86 research outputs found

    Control of breathing and respiratory gas exchange in high-altitude ducks native to the Andes

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    We examined the control of breathing and respiratory gas exchange in six species of high-altitude duck that independently colonized the high Andes. We compared ducks from high-altitude populations in Peru (Lake Titicaca at ∼3800 m above sea level; Chancay River at ∼3000–4100 m) with closely related populations or species from low altitude. Hypoxic ventilatory responses were measured shortly after capture at the native altitude. In general, ducks responded to acute hypoxia with robust increases in total ventilation and pulmonary O2 extraction. O2 consumption rates were maintained or increased slightly in acute hypoxia, despite ∼1–2°C reductions in body temperature in most species. Two high-altitude taxa – yellow-billed pintail and torrent duck – exhibited higher total ventilation than their low-altitude counterparts, and yellow-billed pintail exhibited greater increases in pulmonary O2 extraction in severe hypoxia. In contrast, three other high-altitude taxa – Andean ruddy duck, Andean cinnamon teal and speckled teal – had similar or slightly reduced total ventilation and pulmonary O2 extraction compared with low-altitude relatives. Arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) was elevated in yellow-billed pintails at moderate levels of hypoxia, but there were no differences in SaO2 in other high-altitude taxa compared with their close relatives. This finding suggests that improvements in SaO2 in hypoxia can require increases in both breathing and haemoglobin–O2 affinity, because the yellow-billed pintail was the only high-altitude duck with concurrent increases in both traits compared with its low-altitude relative. Overall, our results suggest that distinct physiological strategies for coping with hypoxia can exist across different high-altitude lineages, even among those inhabiting very similar high-altitude habitats

    Respiratory mechanics of eleven avian species resident at high and low altitude

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    The metabolic cost of breathing at rest has never been successfully measured in birds, but has been hypothesized to be higher than in mammals of a similar size because of the rocking motion of the avian sternum being encumbered by the pectoral flight muscles. To measure the cost and work of breathing, and to investigate whether species resident at high altitude exhibit morphological or mechanical changes that alter the work of breathing, we studied 11 species of waterfowl: five from high altitudes (>3000 m) in Peru, and six from low altitudes in Oregon, USA. Birds were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated in sternal recumbency with known tidal volumes and breathing frequencies. The work done by the ventilator was measured, and these values were applied to the combinations of tidal volumes and breathing frequencies used by the birds to breathe at rest. We found the respiratory system of high-altitude species to be of a similar size, but consistently more compliant than that of low altitude sister taxa, although this did not translate to a significantly reduced work of breathing. The metabolic cost of breathing was estimated to be between 1 and 3% of basal metabolic rate, as low or lower than estimates for other groups of tetrapods

    Cardiovascular responses to progressive hypoxia in ducks native to high altitude in the Andes

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    The cardiovascular system is critical for delivering O2 to tissues. Here, we examined the cardiovascular responses to progressive hypoxia in four high-altitude Andean duck species compared with four related low-altitude populations in North America, tested at their native altitude. Ducks were exposed to stepwise decreases in inspired partial pressure of O2 while we monitored heart rate, O2 consumption rate, blood O2 saturation, haematocrit (Hct) and blood haemoglobin (Hb) concentration. We calculated O2 pulse (the product of stroke volume and the arterial–venous O2 content difference), blood O2 concentration and heart rate variability. Regardless of altitude, all eight populations maintained O2 consumption rate with minimal change in heart rate or O2 pulse, indicating that O2 consumption was maintained by either a constant arterial–venous O2 content difference (an increase in the relative O2 extracted from arterial blood) or by a combination of changes in stroke volume and the arterial–venous O2 content difference. Three high-altitude taxa (yellow-billed pintails, cinnamon teal and speckled teal) had higher Hct and Hb concentration, increasing the O2 content of arterial blood, and potentially providing a greater reserve for enhancing O2 delivery during hypoxia. Hct and Hb concentration between low- and high-altitude populations of ruddy duck were similar, representing a potential adaptation to diving life. Heart rate variability was generally lower in high-altitude ducks, concurrent with similar or lower heart rates than low-altitude ducks, suggesting a reduction in vagal and sympathetic tone. These unique features of the Andean ducks differ from previous observations in both Andean geese and bar-headed geese, neither of which exhibit significant elevations in Hct or Hb concentration compared with their low-altitude relatives, revealing yet another avian strategy for coping with high altitude

    Giants on the landscape: modelling the abundance of megaherbivorous dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, western USA)

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    Thermal effects on the blood respiratory properties of southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii

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    Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Thermal effects on the blood respiratory properties of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) at 10, 23 and 36 degrees C, and at 0.5 and 1.5% CO(2) were investigated. A reversed temperature effect occurred as the oxygen partial pressure required for 50% haemoglobin saturation (P(50)) at 0.5% CO(2) decreased from 2.9 kPa at 10 degrees C to 1.7 kPa at 23 degrees C (apparent heat of oxygenation, DeltaH degrees , =+27 kJ mol(-1)). However, oxygen binding was essentially independent of temperature at warmer temperatures (P(50)=1.7-2.0 kPa from 23-36 degrees C at 0.5% CO(2); DeltaH degrees =-6.5 kJ mol(-1)). Hill's coefficient (n(H)) ranged from 1.3 to 1.6, and there was a large effect of temperature on the Bohr factor (DeltalogP(50)/DeltapH=-1.6 at 10 degrees C and -0.9 at 36 degrees C). This is the first study of whole blood to demonstrate the thermal dependence of DeltaH degrees itself, whereby the oxygen equilibrium curve is more sensitive to temperature in the lowest thermal range examined. We suggest that the functional basis for these observations lies in the necessity to ensure a sufficient oxygen supply to all tissues, including the heart and liver, without suffering from premature or excessive oxygen unloading around the heat exchanger prior to delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues that lie efferent to the exchanger.T.D. Clark, R.S. Seymour, R.M.G. Wells and P.B. Frappellhttp://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/525464/description#descriptio

    The motility of mixed semen

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