766 research outputs found

    Semantic Support for Log Analysis of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

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    Testing is a relevant activity for the development life-cycle of Safety Critical Embedded systems. In particular, much effort is spent for analysis and classification of test logs from SCADA subsystems, especially when failures occur. The human expertise is needful to understand the reasons of failures, for tracing back the errors, as well as to understand which requirements are affected by errors and which ones will be affected by eventual changes in the system design. Semantic techniques and full text search are used to support human experts for the analysis and classification of test logs, in order to speedup and improve the diagnosis phase. Moreover, retrieval of tests and requirements, which can be related to the current failure, is supported in order to allow the discovery of available alternatives and solutions for a better and faster investigation of the problem.Comment: EDCC-2014, BIG4CIP-2014, Embedded systems, testing, semantic discovery, ontology, big dat

    Comparison of academic success between students who live in single parent households and students who live in two-parent households

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    The purpose of thus study was to compare the impact household composition has on the academic achievement of elementary school students. The sample contained 83 third and fourth grade students from a small Southern New Jersey school district, 22 from single parent households, and 61 from two parent households. The grade point averages for reading, language and mathematics were recorded for two consecutive marking periods and the measuring device used was a paired sample t-test. The results of the study show a high correlation between household composition and academic achievement. The grade point averages of the students in two parent households were significantly higher than the grade point averages of the students in single parent households. The conclusions of the study show that household composition does have an impact on student academic achievement

    Information Overload in Monopsony Markets

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    I consider a situation in which heterogenous senders (applicants) compete in order to be selected by one receiver (employer). Productivity is private information to the senders, and the receiver processes imperfect signals (applications) to screen among applicants. The information-processing technology is imperfect: the accuracy of each signal in predicting the unknown productivity decreases with the total number of signals processed. I show that, for a sufficiently large market, information overload occurs as there exist equilibria in which too many people apply and the receiver neglects some applications. For any information-processing technology level, information overload equilibria emerge when the cost of sending applications is low relatively to the existing technology level. The magnitude of information overload is bounded and it is larger if the receiver cannot neglect applications. As a result, an overloaded market in which the receiver has to process all applications is less efficient than an overloaded market where neglecting excessive information is an option

    Evaluation Problem versus Selection Problem in Organizational Structures

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    We consider a hierarchical organization with two fully rational agents. The goal of the organization is that of selecting the best alternative out of several available, and agents are heterogenous in the accuracy with which they screen the alternatives. We show that, if internal communications between agents is not possible, the ordering of agents affects the performance of the organization. More specifically, we find that the expected payoff of the organization improves when the more accurate agent screens first. Finally, we note that such optimal ordering makes the hierarchy formally identical to one in which the internal communication flow is perfect

    Information Overload in Multi-Stage Selection Procedures

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    The paper studies information processing imperfections in a fully rational decision-making network. It is shown that imperfect information transmission and imperfect information acquisition in a multi-stage selection game yield information overload. The paper analyses the mechanisms responsible for a seeming bounded rational behavior of the network and shows their similarities and distinctions. Two special cases of filtering selection procedures are investigated, where the overload takes its most limiting forms. The model developed in the paper can be applied both to organizations and to individuals. It can serve as a rational foundation for bounded rationality

    Hybrid Simulation and Test of Vessel Traffic Systems on the Cloud

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    This paper presents a cloud-based hybrid simulation platform to test large-scale distributed System-of-Systems (SoS) for the management and control of maritime traffic, the so-called Vessel Traffic Systems (VTS). A VTS consists of multiple, heterogeneous, distributed and interoperating systems, including radar, automatic identification systems, direction finders, electro-optical sensors, gateways to external VTSs, information systems; identifying, representing and analyzing interactions is a challenge to the evaluation of the real risks for safety and security of the marine environment. The need for reproducing in fabric the system behaviors that could occur in situ demands for the ability of integrating emulated and simulated environments to cope with the different testability requirements of involved systems and to keep testing cost sustainable. The platform exploits hybrid simulation and virtualization technologies, and it is deployable on a private cloud, reducing the cost of setting up realistic and effective testing scenarios

    Medición de títulos de deuda a ser mantenidos hasta su vencimiento y no afectados por coberturas : el caso de títulos que devengan intereses sobre saldos ajustados por CER

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    La Resolución Técnica (RT) N" 17 de la FACPCE prevé la utilización del Método del Costo Amortizado (o Método de la Tasa Efe ctiva) para la medición periódica primaria de algunos componentes patrimoniales. Entre los que se incluyen las inversiones en títulos de deuda a ser mantenidos hasta su vencimiento y no afectados por coberturas. Básicamente, la medición de activos a través del Método del Costo Amortizado implica sumar a1 importe del activo contabilizado inicialmente -neto de cobranzas- los resultados financieros devengados, calculados "exponencialmente" sobre la base de dicho importe utilizando la tasa interna de retorno determinada al momento de la medición inicial. No obstante, en la aplicación concreta de este método se presentan algunas cuestiones de dudosa resolución. Particularmente, en relación a aquellos títulos de deuda emitidos con tasa de interés variable a determinar para cada servicio de intereses, o bien -como ocurre con gran parte de los títulos que pueden encontrarse en el mercado- emitidos con tasa de interés constante pero que devengan intereses sobre saldos que deben ajustarse también para cada servicio de intereses. En estos casos, al tener que determinar la tasa interna de retorno al momento de la medición inicial, surge la necesidad de "estimar" los flujos de fondos a cobrar, respecto de lo cual ni la normativa vigente -RT No 17- ni la doctrina contable han establecido pautas a seguir. En este marco, en el presente trabajo se analiza el Método del Costo Amortiza como criterio de medición de ciertos títulos de deuda, poniendo especial énfasis en los aspectos que hacen a la concreta y efectiva operativización del mismo en el caso particular de los títulos que devengan intereses sobre saldos ajustados por CER.Fil: Bersia, Paola. Universidad Nacional de Río CuartoFil: Ficco, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Río CuartoFil: Ricci, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuart

    Live Migration in Emerging Cloud Paradigms

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    The elastic provisioning of resources and the capability to adapt to changing resource demand and environmental conditions on-the-fly are, probably, key success factors of cloud computing. Live migration of virtual resources is of pivotal importance in achieving such key properties. However, the ability to effectively and efficiently determine which resource to be migrated and where, by satisfying proper objectives and constraints, remains a research challenge. The existing literature is generally based on metaheuristics running a central resolver. Such an approach is not suitable because it only considers the quality-of-service aspect during the decision-making performance while ignoring the regulatory challenges. This column highlights the regulatory challenges associated with the cross-border dataflow implication of migration and stresses the need to adopt alternative decision approaches.postprin

    Divulgación sobre capital intelectual en páginas webs corporativas: estudio exploratorio en el mercado de capitales argentino

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    El capital intelectual (CI) se ha convertido en un recurso estratégico para las empresas, y en la principal fuente de ventajas competitivas en un entorno que ha evolucionado hacia la “economía del conocimiento”. Frente a las limitaciones informativas de la contabilidad financiera, la divulgación voluntaria permite a las compañías comunicar a terceros información sobre su CI y su potencialidad para generar valor. En este contexto, Internet proporciona a las empresas un medio de comunicación idóneo para la divulgación voluntaria de información. En este marco, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar la naturaleza y extensión de la información sobre CI divulgada en las páginas web corporativas de las principales empresas listadas en Argentina. La investigación, de carácter exploratorio, se realiza sobre las empresas cotizantes en el mercado de capitales argentino que conforman actualmente el Índice S&P MERVAL. El estudio empírico comprende el análisis de las páginas web de dichas empresas a través de la metodología de análisis de contenido, siendo esta herramienta la más empleada en el estudio de las prácticas de divulgación de CI. Así, la información disponible en las webs corporativas es codificada en categorías predefinidas a partir de la revisión de la literatura en torno al CI, las cuales comprenden los tres grandes componentes o dimensiones del CI: capital humano, capital estructural y capital relacional. Posteriormente, a partir de los datos recolectados se construye un índice de divulgación que permite medir la extensión de la información sobre CI divulgada por las empresas en sus páginas web. De este modo, los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación aportan evidencias sobre cómo la información referida al CI es comunicada en las páginas web corporativas de las principales empresas argentinas, temática de desarrollo incipiente en el contexto local y latinoamericano.--Fil: Ficco, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina..Fil: Luna Valenzuela, Jonathan. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina..Fil: Amione, Eugenia. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina..Fil: Bazán Guiñazú, Amparo. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina..Fil: Chapado Menochio, Candelaria. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina.