2,825 research outputs found

    Building a collaborative learning environment with the aid of new technologies

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    This pedagogical exercise focuses on the role of new technologies for aiding collaborative learning and students’ engagement. Under the general goal of well aligned courses, new technologies can be useful for aiding engagement through well designed teaching activities, being a tool for supporting different ways of student participation in the classroom. From this approach, the role of new technologies is examined for the implementation of those activities, which are specifically designed for motivating and activating a collaborative learning process in the classroom. It is proposed that, irrespective of using traditional or new technologies, inquiry, reflection and discussion are key concepts for a successful implementation of engaging teaching activities. Keywords: engagement, motivation, active learning, inquiry, reflection, discussion

    Knowledge management and firm performance: the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation

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    Entrepreneurship in Latin-American is high compared to other regions. However, there is little innovation. (Lederman, Messina, Pienknagura, & Rigolini, 2014). Lumpkin and Dess (1996) highlighted that holding an Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) relays on possessing five dimensions that contribute to a Firm Performance (FP). Therefore, a question arises about to what extent firms from emerging markets, such as Colombian companies, possess this orientation and to what extent EO has presented a positive relationship on their FP. In addition, to what extent these firms that implemented Knowledge Management (KM) practices have seen the EO-FP relationship influenced. Few studies are found that reflect the reality of firms from Latin-American markets in this context (Chen, Saarenketo, & Puumalainen, 2016; Martin & Javalgi, 2016) A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational research was conducted in a sample of Medellin companies. This research found that there is a positive significant relationship between KM and FP on Colombian companies, although this relationship is fully mediated by EO. This should encourage managers from emerging economies to implement KM practices that have a positive effect on their Sales Growth. However, these practices ought be accompanied simultaneously with the promotion of EO. EO must be identified as a “strategic dimension” that companies recurrently present in a given period of time (J. G. Covin & Slevin, 1991). Also, EO does not remain constant over time; companies that possess it may show phases of high EO and low EO, based on their strategic reactions to environmental conditions (Wales, Monsen, & McKelvie, 2011). As KM practices influence positively firm innovation performance (Alegre, Sengupta, & Lapiedra, 2011), companies can expect better innovation performance when they implement KM practices. However, without EO, KM may not have any effect on a company’s Sales Growth, since it needs EO to mediate in such relationship. One of the limitations of this research is that the data collected is mainly from Medellin’s companies. Also, the small sample size of 90 observations may present another limitation. Similar studies from different countries in Latinamerica can be carried out and comparative analyses can be performed with this research in the Colombian context.Tesi

    Private public partnerships for logistic infrastructure in Colombia

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    16 Páginas.Infrastructure investment constitutes a very important instrument of economic policy. It is regarded as a main accelerator of the economy ever since the economic depression of 1929, because it can drive many sectors of the economy and at high rates. Thus, governments continuously work on enhancing infrastructure in order to create comparative advantages, reduce costs of products and attract foreign investment. Usually, companies and governments operate as isolated agents of society, the former focusing on growing their business, and the latter working on regulation, managing the country and fostering development, among other responsibilities. However, governments are not always efficient or effective in their general performance, and regarding infrastructure the problem is worse. Therefore, governments have promoted infrastructure development or administration via Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs

    Building a collaborative learning environment with the aid of new technologies

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    Nuevos registros de anomalías pigmentarias en dos especies de aves en Cali, Colombia

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    We report two bird species with pigment anomalies, which were seen in Cali, Colombia in 2020. The individuals were, a female Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) with partial leucism, a female Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbia talpacoti) with partial leucism and a young nestling of the same species, with albinism. The records reported here are the first of partial leucism and albinism for Columbia talpacoti and partial leucism for Molothrus bonariensis in Colombia.Reportamos dos especies de aves con anomalías en la pigmentación, que se observaron en Cali, Colombia, en 2020. Los individuos eran una hembra de chamón parásito (Molothrus bonariensis) con leucismo parcial, una hembra de tortolita común (Columbia talpacoti) con leucismo parcial y un polluelo de la misma especie, con albinismo. Estos registros son los primeros de leucismo parcial y albinismo para Columbia talpacoti y de leucismo parcial para Molothrus bonariensis en Colombia

    La prueba ilícita en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano

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    El sistema procesal penal regulado en la ley 906 de 2004 con tendencia acusatoria, contiene claros mandatos que desarrollan el inciso final del artículo 29 de la constitución nacional, por lo tanto, cualquier prueba obtenida con vulneración del debido proceso es nula de pleno derecho y se debe excluir de la actuación. Diferenciando los conceptos de prueba ilegal y prueba ilícita se determinarán las consecuencias jurídicas de esta última, ratificando el papel fundamental que tiene la prueba para el logro de los fines del proceso penal, todo ello enmarcado dentro del sistema de Estado Constitucional.The penal procedural system regulated in the law 906 of 2004 with accusatory tendency, It contains clear mandates to develop the final paragraph of the article 29 of the national Constitution, Therefore any evidence obtained with vulneración of due process is null void and should be excluded from acting. Differentiating between the concepts of illegal evidence and evidence illicit are determined the legal consequences of this last, by ratifying the fundamental role of the test for the achievement of the purposes of criminal proceedings, All of this framed within the system of constitutional State

    El contrato de Factoring y la nueva Factura Cambiaria. Consideraciones sobre el contrato y el título valor

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    El presente artículo aborda el análisis del contrato de factoring desde diferentes perspectivas, a saber: su definición, obligaciones, clases, interpretación, regulación de las compañías de factoring, y esquema de eficacia negocial. A partir de los anteriores puntos se analiza la incidencia de la nueva factura unificada sobre el negocio jurídico de factoring, y se demuestra como el deber de información puede conducir a prevenir las posibles falencias de la nueva factura unificada. Esperamos así entregar al lector un material de utilidad práctica, en el que además de abordar los aspectos legales y jurídicos del factoring y la factura unificada, se entreguen también suficientes elementos de juicio para la mejor comprensión de cada una de ellas

    Una tipología conjunta de la bipolaridad y la incertidumbre borrosa

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una metodología que permita clarificar las relaciones existentes entre las nociones de incertidumbre borrosa (fuzziness) y bipolaridad. Esta metodología está basada en el uso de extensiones continuas 4-valoradas sobre pares de evidencia positiva y negativa (o bipolares).Estas extensiones permiten definir rigurosamente la semántica, en términos cognitivos o epistémicos, de algunos formalismos habituales, diferentes a la luz de este método y que, sin embargo, suelen considerarse equivalentes

    Modelo difuso de preferencia-aversión

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo de preferenciaaversión (P-A), el cual permite representar el proceso mediante el que un individuo racional (bajo una racionalidad de pérdidas y ganancias) ordena sus alternativas, en base a la agregación independiente de sus percepciones tanto positivas como negativas. Como resultado, se obtiene la estructura P-A, representando los distintos estados epistémicos que bajo este marco pueden ser verificados según distintos grados de intensidad