697 research outputs found

    A new locality of \u3cem\u3eMesobuthus eupeus thersites\u3c/em\u3e (C. L. Koch, 1839) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in East Kazakhstan

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    A new locality of Mesobuthus eupeus thersites (C. L. Koch, 1839) is reported, found during the fieldtrip to East Kazakhstan, one of the most northern areas where scorpions are found in Asia. Notes on the habitats, map and photographs of specimens are given

    Landau damping in thin films irradiated by a strong laser field

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    The rate of linear collisionless damping (Landau damping) in a classical electron gas confined to a heated ionized thin film is calculated. The general expression for the imaginary part of the dielectric tensor in terms of the parameters of the single-particle self-consistent electron potential is obtained. For the case of a deep rectangular well, it is explicitly calculated as a function of the electron temperature in the two limiting cases of specular and diffuse reflection of the electrons from the boundary of the self-consistent potential. For realistic experimental parameters, the contribution of Landau damping to the heating of the electron subsystem is estimated. It is shown that for films with a thickness below about 100 nm and for moderate laser intensities it may be comparable with or even dominate over electron-ion collisions and inner ionization.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Energy-based approach to lifetime calculation under random loading

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    The fatigue life computation method, based on energy criterion of fatigue damage and model of material cyclic deformation after overload under the conditions of random loading is suggested. The determination of the maximum stress amplitude depending on the number of recycling for loading time before failure is provided. The results of the fatigue life estimation under the conditions of homogeneous stressed state are compared with experimental data obtained by S. Svenson, with spectral damage summation theory by V. L. Raiher and with linear summation hypothesis. The dependence of the right part of linear hypothesis depending on dispersion of random loading process is established

    A new species of Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908 (Aranei: Lycosidae) from the highlands of Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Maritime Territory of Russia

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    A new species of wolf spider, Acantholycosa voronoii sp. nov., collected among isolated screes in the highlands of Sikhote-Alin Mountains, is diagnosed, illustrated and described based on both sexes. The new species is related to A. irinae Fomichev & Omelko, 2020, a species recently described from a neighboring mountain; the two species differ in the conformation of copulatory organs and number of ventral spines on tibia I. A distribution map of all known Acantholycosa species in south of Maritime Territory is provided

    Новый вид рода Bifurcia (Aranei: Linyphiidae) из Приморского края, Россия

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    Bifurcia dersuuzalai sp. n. (Linyphiidae: Micronetinae) is described based on both sexes from the Primorsky krai (Maritime Province), Russia. The new species is similar to the Far Eastern B. maritima (Tanasevitch, 2010) and B. oligerae Marusik, Omelko et Koponen, 2016 but differs from both in the structure of the copulatory organs

    Cebrennus kazakhstanicus sp. n. (Aranei: Sparassidae): первая находка рода в Казахстане

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    Из Юго-Восточного Казахстана по самкам описан новый вид, Cebrennus kazakhstanicus sp. n. Новый вид родственен виду C. logunovi Jäger, 2000 из Туркменистана и является самым северо-восточным представителем рода. Cebrennus kazakhstanicus sp. n. был собран в дельте реки Или, приблизительно в 1100 км на северо-восток от ближайших известных местонахождений рода в Туркменистане. Cebrennus kazakhstanicus sp. n. был собран ночью в песчаной полупустыне. Новый вид отличается от C. logunovi строением эпигины. Для сравнения приводятся иллюстрации самки C. logunovi. Прокартированы находки представителей рода в Центральной Азии

    Особенности фауны пауков-Гнафозид (Aranei: Gnaphosidae Pocock, 1898) Алтайских гор

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    Дан список Gnaphosidae зарегистрированных в Алтайских горах (114 видов из 15 родов). Произведено сравнение показателей эндемизма, а также таксономического состава фауны пауков-Гнафозид Алтая и других горных территорий Северной Евразии. Оценена роль Алтая как центра видового разнообразия некоторых родов Gnaphosidae. Приведены данные о видовом разнообразии и ареалах Gnaphosidae в различных регионах и высотных поясах Алтайских гор. Сопоставлены фауны пауков-Гнафозид различных регионов Алтайских гор. Обсуждается высокий уровень эндемизма пауков-Гнафозид Алтая и его возможные причины