. Computer model simulations well reproduced the experimental induction data, using a single fitting parameter. Independent genetic components were used to assemble the synthetic circuit. The mathematical model here presented could be useful to predict how changes in these genetic components affect the behaviour of the synthetic circuit

    Identification via numerical computation of transcriptional determinants of a cell phenotype decision making

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    Complex cellular processes, such as phenotype decision making, are exceedingly difficult to analyze experimentally, due to the multiple-layer regulation of gene expression and the intercellular variability referred to as biological noise. Moreover, the heterogeneous experimental approaches used to investigate distinct macromolecular species, and their intrinsic differential time-scale dynamics, add further intricacy to the general picture of the physiological phenomenon. In this respect, a computational representation of the cellular functions of interest can be used to extract relevant information, being able to highlight meaningful active markers within the plethora of actors forming an active molecular network. The multiscale power of such an approach can also provide meaningful descriptions for both population and single-cell level events. To validate this paradigm a Boolean and a Markov model were combined to identify, in an objective and user-independent manner, a signature of genes recapitulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition in-vitro. The predictions of the model are in agreement with experimental data and revealed how the expression of specific molecular markers is related to distinct cell behaviors. The presented method strengthens the evidence of a role for computational representation of active molecular networks to gain insight into cellular physiology and as a general approach for integrating in-silico/in-vitro study of complex cell population dynamics to identify their most relevant drivers

    VSCAN: An Enhanced Video Summarization using Density-based Spatial Clustering

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    In this paper, we present VSCAN, a novel approach for generating static video summaries. This approach is based on a modified DBSCAN clustering algorithm to summarize the video content utilizing both color and texture features of the video frames. The paper also introduces an enhanced evaluation method that depends on color and texture features. Video Summaries generated by VSCAN are compared with summaries generated by other approaches found in the literature and those created by users. Experimental results indicate that the video summaries generated by VSCAN have a higher quality than those generated by other approaches.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.3590 by other authors without attributio

    ELVIS: Entertainment-led video summaries

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    © ACM, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 6(3): Article no. 17 (2010) http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1823746.1823751Video summaries present the user with a condensed and succinct representation of the content of a video stream. Usually this is achieved by attaching degrees of importance to low-level image, audio and text features. However, video content elicits strong and measurable physiological responses in the user, which are potentially rich indicators of what video content is memorable to or emotionally engaging for an individual user. This article proposes a technique that exploits such physiological responses to a given video stream by a given user to produce Entertainment-Led VIdeo Summaries (ELVIS). ELVIS is made up of five analysis phases which correspond to the analyses of five physiological response measures: electro-dermal response (EDR), heart rate (HR), blood volume pulse (BVP), respiration rate (RR), and respiration amplitude (RA). Through these analyses, the temporal locations of the most entertaining video subsegments, as they occur within the video stream as a whole, are automatically identified. The effectiveness of the ELVIS technique is verified through a statistical analysis of data collected during a set of user trials. Our results show that ELVIS is more consistent than RANDOM, EDR, HR, BVP, RR and RA selections in identifying the most entertaining video subsegments for content in the comedy, horror/comedy, and horror genres. Subjective user reports also reveal that ELVIS video summaries are comparatively easy to understand, enjoyable, and informative

    On Conduction in a Bacterial Sodium Channel

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    Voltage-gated Na+-channels are transmembrane proteins that are responsible for the fast depolarizing phase of the action potential in nerve and muscular cells. Selective permeability of Na+ over Ca2+ or K+ ions is essential for the biological function of Na+-channels. After the emergence of the first high-resolution structure of a Na+-channel, an anionic coordination site was proposed to confer Na+ selectivity through partial dehydration of Na+ via its direct interaction with conserved glutamate side chains. By combining molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations, a low-energy permeation pathway for Na+ ion translocation through the selectivity filter of the recently determined crystal structure of a prokaryotic sodium channel from Arcobacter butzleri is characterised. The picture that emerges is that of a pore preferentially occupied by two ions, which can switch between different configurations by crossing low free-energy barriers. In contrast to K+-channels, the movements of the ions appear to be weakly coupled in Na+-channels. When the free-energy maps for Na+ and K+ ions are compared, a selective site is characterised in the narrowest region of the filter, where a hydrated Na+ ion, and not a hydrated K+ ion, is energetically stable

    Características agronômicas dos acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Uva.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar agronomicamente 19 acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Uva (BAGUva), por um período compreendido entre sete e 11 anos. Os materiais são cultivados a campo, em condições padronizadas, sob porta-enxerto '101-14?, com sistema de sustentação em espaldeira e poda em Guyot. Foram avaliadas características relacionadas ao cacho, à baga, à produtividade e à incidência das principais doenças da videira no país

    Caracterização da qualidade do mosto de acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Uva.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do mosto, com relação ao pH, conteúdo de sólidos solúveis totais (SS) e acidez total titulável (ATT) de 19 acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Uva