222 research outputs found

    The fundamental plane of clusters of galaxies: a quest for understanding cluster dynamics and morphology

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    We discuss implications of the fundamental plane parameters of clusters of galaxies derived from combined optical and X-ray data of a sample of 78 nearby clusters. In particular, we investigate the dependence of these parameters on the dynamical state of the cluster. We introduce a new concept of allocation of the fundamental plane of clusters derived from their intrinsic morphological properties, and put some theoretical implications of the existence of a fundamental plane into perspective.We discuss implications of the fundamental plane parameters of clusters of galaxies derived from combined optical and X-ray data of a sample of 78 nearby clusters. In particular, we investigate the dependence of these parameters on the dynamical state of the cluster. We introduce a new concept of allocation of the fundamental plane of clusters derived from their intrinsic morphological properties, and put some theoretical implications of the existence of a fundamental plane into perspective

    Human Energetics in an Era of Post-Humanism

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    French philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon is undoubtedly one of the key figures when it comes to conceptualizing individuation across physical, mental and social strata. In this article, we develop an overlooked aspect of Simondon’s work, namely how his ontogenetic project also implies an idea of a “human science” based on a “human energetics#, which – maybe in spite of its name – is an inherently transhumanist project opening fields of transduction across both disciplinary and experiential fields, with a particular emphasis on the role of technology. We present key concepts in Simondon’s work and relate them to lines of thinking on energies in the arts (Kahn) and post- colonialism (Wynter), exemplified through an analysis of Nigerian artist Otobong Nkanga’s video work “Remains of the Green Hill”. Our primary aim with the article is to continue a mobilization of Simondonian concepts and thinking for an experimental, transhumanist exploration in relation to its ethic-aesthetic and artistic potential

    Human Energetics in an Era of Post-Humanism

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    French philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon is undoubtedly one of the key figures when it comes to conceptualizing individuation across physical, mental and social strata. In this article, we develop an overlooked aspect of Simondon’s work, namely how his ontogenetic project also implies an idea of a “human science” based on a “human energetics#, which – maybe in spite of its name – is an inherently transhumanist project opening fields of transduction across both disciplinary and experiential fields, with a particular emphasis on the role of technology. We present key concepts in Simondon’s work and relate them to lines of thinking on energies in the arts (Kahn) and post- colonialism (Wynter), exemplified through an analysis of Nigerian artist Otobong Nkanga’s video work “Remains of the Green Hill”. Our primary aim with the article is to continue a mobilization of Simondonian concepts and thinking for an experimental, transhumanist exploration in relation to its ethic-aesthetic and artistic potential

    Adaptive resolution molecular dynamics simulation through coupling to an internal particle reservoir

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    For simulation studies of (macro) molecular liquids it would be of significant interest to be able to adjust or increase the level of resolution within one region of space, while allowing for the free exchange of molecules between open regions of different resolution or representation. We generalize the adaptive resolution idea and suggest an interpretation in terms of an effective generalized grand canonical approach. The method is applied to liquid water at ambient conditions

    Auslandsvermarktung von Sportligen in Europa: das Beispiel der FuĂźball-Bundesliga

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    Die Autonomie des Sports, die verfassungsrechtlich verbrieft ist, wird durch das Gemeinschaftsrecht der EU nicht konsequent respektiert. So wird beklagt, dass die notwendige Kooperation der Verbände im Sport nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt wird. Hier setzen die Referenten des 9. Internationalen Hamburger Symposiums „Sport und Ökonomie“ an, wenn sie rechtliche und ökonomische Fragen um Sportgroßveranstaltungen aufgreifen und Vorschläge zur Stellung des Sports im europäischen Rahmen diskutieren. Aufgezeigt wirddass der sogenannte Sport ökonomisch geprägt wird, was noch keine angemessene Entsprechung auf europäischer Ebene gefunden hat. Das wird zum Beispiel bei Sportwetten und dem Glücksspielmonopol deutlich. Der Band wird die durch das EU-Weißbuch Sport und die Entschließung des Bundestages zum Sport in Europa entstandene Debatte weiter beleben.The autonomy of sport which is constitutionally recognised is not consistently respected by EU law. There are complaints that the necessary cooperation of the federations in sport is not sufficiently taken into account. This is where the speakers of the 9th International Hamburg Symposium "Sport and Economics" come in when they address legal and economic questions about major sporting events and discuss proposals on the status of sport in the European context. It shows that sport is economically shaped, which has not yet found an adequate equivalent at European level. This is evident, for example, in sports betting and the gambling monopoly. The volume will further stimulate the debate created by the EU White Paper on Sport and the Bundestag resolution on sport in Europe

    Surrounded by the sea: re-investigating the villa maritima del Capo di Sorrento. Interim report

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.traveler passing by ship in front of the peninsula during the 1st c. A.D. would have marveled at a continuous chain of private villas lining the coast (figs. 1-2). Although evidence of these villas survives to the present day, our knowledge is mostly fragmentary due to the fact that many are buried beneath modern estates or have been swallowed by the sea. Between the village of Aequa (near Vico Equense) and the far side of the Sorrentine peninsula with its adjoining islets a total of 24 ruins have been identified as structures related to villae maritimae, commonly dated on the basis of their building techniques to between the Late Republican period and the start of the 2nd c. A.D. Key architectural features of these villas include different porticoes, panoramic exedras, artificial and natural grottos, galleries, nymphaea and piscinae. What all these elements have in common is that they are situated at the very point of contact with the sea and use the bedrock as the ground for construction.Peer Reviewe

    Zum Gedenken an Otto Graf, universeller Bauforscher in Stuttgart. Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. W. Reinhardt

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    Inhalt: Reinhardt, H.-W.: Otto Graf, Rückschau im Licht von heute (Abschiedsvorlesung am 4. Juli 2006), S. 7 - 41; Gehlen, Christoph: Rede des Direktors der Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart (MPA-Stuttgart / Otto-Graf-Institut (FMPA)) zur Verabschiedung von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-W. Reinhardt am 4. Juli 2006, S. 43 - 55; Thielen, Gerd: Kurze Ansprache des stv. Sprechers des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton (DAfStb), S. 57 - 59; Eligehausen, Rolf: Ansprache des stv. Geschäftsführenden Institutsdirektors, S. 61 - 67; Fritsch, Dieter: Grußwort des Rektors der Universität Stuttgart aus Anlass der Abschiedsvorlesung von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt, S. 69 - 75; Lebenslauf Hans-Wolf Reinhardt, S. 76; Lebenslauf Otto Graf, S. 77; Aus der Presse, S. 78; Die Autoren, S. 7

    The AI Settlement Generation Challenge in Minecraft : First Year Report

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    © 2020 Springer-Verlag. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-020-00635-0.This article outlines what we learned from the first year of the AI Settlement Generation Competition in Minecraft, a competition about producing AI programs that can generate interesting settlements in Minecraft for an unseen map. This challenge seeks to focus research into adaptive and holistic procedural content generation. Generating Minecraft towns and villages given existing maps is a suitable task for this, as it requires the generated content to be adaptive, functional, evocative and aesthetic at the same time. Here, we present the results from the first iteration of the competition. We discuss the evaluation methodology, present the different technical approaches by the competitors, and outline the open problems.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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