280 research outputs found

    Improved Continuation Rate of Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Adolescent Mothers

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    Poor compliance and high discontinuation rates of Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and other contraceptive methods are major factors in the continuing problem of adolescent pregnancy. In this study we attempted to determine if providing comprehensive health care for teen mothers and their babies would improve continuation rates of DMPA. Patients who started DMPA between 1/1/96 and 1/1/99 were included. Teen mothers and their babies received all their health care in this clinic, supported by State funding. Key elements regarding DMPA in this clinic were continuity of care, phone and mail reminders of appointments, free DMPA for patients without insurance, counseling at each visit and available evening clinic. In the study period a total of 299 (age 13-22 years) patients were started on DMPA. Fifty-one percent were white, 47% black and 2% others. Sixty-three percent were single, 20% married, 3% cohabitating and 14% undetermined (missing data). Seventy-eight percent had one baby and 22% more than one. A total of 189 patients (63.2%) continued to be compliant after one year of use and 101 patients (33.8% of total) continued beyond the second year. The most common side effect reported was bleeding or spotting (32%), However only seven patients (2.3%) discontinued use because of it. It is concluded that continuity of care (same staff and providers on each visit), regular counseling, flexible hours (evening appointments), financial ease (free DMPA and no visit charge for those without insurance), combined Teen-Tot health visits and regular reminders of appointments may help improve compliance and continuation rates in teen mothers leading to better success in preventing repeat teen pregnancy

    Temperature and salinity tolerances of Stage 1 zoeae predict possible range expansion of an introduced portunid crab, Charybdis japonica, in New Zealand

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    The successful invasion of a non-native species depends on several factors, including initial colonization and establishment of a self-sustaining population. Populations of the non-native paddle crab Charybdis japonica were first recognized in the Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand in 2000, most likely arriving in ballast waters of an Asian merchant vessel. A survey completed in 2003 found C. japonica throughout the Waitemata Harbour, and further sampling in 2009 has revealed several well established populations in estuaries up to 70 km from the putative invasion point. As the potential for further establishment of C. japonica beyond this area may depend on the temperature and salinity tolerances of their free swimming larvae, we quantified the survival of newly-hatched Stage 1 C. japonica zoeae subjected to temperatures ranging from 11 to 43°C or salinities from 5 to 45‰ in the laboratory. Upon hatching, replicate C. japonica zoeae were directly transferred from 21°C and 34.6‰ seawater to either an experimental temperature or salinity level. Behaviour and death rates of the larvae were monitored over a 24 h period in the absence of food. Comparisons of zoeal survival rates to historical sea surface temperatures and salinities show that C. japonica Stage 1 zoeae tolerate a broad range of temperatures and salinities and could survive natural conditions throughout New Zealand. This gives C. japonica the potential to invade many other New Zealand estuaries and harbours

    The complexities of female mate choice and male polymorphisms: Elucidating the role of genetics, age, and mate-choice copying

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    Genetic, life history, and environmental factors dictate patterns of variation in sexual traits within and across populations, and thus the action and outcome of sexual selection. This study explores patterns of inheritance, diet, age, and mate-choice copying on the expression of male sexual signals and associated female mate choice in a phenotypically diverse group of Schizocosa wolf spiders. Focal spiders exhibit one of two male phenotypes: ‘ornamented’ males possess large black brushes on their forelegs, and ‘non-ornamented’ males possess no brushes. Using a quantitative genetics breeding design in a mixed population of ornamented/non-ornamented males, we found a strong genetic basis to male phenotype and female choice. We also found that some ornamented males produced some sons with large brushes and others with barely visible brushes. Results of diet manipulations and behavioral mating trials showed no influence of diet on male phenotype or female mate choice. Age post maturation, however, influenced mate choice, with younger females being more likely to mate with ornamented males. A mate-choice copying experiment found that, following observations of another female’s mate choice/copulation, virgin mature females tended to match the mate choice (ornamented vs. non-ornamented males) of the females they observed. Finally, analyses of genetic variation across phenotypically pure (only one male phenotype present) vs. mixed (both phenotypes present) populations revealed genetic distinction between phenotypes in phenotypically-pure populations, but no distinction in phenotypically-mixed populations. The difference in patterns of genetic differentiation and mating across geographic locations suggests a complex network of factors contributing to the outcome of sexual selection

    Applying Grover's algorithm to AES: quantum resource estimates

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    We present quantum circuits to implement an exhaustive key search for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and analyze the quantum resources required to carry out such an attack. We consider the overall circuit size, the number of qubits, and the circuit depth as measures for the cost of the presented quantum algorithms. Throughout, we focus on Clifford+T+T gates as the underlying fault-tolerant logical quantum gate set. In particular, for all three variants of AES (key size 128, 192, and 256 bit) that are standardized in FIPS-PUB 197, we establish precise bounds for the number of qubits and the number of elementary logical quantum gates that are needed to implement Grover's quantum algorithm to extract the key from a small number of AES plaintext-ciphertext pairs.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables; to appear in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2016

    The complexities of female mate choice and male polymorphisms: Elucidating the role of genetics, age, and mate-choice copying

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    Genetic, life history, and environmental factors dictate patterns of variation in sexual traits within and across populations, and thus the action and outcome of sexual selection. This study explores patterns of inheritance, diet, age, and mate-choice copying on the expression of male sexual signals and associated female mate choice in a phenotypically diverse group of Schizocosa wolf spiders. Focal spiders exhibit one of two male phenotypes: ‘ornamented’ males possess large black brushes on their forelegs, and ‘non-ornamented’ males possess no brushes. Using a quantitative genetics breeding design in a mixed population of ornamented/non-ornamented males, we found a strong genetic basis to male phenotype and female choice. We also found that some ornamented males produced some sons with large brushes and others with barely visible brushes. Results of diet manipulations and behavioral mating trials showed no influence of diet on male phenotype or female mate choice. Age post maturation, however, influenced mate choice, with younger females being more likely to mate with ornamented males. A mate-choice copying experiment found that, following observations of another female’s mate choice/copulation, virgin mature females tended to match the mate choice (ornamented vs. non-ornamented males) of the females they observed. Finally, analyses of genetic variation across phenotypically pure (only one male phenotype present) vs. mixed (both phenotypes present) populations revealed genetic distinction between phenotypes in phenotypically-pure populations, but no distinction in phenotypically-mixed populations. The difference in patterns of genetic differentiation and mating across geographic locations suggests a complex network of factors contributing to the outcome of sexual selection

    Health-Related Quality of Life and Overall Life Satisfaction in People with Serious Mental Illness

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    Quality of life (QoL) in people with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses (SMI) is an important outcome goal, yet there is no consistent definition of the construct. We examined three aspects of QoL in persons with SMI: overall life satisfaction, physical health-related QoL (HRQoL), and mental HRQoL. This study had two primary aims: first, to examine whether there are differences in physical and mental HRQoL in persons with SMI, and, second, to investigate the cognitive, clinical, and functional correlates of the three QoL indicators. Participants were 48 persons with SMI who completed assessments of QoL, cognition, functional capacity, psychiatric symptomatology, and medical comorbidity. Results indicate that participants experience similar levels of physical and mental HRQoL, and these two constructs are not related to one another. Physical HRQoL is associated with less medical comorbidity, while mental HRQoL is associated with negative and depressive symptoms. Overall life satisfaction was associated with fewer psychiatric symptoms and less medical comorbidity. This study adds to the important literature defining distinct domains of QoL and supports the necessity of addressing both physical and mental health factors as they relate to recovery and well-being among persons with SMI

    Psychological mechanisms mediating effects between trauma and psychotic symptoms: the role of affect regulation, intrusive trauma memory, beliefs, and depression

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    Evidence suggests a causal role for trauma in psychosis, particularly for childhood victimization. However, the establishment of underlying trauma-related mechanisms would strengthen the causal argument. In a sample of peo-ple with relapsing psychosis (n = 228), we tested hypoth-esized mechanisms specifically related to impaired affect regulation, intrusive trauma memory, beliefs, and depres-sion. The majority of participants (74.1%) reported vic-timization trauma, and a fifth (21.5%) met symptomatic criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. We found a specific link between childhood sexual abuse and auditory hallucinations (adjusted OR = 2.21, SE = 0.74, P = .018). This relationship was mediated by posttraumatic avoid-ance and numbing (OR = 1.48, SE = 0.19, P = .038) and hyperarousal (OR = 1.44, SE = 0.18, P = .045), but not intrusive trauma memory, negative beliefs or depression. In contrast, childhood emotional abuse was specifically associated with delusions, both persecutory (adjusted OR = 2.21, SE = 0.68, P = .009) and referential (adjusted OR = 2.43, SE = 0.74, P = .004). The link with persecutory delusions was mediated by negative-other beliefs (OR = 1.36, SE = 0.14, P = .024), but not posttraumatic stress symptoms, negative-self beliefs, or depression. There was no evidence of mediation for referential delusions. No rela-tionships were identified between childhood physical abuse and psychosis. The findings underline the role of cognitive-affective processes in the relationship between trauma and symptoms, and the importance of assessing and treating victimization and its psychological consequences in people with psychosis

    Recruitment of the exotic weakfish at its southernmost limit in Europe: a preliminary assessment.

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    Since its first record in Europe as an exotic species back in 2009 at the Schelde estuary (Belgium), the weakfish Cynoscion regalis -native from North America East coast- has increased its presence in the Iberian Peninsula waters. Identified for the first time in the Guadalquivir River estuary (2011) and later in the Sado estuary (2014), C. regalis population is increasing in the Gulf of Cadiz and is becoming a fisheries resource. Its introduction into Europe probably occurred through maritime transatlantic trade. Morais et al (2017) suggested that weakfish could have been introduced through multiple independent ballast water release events. The Guadalquivir, Sado and Schelde estuaries show similar transoceanic ship traffic to upstream important commercial ports, supporting multiple direct or secondary transatlantic introductions among European ports. The first genetic studies suggest that C. regalis populations in southern European estuaries are connected and come from a single transoceanic commercial route. Currently, the Gulf of Cadiz maintains a well-established population with frequent catches by artisanal fishing, especially in coastal waters and the estuary, where it is sold in local markets of the surrounding cities. The population in the area is constituted by mature specimens (ranging from 234 to 453 mm) that are using the estuary as a spawning area, where larvae and juvenile have also been found. In recent years, an increase in the abundance of larvae and juvenile has been observed through monthly samplings in the estuary, which indicates the culmination of the complete life cycle in the Gulf of Cadiz. These findings represent new evidence that the Guadalquivir estuary constitutes a remarkable nursery habitat for this species. This could have effects on native fauna and the ecosystem, which is why it is currently under study and evaluation (EcoInvadiz project) for helping the local Administration to establish, if needed, an appropriate management program

    Development of Non-Natural Flavanones as Antimicrobial Agents

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    With growing concerns over multidrug resistance microorganisms, particularly strains of bacteria and fungi, evolving to become resistant to the antimicrobial agents used against them, the identification of new molecular targets becomes paramount for novel treatment options. Recently, the use of new treatments containing multiple active ingredients has been shown to increase the effectiveness of existing molecules for some infections, often with these added compounds enabling the transport of a toxic molecule into the infecting species. Flavonoids are among the most abundant plant secondary metabolites and have been shown to have natural abilities as microbial deterrents and anti-infection agents in plants. Combining these ideas we first sought to investigate the potency of natural flavonoids in the presence of efflux pump inhibitors to limit Escherichia coli growth. Then we used the natural flavonoid scaffold to synthesize non-natural flavanone molecules and further evaluate their antimicrobial efficacy on Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and the fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and Aspergillus fumigatus. Of those screened, we identified the synthetic molecule 4-chloro-flavanone as the most potent antimicrobial compound with a MIC value of 70 µg/mL in E. coli when combined with the inhibitor Phe-Arg-ß-naphthylamide, and MICs of 30 µg/mL in S. cerevesiae and 30 µg/mL in C. neoformans when used alone. Through this study we have demonstrated that combinatorial synthesis of non-natural flavonones can identify novel antimicrobial agents with activity against bacteria and fungi but with minimal toxicity to human cells
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