243 research outputs found

    The state of the art of lethal oviposition trap-based mass tnterventions for arboviral control

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    The intensifying expansion of arboviruses highlights the need for effective invasive Aedes control. While mass-trapping interventions have long been discredited as inefficient compared to insecticide applications, increasing levels of insecticide resistance, and the development of simple affordable traps that target and kill gravid female mosquitoes, show great promise. We summarize the methodologies and outcomes of recent lethal oviposition trap-based mass interventions for suppression of urban Aedes and their associated diseases. The evidence supports the recommendation of mass deployments of oviposition traps to suppress populations of invasive Aedes, although better measures of the effects on disease control are needed. Strategies associated with successful mass-trap deployments include: (1) high coverage (>80%) of the residential areas; (2) pre-intervention and/or parallel source reduction campaigns; (3) direct involvement of community members for economic long-term sustainability; and (4) use of new-generation larger traps (Autocidal Gravid Ovitrap, AGO; Gravid Aedes Trap, GAT) to outcompete remaining water-holding containers. While to the best of our knowledge all published studies so far have been on Ae. aegypti in resource-poor or tropical settings, we propose that mass deployment of lethal oviposition traps can be used for focused cost-effective control of temperate Ae. albopictus pre-empting arboviral epidemics and increasing participation of residents in urban mosquito control

    Literacia para a Saúde, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial – Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

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    Resumo A literacia para a saúde está relacionada com o grau de escolaridade e implica o conhecimento, a motivação, as competências das pessoas em aceder, compreender e avaliar as informações da área da saúde para, assim, poderem tomar decisões sobre a promoção da saúde, prevenção de doenças e melhoria da sua qualidade de vida (Sorensen, 2012). Existem atualmente recomendações relativas à promoção da literacia para a saúde, em prol de diversos indicadores de saúde, contudo, não existem ainda consensos sobre a sua influência na prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde, nomeadamente ao nível da promoção de indicadores (e.g. índice de massa corporal (IMC) e pressão arterial) tradutores de melhor saúde. Assim, este estudo procurou, através de uma revisão da literatura, analisar o efeito da literacia para a saúde na manutenção do IMC e da pressão arterial dentro de parâmetros considerados normais para o adulto, considerados os respetivos descritores. Foram realizadas pesquisas eletrónicas, através de várias bases de dados científicas (CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MedicLatina, MEDLINE with Full Text, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials - via EBSCO), nos idiomas português e inglês, para identificar estudos, desde 2005 até à atualidade, sobre estas matérias. Para o efeito foram utilizadas diferentes combinações com os descritores “Health Education”, “Obesity”, “Hypertension” e “Feeding Behavior”. Os estudos selecionados foram analisados e agrupados de acordo com o tipo de desenho metodológico e objetivos, principais resultados encontrados e formas de intervenção propostas, desenvolvendo, desta forma, uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Para isso foram seguidos os princípios propostos pelo Cochrane Handbook (Higgins & Green (Eds), 2011) e a análise crítica foi realizada por dois investigadores. No total, o corpus do estudo integrou a análise de 6 estudos primários que demonstraram que a literacia para a saúde se associou fortemente ao IMC e à pressão arterial. Conclui-se que a literacia para a saúde influencia o IMC e a pressão arterial.Abstract The health literacy is related to the educational level and involves the knowledge, motivation, skills of people to access, understand and evaluate information for health care to take decisions on health promotion, disease prevention and improved quality of life (Sorensen, 2012). There are currently recommendations on the promotion of health literacy in offspring of several health indicators, however, there is still no consensus about its influence on disease prevention and health promotion, particularly in terms of promotion indicators (eg. body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure) translators of a better health. Thus, this study sought through a literature review to examining the effect of health literacy in the maintenance of BMI and blood pressure within normal parameters for adult, considered their descriptors. Electronic searches were conducted through various scientific databases (CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MedicLatina, MEDLINE with Full Text, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials - via EBSCO), in Portuguese and English languages, to identify studies from 2005 to the present. For these purpose different combinations with the descriptors "Health Education", "Obesity", "Hypertension" and "Feeding Behavior" were used. The selected studies were analyzed and grouped according to the type of study design and objectives, main findings and forms of intervention proposals, thereby developing an integrative review of the literature. For this we followed the principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook (Higgins & Green (Eds.), 2011) and the review was conducted by two researchers. In total, the corpus of the study integrated analysis of 6 primary studies that have shown that health literacy was strongly associated with BMI and blood pressure. It is concluded that health literacy influence BMI and blood pressure

    Implications of literacy for health for body mass index

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    AbstractIntroductionLiteracy for health (LH) may be considered a set of skills that people appropriate, understand, evaluate and use information and knowledge of health to make informed choices, reduce risks to their health, maintain a healthy nutritional status and enhance quality of life.ObjectivesTo assess the level of literacy for health; analyse the relationship of socio-demographic variables with LH; to classify the Body Mass Index (BMI) and to determine the effect of LH on BMI.Designa quantitative study with a descriptive and cross-sectional approach conducted in the centre and north of Portugal.Particnipants: a non-probabilistic sample of 508 Portuguese participants with a mean age 44.48 years (SD = 21 years).Measuring instrumentsLH was assessed by the European Questionnaire on Literacy for Health (LHS-EU-PT) validated in Portuguese by Saboga-Nunes and Sorensen (2013) and BMI classification followed the WHO reference accepted by Portugal, DGS (2013).ResultsIt was found that overall, 73.62% of the participants have an inappropriate and problematic level of literacy for health; this was significantly lower in women (P=.000). Participants with inadequate LH, are those with higher BMI (χ2=78.09; P=.000), so are at risk of a sub-optimal state of health.ConclusionsThe results suggest a significant relationship between the LH and BMI. It is found that, the better the LH, the more appropriate is the BMI. This evidence reinforces the importance of promoting literacy for health to the Portuguese population

    Em tempo de Pandemia, o Brincar livre e o lugar da criação artística

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    No presente Relatório de Projeto intitulado Em tempo de Pandemia, o Brincar livre e o Lugar da Criação Artística é descrito um projeto de educação artística, realizado em contexto de educação não formal, em ateliê de Artes Plásticas e sobre o qual se desenvolveu uma investigação que seguiu a metodologia de estudo de caso. Pretende-se abordar aspetos conceptuais e metodológicos relativos a uma sequência de experiências práticas dirigidas a um grupo de nove crianças com idades compreendidas entre os oito e os catorze anos, que participaram no projeto «Oficina da Cor – Férias de Verão 2020», e que sucederam ao confinamento ocorrido em plena pandemia da doença COVID-19. Neste sentido, surge a nossa pergunta de partida: Em contexto de pandemia, de que forma(s) o ateliê de Artes Plásticas que decorreu em espaço e tempo livres potenciou processos de criação artística? A atividade artística como principal foco de intervenção traçou novas linhas no tempo de fruição, com impacto nos interesses do grupo de crianças e nas relações interpessoais com reflexo nos processos criativos. A recolha de dados, efetuada por diversos instrumentos, permitiu verificar que, numa relação de tempo e espaço, as artes, numa perspetiva holística, serviram para responder às necessidades pessoais de cada criança potenciando este projeto de verão a uma investigação que propõe uma maior atenção ao que as crianças nos dizem, transmitem e expressam através das suas ações, criações e comportamentos sociais.In this Project Report called In Pandemic Times, the Free Play and the Place of Artistic Creation, a project of art education is described and carried out in a context of non-formal education, in a workshop of Plastic Arts and on which a research was developed that followed the case study methodology. The aim is to address conceptual and methodological aspects related to practical experiences that were directed to a group of nine children aged between eight and fourteen years, who participated in the project "Oficina da Cor - Férias de Verão 2020", and that was carried out after the lockdown during the COVID-19 disease pandemic. In this sense, our opening question is: In the context of the pandemic, in what way(s) did the Plastic Arts workshop that took place in free space and time enhance artistic creation processes? The artistic activity, as the main focus of intervention traced new lines in the fruition time and in a nature area, with an impact on the interests created by the group of children in the interpersonal relationships, reflected in the creative processes. The data collection which was carried out by using different instruments, allowed us to verify that, in a relationship of time and space, the arts, in a holistic perspective, were used to meet the personal needs of each child, enhancing this summer project to a research that proposes a greater attention to what children tell us, transmit and express through their actions, creations and social behaviours

    Estudo Aplicado aos Estudantes do Ensino Superior

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    A presente investigação tem como objetivo analisar os determinantes da intenção empreendedora, da autoeficácia e da criação de empresas dos estudantes do ensino superior português. Com base neste propósito apresenta um estudo conceptual e 4 estudos empíricos. O estudo 1 apresenta a evolução conceptual do empreendedorismo e revela uma relação predominante entre a auto-eficácia, a intenção empreendedora e o empreendedorismo. O estudo 2 contribui para se determinar o efeito que a experiência pessoal, motivação, género e expetativa de resultados tem na auto-eficácia académica dos estudantes do Ensino Superior português que participaram no EEP (Entrepreneurship Education Project). O estudo 3 representa uma contribuição original, uma vez que propõe um modelo conceptual para avaliar a importância da auto-eficácia empreendedora dos estudantes do ES português que participaram no EEP. O estudo 4 contribui para determinar o efeito que a expetativa de resultados e a intenção empreendedora têm na intenção de criação de um novo projeto empresarial dos estudantes do ES português que participaram no EEP. O último estudo desta investigação, estudo 5, visa analisar o efeito que o ensino do empreendedorismo (EE), experiência profissional, antecedentes familiares e a propensão ao risco têm na intenção empreendedora dos formandos do projeto “Apreender 3.0” da Região Centro de Portugal. Para testar empiricamente as hipóteses, foram utilizados dados secundários extraídos do EEP aplicado em Portugal e dados primários obtidos pelo projeto “Apreender 3.0” Região Centro. Do EEP foi utilizada uma amostra de 2052 estudantes do ensino superior português. Do projeto “Apreender 3.0” Região Centro foi utilizada uma amostra de 150 formandos. Este trabalho faz, por um lado, uma análise dos dados do EEP com uma especificidade em relação à autoeficácia dos estudantes do ensino superior português, e por outro, é feita uma análise dos dados do projeto “Apreender 3.0” Região Centro, com uma especificidade em relação aos determinantes da intenção empreendedora dos formandos. Para se proceder à análise dos dados foram utilizados testes estatísticos de regressão logística, regressão categorial, análise fatorial e regressão linear. Como resultados identifica-se que a Motivação e a Expetativa de Resultados tem um impacto relevante na auto-eficácia académica dos estudantes portugueses. Identifica-se ainda que o Ensino do Empreendedorismo e a Propensão ao Risco têm um impacto relevante na intenção empreendedora dos formandos.This research aims to analyze the determinants of entrepreneurial intention, self-efficacy and the creation of companies of the Portuguese higher education students. On the basis of this purpose presents a conceptual study and empirical studies 4. The study presents the conceptual evolution 1 entrepreneurship and reveals a predominant relationship between self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship. The study contributes 2 to determine the effect that the personal experience, motivation, and expectation of results has on academic self-efficacy of the students who participated in the Portuguese EEP (Entrepreneurship Education Project). The 3 study represents an original contribution, since it proposes a conceptual model to evaluate the importance of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of the students who participated in the Portuguese EEP. The study 4 contributes to determine the effect that the expectation of entrepreneurial intention and results are intent on creating a new business project of the Portuguese higher education students who participated in the EEP. The last study of this research, 5, study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education (EE), work experience, family history and the propensity to risk have on entrepreneurial intention of trainees of the project "Apreender 3.0" in the region center of Portugal. To test empirically the chances were used secondary data extracted from EEP applied in Portugal and primary data obtained by the project "Apreender 3.0" Center. The EEP was used a sample of Portuguese higher education students 2052. The project "Seize 3.0" center was used a sample of 150 trainees. This work is, on the one hand, a data analysis of the EEP with a specificity in relation to the self-efficacy of the students Portuguese, and on the other, is made an analysis of the data of the project "Apreender 3.0" the central region, with a specific relation to determinants of entrepreneurial intention of trainees. To carry out the analysis of the data has been used logistic regression statistical tests, categorical regression, factor analysis and linear regression. As as result identifies that the motivation and the Expectation of results has a relevant impact on academic self-efficacy of the students. Identifies that the Teaching of Entrepreneurship and the Propensity to Risk have a relevant impact on Entrepreneurial Intention of trainees

    Vector Competence of Argentine Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) for West Nile virus (Flaviviridae: Flavivirus)

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    We examined the ability of Culex pipiens L. complex mosquitoes from Argentina to vector West Nile virus (WNV) to assess their role in the transmission of WNV in South America. Several egg rafts of Culex spp. were collected from different breeding sites in the suburbs of the city of La Plata, Argentina, and a subset of each progeny was scored with morphological and genetic species indicators. Surprisingly, we did not find Cx. pipiens form pipiens, but found evidence of genetic hybrids of Culex quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens f. molestus. We then used morphological traits to create two colonies predominantly composed of one of these two taxa, although some hybrids are likely to have been included in both. These colonies were used in vector competence studies using NY99 and WN02 genotype strains of WNV obtained in New York State. As controls, we also tested colonies of U.S. Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens f. molestus. Additional Culex larvae from three drainage ditches near the cities of La Plata and Berisso, Argentina, were identified by morphological and high-resolution molecular markers (microsatellites) as Cx. quinquefasciatus Say, Cx. pipiens form molestus, and hybrids. Results indicate that Argentinian Culex are competent but only moderately efficient vectors of WNV and are less susceptible to this virus than comparable U.S. mosquito strains. Studies of vertical transmission of NY99 virus by Cx. pipiens f. molestus hybrids from Argentina yielded a minimal filial infection rate of 1.19 from females feeding during their second and later bloodmeals.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Differential Effects of Temperature and Mosquito Genetics Determine Transmissibility of Arboviruses by <i>Aedes aegypti</i> in Argentina

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) have a global distribution and are the primary vector of a number of mosquito-borne viruses responsible for epidemics throughout the Americas. As in much of South America, the threat from pathogens including dengue virus (DENV; Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV; Togaviridae, Alphavirus) has increased in Argentina in recent years. The complexity of transmission cycles makes predicting the occurrence and intensity of arbovirus outbreaks difficult. To gain a better understanding of the risk of DENV and CHIKV in Argentina and the factors influencing this risk, we evaluated the role of population and temperature in the vector competence and vectorial capacity (VC) of Ae. aegypti from geographically and ecologically distinct locations. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic and extrinsic factors including mosquito population, viral species, and temperature significantly influence both vector competence and overall VC of Ae. aegypti in Argentina, yet also that the magnitude of these influences is highly variable. Specifically, results suggest that CHIKV competence is more dependent on mosquito genetics than is DENV competence, whereas temperature has a greater effect on DENV transmission. In addition, although there is an overall positive correlation between temperature and competence for both viruses, there are exceptions to this for individual virus?population combinations. Together, these data establish large variability in VC for these pathogens among distinct Ae. aegypti populations in Argentina and demonstrate that accurate assessment of arbovirus risk will require nuanced models that fully consider the complexity of interactions between virus, temperature, mosquito genetics, and hosts.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Differential Effects of Temperature and Mosquito Genetics Determine Transmissibility of Arboviruses by <i>Aedes aegypti</i> in Argentina

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) have a global distribution and are the primary vector of a number of mosquito-borne viruses responsible for epidemics throughout the Americas. As in much of South America, the threat from pathogens including dengue virus (DENV; Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV; Togaviridae, Alphavirus) has increased in Argentina in recent years. The complexity of transmission cycles makes predicting the occurrence and intensity of arbovirus outbreaks difficult. To gain a better understanding of the risk of DENV and CHIKV in Argentina and the factors influencing this risk, we evaluated the role of population and temperature in the vector competence and vectorial capacity (VC) of Ae. aegypti from geographically and ecologically distinct locations. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic and extrinsic factors including mosquito population, viral species, and temperature significantly influence both vector competence and overall VC of Ae. aegypti in Argentina, yet also that the magnitude of these influences is highly variable. Specifically, results suggest that CHIKV competence is more dependent on mosquito genetics than is DENV competence, whereas temperature has a greater effect on DENV transmission. In addition, although there is an overall positive correlation between temperature and competence for both viruses, there are exceptions to this for individual virus?population combinations. Together, these data establish large variability in VC for these pathogens among distinct Ae. aegypti populations in Argentina and demonstrate that accurate assessment of arbovirus risk will require nuanced models that fully consider the complexity of interactions between virus, temperature, mosquito genetics, and hosts.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Differential Effects of Temperature and Mosquito Genetics Determine Transmissibility of Arboviruses by Aedes aegypti in Argentina

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) have a global distribution and are the primary vector of a number of mosquito-borne viruses responsible for epidemics throughout the Americas. As in much of South America, the threat from pathogens including dengue virus (DENV; Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV; Togaviridae, Alphavirus) has increased in Argentina in recent years. The complexity of transmission cycles makes predicting the occurrence and intensity of arbovirus outbreaks difficult. To gain a better understanding of the risk of DENV and CHIKV in Argentina and the factors influencing this risk, we evaluated the role of population and temperature in the vector competence and vectorial capacity (VC) of Ae. aegypti from geographically and ecologically distinct locations. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic and extrinsic factors including mosquito population, viral species, and temperature significantly influence both vector competence and overall VC of Ae. aegypti in Argentina, yet also that the magnitude of these influences is highly variable. Specifically, results suggest that CHIKV competence is more dependent on mosquito genetics than is DENV competence, whereas temperature has a greater effect on DENV transmission. In addition, although there is an overall positive correlation between temperature and competence for both viruses, there are exceptions to this for individual virus?population combinations. Together, these data establish large variability in VC for these pathogens among distinct Ae. aegypti populations in Argentina and demonstrate that accurate assessment of arbovirus risk will require nuanced models that fully consider the complexity of interactions between virus, temperature, mosquito genetics, and hosts.Fil: Ciota, Alexander T.. Wadsworth Center. State of New York Department of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Chin, Pamela A.. Wadsworth Center. State of New York Department of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Ehrbar, Dylan J.. Wadsworth Center. State of New York Department of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Micieli, Maria Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Fonseca, Dina M.. Center For Vector Biology, Rutgers University; Estados UnidosFil: Kramer, Laura D.. Wadsworth Center. State of New York Department of Health; Estados Unido

    Differential Effects of Temperature and Mosquito Genetics Determine Transmissibility of Arboviruses by <i>Aedes aegypti</i> in Argentina

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) have a global distribution and are the primary vector of a number of mosquito-borne viruses responsible for epidemics throughout the Americas. As in much of South America, the threat from pathogens including dengue virus (DENV; Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV; Togaviridae, Alphavirus) has increased in Argentina in recent years. The complexity of transmission cycles makes predicting the occurrence and intensity of arbovirus outbreaks difficult. To gain a better understanding of the risk of DENV and CHIKV in Argentina and the factors influencing this risk, we evaluated the role of population and temperature in the vector competence and vectorial capacity (VC) of Ae. aegypti from geographically and ecologically distinct locations. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic and extrinsic factors including mosquito population, viral species, and temperature significantly influence both vector competence and overall VC of Ae. aegypti in Argentina, yet also that the magnitude of these influences is highly variable. Specifically, results suggest that CHIKV competence is more dependent on mosquito genetics than is DENV competence, whereas temperature has a greater effect on DENV transmission. In addition, although there is an overall positive correlation between temperature and competence for both viruses, there are exceptions to this for individual virus?population combinations. Together, these data establish large variability in VC for these pathogens among distinct Ae. aegypti populations in Argentina and demonstrate that accurate assessment of arbovirus risk will require nuanced models that fully consider the complexity of interactions between virus, temperature, mosquito genetics, and hosts.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore