59 research outputs found

    Theory of self- vs. externally-regulated learningTM: fundamentals, evidence, and applicability

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    The Theory of Self- vs. Externally-Regulated LearningTM has integrated the variables of SRL theory, the DEDEPRO model, and the 3P model. This new Theory has proposed: (a) in general, the importance of the cyclical model of individual self-regulation (SR) and of external regulation stemming from the context (ER), as two different and complementary variables, both in combination and in interaction; (b) specifically, in the teaching-learning context, the relevance of different types of combinations between levels of self-regulation (SR) and of external regulation (ER) in the prediction of self-regulated learning (SRL), and of cognitive-emotional achievement. This review analyzes the assumptions, conceptual elements, empirical evidence, benefits and limitations of SRL vs. ERL Theory. Finally, professional fields of application and future lines of research are suggested

    Conocimientos psicológicos, competencia conductual y estilo docente

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    Entre las distintas variables que intervienen en el proceso de instrucción, cada vez se le presta mayor atención al papel que la personalidad del profesor y su estilo de interacción en el aula, tienen en dicho proceso (Getzels y Jackson, 1963). Por otra parte, dado que hay suficiente evidencia empírica de que las ideas y creencias estables del profesor inciden directamente en los análisis explicativos que realiza (Schneider y Grasha, 1983), adquiere especial interés el estudio de los conocimientos y concepciones explicativas sobre los comportamientosde sus alumnos. En la presente investigación se evaluó en un grupo de 19 profesores, 1. sus conocimientos e interpretaciones sobre el comportamiento, 2. las estrategias que utilizaban en la resolución de problemas comportamentales en el aula, 3. la percepción que tenían sobre la gravedad de las conductas disruptivas y,4. la percepción que tenían de la eficacia de las estrategia que utilizaban. Tras la aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento en la resolución de problemas de comportamiento en el aula, se volvieron a evaluar las variables anteriores. Se presentan y discuten los resultados, analizando sus implicaciones sobre los estilos docentes

    Regulación de la enseñanza para la autorregulación del aprendizaje en la Universidad

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    Según la investigación reciente (Boekaets, Pintrich y Zeidner, 2000; Randi y Corno, 2000) los procesos de enseñanza al uso en el nivel universitario son poco reguladores del proceso de aprendizaje que se desea promover. Existen diferentes variables implicadas en este fenómeno, constitutivas tanto del proceso de enseñanza (metodogía y estrategias de enseñanza utilizadas) como del proceso de aprendizaje (estilos de estudio, estrategias de autorregulación). La hipótesis de la falta de regulación de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje sostiene que una de las causas de este fenómeno es la falta de explicitación, por parte del profesor, en diferentes momentos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (diseño y desarrollo de la programación) de los elementos informativos importantes para que los alumnos puedan tomar decisiones sobre la forma en que deben aprender (García, De la Fuente, Justicia y cols., 2002). Paralelamente, en el caso de los alumnos, la falta de decisiones correctas sobre diseño y desarrollo de su proceso de aprendizaje, les hace aprender de forma poco autorregulada y, por tanto, rendir de forma inferior a la potencialmente lograda. En esta situación cobran especial fuerza las nuevas tecnologías de la información como un recurso de primer orden para mejorar la comunicación docente-alumno en la situación de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento en conciencia plena (mindfulness) en el estado emocional de estudiantes universitarios

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    Esta investigación evaluó si un programa de mindfulness (conciencia plena) producía una reducción en el cansancio emocional y burnout, y mejora en el engagement académico, en estudiantes universitarios. Se utilizó un diseño experimental, con medidas pretest, postest y seguimiento. Los análisis estadísticos mostraron diferencias significativas, a favor del grupo experimental, en todas las variables, observándose una reducción significativa del cansancio emocional y el burnout, e incremento del engagement académico. Las medidas de seguimiento mostraron que estos resultados se mantuvieron a los seis meses. Se discute la importancia y la utilidad de las técnicas de mindfulness en el sistema educativo universitario

    Good character at college: the combined role of second-order character strength factors and phronesis motivation in undergraduate academic outcomes

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    A renewed interest in the study of character and virtue has recently emerged in the fields of Education and Psychology. The latest research has confirmed the association between virtuous consistent behaviours and academic positive outcomes. However, the motivational dimension of character (the intentions underlying the patterns of observed behaviours) has received little attention. This research aims to extend the knowledge on this topic by examining the predictive relationships between the behavioural and motivational dimensions of character, with reference to academic engagement, career self-doubt and performance of Spanish university students. A total of 183 under- graduates aged 18–30 (142 of whom were women) from the north of Spain completed specific parts of self-report questionnaires, including the Values in Action VIA-72, a Spanish translated and validated version of the Moral Self-Relevance Measure MSR, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Student Scale UWES-S9. The collected data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling. The behavioural dimension of character (character strength factors of caring, self-control and inquisitiveness) showed positive associations with academic engagement and performance. The motivational dimension of character (phronesis motivation), was negatively related to career self-doubt. For the first time, the present study has provided support for the contribution of both dimensions of character to undergraduate academic outcomes

    Educational psychology and R&D&I : A strategic action programme for the twenty-first century

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    Current academic and professional reality in Psychology has brought the pursuit of undergraduate and graduate qualifications to an important crossroads. The objective of this study is to explain the need to adopt an integrated approach, both academic and professional, in order to construct a single scientific/technological model that underpins work in psychology in today¿s knowledge-based society. First, through a consideration of the academic and professional changes affecting the field of psychology, we identify the current parameters of Educational Psychology, giving special emphasis to scientific/technological factors. Next, we review the different professional areas of Educational Psychology, and propose R&D&I activity as an element that should represent a common theme running throughout Educational and School Psychology for the 21st century. Finally, we offer examples of the components of this new area of work in Educational Psychology, which link it with the classical fields of the discipline. We conclude by pointing out the need to analyze today¿s reality, in its scientific-technological, academic and professional aspects, with a view to making R&D&I an integral part of Psychology in general and of Educational Psychology in particular. To this end, we postulate a Strategic Action Programme to meet the challenges facing Psychology as a science and as a professio

    Rdi advising model for improving the teaching-learning process

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    Introduction. Advising in Educational Psychology from the perspective of RDI takes on a stronger investigative, innovative nature. The model proposed by De la Fuente et al (2006, 2007) and Education & Psychology (2007) was applied to the field of improving teachinglearning processes at a school. Hypotheses were as follows: (1) interdependence relationships between the process of teaching and of learning; (2) the effect of improved specific behaviors in teaching and learning. Method. A total of 10 teachers and 159 students from Secondary Education participated in the project. The design used for the evaluation-research phase was quasi-experimental for a single case, with pre-post evaluation. The IATLP Scales (De la Fuente & Martínez, 2004) were used as evaluation instruments. Results. Significant correlations and interdependence relationships appeared throughout assessment of the teaching-learning process. The intervention produced a significant main effect of time. Likewise the teacher factor also showed differences. Discussion. Advising for intervention and improvement of the teaching-learning process demonstrated significant improvement of both a general and specific nature in those aspects of the teaching and learning process which were addressed in the advisory program, after the intervention. Conclusions. The conception of the RDI Area, as a new area for advising in Educational Psychology, can represent a launchpad for research-based innovation in the practice of advising and in education. Key words: advising in Educational Psychology, RDI area, improving the teaching-learning process, educational innovation

    Editorial: Psychology, technological Innovation, and entrepreneurship

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    The aim of this Research Topic is to offer an integrated view of three areas for implementing Psychology as a science and as a profession, for the benefit of both the academic and professional sphere. An initial article offers a global analysis of the R&D&I value chain (de la Fuente et al.). Complementarily, several articles then provide examples of research on the characteristics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, whether as a review (Sánchez-García et al.), an analysis of a personal factor that is predictive of this activity (Arco-Tirado et al.), the role of psychological characteristics (Hu et al.), and even a tool for assessing this construct (Cuesta et al.)

    Assesing self- regulated learning and its relation to cognitive performance in early childhood education

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    Assessment of cognitive skills and metacognitive self-regulated learning strategies is important in order to discover students¿ level of cognitive processing, and be able to intervene through the teaching process to mitigate any existing problems. The objective of this study was to assess the use of metacognitive, cognitive and motor strategies on a given task. A total of 68 five-year-old pupils enrolled in Early Childhood Education participated in the study. The assessment was carried out with an ad-hoc instrument based on the think-aloud technique, and having adequate reliability and validity values. Descriptive, associative and inferential analyses were performed. The results showed greater use of cognitive and motor strategies than of metacognitive strategies. A significant association was also found between the use of strategies at Complimentary Contributor Copy 14 Jesús de la Fuente, Jorge Amate and Mari Carmen González-Torres each moment of the task and final performance. Implications are discussed for the teaching of cognitive skills and meta-skills during this stage of education