59 research outputs found

    Le rôle du groupe ST-CV vis-à-vis des expériences

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    Les principales activités du groupe ST-CV sont l'opération, la maintenance et la consolidation des systèmes de refroidissement et de traitement d'air, ainsi que la conception et l'installation de nouveaux systèmes, pour les machines et les zones expérimentales. Outre ces activités propres au mandat, le groupe offre aux expériences ses compétences pour la détermination de systèmes optimaux, pour la partie primaire des systèmes de refroidissement. En effet, les membres de ST-CV possèdent une expérience confirmée dans la conception, l'installation, le choix de matériels, les standards, etc. pour ces systèmes. Pour ce faire, le groupe a mis en place une équipe d'ingénieurs compétents dans les domaines précités, et dans les calculs de dynamique des fluides. Ces ingénieurs ont déjà réalisé de nombreux projets pour les expériences (ALICE, CMS, ATLAS, NA50, etc.). Le présent document donne une vue d'ensemble qualitative des projets réalisés

    Planning LHC: Procédures

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    La planification d'un grand projet tel que le LHC doit tenir compte des contraintes techniques mais aussi financières. Du fait de la complexité du projet et du nombre d'intervenants, la planification du LHC doit être un système organisé et structuré. Cette idée amène à une hiérarchisation des niveaux du système planning. Le succès du projet dépendra des plannings de détails et de coordination de toutes les activités associées. La Division ST joue un rôle clé dans le projet LHC. Elle adaptera l'existant et fournira les nouvelles infrastructures, de façon à satisfaire les besoins du nouvel accélerateur et de ses zones expérimentales, en tenant compte des contraintes financières. La Division ST met à la disposition du projet ses compétences et ses ressources dans les domaines du génie civil, du refroidissement, du chauffage, de la ventilation, du transport, du contrôle d'accès, des télécommunications

    ST LHC Budget Follow-up

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    The ST division is deeply implicated in the LHC project, with a budget of more than 20% of the overall cost of the project. It is therefore important to monitor future estimates, the actual situation and to see where there are divergences between the two. A database has been created presenting the figures for each contract, group, and for the division as a whole. Despite the various types of contract management, the system presents the results in a uniform manner. It allows the initial, present and future situations to be easily reviewed. This highlights any problem areas, facilitates decision-making and enables us to inform the hierarchy of any changes that may have occurred

    Planning et coordination de l'installation du LHC

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    La division ST joue un rôle clé dans le projet LHC puisque fournissant une grande partie de l'infrastructure (génie civil, électricité, traitements de l'air, systèmes hydrauliques, transport, détection, contrôle d'accès…) tant pour la machine que pour les zones expérimentales. Un planning de coordination unique et consensuel entre les différents intervenants pour le design et l'installation des différents équipements est primordial pour la réussite du projet. Ce papier décrit les procédures pour obtenir ce planning unique, les modes d'information et de validation des différents changements, ainsi que les liens entre les différents acteurs de la planification du projet : à savoir les groupes ou divisions installateurs, le nouveau groupe de «Coordination de l'Installation » et la direction du projet LHC

    Logistics of LHC cryodipoles from simulation to storage management

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    The main families of LHC superconducting cryomagnets consist of 1232 cryodipoles and 488 quadrupoles. The different contracts, which are constraining the production and installation of these cryomagnets, have been initially rated according to the baseline schedule, based on a "just in time" scheme. However the complexity of the construction and the time needed to fully test the cryomagnets require that each contract is decoupled as much as possible from the others' evolutions and impose temporary storage between different assembly and test activities. In this paper the organisation of cryomagnet flow and the main challenges of logistics are analysed on the basis of the planning of each main step before installation in the LHC. Finally, the solutions implemented for storage, handling and transport are presented and discussed

    Planning and Logistics Issues raised by the Individual System Tests during the Installation of the LHC

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    The running of individual system tests has to fit within tight constraints of the LHC installation planning and of CERN's accelerator activity in general. For instance, the short circuit tests of the power converters that are performed in-situ restrict the possibility to work in neighbouring areas; much in the same way, the cold tests of the cryogenic distribution line involve safety access restrictions that are not compatible with the transport and installation of cryo-magnets or interconnect activities in the sector considered. Still, these individual system tests correspond to milestones that are required to insure that we can continue with the installation of machine elements. This paper reviews the conditions required to perform the individual system tests and describe how the general LHC installation planning is organised to allocate periods for these tests

    Overview of the Large Hadron Collider cryo-magnets logistics

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    More than 1700 superconducting cryo-magnets have to be installed in the Large Hadron Collider tunnel. The long, heavy and fragile LHC cryo-magnets are difficult to handle and transport in particular in the LEP tunnel environment originally designed for smaller, lighter LEP magnets. An installation rate of more than 20 cryo-magnets per week is needed to cope with the foreseen LHC installation end date. The paper gives an overview of the transport and installation sequence complexity, from the storage area at the surface to the cryo-magnet final position in the tunnel. The success of this task depends on a series of independent factors that have to be considered at the same time. The equipment needed for the transport and tunnel installation of the LHC cryo-magnets is briefly described. The manpower and equipment organisation as well as the challenges of logistics are then detailed. The paper includes conclusions and some of the lessons learned during the first phase of the LHC cryo-magnets installation

    Positive Study on the Tactics How to Tackle Section 337 Investigation in USA —— From the Answer Examples of Chinese Export Enterprises

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    当前美国337条款调查已经成为中国出口产品进入美国市场的重要障碍。本文以中国出口企业历年来的应诉实例为切入点,探讨这些案例所反映的调查特征,发现存在的主要问题,结合法律规定和具体案例研究“337调查”程序与实体方面的应对策略,从具体案例中吸取教训,总结经验。取材主要是涉中案例,更具说服力,特别是成功案例,希望借此增强国内企业应诉的信心。 除前言和结论外,本文共分四章,主要内容如下: 第一章介绍了中国出口企业应诉美国“337调查”的现状和存在的问题。详细统计了历年来中国企业的出庭情况,案件的审理结果以及产生这些结果的主要原因。虽然整体来看,中国企业的应对情况并不理想,但出庭案件绝大部分都没有...Currently Section 337 investigation of USA has already become an obstacle to Chinese products to enter into American market. The text takes the answer examples of Chinese enterprises as cut-in point, discusses the character and problems reflecting from these cases, combines rules of law and case study to research the countermeasures about procedure and entity aspects of Section 337 Investigation, ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:20040804

    Conceptual Design of the LHC Interaction Region Upgrade: Phase-I

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    The LHC is starting operation with beam. The primary goal of CERN and the LHC community is to ensure that the collider is operated efficiently and that it achieves nominal performance in the shortest term. Since several years the community has been discussing the directions for maximizing the physics reach of the LHC by upgrading the experiments, in particular ATLAS and CMS, the LHC machine and the CERN proton injector complex, in a phased approach. The first phase of the LHC interaction region upgrade was approved by Council in December 2007. This phase relies on the mature Nb-Ti superconducting magnet technology with the target of increasing the LHC luminosity to 2 to 3 10^34 cm^-2s^-1, while maximising the use of the existing infrastructure. In this report, we present the goals and the proposed conceptual solutions for the LHC IR Upgrade Phase-I which include the recommendations of the conceptual design review

    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

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