128 research outputs found

    Validation of a performance model on entrepreneurship based on self-efficacy, personal goal orientation and environment goal orientation using Structural Equation Modeling

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    Master's thesis in International hotel and tourism managementThree are the main contributions that I pretend to provide through this research. First, I will combine four theoretical constructs that, to my knowledge, have not been worked through this way before. I mean that this research is attempting to validate and estimate the existing relationships between Self-efficacy, Perceived Personal Goal Orientation, Perceived Environment Goal Orientation and Perceived Personal Performance. There is much evidence in the literature that has explored the connections between self-efficacy and the goal theory as I will show later. Those works used to focus on explaining how setting goals improves performance in a varied set of fields. Goals are “what an individual is trying to accomplish; it is the object or aim of an action“ (E. Locke, Saari, L., Shaw, K., and Latham, G., 1981). There is some agreement that setting goals increase performance in two ways: first, there is a direct relation between setting goals and performance, and, second, goals and performance relationship is mediated by self-efficacy: greater performance increase self-perceptions of competence, as a consequence, individuals would set even higher goals (Edwin A. Locke & Latham, 1990). However, for this project, my focus is on the analysis of goal orientation. For the sake of a better understanding of this project, I have to explain -before going deeper- what is the difference between “setting goals” and “goal orientation”. The former refers to the individual’s actions oriented to establish –formally or informally- future goals related to upcoming events. For example, when a university student is getting ready for final exams might set (as a goals) to obtain A or B grades only. The “goal orientation”, which is the central concept involved in this project, refers to something a bit different: if individuals perceive themselves or their environment as performance oriented (PGO): focus on comparisons to others (i.e., I want the best grade of my class) - or as task oriented (TGO): focus on comparisons to one’s self (i.e., I want to improve my last score in this class). [...

    List of Clustered Permutations in Secondary Memory

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    Similarity search is a difficult problem and various indexing schemas have been defined to process similarity queries efficiently in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Metric indices support efficient similarity searches, but most of them are designed for main memory. Thus, they can handle only small datasets, suffering serious performance degradations when the objects reside on disk.Most real-life database applications require indices able to work on secondary memory. Among a plethora of indices, the List of Clustered Permutations (LCP) has shown to be competitive in main memory, since groups the permutations and establishes a criterion to discard whole clusters according the permutation of their centers. We introduce a secondary-memory variant of the LCP, which maintains the low number of distance evaluations when comparing the permutations themselves, and also needs a low number of I/O operations at construction and searching.XII Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    List of clustered permutations in secondary memory for proximity searching

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    Similarity search is a difficult problem and various indexing schemas have been defined to process similarity queries efficiently in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Metric indices support efficient similarity searches, but most of them are designed for main memory. Thus, they can handle only small datasets, suffering serious performance degradations when the objects reside on disk. Most reallife database applications require indices able to work on secondary memory. Among a plethora of indices, the List of Clustered Permutations (LCP) has shown to be competitive in main memory.We introduce a secondary-memory variant of the LCP, which maintains the low number of distance evaluations when comparing the permutations themselves, and also needs a low number of I/O operations at construction and searching.Facultad de Informátic

    List of clustered permutations in secondary memory for proximity searching

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    Similarity search is a difficult problem and various indexing schemas have been defined to process similarity queries efficiently in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Metric indices support efficient similarity searches, but most of them are designed for main memory. Thus, they can handle only small datasets, suffering serious performance degradations when the objects reside on disk. Most reallife database applications require indices able to work on secondary memory. Among a plethora of indices, the List of Clustered Permutations (LCP) has shown to be competitive in main memory.We introduce a secondary-memory variant of the LCP, which maintains the low number of distance evaluations when comparing the permutations themselves, and also needs a low number of I/O operations at construction and searching.Facultad de Informátic

    Business Intelligence: An Innovative Technological Way to Influence Corporate Entrepreneurship

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    Adaptation to dynamism and complex environments in today’s Knowledge Society is key for firms to survive and improve their positions. This paper applies business intelligence (BI) to the firm to shape its organizational design and improve its performance. The paper also relates business intelligence to organizational performance management through organizational learning (OL), knowledge management (KM) and the technological competencies of the company’s employees and managers. Theoretical study of the main current research serves as the basis for the development of several propositions to fill the gaps in knowledge of business intelligence. Finally, the paper presents conclusions about application of business intelligence in firms

    List of clustered permutations in secondary memory for proximity searching

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    Similarity search is a difficult problem and various indexing schemas have been defined to process similarity queries efficiently in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Metric indices support efficient similarity searches, but most of them are designed for main memory. Thus, they can handle only small datasets, suffering serious performance degradations when the objects reside on disk. Most reallife database applications require indices able to work on secondary memory. Among a plethora of indices, the List of Clustered Permutations (LCP) has shown to be competitive in main memory.We introduce a secondary-memory variant of the LCP, which maintains the low number of distance evaluations when comparing the permutations themselves, and also needs a low number of I/O operations at construction and searching.Facultad de Informátic

    List of Clustered Permutations in Secondary Memory

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    Similarity search is a difficult problem and various indexing schemas have been defined to process similarity queries efficiently in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Metric indices support efficient similarity searches, but most of them are designed for main memory. Thus, they can handle only small datasets, suffering serious performance degradations when the objects reside on disk.Most real-life database applications require indices able to work on secondary memory. Among a plethora of indices, the List of Clustered Permutations (LCP) has shown to be competitive in main memory, since groups the permutations and establishes a criterion to discard whole clusters according the permutation of their centers. We introduce a secondary-memory variant of the LCP, which maintains the low number of distance evaluations when comparing the permutations themselves, and also needs a low number of I/O operations at construction and searching.XII Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A hybrid approach to boost the permutation index for similarity searching

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    We propose a hybrid strategy that combines three ideas, namely, a convenient way for reducing the length of the permutations, using a permutation similarity measure adjusted for these clipped permutations, and the use of the closest permutant of each object as a pivot for it. In this way, we increase the discriminability of the permutation index in order to reduce even more the number of distance computations without reducing the answer quality. The performance of our proposal is tested using two classical real-world databases: NASA and Colors which are part of the SISAP project’s metric space benchmark. We reduced more than 30% of the number of distance evaluations needed to solve the queries on both databases.XIX Workshop Base de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDMD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Bases de datos no convencionales : Índices y operaciones

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    Debido a que en la actualidad se generan gran cantidad de datos digitales, desde fuentes muy disimiles, los repositorios especializados en datos no estructurados se vuelven cada vez más necesarios. Por este motivo, los mismos deben adaptarse rápidamente, para administrar de manera eficiente el gran volumen de datos generados, al igual que el tipo de requerimientos al que son sometidos los mismos; éstos pueden ser tan dispares como los tipos de datos que puede ser necesario administrar, dado que pertenecen a campos muy diferentes. Para ello, se investigan distintos aspectos relacionados con este tipo de bases de datos, como la administración del espacio disponible, que se vuelve crucial debido a la gran cantidad de datos que se debe manipular; formas más sofisticadas de búsqueda sobre las mismas, que permitan enfrentar tales requerimientos; optimización de estos depósitos, o desarrollo de nuevos, considerando incluso la arquitectura del procesador. Un modelo de base de datos no convencionales que se adapta a tales requerimientos, en el cual se pueden utilizar métodos de acceso que contemplen estos aspectos, son las Bases de Datos Métricas. Esta investigación pretende contribuir a la madurez de este nuevo modelo de bases de datos considerando distintas perspectivas.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Bases de datos no convencionales: índices y lenguajes de consulta

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    En la actualidad es muy común suministrar una imagen a un buscador y esperar que este localice, imágenes parecidas a la provista. Escenarios como este requieren el desarrollo de aplicaciones capaces de manipular datos no convencionales como imágenes, audio, video, secuencias de ADN, texto, huellas digitales, etc., almacenarlos y obtener información desde ellos, para responder eficientemente consultas que realicen los usuarios. Claramente, es necesario utilizar depósitos especializados de datos y técnicas de búsquedas no exactas sobre ellos, porque las soluciones tradicionales no permiten hacer frente a tales requerimientos. En este ámbito es muy raro comparar por igualdad exacta, siendo generalmente las consultas por objetos similares a uno dado. Por lo tanto, ademas de requerir una respuesta rápida y adecuada y un eficiente uso del espacio disponible, es necesario utilizar modelos generales en los cuales se puedan utilizar estructuras de datos especializadas que contemplen estos aspectos, como lo son las Bases de Datos Métricas y que si se consideran bases de datos masivas, dichas estructuras en particular sean, en particular, estructuras de datos con I/O eficiente. Otro aspecto importante son los lenguajes de consulta, necesarios para la manipulación de una base de datos, que no siempre poseen el poder expresivo necesario para expresar las consultas consideradas de interés en este modelo. Así, nuestra investigación pretende contribuir a la consolidación de este nuevo modelo de bases de datos.Eje: Base de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI