93 research outputs found

    PT-symmetric Deformations of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation

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    We propose a new family of complex PT-symmetric extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. The deformed equations can be associated to a sequence of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. The first charges related to the conservation of mass, momentum and energy are constructed. We investigate solitary wave solutions of the equation of motion for various boundary conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    PT-symmetry and Integrability

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    We briefly explain some simple arguments based on pseudo Hermiticity, supersymmetry and PT-symmetry which explain the reality of the spectrum of some non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Subsequently we employ PT-symmetry as a guiding principle to construct deformations of some integrable systems, the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland model and the Korteweg deVries equation. Some properties of these models are discussed.Comment: Proceeding of the Micro conference Analytic and algebraic methods II, Doppler Institute, Prague, April 200

    Comment on "Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length Uncertainty"

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    We demonstrate that the recent paper by Jana and Roy entitled ''Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics with minimal length uncertainty'' [SIGMA 5 (2009), 083, 7 pages, arXiv:0908.1755] contains various misconceptions. We compare with an analysis on the same topic carried out previously in our manuscript [arXiv:0907.5354]. In particular, we show that the metric operators computed for the deformed non-Hermitian Swanson models differs in both cases and is inconsistent in the former

    The two dimensional harmonic oscillator on a noncommutative space with minimal uncertainties

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    The two dimensional set of canonical relations giving rise to minimal uncertainties previously constructed from a q-deformed oscillator algebra is further investigated. We provide a representation for this algebra in terms of a flat noncommutative space and employ it to study the eigenvalue spectrum for the harmonic oscillator on this space. The perturbative expression for the eigenenergy indicates that the model might possess an exceptional point at which the spectrum becomes complex and its PT-symmetry is spontaneously broken.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to proceedings of "Analytic and algebraic methods in physics X", Pragu

    Chaos in the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz

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    We investigate the discretized version of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equation for a variety of 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories. By computing Lyapunov exponents we establish that many systems of this type exhibit chaotic behaviour, in the sense that their orbits through fixed points are extremely sensitive with regard to the initial conditions.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Minimal areas from q-deformed oscillator algebras

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    We demonstrate that dynamical noncommutative space-time will give rise to deformed oscillator algebras. In turn, starting from some q-deformations of these algebras in a two dimensional space for which the entire deformed Fock space can be constructed explicitly, we derive the commutation relations for the dynamical variables in noncommutative space-time. We compute minimal areas resulting from these relations, i.e. finitely extended regions for which it is impossible to resolve any substructure in form of measurable knowledge. The size of the regions we find is determined by the noncommutative constant and the deformation parameter q. Any object in this type of space-time structure has to be of membrane type or in certain limits of string type.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Metrics and isospectral partners for the most generic cubic PT-symmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonian

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    We investigate properties of the most general PT-symmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of cubic order in the annihilation and creation operators as a ten parameter family. For various choices of the parameters we systematically construct an exact expression for a metric operator and an isospectral Hermitian counterpart in the same similarity class by exploiting the isomorphism between operator and Moyal products. We elaborate on the subtleties of this approach. For special choices of the ten parameters the Hamiltonian reduces to various models previously studied, such as to the complex cubic potential, the so-called Swanson Hamiltonian or the transformed version of the from below unbounded quartic -x^4-potential. In addition, it also reduces to various models not considered in the present context, namely the single site lattice Reggeon model and a transformed version of the massive sextic x^6-potential, which plays an important role as a toy modelto identify theories with vanishing cosmological constant.Comment: 21 page

    A note on the integrability of non-Hermitian extensions of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models

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    We consider non-Hermitian but PT-symmetric extensions of Calogero models, which have been proposed by Basu-Mallick and Kundu for two types of Lie algebras. We address the question of whether these extensions are meaningful for all remaining Lie algebras (Coxeter groups) and if in addition one may extend the models beyond the rational case to trigonometric, hyperbolic and elliptic models. We find that all these new models remain integrable, albeit for the non-rational potentials one requires additional terms in the extension in order to compensate for the breaking of integrability.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Factorized Scattering in the Presence of Reflecting Boundaries

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    We formulate a general set of consistency requirements, which are expected to be satisfied by the scattering matrices in the presence of reflecting boundaries. In particular we derive an equivalent to the boostrap equation involving the W-matrix, which encodes the reflection of a particle off a wall. This set of equations is sufficient to derive explicit formulas for WW, which we illustrate in the case of some particular affine Toda field theories.Comment: 18p., USP-IFQSC/TH/93-0

    Isospectral Hamiltonians from Moyal products

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    Recently Scholtz and Geyer proposed a very efficient method to compute metric operators for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians from Moyal products. We develop these ideas further and suggest to use a more symmetrical definition for the Moyal products, because they lead to simpler differential equations. In addition, we demonstrate how to use this approach to determine the Hermitian counterpart for a Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We illustrate our suggestions with the explicitly solvable example of the -x^4-potential and the ubiquitous harmonic oscillator in a complex cubic potential.Comment: 10 pages, to appear special issue Czech. J. Phy