1,892 research outputs found

    In(c)(v)ite: the in-Between Project

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    The present paper presents an alternative urban design approach that explores the project as an in- between mechanism. By in-between, we assume that “the project is neither the beginning nor the ending it is just an in-between in places’ time, both past and indeterminate future.”[1] It is an in-between time process that crosses several scales, actors, and places. We found the in-Between Project by searching through the existing cracks [2] in the contemporary built environment – uncertain and abandoned places/buildings and wastelands – generated by four factors: (a) the increasing of a fragile global economy; (b) the recurrent urban transformation processes (such as the over construction of road infra- structures and the cyclic destruction/construction of the old/new housing planning); (c) the absence of activities/production; and (d) the consequent abandonment of buildings and urban plots. Therefore, it was acknowledged that these cracking processes are creating a catalytic effect in the built environment, causing uncertain cross-scaled consequences between time, space, and society such as: not knowing the future of these places, not expecting positive scenarios for these places, not conveying the relationships of these places, and not engaging socially with these places. When addressing this problematic, fundamental questions arise: how can we articulate the (dis)connections created by the existing cracks in the urban environment? How can we transform the waste inherent to these cracks into a life potential? How can we create a viable metabolism with this waste? How can we generate new activities? How can we attract new inhabitants? How can we transform cracks into magnets? In this research, we realised that these questions cannot be answered through the narrow design solutions formalized by neither the conventional object/programmatic approach, nor by the top-to-bottom/bottom-to-top urban strategies, detached from the indeterminate cross time-scale relationships of these cracked places. An alternative urban design approach was required. The in-Between Project is structured using three interconnected concepts: Cite, Recite. and Incite. Cite is to select the time traces found in the place to trigger and ground the design project. Recite is to transform the cited elements into a simple base structure that stimulates unforeseen appropriations and becomes adaptable to change. Incite is to critically imagine future possible scenarios for the created base structure. These ideas are presented, tested, and developed in one specific design research in Azenha do Mar, a remote fishing village on the southwest coast of Portugal. It is acknowledged that the in-Between Project is a simple practice of in(c)(v)itation: it incites the hidden potentials of cracked places and invites human beings to appropriate them in an imaginative and unforeseeable way.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remoteness: Robin Hood gardens

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    Remoteness commonly means the distance between things, either in space or in time. What distance is this? Distance is the length between two points, which is a quantitative feature, an in-between measurement. For example, in ordinary discourse we refer to remote places as distant places, the ones from which we feel physically or temporarily distant, the ones we don’t see, the ones that are somehow untouchable. Is this in-between only a linear measurement? In order to unfold this question, the present paper selects Robin Hood Gardens (RHG), a residential project in Poplar, London, designed by the architects Alison and Peter Smithson in the late 1960s and built in 1972. This case study is explored through two in-betweens: in-between Here and There and in-between Now and Then. “Here and There” discloses the relationship between one’s body and place. It focuses on becoming closer to or distant from Robin Hood Gardens; asking underlies our feelings of remoteness. We ask: why do we (not) get closer, why do we (not) approach? “Now and Then” presents the relationship between one’s body and time-space. It focuses on the feeling of remoteness in travelling across the space and moving back and forth in time. We ask: why do we (not) traverse between spaces and between the future and past in Robin Hood Gardens?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In-between remoteness: Robin Hood gardens

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    Regeneração urbana para a dinamização de Espinho

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    Mestrado Integrado em ArquitecturaDefesa pública em 30 de Março de 2016Resumo: Neste pequeno trabalho de investigação científica procura-se criar um projeto que traga novas dinâmicas à cidade de Espinho. Esta cidade, de muita vitalidade no passado por causa do turismo de praia e da linha de comboio entrou nas últimas duas décadas em lento mas continuo retrocesso. A especulação imobiliária, o envelhecimento da população , o abandono dos mais jovens e o declino industrial são fenómenos que se têm feito sentir em Espinho. Os seus equipamentos residenciais, comerciais e industriais têm-se por isso ressentido. Votados muitos deles ao abandono, urge criar políticas e projetos eficazes que sejam capazes em simultâneo de atrair famílias jovens, atividades económicas e industriais. Desta forma, para a prossecução dos nossos objetivos, neste trabalho de investigação científica, canalizamos a nossa atenção para um edifício industrial degradado e abandonado, onde laborou em tempos uma antiga fábrica de produção de botões. Assim, achamos que é importante dinamizar esse espaço para que o mesmo possa dar resposta às necessidades da cidade e ao desemprego e, ao mesmo tempo, que possa manter a sua fachada original, em memória da indústria que foi. Por outro lado, ao nível do dinamismo, procuramos fundamentalmente que este espaço tenha zonas comerciais e de investigação, assim como zonas preenchidas com pequenos espaços destinados a aluguer para jovens, onde estes possam desenvolver uma atividade económica. Associado a tudo isto preconizamos também a existência de áreas habitacionais de arrendamento a custos reduzidos. A perspetiva aqui passa por incentivar os jovens a se fixarem no interior da cidade com qualidade e estabilidade de vida. Por fim, idealizou-se a criação de uma grande praça para que a mesma possa abarcar todo o tipo de eventos sociais e culturais como espetáculos, festividades religiosas, feiras de livro, esplanadas, etc. Com isso certamente que a oferta aumentará pelo que chamará também mais turistas à regiãoAbstract: In this short work of scientific research sought to create a project that will bring new dynamics to the city of Espinho. This city of great vitality in the past because of beach tourism and railway line started in the last two decades of slow but continuous setback. Real estate speculation, an aging population, abandonment of the youngest and industrial decline are phenomena that have been felt in Espinho. Its residential, commercial and industrial equipment have seen so resentful. Rated many of them abandoned, it is urgent to create effective policies and projects that are able simultaneously to attract young families, economic and industrial activities. Thus, for the pursuit of our goals in this work of scientific research, we channel our attention to a degraded and abandoned industrial building, which labored to time an old button factory production. So we think it is important to invigorate this space for what it can meet the city's needs and unemployment and at the same time, you can keep your original façade, in memory of the industry that was. On the other hand, the level of dynamism, essentially seek to make this area has commercial and research areas as well as areas filled with small spaces for rent for young people, where they can develop an economic activity. Associated with all this also advocate the existence of residential areas lease at reduced costs. The perspective here undergoes encourage young people to settle in the inner city with quality and stability of life. Finally, envisioned the creation of a large square so that it can cover all kinds of social and cultural events such as spectacles, religious festivals, book fairs, terraces, etc. With this certainly that supply will increase by that call also more tourists to the region

    Learning Engineering with EPS@ISEP: Developing Projects for Smart Sustainable Cities

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    This paper presents an overview on how the European Project Semester capstone programme offered by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (EPS@ISEP) fosters learning by challenging engineering, business and product development undergraduates to address sustainability issues afflicting cities and communities nowadays. This will be done by analysing the reports and the learning journey of three multicultural and multidisciplinary EPS@ISEP teams during the design, development and test of a smart billboard, a self-oriented solar mirror and a level monitoring system for waste oil bins. These three projects were conducted within EPS@ISEP, a project-based learning framework dedicated to the development of key engineering skills, namely multidisciplinary teamwork, inter-cultural communication, ethical and sustainability-oriented problem-solving. The involved students contributed, not only, to make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, one of UNESCO’s sustainable development goals, but learnt and practiced together sustainability-driven design, while searching for an innovative solution for a smart city problem. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of the content the three project reports.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The Fournier’s Syndrome is characterized by a necrotizing infection that can affect regions such as perineum, thighs, scrotum, thigh roots and lower abdomen. It begins insidiously, but progresses with great tissue loss and is of difficult handling. It is an uncommon morbidity of the population at large. Recurrence is poorly documented, which makes its occurrence atypical in medical practice. The mortality rate varies from 10% to 30.8% in Brazil without changes over time despite advances in technology and in surgical techniques. The objective of this study is to demonstrate a recurrence of the syndrome in a male, 46-year-old patient, with diabetes, hypertension and grade III obesity. The patient was treated in a timely manner with satisfactory clinical and aesthetic outcomes.RESUMO A síndrome de fournier caracteriza-se por uma infecção necrozante que pode acometer região perineal, coxa, escroto, raízes de coxa e abdome inferior. Tem seu início insidioso, porém com progressão com grande perda de tecidos e difícil manejo. É uma morbidade incomum da população em geral. A recidiva é pouco documentada tornando-se atípico na prática médica.  A taxa de mortalidade varia de 10% a 30.8% no Brasil sem mudança no decorrer do tempo apesar dos avanços tecnológicos e de técnicas cirúrgicas. O objetivo deste estudo é demonstrar uma recidiva da Síndrome em um paciente masculino, 46 anos com diabetes, hipertensão e obesidade grau III. Foi tratada em tempo hábil com bom desfecho clínico e estético

    Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ohjaus- ja perehdytysmateriaalin arviointi kirurgisilla vuodeosastoilla

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin opinnäyteyhteistyössä HUS/HYKS:n operatiivisen tulosyksikön sekä Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli arvioida sairaanhoitajille ja sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille suunnattua ohjaus- ja perehdytysmateriaalia kirurgisilla vuodeosastoilla. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää kyseisen tulosyksikön opiskelijaohjausta. Aineisto kerättiin HUS/ HYKS:n operatiivisen tulosyksikön neljältä kirurgiselta vuodeosastolta. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisella tutkimusmenetelmällä ja aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin periaatteita noudattaen. Analyysin perusteella sairaanhoitajan ohjausmateriaalin keskeisimmiksi sisällöiksi muodostuivat opiskelijan ohjaus ja sairaanhoitajan ammatillinen osaaminen. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan perehdytysmateriaalin keskeisimmiksi sisällöiksi muodostuivat kirurgisen potilaan hoito-työn osaaminen ja opiskelijan rooli harjoittelussa. Ohjaus- ja perehdytysmateriaalit on tärkeä tarkastaa ajoittain ja päivittää niiden sisällöt. Osastoille on hyvä tehdä omista erikoisosaamisen materiaaleista erikseen oma kansio, jolloin ohjaus- ja perehdytyskansion sisältö ei ole niin vaikealukuinen ja kansion perimmäinen tarkoitus ja idea on tällöin selkeämmin luettavissa.This final project was carried out in cooperation with HUS the Operatiivinen tulosyksikkö and the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of this final project was to evaluate the nurses´ and nursing students´ introduction material for surgical wards. The aim is to develop nursing students´ guidance of the business unit. The data for this final project was collected from four separate surgical wards. The final project was conducted by using qualitative methods and the data was analyzed by the means of inductive content analysis. Based on the analysis, the core content of the nurses´ introduction material consisted of student guidance and nurse´s professional expertise. The core content of the nursing students´ introduction material consisted of expertise of surgical nursing and student´s role in clinical practice. It is important to check the guidance and introduction materials frequently and update the contents. It is good to make a separate folder for the wards of their special material, therefore the contents of guidance and introduction folder will not be as uneasy and the ultimate meaning and idea of the folder will then be more easy to read

    Correlações entre as temperaturas da superfície corpórea e retal e os pesos médios de frangos de corte

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    Body temperature is one of the indicators of broilers’ susceptibility to thermal stress, which can compromise performance. This study aimed to evaluate correlations between both the surface and rectal temperatures, besides the average weight of broilers assessed in different ages. Temperatures of broilers’ back, breast, and rectum were evaluated, besides the average weight of broilers at 7, 14, 21, and 35 days old. One hundred birds were assessed for each evaluation age, and the variables were submitted to Pearson’s correlation analyses. The rectal temperature had a correlation with the breast one when the birds were evaluated at 7 and 14 days old. The average weight correlated only with rectal and breast temperatures at 14 and 21 days old, respectively. The correlations between the temperatures were weak or insignificant in most of the studied ages. Therefore, the skin temperature is not a suitable parameter for measuring broilers’ temperature compared to the rectal one, so the use of infrared thermometer did not prove to be a useful strategy to estimate the internal temperature of broilers.A temperatura corporal é um dos indicadores de suscetibilidade dos frangos de corte ao estresse térmico, o que pode comprometer o desempenho. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as correlações entre as temperaturas superficial e retal, além do peso médio de frangos de corte avaliados em diferentes idades. Foram avaliadas as temperaturas do dorso, peito e reto das aves, além do peso médio das aves aos 7, 14, 21 e 35 dias de idade. Cem aves foram avaliadas para cada idade de avaliação, e as variáveis ​​foram submetidas à análise de correlação de Pearson. A temperatura retal apresentou correlação com a do peito quando as aves foram avaliadas aos 7 e 14 dias de idade. O peso médio correlacionou-se apenas com as temperaturas retal e do peito aos 14 e 21 dias de idade, respectivamente. As correlações entre as temperaturas foram fracas ou insignificantes na maioria das idades estudadas. Portanto, a temperatura da pele não é um parâmetro adequado para medir a temperatura de frangos de corte em comparação com a retal, de modo que o uso de termômetro infravermelho não se mostrou uma estratégia útil para estimar a temperatura interna de frangos de corte