39 research outputs found

    Temporal changes in the genotypes of Paslahepevirus balayani in southern Spain and their possible link with changes in pig trade imports

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    [Introduction] Paslahepevirus balayani (HEV) is an endemic zoonotic disease ranked as a major cause of acute hepatitis in Europe. Most infections occurring in Europe are due to the endemic several subtypes of genotype 3, through the consumption of raw or undercooked pork, observing a genotype geographical distribution pattern among countries Because of global changes in the pig and pork trading markets, subtype distribution might vary. We aimed to evaluate the temporal distribution of HEV genotypes in patients from southern Spain with acute hepatitis to determine whether these changes were related to the pig import trade during the study period between 2018 and 2022.[Methods] Prospective longitudinal study including patients with acute hepatitis from southern Spain between 2018 and 2022. HEV RNA and antibodies was tested in all patients. In patients with detectable HEV RNA, genotype was obtained. To determine the number of imported pigs and their origins, we checked the official data from the Spanish statistics on international trade of Spanish Minister of Industry during by country of origin during the same study period.[Results] A total of 659 patients with acute hepatitis were included in the study. Among them, 162 (24.5%) had at least one marker (IgM or RNA) of acute HEV infection. Among the 71 patients with detectable viral RNA, genotypes could be obtained for 58 (81.6%). The most prevalent HEV genotype was 3f (n = 48; 78.6%), showing a decreasing prevalence of over time, from 100% in 2018 to 70.6% in 2022. Since 2021, the emergence of other genotypes has been determined. A significant increase in the number of animals imported was observed since the beginning of the study. Denmark experienced a significant rise, from 0.03% in 2018 of total imports to 10.4% in 2022.[Conclusions] HEV molecular diversity is changing in Spain, could be linked to changes in fattening pig import origin.This work was supported by Secretaría General de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Salud (PI-0287-2019) for grants for the financing of Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Biomédica y en Ciencias de la Salud en Andalucía; the Ministerio de Sanidad (RD12/0017/0012) integrated into the Plan Nacional de I + D + I and co-financed by the ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); the Fundación para la Investigación en Salud (FIS) del Instituto Carlos III (Research Project grant numbers: PI19/00864, PI21/00793 and PI22/01098). Antonio Rivero-Juarez is the recipient of a Miguel Servet Research Contract by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Promoción y Universidades of Spain (CP18/00111). Mario Frias is the recipient of a Sara Borrell Research Contract program by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Promoción y Universidades of Spain (CD18/00091). Antonio Rivero is the beneficiary of Contratos para la intensificación de la actividad investigadora en el Sistema Nacional de Salud by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Promoción y Universidades of Spain (INT20–00028). Javier Caballero Gómez is supported by the CIBER -Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red-(CB21/13/00083), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU.Peer reviewe

    Linkage mapping of the Phg-1 and Co-14 genes for resistance to angular leaf spot and anthracnose in the common bean cultivar AND 277

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    The Andean common bean AND 277 has the Co-14 and the Phg-1 alleles that confer resistance to 21 and eight races, respectively, of the anthracnose (ANT) and angular leaf spot (ALS) pathogens. Because of its broad resistance spectrum, Co-14 is one of the main genes used in ANT resistance breeding. Additionally, Phg-1 is used for resistance to ALS. In this study, we elucidate the inheritance of the resistance of AND 277 to both pathogens using F2 populations from the AND 277 × Rudá and AND 277 × Ouro Negro crosses and F2:3 families from the AND 277 × Ouro Negro cross. Rudá and Ouro Negro are susceptible to all of the above races of both pathogens. Co-segregation analysis revealed that a single dominant gene in AND 277 confers resistance to races 65, 73, and 2047 of the ANT and to race 63-23 of the ALS pathogens. Co-14 and Phg-1 are tightly linked (0.0 cM) on linkage group Pv01. Through synteny mapping between common bean and soybean we also identified two new molecular markers, CV542014450 and TGA1.1570, tagging the Co-14 and Phg-1 loci. These markers are linked at 0.7 and 1.3 cM, respectively, from the Co-14/Phg-1 locus in coupling phase. The analysis of allele segregation in the BAT 93/Jalo EEP558 and California Dark Red Kidney/Yolano recombinant populations revealed that CV542014450 and TGA1.1570 segregated in the expected 1:1 ratio. Due to the physical linkage in cis configuration, Co-14 and Phg-1 are inherited together and can be monitored indirectly with the CV542014450 and TGA1.1570 markers. These results illustrate the rapid discovery of new markers through synteny mapping. These markers will reduce the time and costs associated with the pyramiding of these two disease resistance genes

    COMPLEXIDADE RACIAL: mitos e realidades em duas freguesias de Salvador em 1775

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    A partir da análise minuciosa dos dados do Censo de 1775 sobre duas freguesias de Salvador (São Pedro e Penha), são colocados em questão cinco mitos dominantes sobre a escravidão no imaginário nacional: (1) o domínio total do trabalho escravo na sociedade; (2) uma sociedade formada apenas por senhores e escravos; (3) uma sociedade constituída, por um lado, por um segmento de dominantes e exploradores e, por outro, por dominados e explorados; (4) uma sociedade urbana segregada; (5) uma sociedade patriarcal, em que as mulheres eram submissas e economicamente subordinadas. Os resultados do censo, portanto, levantam novas questões para o entendimento da complexidade do nosso passado, o que ajuda a entender a manutenção das extremas desigualdades atuais, além de evidenciar a existência de diferenciações espaciais na cidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: escravos, libertos, agregados, freguesias, Salvador.RACIAL COMPLEXITY: myth and reality in two Salvador freguesias in 1775 Pedro de Almeida Vasconcelos The meticulous analysis of data from the Census of 1775 on two freguesias of Salvador (São Pedro and Penha), bring doubt to five dominant myths on slavery in the national imaginary: (1) the exclusivity of slave work in the society; (2) a society just formed by slave owners and slaves; (3) a society where, on one side, live a segment of dominant exploiters and, on the other, dominated explored people; (4) a segregated urban society; (5) a patriarchal society, in which women were submissive and economically subordinates. The results of the census, therefore, bring new subjects to understanding the complexity of our past, what helps to understand the maintenance of the extreme current inequalities, besides showing the existence of space differentiations in the city. KEYWORDS: slaves, freed men, agregados, freguesias, Salvador.COMPLEXITÉ RACIALE: mythes et réalités dans deux paroisses de Salvador en 1775 Pedro de Almeida Vasconcelos A partir de l’analyse minutieuse des données du recensement de 1775 concernant deux paroisses de Salvador (São Pedro et Penha) sont remis en question cinq mythes dominants à propos de l’esclavage dans l’imaginaire national: (1) l’exclusivité du travail esclave dans la société; (2) une société formée uniquement de seigneurs et d’esclaves; (3) une société constituée d’une part par un segment de dominants et d’exploiteurs et d’autre part de dominés et d’exploités; (4) une société urbaine ségréguée; (5) une société patriarcale où les femmes étaient soumises et subordonnées économiquement. Les résultats de ce recensement soulèvent donc de nouvelles questions pour la compréhension de la complexité de notre passé, ceci permet de comprendre le maintien d’extrêmes inégalités actuelles et de mettre aussi en évidence l’existence de différenciations spatiales dans la ville. MOTS-CLÉS: esclaves, personnes libres, domestiques, paroisses, Salvador. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    Os guardados da viscondessa: fotografia e memória na coleção Ribeiro de Avellar

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    This paper discusses the theme of family life when Brazil was an empire, using the\ud methodological approach of microhistory and by analyzing personal documents that belonged\ud to the Ribeiro de Avellar family, who were wealthy landowners and proprietors of coffee\ud plantations and slaves in Paty do Alferes, located in the Paraíba River Valley of the Province of\ud Rio de Janeiro. The author focused on the analysis of photographic portraits in order to reflect\ud upon the different means of circulation of images and the prevailing family ideal at the tim

    A História da Alimentação: balizas historiográficas

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    Os M. pretenderam traçar um quadro da História da Alimentação, não como um novo ramo epistemológico da disciplina, mas como um campo em desenvolvimento de práticas e atividades especializadas, incluindo pesquisa, formação, publicações, associações, encontros acadêmicos, etc. Um breve relato das condições em que tal campo se assentou faz-se preceder de um panorama dos estudos de alimentação e temas correia tos, em geral, segundo cinco abardagens Ia biológica, a econômica, a social, a cultural e a filosófica!, assim como da identificação das contribuições mais relevantes da Antropologia, Arqueologia, Sociologia e Geografia. A fim de comentar a multiforme e volumosa bibliografia histórica, foi ela organizada segundo critérios morfológicos. A seguir, alguns tópicos importantes mereceram tratamento à parte: a fome, o alimento e o domínio religioso, as descobertas européias e a difusão mundial de alimentos, gosto e gastronomia. O artigo se encerra com um rápido balanço crítico da historiografia brasileira sobre o tema