28 research outputs found

    Students' Out-of-Class Activities for Practicing English as a Foreign Language: A Log Study

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    In recent years scholars have indicated that students learning a foreign language benefit from work with the structures of the language along with use of the language itself for communicative purposes if they are to achieve a high level of proficiency. This paper examines the out-of-class choices in this regard of a group of 22 first-year university students in a degree in Modern Languages and Translation in Spain. The data were taken from their learning logs, a course requirement for their English class. The objective of this study was to determine whether the students focused on the components of the language or on meaning as conveyed through actual language use, and in particular, what types of activities they sought out to improve their level in the target language in their free time and if any changes occurred over the course of the semester-long study. It was found that the students reported more activities related to language use, specifically listening, but that they also examined vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation while doing them. In addition, it was found that they shifted their focus to speaking and writing activities related to course assignments. The results shed light on the learning habits of young adults at a time when learning opportunities abound so teachers can link in-class work to students' outside interests and learning habits

    Diarios de aprendizaje en el estudio de los idiomas extranjeros: Opiniones de alumnos acerca de su utilidad para la autonomía de los aprendices

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    Diaries and logs have been used in a number of different learning contexts. In completing diaries and logs for foreign language classes, students are asked to record the activities that they do to study, practice and/or improve their ability in the target language. In the case of a degree in Modern Languages and Translation at a university in central Spain a variety of options were recently offered to 76 students: a daily log, a weekly summary, or a weekly report on research into language learning strategies. This paper discusses the variations proposed and it reports the students' choices, their opinions of the usefulness of the overall activity and their impressions of whether the activity helped them to increase certain aspects of learner autonomy. The majority of the students opted to complete a daily log, and a questionnaire revealed that they were generally positive about the activity overall and its effectiveness in terms of learner autonomy. Se han empleado diarios en una variedad de contextos de aprendizaje. Para realizar un diario en una clase de idioma extranjero, los alumnos anotan las actividades que realizan para estudiar, practicar, y/o mejorar su capacidad en la lengua meta. En el caso de un grado en Lenguas Modernas y Traducción ofertado en una universidad en el centro peninsular, 76 estudiantes tuvieron la opción de hacer un diario, un resumen semanal o un informe semanal acerca de sus búsquedas bibliográficas en cuanto a estrategias de aprendizaje. El presente artículo explica esas opciones e informa sobre las elecciones de los estudiantes, sus opiniones acerca de la utilidad de la actividad en general y sus impresiones de si la actividad les ayudó a incrementar ciertos aspectos de la autonomía en el aprendizaje. La mayoría de los estudiantes optaron por hacer un diario con anotaciones breves, y un cuestionario reveló que, por lo general, opinaron de forma positiva acerca de la actividad en global y su eficacia en cuanto a la autonomía en el aprendizaje

    Opiniones de los estudiantes sobre la realización ubicua de exámenes estandarizados de inglés

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    This paper discusses the results of a study conducted with 218 students in the final year of high school to determine their opinions about the feasibility of using a tablet PC for delivery of a standardized English language test. One such test could be the English paper of the exam given to students upon completion of the Baccalaureate program in Spain. The results of the questionnaire used reveal a positive tendency towards the platform and application, particularly regarding the organization and hierarchy of the test and to some extent its intuitive nature. Nevertheless, a high level of indecision was observed.Este artículo trata sobre los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo con 218 alumnos en su último curso de escuela secundaria para determinar sus opiniones sobre la posibilidad de utilizar tabletas informáticas para la realización de un examen estandarizado de inglés. Los resultados del cuestionario revelan una tendencia positiva hacia el uso de la plataforma y la aplicación, en particular en lo referente a la organización y jerarquía del examen y hasta cierto punto la naturaleza intuitiva del examen. Sin embargo, se observó un alto grado de indecisión hacia los efectos previsibles del uso de este medio de realización

    Editors’ Introduction: Linguistics, Translation and Teaching in LSP

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    This special issue of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos takes a broad view of the field of languages for specific purposes (LSP) that includes the characteristics of language in specific areas of study, adaptation during the translation process and the teaching of specialized courses. The seven papers in the present issue of the journal discuss innovative practices and findings in linguistics, teaching and translation in a variety of fields, such as engineering, medicine, business and education

    Review of Teaching English Language Learners through Technology

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    English for Business: Student Responses to Language Learning through Social Networking Tools

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    This action research based case study addresses the situation of a first year class of Business English students at Universidad de Alcalá and their attitudes towards using Web 2.0 tools and social media for language learning. During the semester, the students were asked to collaborate in the creation and use of some tools such as blogs, video repositories (YouTube), networking programs (LinkedIn), and communication tools (SlideShare). The data were obtained through an online questionnaire designed after a focus group had been held. The results, which are quantitative, suggest that the use of Web 2.0 tools and social networks for language learning facilitated collaboration within the groups when completing tasks, proved to be motivating, and made a clear distinction from traditional university language courses, often centered on the teacher and the syllabus contents. In addition, the students viewed the tools as being important for their future as professionals in the business world. While the sample in this study is limited and, hence, the results are not universally applicable, there is evidence that this method of learning may work well in a variety of international contexts.Primer iz prakse opisan u radu, zasnovan na akcionom istraživanju, tiče se studenata poslovnog engleskog jezika prve godine Univerziteta u Alkali i njihovih stavova prema korišćenju Web 2.0 alata i društvenih medija u učenju jezika. Tokom nastave studenti su zamoljeni da učestvuju u kreiranju i korišćenju nekoliko alata, kao što su blogovi, video repozitorijumi (YouTube), programi za umrežavanje (LinkedIn) i komunikacioni alati (SlideShare). Podaci su prikupljeni putem onlajn upitnika osmišljenog nakon sastanka fokus grupe. Rezultati, koji su kvantitativni, ukazuju da korišćenje Web 2.0 alata i društvenih mreža olakšava saradnju unutar grupa pri obavljanju zadataka, da deluje motivišuće, kao i da predstavljaju razliku u odnosu na tradicionalne kurseve jezika na univerzitetu, često usredsređene na nastavnika i nastavni program. Pored toga, studenti smatraju da će im alati biti od koristi u budućnosti u svetu poslovanja. Iako je uzorak u ovom istraživanju ograničen, pa stoga ni rezultati nisu opšteprimenljivi, postoje naznake da bi ovaj metod učenja mogao dobro funkcionisati u različitim međunarodnim okruženjima

    External validation of the foreign language speaking tasks of the high school leaving exam

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    Spain is going through one of its most significant educational changes in the last 20 years. The change involves all the educational stages k-12 grade and it will entail a comprehensive exam at the end of high school. The score obtained on this exam will be used as the main criterion to compete for a place at the university level. One significant part of it is the foreign language section. This paper addresses differences between the speaking tasks of the current University Entrance Examination and the future High School Leaving Diploma. The paper compares theoretically and qualitatively a pilot study run by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports (MECD) on the use of speaking tasks in the University Entrance Examination with one undertaken by a large research group working together in the OPENPAU project (Reference FFI2011-22442 with ERDF co-financing) on the same matter. This paper intends to show that the scope of the MECD piloting project is limited compared to the OPENPAU group proposal. It is suggested that the MECD should redefine the test construct to reflect more the students? speaking proficiency test as in the OPENPAU project proposal

    Literacy development in EFL textbooks in Madrid's primary schools

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    Research indicates that Spanish schools tend to focus on literacy in a narrow sense, as in the mechanics of reading and writing with a focus on text at the word and sentence level. However, the idea of literacy on an international scale includes the ability to use reading and writing skills for a variety of activities with texts. This study seeks to examine whether four fourth grade textbooks for English as a Foreign Language used in Madrid take the more traditional approach to literacy or a broader one that involves the consideration of genre characteristics and work at the text level. A questionnaire was formulated to examine the reading and writing activities of the textbooks. The results suggest that the books present a more narrow view of the concept of literacy.La literatura indica que en los colegios en España se entiende la palabra literacy como un concepto limitado a la mecánica de la lectoescritura, con un enfoque a nivel de palabras y frases (alfabetización), mientras a nivel internacional ese término incluye la habilidad de utilizar las destrezas de lectura y escritura para realizar una variedad de actividades con textos (literacidad). Esta investigación tiene como objetivo examinar si cuatro libros de texto de inglés para el cuarto curso de primaria en Madrid mantienen la visión tradicional de alfabetización, o si la amplían para considerar las características del género de texto y el trabajo a nivel de texto en línea con la literacidad. Para llevarla a cabo, se confeccionó un cuestionario para examinar las actividades de lectura y escritura de los libros. Los resultados sugieren que los libros toman una visión más reducida del concepto de literacidad.Comunidad de Madri

    Prior Experience and Student Satisfaction with E-Tandem Language Learning of Spanish and English

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    Recent literature in the field of foreign language learning has indicated that classroom learning is not necessarily enough for students to acquire proficiency in a foreign language. Learners who achieve a high level in the target language often combine work in the classroom with activities outside it. At the same time, a number of studies indicate that, when foreign language learners do work with their target language beyond the classroom, it is often to practice the receptive skills of reading and listening as opposed to the productive ones of speaking and writing. For this reason, students at The College of New Jersey in the United States and Universidad de Alcalá in Spain were paired up to work in tandem to practice Spanish and English through a private Facebook© page and Skype calls©. This paper discusses the impressions of 195 participating students on both sides of the Atlantic to the activities as determined through a questionnaire. The overall objective was to determine if prior experience with the two applications and in using the foreign language in conversation has an impact on student satisfaction. The results indicate prior experience with the applications and with the target language correlates with a positive estimation of the activities. Additional variations were also found. Language instructors who wish to set up an e-tandem experience are advised to assist students with less experience so that they can benefit from the activity

    Current Perspectives in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

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    Interest in Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) courses has grown in recent years (Harding, 2007). For this reason a paper on the current situation in the field is of relevance. The present article provides a discussion of English for Specific Purposes and it does so by reviewing the history and background of this area of teaching, proposing a definition, and describing issues affecting it today, such as course design and needs analysis, context, student and teacher characteristics, materials, and expected directions for the future