1,934 research outputs found

    Relationship Marketing and Intercollegiate Sport Promotion

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    The first article, a case study on a NCAA Division I Power Five university in the southeastern United States, employed a case study framework, explored target markets and exposure techniques through both the planned behavior theory and social identity theory theoretical lenses. This study aimed to better understand how university students and booster club members identify as a social group. The data emerged into four distinct themes, including communication, social interaction, connection, and hospitality. The findings suggested booster club members are primary fans and help the team generate fan interest. The importance of sociability was clear and the implications for target marketing and team exposure to acquire fans are discussed within. The second study utilized a transcendental phenomenological framework and focused on a Division I tennis team booster club and eight participants’ experiences of reality versus expectation regarding booster involvement. This study used the social identity theory as the theoretical lens to better understand how the booster club members identify as a social group and the relation to team identity and brand equity. Multiple themes emerged from the data, including reciprocity, investment, and connection and belonging. Each of these themes fell under both reality and expectation but were experienced differently under the two categories. The invariant essence emerged as a desire for purpose and engagement with the team and athletes. The importance of connection to team identity was clear, and implications for marketing the booster club to enhance team identity and brand equity are discussed within. The final study explored the influence of relationship marketing in college athletics on Power Five faculty members. It aimed to investigate the motivation impact of a faculty member’s team identification or relationship with college athletes in their respective class(es) on intercollegiate athletic event attendance. Results showed a significant difference in motivation scores from faculty participants, and higher levels of both faculty identification with university athletic teams and faculty perceptions of student athletes contributed to increased athletic event motivation scores

    Support materials for the use of Pygraphic\u27s The music writer in the beginning music theory class at Sacramento High School Visual and Performing Arts Center : in partial fulfillment ...

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    The objective of this project was to develop the necessary materials to facilitate the use of The Music Writer in the music theory class of Sacramento High School’s Visual and Performing Arts Center. The materials were designed to correct the deficiencies in the programs’ documentation, and include tutorials that sequentially introduce beginning students to the basic features of the program. The course is designed to teach skills and techniques in music fundamentals while providing students with practical experience involving the current technological advances in the field. These materials will enable the students to utilize professional level software in their study of basic music theory. Specifically, they will be able to use the program to write a simple diatonic melody, which has been composed as an assignment for the course

    The Identification of Changing Sex Roles Within a Family Unit as Perceived by First Graders

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    Family life education includes the total education for living in families. The main emphasis of all home economics or homemaking education is life as it is lived within the home and family. Some aspects of home economics are usually included in the curriculum at all age levels from early childhood through secondary education. Family life in America has changed over the years. Such factors as family mobility, a greater amount of leisure time, an increase in early marriages, and more mothers employed outside the home indicate the need for education in family living. Moreover, currently fewer youngsters learn about homemaking in the home. Buchanan and others suggested that kindergarten and the elementary grades are the best places to begin to teach family living as most elementary school children can easily be reached. McMillian concluded that family life education at the elementary school level was of value to students. Elementary teachers need the assistance of home economists in developing units for family life education, according to Walton. She made the following recommendation based on suggestions from elementary school teachers: Home economists as individuals and/or as members of committees should study the elementary programs; compile lists of references, resources, films, techniques, methods; and assist in developing units which are easy for the elementary teacher to implement in the present curriculum. Limited research has been done to study elementary programs in family living. Walton studied the integration of home economics in the elementary school curriculum of Cecil County, Maryland. Buchanan\u27s research compared the degree of enrichment accomplished by teachers prepared for elementary teaching and those educated for home economics teaching. McKendrick surveyed nutrition education in Latah County, Idaho, elementary schools. Further research could be done to understand existing family life education programs in elementary schools. DeVaney compiled a list of available resources as one part of her research in response to Walton\u27s recommendation. The challenge to develop a unit for use in the existing elementary school curriculum was accepted by this writer. Early childhood education was selected since the available literature indicated little research had been done in family living at this age level. The unit that was developed was to help young children become aware of shifting sex roles. The objectives of the study included: 1. To help five and six year old children become aware of shifting sex roles of adult males and females. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the unit and to compare the children\u27s responses on a pretest and post-test. J. To compare mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 responses to the test items indicating how they perceive the sex roles. 4. To compare the children\u27s ideas of the sex roles with the parents’ attitudes and also the writer’s beliefs

    Data augmentation for the handling of censored spatial data

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    This dissertation provides a solution to the analysis of spatial censored data. Spatially dependent data occurs in a variety of applications in which observations are associated with a spatial location. In environmental data, it is not uncommon for measurements of contamination to fall below a level of detection (LOD). There are many statistical methods for the analysis of censored data when the observations are independent, but what does one do when spatial correlation is present? A solution presented in this dissertation is to use the idea of data augmentation for the analysis censored spatial data.;The first paper will look at a Bayesian geostatistical model. In addition to parameter estimation and inference, a main focus of many analyzes is spatial prediction. A prediction method will also be presented and illustrated involving censored data from two studies, one involving dioxin contamination in Missouri and one looking at site polluted with heavy metals. Comparison between the data augmentation method and the methods of replacing the censored values with LOD and LOD/2 are also be illustrated.;The second paper explores the use of data augmentation for censored spatial data in the context of a Bayesian conditionally specified Gaussian model. As opposed to the Bayesian geostatistical model, the focus of this paper is not on prediction, but on parameter estimation and subsequent inference. The Missouri dioxin study and the metal contamination site will be used to illustrate the method, along with comparison to the common method of replacing the censored observations with the LOD/2 or LOD.;In the third paper, results from an extensive simulation study conducted to investigate the effect of different factors on the effectiveness of the data augmentation procedure for the handling of censored spatial data, are presented and discussed. In addition to simulation studies investigating factors that may impact the data augmentation procedure, two additional simulation studies were conducted to look at the general adequacy of the augmentation procedure for both the geostatistical and conditionally specified Bayesian models

    A Best Practice Guide for the Usage of Mobile Health Applications

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    The purpose of this capstone was to develop a best practice guide for the use of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) to aid in the care of chronically ill patients using an exemplar of blood pressure (BP) tracking for hypertension (HTN). Research on the use of mHealth apps is growing but a best practice guide for deployment of the apps has not yet been developed. Mobile health apps have expanded rapidly as smartphone technology captured the attention of American society. Mobile health apps have both inherent benefits and risks. The primary benefit of mHealth apps is the ability to track and display data at regular intervals during the day without resorting to paper data collection. The primary risk of mHealth apps is the possible violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws with technology that is not yet adequately regulated by appropriate authorities. Mobile health technology on smartphones has proven to be far more useful than simply a replacement of paper data collection. Data show the use of smartphones for tracking data such as BP measurements engages patients in their treatment plans and empowers them to advocate for themselves. This empowerment adds a new dimension to the patient-provider relationship and to treatment plans, and one that providers should iv embrace. Smartphones give patients concrete actions to perform, promoting adherence to treatment plans and activities that foster long-term health. Although smartphone technology is mature and widespread, the healthcare community had not fully exploited it in an effort to combat chronic illnesses. This capstone focused on the development of a best practice guide for the usage of mHealth apps in an effort to facilitate deployment of mHealth apps in clinical settings. It was meant to serve as a practical best practice guide for healthcare providers to understand the capabilities of mHealth apps in the effort to reduce the effects of chronic illnesses in the United States and the benefits and risks associated with the use of mHealth apps. It was also meant to serve as a “How-To” book for the deployment of mHealth apps to patients with chronic illnesses

    Phytoformations of silver and gold nanoparticles

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    Stevia and red beet suspension cultures were examined for uptake of silver from AgNO3 solution. Alfalfa and mung bean sprouts were also studied for silver accumulation when grown in AgNO3 solution. AA analysis confirmed the presence of silver in both sprouts and suspension cultures after exposure to AgNO3 solution, despite the toxic effects of silver on the living matter.;Extract from Pelargonium graveolens underwent reaction with both AgNO3 and KAuCl4 to form silver or gold nanoparticles. For the reaction with AgNO3, light was required to initiate the reaction. In contrast, reactions producing gold nanoparticles did not require light to react. Oxygen appeared to have little, if any, influence on reactions involving gold or silver. The reactions were monitored for pH changes, and pH-controlled reactions were also studied. Furthermore, the reaction was chemically simulated using NaBH4 as a reducing agent, yielding results similar to those observed for reactions involving geranium extract

    Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China

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    China hosts a large amount of building stocks, which is nearly 50 billion square meters. Moreover, annual new construction is growing fast, representing half of the world's total. The trend is expected to continue through the year 2050. Impressive demand for new residential and commercial construction, relative shorter average building lifetime, and higher material intensities have driven massive domestic production of energy intensive building materials such as cement and steel. This paper developed a bottom-up building stock turnover model to project the growths, retrofits and retirements of China's residential and commercial building floor space from 2010 to 2050. It also applied typical material intensities and energy intensities to estimate building materials demand and energy consumed to produce these building materials. By conducting scenario analyses of building lifetime, it identified significant potentials of building materials and energy demand conservation. This study underscored the importance of addressing building material efficiency, improving building lifetime and quality, and promoting compact urban development to reduce energy and environment consequences in China

    Implementing a One-to-One Technology Initiative in Higher Education

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    This paper describes the process of conceptualizing and implementing a one-to-one technology initiative at a regional comprehensive university. Organized around the principle that sustainable change requires attention to clear, justifiable goals, attention to key decisions, the development of stakeholder investment, adequate training, building appropriate infrastructure, and a concern for sustainability, the authors provide specific examples detailing how the change initiative in which they participated addressed each of those areas
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