132 research outputs found

    Temporal variation in production and nutritional value of pollen used in the diet of Apis mellifera L. in a seasonal semideciduous forest

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    The flora of mountain formations in the Caatinga biome is composed predominantly by semi-deciduous species with representatives of both Atlantic and Amazon forest. Information on the potential for bee pollen production of these species is limited. In this study we evaluated the potential of production, the temporal variation, the botanical origin and the nutritional value of bee pollen produced in a seasonal semideciduous forest in northeastern Brazil. We identified a total of 252 flowering plant species throughout the year. The diet of Apis mellifera consisted of 74 pollen types distributed in 58 genera and 27 families. We identified two production peaks of bee pollen, the highest occurring in the rainy season. Nutritional value considering crude protein, carbohydrates, lipids and mineral matter changed over the study period, with influence of rainfall on the dry matter level. Some taxonomic groups of plants showed a strong relationship with nutrients, suggesting that although the diet of A. mellifera is broadly diversified, this species devoted most of its pollen foraging effort on the genus Mimosa and the palm tree species of Attalea speciosa. The results show that the seasonal semideciduous forest of the mountain range in the Northeast Brazil presents plant species: Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Baccharis trinervis, Mimosa tenuiflora Myracrodruom urundeuva, Cecropia pachystachya, Attalea speciosa, with high nutritional level and potential for the pollen production


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    The soils of the Amazon region, despite being under one of the densest forests in the world, are mostly characterized by low nutrient availability, with litter being the main nutrient input route. The present work aimed to evaluate the litter decomposition in forest, Cerrado and Cerradão environments in the Amazon. The litter decomposition rate was estimated by mass loss analysis using litter bags. The collections were performed at intervals of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 days, with four replications. Once collected, the material contained in each litter bag was placed to dry to obtain the dry mass. And so, the remaining mass percentage, the decomposition rates (k) and the half-life time (t1/2) are estimated. During the studied period, the Cerrado environment presented the lowest constant k (0.0017 g g-1 day-1) and consequently longer half-life (407 days). The monthly deposition in Cerrado input ranged from Mgha-1mother1 (June to September). Among the evaluated environments, the forest presented the highest decomposition speed and Cerrado presented the lowest one. It was evidenced that the decomposition process for all studied environments occurred with greater intensity in the rainy season


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    Miíase necrobiontófaga ou secundária é causada por larvas de moscas não parasitas obrigatórias que infestam áreas em que há perda de integridade do tegumento, causando grandes devastações, estando a gravidade do quadro dependente da localização da lesão e do grau de destruição do tecido. Demonstramos dois casos clínicos exuberantes de miíase secundária em lesões de solução de continuidade, com sucesso terapêutico, sendo proposto de maneira auxiliar ao tratamento convencional com ivermectina o uso tópico de uma mistura cicatrizante constituída de mel, albumina em pó e própolis.Necrotrophic or secondary myiasis is caused by facultative fly larvae by infestating areas in which there is loss of integrity of the skin, causing widespread devastation, with severity of the condition depending on the location of the lesion and the degree of tissue destruction. We demonstrate two exuberant clinical cases of secondary myiasis in lesions with solution of continuity, with therapeutic success, proposing to assist the conventional treatment with ivermec tin the topical use of a healing mixture consisting of honey, albumin powder and propolis

    Cortes comerciales y característica de la canal de borregos y cabritos suplementados con bloques multinutricionales

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     Objective. Aimed to identify the weight and yield of the commercial cuts, muscularity, and adiposity in the carcasses of sheep and goats grazing in the Caatinga supplemented with different sources of supplementations; these include feed-blocks. Material and methods. Sixty non-castrated males an initial average body weight of 18.63 ± 1.93 kg were used: 30 goats and 30 sheep all animals did not have a defined breed standard (WDBS). The experimental design used was entirely randomized (DIC), in factorial scheme 3x2 (three types of supplementation: mineral salt, MBs and MBs + buffel hay, and two species: sheep and goats) and 10 replications. Animals were raised in a rangeland grazing system in an area with vegetation characteristic of Caatinga ecosystem under three types of supplementation: 1: only mineral salt; 2: Feed blocks (MBs); and 3: MBs + buffel hay There were measured the weight, yield and the components of left half-part of carcass of lambs and kids. Results. The sheep were superior to goats in carcass conformation, loin-eye area, index of muscularity of the leg and compactness index of the leg while the goats were superior to sheep in leg muscles weight. Conclusions. Sheep and Goats, when fed with supplementation of pasture feeding blocks in the Caatinga ecosystem; Supplementation with mineral salt and Multinutritional Blocks with and without Buffel can be used to improve herds in the caatinga, with similar results among the three. Sheep show more adiposity of meat than goats, in contrast, goats have higher musculature than sheep when fed with feed blocks.Objetivo. Con el objetivo de identificar el peso y rendimiento de los cortes comerciales, musculatura y adiposidad en las canales de borregos y cabritos pastando en la Caatinga suplementado con diferentes fuentes de suplementos; Estos incluyen bloques de alimentación. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron 60 machos no castrados con un peso corporal medio inicial de 18,63 ± 1,93 kg: 30 borregos y 30 cabritos, todos los animales no tenían un estándar de raza definido (WDBS). El diseño experimental utilizado fue totalmente al azar (DIC), en esquema factorial 3x2 (tres tipos de suplementación: sal mineral, MBs y MBs + heno buffel, y dos especies: borregos y cabritos) y 10 repeticiones. Los animales fueron criados en un sistema de pastoreo de pastizales en un área con vegetación característica del ecosistema de Caatinga bajo tres tipos de suplementación: 1: sal mineral solamente; 2: Bloques de alimentación (MBs); Y 3: MBs + heno buffel Se midió el peso, el rendimiento y los componentes de la mitad izquierda de la carcasa de corderos y cabritos. Resultados. Las cordeiros fueron superiores a las cabritos en conformación de carcasas, área de lomo, índice de musculatura de la pierna y índice de compacidad de la pierna mientras que las cabritos fueron superiores a las cordeiros en el peso de los músculos de las piernas. Conclusión. Cordeiros y cabritos, cuando se alimentan con suplementos de bloques de alimentación de pasto en el ecosistema de Caatinga; La suplementación con sal mineral y Bloques Multinutritivos con y sin Buffel puede ser utilizada para mejorar los rebaños en la caatinga, con resultados similares entre los tres. Las cordeiros muestran más adiposidad de carne que las cabritos, en contraste, las cabritos tienen mayor musculatura que las cordeiros cuando se alimentan con bloques de alimentación

    Assessment of diversity of native species produced in forest nurseries of Rio de Janeiro State

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    AbstractThe objective of this paper was to evaluate the diversity of native species produced by nurseries in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The diagnostic and survey were conducted during the months of February, March and April of the year 2010, the research included all nurseries that produced seedlings of Atlantic Forest species. The fieldwork consisted of visits to the 70 surveyed nurseries, in which a list of the species produced in the nursery was requested and the seedling production manager was interviewed, filling in a questionnaire covering various topics related to seedlings production. We observed 277 forest species native from the Atlantic Forest produced in the nurseries. In average, the nurseries produce 56 different native species. The total diversity of native species produced in the State of Rio de Janeiro is low, as well as the mean diversity, since more than half of the nurseries work with a list of 50 or fewer species, what is insufficient considering the diversity of forest species that occur in the different vegetation types of the state.Keywords: Forest seedlings; forest restoration; Atlantic Forest.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade de espécies florestais nativas produzidas nos viveiros do estado do Rio de Janeiro. O levantamento e diagnóstico foram realizados durante os meses de fevereiro, março e abril de 2010, sendo incluídos os viveiros que produziam mudas de espécies florestais da Mata Atlântica. O trabalho de campo consistiu em visitas a 70 viveiros florestais, nos quais foi requerida a lista das espécies produzidas e realizada entrevista com o responsável, sendo preenchido um questionário englobando diversos temas relacionados à produção de mudas. Foram observadas 277 espécies florestais nativas da Mata Atlântica sendo produzidas nos viveiros, que, em média, trabalham com 56 espécies nativas. A diversidade total de espécies florestais da Mata Atlântica produzidas nos viveiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro é baixa, assim como a diversidade média, já que mais da metade dos viveiros trabalha com uma listagem de 50 ou menos espécies, número insuficiente considerando a diversidade de espécies florestais presentes nas diferentes formações vegetais do estado.Palavras-chave: Mudas florestais; restauração florestal; Mata Atlântica. AbstractAssessment of diversity of native species produced in forest nurseries of Rio de Janeiro State. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the diversity of native species produced by nurseries in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The diagnostic and survey were conducted during the months of February, March and April of the year 2010, the research included all nurseries that produced seedlings of Atlantic Forest species. The fieldwork consisted of visits to the 70 surveyed nurseries, in which a list of the species produced in the nursery was requested and the seedling production manager was interviewed, filling in a questionnaire covering various topics related to seedlings production. We observed 277 forest species native from the Atlantic Forest produced in the nurseries. In average, the nurseries produce 56 different native species. The total diversity of native species produced in the State of Rio de Janeiro is low, as well as the mean diversity, since more than half of the nurseries work with a list of 50 or fewer species, what is insufficient considering the diversity of forest species that occur in the different vegetation types of the state.Keywords: Forest seedlings; forest restoration; Atlantic Forest

    Metabolizable Protein: 1. Predicting Equations to Estimate Microbial Crude Protein Synthesis in Small Ruminants

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    Microbial crude protein (MCP) produced in rumen could be estimated by a variety of protocols of experimental sampling and analysis. However, a model to estimate this value is necessary when protein requirements are calculated for small ruminants. This model could be useful to calculate rumen degradable protein (RDP) requirements from metabolizable protein (MP). Then, our objective was to investigate if there is a difference in MCP efficiency between sheep and goats, and to fit equations to predict ruminal MCP production from dietary energy intake. The database consisted of 19 studies with goats (n = 176) and sheep (n = 316), and the variables MCP synthesis (g/day), total digestible nutrients (TDN), and organic matter (OM) intakes (g/day), and OM digestibility (g/kg DM) were registered for both species. The database was used for two different purposes, where 70% of the values were sorted to fit equations, and 30% for validation. A meta-analytical procedure was carried out using the MIXED procedure of SAS, specie was considered as the fixed dummy effect, and the intercept and slope nested in the study were considered random effects. No effect of specie was observed for the estimation of MCP from TDN, digestible Organic Matter (dOM), or metabolizable energy (ME) intakes (P > 0.05), considering an equation with or without an intercept. Therefore, single models including both species at the same fitting were validated. The following equations MCP (g/day) = 12.7311 + 59.2956 × TDN intake (AIC = 3,004.6); MCP (g/day) = 15.7764 + 62.2612 × dOM intake (AIC = 2,755.1); and MCP (g/day) = 12.7311 + 15.3000 × ME intake (AIC = 3,007.3) presented lower values for the mean square error of prediction (MSEP) and its decomposition, and similar values for the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and for the residual mean square error (RMSE) when compared with equations fitted without an intercept. The intercept and slope pooled test was significant for equations without an intercept (P < 0.05), indicating that observed and predicted data differed. In contrast, predicted and observed data for complete equations were similar (P > 0.05)

    Pesquisa de microrganismos presentes em máscaras de tecidos em estudantes e funcionários da saúde de uma instituição de ensino superior do Agreste de Pernambuco: Investigation of microorganisms present in tissue masks in healthcare students and employees of a undergraduate institution from the Agreste of Pernambuco

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    Introdução: Estima-se que sejam reconhecidas mais de 750 espécies de bactérias presentes na cavidade oral, embora o número preciso de microrganismos seja ainda maior. Nesse contexto, é válido observar a relação entre os microrganismos presentes na cavidade oral e sua disseminação entre a população. Bactérias, vírus e fungos podem estar presentes e causar prejuízos à saúde do indivíduo, seja desenvolvendo uma infecção ou mesmo comprometendo sua imunidade. A má higienização, não só das mãos, mas também das máscaras, pode acarretar a contaminação do próprio indivíduo, bem como daqueles ao seu redor. Objetivo: Realizar uma pesquisa quantitativa de bactérias heterotróficas presentes em máscaras de tecido em estudantes da área da saúde e funcionários de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior do Agreste de Pernambuco. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo observacional laboratorial, a população foi composta por estudantes da área da saúde e funcionários do Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida (ASCES-UNITA), em Caruaru-PE. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de outubro de 2021 a novembro de 2021. Foram incluídos indivíduos que utilizassem máscara de tecido no momento da coleta. Foi coletado, com um swab, uma amostra da parte de dentro da máscara, armazenado em uma solução salina para o transporte e semeado em meio Sabouraud e Plate Count Agar (PCA), e após 24h na estufa foi feita a contagem de UFC (Unidades Formadoras de Colônias). Resultados e discussão: A variável mais relevante foi a relação entre estudantes e funcionários, onde os funcionários se destacaram por apresentarem uma maior média de UFC. Observa-se que 80,6% dos funcionários e 81,2% dos estudantes relataram não fazer a troca da máscara no tempo correto de acordo com as recomendações da ANVISA. Ambos os grupos se comportaram de maneira semelhante, no entanto, ainda é possível identificar uma maior porcentagem de funcionários em detrimento aos alunos no período de 4 a 12 horas e 12 a 24 horas sem realizar a higienização das máscaras. Dentro desse período está inserida a jornada de trabalho dos funcionários da instituição, que acabam por passar mais tempo utilizando apenas uma máscara. Conclusão: O presente estudo concluiu que a utilização de máscaras de tecido é um importante método de barreira na prevenção à contaminação por microrganismos. Como resultado, apresentou dados relevantes no grupo de estudantes e funcionários, que faz comparação de UFC entre eles, obtendo-se um valor de p<0,05. Isso acontece pelo fato dos funcionários transitarem em locais diferentes e uso prolongado da máscara durante a jornada de trabalho. Portanto, se faz necessário o uso e higienização de forma correta recomendados pelos órgãos sanitários, assim tendo controle da transmissão e maior saúde para a população