31 research outputs found

    Exploring Quality Challenges and the Validity of Excellence Models

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    \ua9 2016, \ua9 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and explore important quality-related challenges facing organizations, and investigate how current excellence models incorporate these challenges. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a Delphi study of Swedish organizations. Forty-nine challenges were generated and ranked according to importance and the ten top-ranked challenges were compared to the principles of four excellence models. Findings: The excellence models still seem to be relevant since their content matches many of the identified challenges. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Swedish Institute for Quality models were found to have the most comprehensive coverage, while the International Organization for Standardization model had limited coverage. Research limitations/implications: Three areas for further research were identified: first, how quality management (QM) can evolve in different contexts that have varying needs in terms of adaptive and explorative capabilities; second, the interfaces of QM and sustainability, and ways to understand how customers and stakeholders can be active contributors to improvements; and third, the roles of the owners and board of directors regarding QM, and how to organize and distribute responsibilities of the QM work. Practical implications: There are three important challenges that future revisions of excellence models could address: first, making QM a strategic issue for company owners; second, involving customers in the improvement activities; and third, developing processes that are robust yet still easily adaptable. Originality/value: The Delphi study identified upcoming challenges in the QM area based on input from 188 quality professionals

    Quality management as a means for micro-level sustainability development in organizations

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    Purpose. The use of quality management (QM) to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) is a topic of growing interest in academia and industry. The IAQ (International Academy for Quality) established Quality Sustainability Award in 2020, a testament to this growing interest. This study aims to investigate how QM philosophies, methodologies and tools can be used to achieve sustainable development in organizations. Design/methodology/approach. Five large manufacturing organizations – three from India and two from China – who reported their achievements about using QM in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were studied using multiple sources of data collection. A detailed within-case and cross-case analysis were conducted to unearth this linkage's practical and theoretical aspects. Findings. The study finds that QM methodologies effectively met the five organizations' UNSDGs. These organizations successfully used OPEX (Operational Excellence) methodologies such as Lean, Kaizen and Six Sigma to meet UNSDGs 7, 11, 12 and 13. Moreover, UNSG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) is the most targeted goal across the case studies. A cross-case analysis revealed that the most frequently used quality tools were Design of Experiments (DoE), Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), C&E analysis and Inferential statistics, among other essential tools. Research limitations/implications. The study's sample size was limited to large-scale manufacturing organizations in the two most populous countries in the world. This may limit the study's generalizability to other countries, continents, or micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Additionally, the study's conclusions would be strengthened if tested as hypotheses in a follow-up survey. Practical implications. This practical paper provides case studies on how to use QM to impact SDGs. It offers both descriptive and prescriptive solutions for practitioners. The study highlights the importance of using essential QM tools in a structured and systematic manner, with effective teams, to meet the SDGs of organizations. Social implications. The study shows how QM can be used to impact UNSDGs, and this is very important because the UNSDGs are a set of global objectives that aim to address a wide range of social and environmental issues. This study could motivate organizations to achieve the UNSDGs using essential QM tools and make the world a better place for the present and future generations. Originality/value. This case study is the first to investigate at a micro-level how QM can impact UNSDGs using live examples. It uses data from the IAQ to demonstrate how QM can be integrated into UNSDGs to ensure sustainable manufacturing

    Raziskava pristopov k merjenju vitkega proizvodnega procesa

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    Purpose:The purpose of the research is to explore a practical method of measuring the implementation of lean in a process. The method will be based on examining the abilities of a group. At this scale the ability to work standardized and solve problems is important. These two abilities are dependent of each other and are fundamental for the group\u27s ability to create a stable result. In this context the method of standardized work (SW) is define to be the methods used in a process to generate stable results. Problem solving (PS) is defined as the methods used to return a process to a condition where SW is possible. Methodology /approach: The research is conducted in a multiple case study in four large global manufacturing companies. The order of the data collection is: Firstly, interviews with the individuals that are centrally responsible for overall implementation of lean in the organization. Secondly, observe the implementation of SW and PS at the group level. In total 7 groups have been studied and 19 respondents interviewed. Findings: Results show that the central definition of the methods for standardized work does not by itself have a direct impact on success of implementation of SW at group level. The method of SW where similar on a general level in the different cases, but with varying levels of implementation at group level was applied. Results also show that key factors for a successful implementation of standardized work on group level are: Ownership of the process, Direct connection to result of process, Correct workload and Leader demand. Methods of PS at group level where dissimilar despite a superficially similar approach. The evaluation method used was successful in providing comparable results between the cases. Research limitations: A limitation of this research is within the scale of the measurement, as it only examines the group level. The research is further limited to four companies and seven groups. Originality/value of paper: This paper aims to fill a gap in the established measurement methods of lean, as it examines the abilities of SW and PS at the group level of a process. These abilities are often referred to as essential in lean theory. However, there has been little scholarly work in defining the methods of SW and PS or the key factors affecting the methods at an operational level.Namen: Namen raziskave je proučiti praktično uporabno metodo za merjenje vitkosti v proizvodnih procesih. Metoda je osnovana na raziskovanju sposobnosti skupine. Na tej ravni je pomembna sposobnost delati po standardih in reševati probleme. Ti dve sposobnosti sta med seboj odvisni in sta ključni za to, da skupina dosega stabilen rezultat. V tej zvezi je je metoda standardiziranega dela (SW) opredeljena kot metoda, uporabljena, da v procesu generira stabilne rezultate. Reševanje problemov (PS) je definirano kot zbir metod, ki se uporabijo za vračanje procesa v pogoje, kjer je možno standardizirano delo. Metodologija/pristop: Raziskava je bila izvedena kot študija več primerov v štirih velikih globalnih proizvodnih podjetjih. Zaporedje zbiranja podatkov je bilo naslednje: najprej smo izvedli intervjuje z managerji, ki so bili odgovorni za celotno uvedbo vitkosti v organizaciji. Nato smo opazovali uvedbo standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov na ravni skupine. V celoti smo proučevali 7 skupin in izvedli intervjuje s 19 osebami. Ugotovitve: Rezultati kažejo, da osrednja definicija metod za standardizirano delo sama po sebi nima neposrednega vpliva na uvedbo standardiziranega dela na ravni skupine. Metode standardiziranega dela so bile v različnih primerih podobne na splošni ravni, toda na nivoju grup uporabljene v različnem obsegu. Rezultati tudi kažejo, da so ključni dejavniki za uspešno uvedbo standardiziranega dela na nivoju skupine naslednji: lastništvo procesa, neposredna povezava procesa in rezultatov dela, primerna delovna obremenitev in zahteve vodje. Metode reševanja problemov na ravni skupine so bile različne kljub – površno gledano – podobnemu pristopu. Metoda vrednotenja, ki smo jo uporabili, je bila uspešna in je dala rezultate, primerljive med različnimi proučevanimi primeri. Omejitve raziskave: Omejitev je , da v obsegu merjenja proučuje le raven skupin. Rezultati so nadalje omejeni na 4 podjetja in 7 skupin. Originalnost: Cilj članka je zapolniti vrzel v uveljavljenih metodah merjenja vitkosti kadar proučujemo možnosti standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov na skupinski ravni procesa. Te sposobnosti so pogosto opisane kot ključne za teorijo vitke proizvodnje. Znanih je malo akademskih raziskav v zvezi z definicijo metod standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov ali ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na te metode na operativnem nivoju

    Dynamics of Quality Attributes Over Life Cycles of Goods and Services

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    This thesis is based on seven papers and has three main objectives. The first objective is to provide a theoretical framework that explains the dynamics of quality attributes over their life cycles, considering the technology readiness of users. Empirical investigations have been conducted with questionnaires constructed by a combination of Kano\u27s theory of attractive quality and technology readiness, to collect data about a service consisting of a number of quality attributes. The results indicate that this theoretical combination, together with information about the number of times a service has been used, enables organizations to estimate how far the service has come in its life cycle and how long it will take to complete the cycle. This can be a helpful aid when estimating the pace at which an organization needs to offer new services or service attributes on a market. The second objective is to provide empirical investigations into how dissatisfaction feedback over product life cycles is transferred from users, and how that information and knowledge is utilized in product development contexts. Three research studies were conducted. One is an explorative collective case study carried out at three organizations in three multinational manufacturing companies in Sweden. The second is a descriptive single case study conducted in a collaboration project with ALSTOM Power, Industrial Turbines. The third is a multiple case study covering 84% of the companies within a machine industry segment in Sweden. As a general conclusion, the results show that feedback mainly is used for corrective and reactive actions only (exploitation of products), and is seldom used as an input in the New Product Development Process when developing possible future products (exploration of products). The third objective is to investigate manufacturing companies\u27 current positions and movements on a goods-to-services continuum. The results of an explorative multiple case study of 17 machine industry companies suggest that most of the companies have not reached very far on the goods-to-services continuum. However, most of them are interested in better utilizing the life cycles of goods by incorporating service development activities within their lines of business

    Dynamics of Quality Attributes Over Life Cycles of Goods and Services

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    This thesis is based on seven papers and has three main objectives. The first objective is to provide a theoretical framework that explains the dynamics of quality attributes over their life cycles, considering the technology readiness of users. Empirical investigations have been conducted with questionnaires constructed by a combination of Kano\u27s theory of attractive quality and technology readiness, to collect data about a service consisting of a number of quality attributes. The results indicate that this theoretical combination, together with information about the number of times a service has been used, enables organizations to estimate how far the service has come in its life cycle and how long it will take to complete the cycle. This can be a helpful aid when estimating the pace at which an organization needs to offer new services or service attributes on a market. The second objective is to provide empirical investigations into how dissatisfaction feedback over product life cycles is transferred from users, and how that information and knowledge is utilized in product development contexts. Three research studies were conducted. One is an explorative collective case study carried out at three organizations in three multinational manufacturing companies in Sweden. The second is a descriptive single case study conducted in a collaboration project with ALSTOM Power, Industrial Turbines. The third is a multiple case study covering 84% of the companies within a machine industry segment in Sweden. As a general conclusion, the results show that feedback mainly is used for corrective and reactive actions only (exploitation of products), and is seldom used as an input in the New Product Development Process when developing possible future products (exploration of products). The third objective is to investigate manufacturing companies\u27 current positions and movements on a goods-to-services continuum. The results of an explorative multiple case study of 17 machine industry companies suggest that most of the companies have not reached very far on the goods-to-services continuum. However, most of them are interested in better utilizing the life cycles of goods by incorporating service development activities within their lines of business

    Raziskava pristopov k merjenju vitkega proizvodnega procesa

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    Purpose: The purpose of the research is to explore a practical method of measuring the implementation of lean in a process. The method will be based on examining the abilities of a group. At this scale the ability to work standardized and solve problems is important. These two abilities are dependent of each other and are fundamental for the group’s ability to create a stable result. In this context the method of standardized work (SW) is define to be the methods used in a process to generate stable results. Problem solving (PS) is defined as the methods used to return a process to a condition where SW is possible. Methodology / approach: The research is conducted in a multiple case study in four large global manufacturing companies. The order of the data collection is: Firstly, interviews with the individuals that are centrally responsible for overall implementation of lean in the organization. Secondly, observe the implementation of SW and PS at the group level. In total 7 groups have been studied and 19 respondents interviewed. Findings: Results show that the central definition of the methods for standardized work does not by itself have a direct impact on success of implementation of SW at group level. The method of SW where similar on a general level in the different cases, but with varying levels of implementation at group level was applied. Results also show that key factors for a successful implementation of standardized work on group level are: Ownership of the process, Direct connection to result of process, Correct workload and Leader demand. Methods of PS at group level where dissimilar despite a superficially similar approach. The evaluation method used was successful in providing comparable results between the cases. Research limitations: A limitation of this research is within the scale of the measurement, as it only examines the group level. The research is further limited to four companies and seven groups. Originality/value of paper: This paper aims to fill a gap in the established measurement methods of lean, as it examines the abilities of SW and PS at the group level of a process. These abilities are often referred to as essential in lean theory. However, there has been little scholarly work in defining the methods of SW and PS or the key factors affecting the methods at an operational level.Namen: Namen raziskave je proučiti praktično uporabno metodo za merjenje vitkosti v proizvodnih procesih. Metoda je osnovana na raziskovanju sposobnosti skupine. Na tej ravni je pomembna sposobnost delati po standardih in reševati probleme. Ti dve sposobnosti sta med seboj odvisni in sta ključni za to, da skupina dosega stabilen rezultat. V tej zvezi je je metoda standardiziranega dela (SW) opredeljena kot metoda, uporabljena, da v procesu generira stabilne rezultate. Reševanje problemov (PS) je definirano kot zbir metod, ki se uporabijo za vračanje procesa v pogoje, kjer je možno standardizirano delo. Metodologija/pristop: Raziskava je bila izvedena kot študija več primerov v štirih velikih globalnih proizvodnih podjetjih. Zaporedje zbiranja podatkov je bilo naslednje: najprej smo izvedli intervjuje z managerji, ki so bili odgovorni za celotno uvedbo vitkosti v organizaciji. Nato smo opazovali uvedbo standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov na ravni skupine. V celoti smo proučevali 7 skupin in izvedli intervjuje s 19 osebami. Ugotovitve: Rezultati kažejo, da osrednja definicija metod za standardizirano delo sama po sebi nima neposrednega vpliva na uvedbo standardiziranega dela na ravni skupine. Metode standardiziranega dela so bile v različnih primerih podobne na splošni ravni, toda na nivoju grup uporabljene v različnem obsegu. Rezultati tudi kažejo, da so ključni dejavniki za uspešno uvedbo standardiziranega dela na nivoju skupine naslednji: lastništvo procesa, neposredna povezava procesa in rezultatov dela, primerna delovna obremenitev in zahteve vodje. Metode reševanja problemov na ravni skupine so bile različne kljub – površno gledano – podobnemu pristopu. Metoda vrednotenja, ki smo jo uporabili, je bila uspešna in je dala rezultate, primerljive med različnimi proučevanimi primeri. Omejitve raziskave: Omejitev je , da v obsegu merjenja proučuje le raven skupin. Rezultati so nadalje omejeni na 4 podjetja in 7 skupin. Originalnost: Cilj članka je zapolniti vrzel v uveljavljenih metodah merjenja vitkosti kadar proučujemo možnosti standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov na skupinski ravni procesa. Te sposobnosti so pogosto opisane kot ključne za teorijo vitke proizvodnje. Znanih je malo akademskih raziskav v zvezi z definicijo metod standardiziranega dela in reševanja problemov ali ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na te metode na operativnem nivoju

    Visual management for a dynamic strategic change

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    Purpose – Strategic changes in an organization will face challenges not only related to the changes as suchbut also with regard to how the vision of the future is interpreted and understood by the organization.Visual management is a field of research that could contribute to change management research as a meansto facilitate management of the dynamics in a change process and to facilitate the process ofcommunication. The purpose of this paper is to problematize episodic change processes with regard tocommunication and to contribute with a proposed model on how to facilitate dynamic strategic changemanagement using visual management.Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses an interdisciplinary approach by linking changemanagement literature to visual communication to be used for visual management.Findings – A proposed model presents how a dynamic episodic change process can be managed in terms ofvisual management, potential pitfalls to avoid, and what ambidextrous capabilities are needed throughout thecomplete episodic change.Research limitations/implications – The proposed model is still yet theoretical, based on a literaturereview of dynamic change management and visual communication. Future research will validate the model inpractice to confirm its robustness.Practical implications – An implementation of visual management in Kotter’s (1995) eight steps on how tostrategically manage change in combination with theories on ambidexterity and episodic change is suggested.Originality/value – The paper contributes to how visual management can support change management bycombining visual communication and change management.Keywords Quality management, Change management, Strategic planning, Operations management,Visual management, Visua