335 research outputs found

    Religious Institutionalism in a Canadian Context

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    Does freedom of religion protect religious institutions or does it only protect the individual religious conscience? Canadian jurisprudence after the enactment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms takes a decidedly individualist turn, deliberately avoiding the question of the rights of religious institutions. This individualist focus neglects the historical trajectory of religious freedom, the social understanding of religious faith by religious adherents themselves, and the institutional structures in which religion emerges and develops (and through which it is ultimately protected). An institutional account of religious liberty can complement the individualist account, as it better explains the legal order, better reflects actual religious practice, and better preserves both institutional and individual religious liberty. Recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada go some way towards correcting this individualist bias but balk at resolving the legal status of religious institutions. This persistent ambiguity will prove problematic in controversies over religious autonomy already making their way through the courts

    What Justice Entails

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    In The Birthright Lottery, Ayelet Shachar subjects the institution of birthright citizenship to close scrutiny by applying to citizenship the historical and philosophical critique of hereditary ownership built up over four centuries of liberal and democratic theory, and proposing compelling alternatives drawn from the theory of private law to the usual modes of conveyance of membership. Nonetheless, there are some difficulties with this critique. First, the analogy between entailed property and birthright citizenship is not as illustrative as Shachar intends it to be; second, the mechanism of the birthright privilege levy is insufficient for addressing structural impediments to growth; and third, the principle of ius nexi, while an important corrective to currently dominant principles of nationality, will likely have effects both unnecessary and insufficient to correct the injustices that Shachar identifies. In the end, the most significant improvements in the lives of the neediest persons on the planet are more likely advanced through conventional arguments for the lowering of barriers to the circulation of goods, labor, and capital. This shift in attention from opening borders to extending citizenship risks being a distraction from more effective means of addressing the injustices associated with global inequality.Dans son livre The Birthright Lottery, Ayelet Shachar soumet l’institution de la citoyenneté par droit de naissance à un examen rigoureux, en appliquant à la citoyenneté la critique philosophique et historique de la propriété héritée construite pendant quatre siècles de théorie démocratique libérale, et en proposant aux modes habituels d’attribution de la citoyenneté une alternative séduisante tirée de la théorie du droit privé. Néanmoins, cette critique comporte certaines difficultés. Premièrement, l’analogie entre la transmission de la propriété par l’institution de la taille et la citoyenneté par droit de naissance n’est pas aussi éclairante que le soutient Shachar ; deuxièmement, le mécanisme de la taxe sur le privilège du droit de naissance est insuffisant pour s’attaquer aux obstacles structurels à la croissance ; et troisièmement, le principe du jus nexi, bien qu’on puisse le considérer comme un important correctif du principe de nationalité actuellement dominant, aura vraisemblablement des effets à la fois non nécessaires et insuffisants pour corriger les injustices que Shachar identifie. En fin de compte, les améliorations les plus significatives dans la vie des personnes les plus démunies de la planète sont vraisemblablement mieux défendues à l’aide des arguments conventionnels en faveur d’une baisse des barrières à la circulation des biens, du travail et du capital. Ce déplacement de l’attention de l’ouverture des frontières à l’extension de la citoyenneté risque de nous distraire des moyens plus efficaces de nous attaquer aux injustices associées à l’inégalité globale

    O zastrzeżeniach wobec pluralistycznego ujęcia władzy

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    Over the past several years, theorists concerned with liberal democracy and republican freedom have raised various objections to accounts of political and legal pluralism similar to the one the author presented in his monograph The Structure of Pluralism and later developed in several essays on pluralism and justice and on relations between church and state. Indeed, the so-called jurisdictional pluralism may stand in greater tension with democratic (or republican) authority than some of its proponents acknowledge. It is useful, then, to identify some unstated presuppositions in the account of jurisdictional pluralism (or at least in the author’s version of it) which might be the source of this tension. The article is a tentative effort to reformulate pluralism in a way that makes those tensions clear. As all first attempts, it will surely be unsatisfactory and incomplete, but at least it should serve to clarify some differences in fundamental assumptions.Na przestrzeni kilku ostatnich lat teoretycy zajmujący się demokracją liberalną i republikańską wolnością zgłaszali różnorakie zastrzeżenia wobec takiego ujęcia pluralizmu politycznego i prawnego, które autor zaprezentował w swojej monografii: The Structure of Pluralism i które rozwinął później w licznych artykułach na temat pluralizmu i sprawiedliwości oraz relacji państwo–kościoły. Istotnie, tzw. pluralizm jurysdykcyjny może powodować większe napięcie z demokratycznym (czy republikańskim) modelem władzy, niż przyznają to jego zwolennicy. Wydaje się zatem pożyteczne, by wskazać pewne niewypowiedziane założenia koncepcji pluralizmu jurysdykcyjnego (przynajmniej w wydaniu autora), które mogą takie napięcie wywoływać. Artykuł stanowi wstępną próbę przeformułowania pluralizmu w taki sposób, który tłumaczyłby owo napięcie. Jak to bywa w przypadku przyczynków, próba ta może nie być w pełni zadowalająca i kompletna, ale przynajmniej posłuży jako objaśnienie pewnych różnic między fundamentalnymi założeniami pluralistycznymi i demokratycznymi (republikańskimi)

    Unicentric or multicentric castleman disease? A case report of a pelvic intraperitoneal mass in a middle aged woman

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    Castleman Disease is a lymphoid disorder characterized by the presence of an enlarged or abnormal lymph node/lymphatic tissue. The disease is classified into unicentric or multicentric variants. The unicentric form is a benign disorder that is usually asymptomatic and consists of a single lymphoid mass that is predominantly located in the mediastinum, but can also rarely develop in the neck or abdomen. The multicentric type involves more than one lymphatic station and is related to the presence of type B symptoms (fevers, night sweats and weight loss), HIV/HHV8 infection and increased serum IL-6 levels. We present the case of an unusual pelvic intraperitoneal manifestation of Castleman Disease in a 52-year-old caucasian woman who showed clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory findings common to both Unicentric and Multicentric Castleman Disease

    The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Constitutional Principle in the EU and Canada

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    A Principle of Subsidiarity regulates the allocation and/or use of authority within a political order where authority is dispersed between a centre and various sub-units. Section 1 sketches the role of such principle of subsidiarity in the EU, and some of its significance in Canada. Section 2 presents some conceptions of subsidiarity that indicate the range of alternatives. Section 3 considers some areas where such conceptions might add value to constitutional and political deliberations in Canada. Section 4 concludes with some reminders of crucial contested issues not fully resolved by appeals to subsidiarity alone, exemplified by the protection of human rights.Un principe de subsidiarité réglemente la répartition et/ou l’usage de l’autorité au sein d’un ordre politique où l’autorité est dispersée entre un centre et des sous-unités variées. La section 1 de cet article montre le rôle d’un tel principe de subsidiarité dans l’Union européenne, et certaines de ses implications au Canada. La section 2 présente des conceptions de la subsidiarité qui indiquent un éventail d’alternatives. La section 3 considère certains domaines où de telles conceptions pourraient ajouter de la valeur aux délibérations constitutionnelles et politiques au Canada. La section 4 conclut en rappelant certains problèmes cruciaux contestés, non entièrement résolus par les seuls appels à la subsidiarité, exemplifiés par la protection des droits humains

    Effects of lockdown on emergency room admissions for psychiatric evaluation: an observational study from the AUSL Romagna, Italy

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    Objectives: An observation of the admissions to the emergency room (ER) requiring psychiatric evaluation during the lockdown and investigation of the demographic and clinical variables. Methods: Retrospective longitudinal observational study of ER accesses for psychiatric evaluation was performed, comparing two periods (9 March–3 May 2020 vs. 9 March–3 May 2019). Data (number of admissions, key baseline demographic and clinical variables) were extracted from the ER databases of referral centres in a well-defined geographic area of North-Eastern Italy (Cesena, Ravenna, Forlì, and Rimini). Results: A 15% reduction of psychiatric referrals was observed, together with a 17% reduction in the total number of patients referring to the ER. This reduction was most evident in the first month of the lockdown period (almost 25% reduction of both referrals and patients). Female gender (OR: 1.52: 95%, CI: 1.12–2.06) and being a local resident (OR: 1.54: 95%CI: 1.02–2.34) were factors associated with the decrease. Conclusions: Lockdown changed dramatically health priorities in the local population, including people with mental health. We speculate that our observations do not only refer to the confinement due to the lockdown regime but also to fear of contagion and adoption of different coping strategies, especially in women.Key-points During lockdown 15% reduction of psychiatric visits and >17% reduction in the number of psychiatric patients referring to the ER was observed. in the first four weeks of the lockdown almost 25% reduction of both visits and patients was observed Female gender and being a local resident were factors associated with the decrease

    CX3CR1 Polymorphisms are associated with atopy but not asthma in German children

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    Chemokines and their receptors are involved in many aspects of immunity. Chemokine CX3CL1, acting via its receptor CX3CR1, regulates monocyte migration and macrophage differentiation as well as T cell-dependent inflammation. Two common, nonsynonymous polymorphisms in CX3CR1 have previously been shown to alter the function of the CX3CL1/CX3CR1 pathway and were suggested to modify the risk for asthma. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight technology, we genotyped polymorphisms Val249Ile and Thr280Met in a cross-sectional population of German children from Munich (n = 1,159) and Dresden ( n = 1,940). For 249Ile an odds ratio of 0.77 (95% confidence interval 0.63-0.96; p = 0.017) and for 280Met an odds ratio of 0.71 ( 95% confidence interval 0.56-0.89; p = 0.004) were found with atopy in Dresden but not in Munich. Neither polymorphism was associated with asthma. Thus, amino acid changes in CX3CR1 may influence the development of atopy but not asthma in German children. Potentially, other factors such as environmental effects may modify the role of CX3CR1 polymorphisms. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Antiviral Activity of Reagents in Mouth Rinses against SARS-CoV-2.

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    The oral cavity, an essential part of the upper aerodigestive tract, is believed to play an important role in the pathogenicity and transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The identification of targeted antiviral mouth rinses to reduce salivary viral load would contribute to reducing the COVID-19 pandemic. While awaiting the results of significant clinical studies, which to date do not exist, the commercial availability of mouth rinses leads us to search among them for reagents that would have specific antiviral properties with respect to SARS-CoV-2. The challenges facing this target were examined for 7 reagents found in commercially available mouth rinses and listed on the ClinicalTrials.gov website: povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, cyclodextrin, Citrox, cetylpyridinium chloride, and essential oils. Because SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus, many reagents target the outer lipid membrane. Moreover, some of them can act on the capsid by denaturing proteins. Until now, there has been no scientific evidence to recommend mouth rinses with an anti-SARS-CoV-2 effect to control the viral load in the oral cavity. This critical review indicates that current knowledge of these reagents would likely improve trends in salivary viral load status. This finding is a strong sign to encourage clinical research for which quality protocols are already available in the literature

    Mid-term psychiatric consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: a 4 months observational study on emergency room admissions for psychiatric evaluation after the (first) lockdown period in Italy

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    Purpose: The aim of our study is to evaluate the number and the features of admissions to the emergency room (ER) requiring psychiatric consultation, in the period between May 4th and August 31st 2020. Methods: We carried out a retrospective longitudinal observational study examining the 4 months following the initial lockdown imposed during the COVID-19 outbreak (May 4th and August 31st 2020). More specifically, the ER admissions leading to psychiatric referral were reviewed at all seven public hospitals of AUSL Romagna (Emilia Romagna region, Italy). Socio-demographic variables, history of medical comorbidities or psychiatric disorders, reason for ER admission, psychiatric diagnosis at discharge, and actions taken by the psychiatrist were collected. Results: An 11.3% (p = 0.007) increase in psychiatric assessments was observed when compared with the same period of the previous year (2019). A positive personal history of psychiatric disorders (OR:0.68, CI: 0.53–0.87) and assessments leading to no indication for follow-up (OR: 0.22, CI: 0.13–0.39) were significantly less frequent, while there was a significant increase of cases featuring organic comorbidities (OR: 1.24, CI: 1.00–1.52) and suicidal ideation/self-harm/suicide attempt (OR: 1,71, CI: 1.19–2.45) or psychomotor agitation (OR: 1.46, CI: 1.02–2.07) as reason for admission. Conclusions: Our results showed an increase in ER psychiatric consultations compared to the previous year, underlying the increased psychological distress caused by the lockdown
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