10 research outputs found

    The Innovative Gaildorf Wind-Water Project Guarantees Reliability of Power Supply

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    This chapter presents a pilot project, which is an innovative solution related to renewable energy sources (RES). It refers to the integrated system that covers a wind farm (4×3, 4 MW) and a pumped hydro storage PHS (16 MW). Environmental conditions and components of the system were characterised in structural and operational terms. The wind turbines that are part of the system are of considerable height (one of them is even the highest turbine in the world). This is partly the result of the hybrid construction of their towers. Around the bases, there are Bains, which function as a short-term energy storage with the total capacity of 160,000 m3 of water. The turbines were installed 200 m above sea level, and this also has a positive impact on their operational parameters. The short-term energy storage is connected with the long-term energy storage located in a valley by means of a pipeline. The response time for switching between the energy generation and storage functions is 30 s. The innovative nature of the project is determined by the short-term energy storage. The investment is fully automated. The hybrid power plant began its operation in 2018

    Optimization of solar battery and DC motor cooperation

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    Rozważono przypadek współpracy baterii słonecznej i silnika prądu stałego obcowzbudnego napędzającego wentylator [6]. Aplikacja jest również popularna w niektórych lokalizacjach przy zasilaniu pomp [2, 12]. Wzajemne dopasowanie Punktu Mocy Maksymalnej (PMM) baterii i punktu pracy odbiornika, pozwala na zwiększenie sprawności układu. W wyniku przeprowadzonych rozważań i symulacji komputerowej wyznaczono charakterystyki modułu, krzywą opisującą zmieniającą się lokalizację PMM na charakterystyce, z uwzględnieniem wpływu poziomów nasłonecznienia i temperatury na jego współrzędne, dla zmieniającego się współczynnika wzbudzenia i uśrednionego współczynnika optymalnego, dobranego dla określonego przedziału czasu oraz – sprawność dobową konwersji energii Słońca w elektryczną i dalej – w mechaniczną.A case of solar battery and DC motor cooperation has been considered. The application is also popular for powering the pumps. Mutual adaptation of the Maximum Power Point (MPP) of the battery and the operating point of the receiver allows to increase the efficiency of the system. The complex analysis and computer simulations allowed to determine the PV module characteristics, and the curve describing the changing location of PMM on the characteristic, taking into account the influence of sunlit levels and temperature on its coordinates, for the changing excitation coefficient and the average optimal coefficient chosen for a given time interval, and - daily efficiency Conversion of solar energy into electric and further - into mechanical energy

    Maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic systems

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    The subject of the analysis was the optimisation of interoperation between the photovoltaic battery (PV) and DC motor, which drives a fan, with respect to the maximum efficiency of conversion of the electric energy into mechanical energy. Based on the block diagram, a mathematical model of this circuit was developed to ensure the mutual matching between the Maximum Power Point (MPP) of the battery and the receiver operation point. A computer simulation of the battery characteristics was conducted taking into account the changing MPP location on the characteristic vs. changes in solar radiation and temperature. The issue was considered for the optimal motor excitation coefficient, both changing and averaged in time. The energy conversion efficiency was determined for selected PV modules, as well as time

    El Hierro Renewable Energy Hybrid System: A Tough Compromise

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    The Gorona del Viento project was characterized in this article, concerning its implementation, as well as several years of exploitation in an isolated location, namely on the El Hierro island. The hybrid system includes a wind farm and a pumped storage power plant, which acts as an energy storage, and all are equipped with a control system. The planned strategy assumed a configuration based on 100% wind energy supply. However, the system does not guarantee the anticipated effectiveness. The problems with the lack of energy self-sufficiency are partly the result of changes in the project made already during construction, in particular because of the mismatch of the water reservoir’s capacity and the wind turbines’ energy production efficiency. This results in the necessity to limit the wind farm capacity to ensure grid stability and hence requires supplementation of energy from the diesel generator. The author compared the object to analogical ones which employ different technological solutions and presented potential suggestions as to improve the existing state and achieve the reliability of the system’s operation

    El Hierro Renewable Energy Hybrid System: A Tough Compromise

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    The Gorona del Viento project was characterized in this article, concerning its implementation, as well as several years of exploitation in an isolated location, namely on the El Hierro island. The hybrid system includes a wind farm and a pumped storage power plant, which acts as an energy storage, and all are equipped with a control system. The planned strategy assumed a configuration based on 100% wind energy supply. However, the system does not guarantee the anticipated effectiveness. The problems with the lack of energy self-sufficiency are partly the result of changes in the project made already during construction, in particular because of the mismatch of the water reservoir’s capacity and the wind turbines’ energy production efficiency. This results in the necessity to limit the wind farm capacity to ensure grid stability and hence requires supplementation of energy from the diesel generator. The author compared the object to analogical ones which employ different technological solutions and presented potential suggestions as to improve the existing state and achieve the reliability of the system’s operation

    Solar Tracking System with New Hybrid Control in Energy Production Optimization from Photovoltaic Conversion for Polish Climatic Conditions

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    This paper presents a comparison of the 24-month production of electricity and momentary power by two photovoltaic systems with a nominal power of 1000 Wp each. The analyzed systems are connected to the power grid and operate independently: a fixed system with optimal all-year-round angular positioning and an astronomical-sensor-controlled dual-axis tracking system. The systems under consideration consist of PV modules with a unit electrical power of 200 Wp, and the production technology of those modules is the same. The tested systems were located on the building rooftop of the Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology in Poland (Central Poland, 52°24.4152′ N, 16°55.7958′ E) at a height of 30 m above ground level. The measurements take into account the consumption of electricity by the actuators of the dual-axis positioning system. Increases in the produced electricity by 35.6% and 44.7% were observed for local climatic conditions during the first and second measuring years, respectively, when comparing the use of the dual-axis tracking system with the use of fixed units. Results show that the analyzed region of central Poland, represented by the city of Poznań, creates favorable climatic conditions for the use of astronomical-sensor spatial positioning systems for photovoltaic modules, also in the case of a significant share of diffuse solar radiation in the global value. These results may make the planning of solar tracking investments easier and help with the estimate calculations of the total investment return period and operational costs

    An original design and implementation of a stand used to test the power efficiency of two-axis tracking structures in photovoltaics

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    The work presents the design and the physical construction of a test stand consisting of a two-axis tracking installation with astronomical positioning and a fixed structure with the specific surface inclination angle (determined through the power efficiency optimization process) and the azimuth angle. On the basis of the analyses as well as the model tests performed, the control type and the components, such as: the power inverter, monitoring devices, and external radiation power density sensors were selected. The system makes it possible to perform measurements of electric energy generation throughout the year and to estimate the efficiency of the tracking structures used in the conditions specific to the city of Poznań in Wielkopolska

    Long – term performance evaluation of a fixed and solar follow – up systems with modified astronomical positioning in Polish conditions

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    The paper presents a physical construction of a measurement stand consisting of a photovoltaic module operating in a fixed optimal configuration and in a solar tracking with a modified astronomical positioning. In order to reduce the electric energy consumption by two direct current linear motors system is positioned three times a day during winter months. Prepared energy balance, using annual measurements, confirmed the legitimacy of using two - axis Sun tracking units for central Poland. Basing on the daily and monthly electricity production and solar irradiance for both photovoltaic units a mathematical formula with proposed correction factors is presented to calculate with good accuracy monthly electric energy generation for a fixed photovoltaic installation. The results of calculations were compared with measurements showing good correlation