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    New Oncogenic Drivers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Role of the RNA Binding Protein Hu antigen R

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    156 p. : graf.[ES]La enfermedad hepática crónica es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en humanos.Comprende enfermedades con diferentes etiologías como la infección por los virus de la hepatitis B y C,toxinas, consumo de alcohol y drogas, enfermedades autoinmunes y hereditarias y la enfermedad del hígadograso no alcohólica (EHGNA). La EHGNA es una de las principales enfermedades hepáticas crónicas en lospaíses desarrollados, asociada con los factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico (obesidad, resistencia a lainsulina, dislipidemia e hipertensión), e incluyendo alteraciones que van desde la esteatosis hasta laesteatohepatitis no alcohólica (EHNA), que en algunos casos puede ir acompañada de fibrosis. Los pacientesde EHNA con presencia de fibrosis pueden llegar a desarrollar carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC).El CHC representa la tercera causa de muerte por cáncer, y la primera causa de muerte en pacientescirróticos. El CHC es el cáncer más prevalente en la población, con mal pronóstico incluso en los paísesdesarrollados. Su etiología es diversa, con los virus de la hepatitis B y C, el alcoholismo, la aflatoxina B1 y elEHGNA como principales factores de riesgo. Entre los factores moleculares involucrados en la progresióndesde EHGNA a CHC podemos encontrar el estrés oxidativo, el metabolismo de la metionina y la disfunciónde p53. Numerosos estudios han mostrado que los pacientes cirróticos con alto riesgo de desarrollar CHCpresentan una desregulación del metabolismo de la metionina y unos niveles anormales de Sadenosilmetionina(SAMe).La S-adenosylmetionina es el principal donador biológico de grupos metilo, y el hígado aparece como elprincipal responsable de su homeostasis. SAMe juega un papel fundamental en la proliferación de loshepatocitos y su diferenciación, y en la apoptosis de células tumorales. En el hígado SAMe es capaz deinhibir la activación de la ruta LKB1/AMPK/eNOS y evitar la translocación al citoplasma de HuR, una proteínade unión al ARN, siendo ambos mecanismos importantes para la proliferación de los hepatocitos y laregeneración hepática. Por tanto, los niveles de SAMe deben estar estrechamente regulados. Las dosprincipales enzimas responsables de la síntesis y el catabolismo de SAMe son la metioninaadenosiltransferasa (MAT) y la glicina N-metiltransferasa (GNMT), respectivamente. La enzima MAT estácodificada por dos genes, MAT1A y MAT2A. MAT1A codifica para la formación de las enzimas MAT I y MATIII, y MAT2A codifica para MAT II. MAT1A se expresa en el hígado adulto y diferenciado, mientras queMAT2A se expresa en el hígado fetal y en proliferación. Durante el desarrollo del hígado hay un cambio en laexpresión desde MAT2A hasta MAT1A, y durante la proliferación y la desdiferenciación hepáticas y durantela transformación maligna, los niveles de expresión de MAT1A se reducen junto con un aumento en laexpresión de MAT2A. La regulación de la expresión de MAT1A y MAT2A se ha relacionado con la metilaciónde los promotores y la acetilación de las histonas asociadas a ellos.Por otra parte, la enzima GNMT, responsable de la catabolización de SAMe, está presente en grandescantidades en el hígado, y muy reducida en tumores hepáticos y prostáticos. Se han encontrado individuoscon mutaciones en GNMT que espontáneamente desarrollan enfermedad hepática. La enzima GNMT regulael ratio SAMe a SAH, el cual es considerado como el índice del potencial de transmetilación de la célula. Ladesregulación de este ratio puede resultar en metilaciones aberrantes.Con el fin de estudiar las implicaciones de la desregulación del nivel de SAMe en el hígado, segeneraron dos modelos de ratones knockout, MAT1A-KO y GNMT-KO, caracterizados por niveles de SAMecrónicamente disminuidos y elevados, respectivamente. El ratón MAT1A-KO presenta estrés oxidativo ydesarrolla esteatosis y EHNA a los 8 meses, y finalmente CHC. El ratón GNMT-KO desarrolla esteatosis,fibrosis y CHC. La observación de que tanto los altos como los bajos niveles de SAMe provocan unapatología similar subrayan la importancia del mantenimiento de la homeostasis de SAMe.La regulación de los niveles de SAMe está relacionada con la regulación de la expresión de los ARNmde MAT1A y MAT2A. La explicación de dicha regulación por la metilación de los promotores y la acetilación32 RESUMEN/SUMMARYde las histonas no explica por completo los cambios entre MAT1A y MAT2A. Además, la conversión de lametionina en SAMe es capaz de regular la tasa de recambio del ARNm de MAT2A.El principal objetivo de este estudio es la identificación de nuevos mecanismos implicados en laproliferación, diferenciación y desdiferenciación de los hepatocitos, la regeneración hepática y latransformación maligna, en relación con SAMe. Nuestra hipótesis consiste en la existencia de una regulaciónpost-transcripcional de los ARNm de MAT1A y MAT2A mediante proteínas de unión al ARN, estabilizando ydesestabilizando dichos ARNm. Nuestros datos indican que la proteína de unión al ARN HuR se une alARNm de MAT2A estabilizándolo, y la proteína de unión al ARN AUF1 se une al ARNm de MAT1Adesestabilizándolo. Asimismo, la metilación de HuR por SAMe cambia su funcionalidad, de forma que se uneal ARNm de MAT2A desestabilizándolo o inhibiendo su traducción. Los niveles de metil-HuR/HuR y AUF1varían durante el desarrollo del hígado, la desdiferenciación de los hepatocitos y la transformación maligna,regulando los niveles de los ARNm de MAT2A y MAT1A. Asimismo, el modelo de ratón GNMT-KO, con unnivel de SAMe elevado crónicamente, presenta una desregulación de MAT2A por metil-HuR/HuR.Como el ratón GNMT-KO presenta desregulación de MAT2A y se caracteriza por altos niveles de SAMe,estudiamos su respuesta regenerativa tras hepatectomía parcial. Encontramos que el ratón GNMT-KOpresenta una alta mortalidad tras la hepatectomía parcial, junto con la inhibición de la ruta LKB1/AMPK/eNOSy de la translocación de HuR al citoplasma, procesos fundamentales para la normal proliferación yregeneración hepática. Además, el bloqueo de la fosforilación de AMPK promueve la activación basal delfactor de transcripción NF¿B junto con la pérdida de la capacidad de activación de NF¿B en respuesta aTNF¿, así como el bloqueo de la expresión de iNOS tras la hepatectomía parcial.De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, la proteína de unión al ARN HuR es fundamental para laproliferación de los hepatocitos, la diferenciación hepática y la transformación maligna. La regulación de sufunción está relacionada con la localización subcelular, la fosforilación, la metilación y su abundanciaproteica. En concreto, su abundancia está regulada por ubiquitinización, pero los mecanismos responsablesde la estabilización de la proteína son desconocidos. El estudio de la regulación de la estabilidad de laproteína HuR en CHC y cáncer de colon nos llevó a descubrir la existencia de una estabilización mediante laNEDDilización de HuR. Mediante el análisis de la abundancia de HuR en líneas celulares de CHC y cáncerde colon y en muestras humanas de CHC y metástasis de colon al hígado, concluimos que Mdm2 NEDDilizaHuR en el citoplasma, promoviendo su localización nuclear y protegiéndolo de la degradación por elproeasoma. El análisis mutacional de la proteína HuR nos permitió localizar las lisinas en las que tiene lugaresta modificación post-traduccional.En conclusión, nuestros resultados descubren un muevo mecanismo de regulación post-transcripcionalde MAT1A y MAT2A, subrayando la importancia de la homeostasis de SAMe en la proliferación,diferenciación y transformación maligna en el hígado. Además, el descubrimiento de un nuevo mecanismo deregulación de la abundancia de HuR en CHC y cáncer de colon a través de la NEDDilización mediada porMdm2, abre nuevas vías para el tratamiento de estas enfermedades[EN]The chronic liver disease is one of the main causes of mortality in humans. It comprises illnesses withetiologies such as hepatitis B and C virus infection, toxins, alcohol and drugs consumption, autoimmune andhereditary diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is one of the main chronic liverdiseases in developed countries, associated with the metabolic syndrome risk factors (obesity, insulinresistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension), and including alterations from steatosis to non-alcoholicsteatohepatitis (NASH), in some cases accompanied by fibrosis. NAFLD patients of NASH with fibrosis canfinally develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).HCC represents the third leading cause of cancer death globally, and the first cause of death in cirrhoticpatients. HCC is the most prevalent cancer in the population, with a poor prognosis even in the developedcountries. The etiology is diverse, with hepatitis B and C virus, alcoholism, aflatoxin B1 and NAFLD as themain risk factors. Among the molecular factors involved in NAFLD progression to HCC we can find theoxidative stress, the methionine metabolism and the impairment of p53. In particular, several studies haveshown that human patients with liver cirrhosis at a high risk of HCC development present impairment inmethionine metabolism and abnormal S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) levels.SAMe is the main methyl donor in the cell, being the liver the principal responsible of its homeostasis.SAMe plays a critical role in hepatocyte proliferation, differentiation and tumoral cells apoptosis. In the liverSAMe is able to inhibit the activation of the LKB1/AMPK/eNOS pathway, and avoid the translocation of theRNA binding protein (RBP) HuR, which are important mechanisms for hepatocyte proliferation and liverregeneration. Therefore, SAMe levels must be tightly regulated. The two main enzymes in SAMe synthesisand catabolism are methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) and glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT),respectively. The MAT enzymes are codified by two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A. MAT1A encodes for MAT Iand MAT III enzymes, and MAT2A codifies for MAT II. MAT1A is expressed in the adult and differentiatedliver, whereas MAT2A is expressed in fetal and proliferating liver. During liver development, there is a switchfrom MAT2A to MAT1A expression, and during liver de-differentiation, proliferation and malignanttransformation, MAT1A levels decrease together with an increase of MAT2A levels. This regulation of MAT1Aand MAT2A expression is related with promoter methylation and histone acetylation.On the other hand, the SAMe catabolizing enzyme GNMT, is present in large amounts in the liver, andhighly reduced in liver and prostate tumors. Individuals with GNMT mutations spontaneously develop liverdisease. GNMT enzyme regulates the SAMe to SAH ratio, which is considered the index of thetransmethylation potential of the cell. The impairment of this ratio can result into aberrant methylation patterns.In order to study the implications of the impairment of SAMe regulation in the liver, two knockout modelswere developed, MAT1A-KO and GNMT-KO, characterized by chronic deficiency and excess of SAMe levels,respectively. The MAT1A-KO mice present oxidative stress, and develop steatosis and NASH at 8 month, andHCC. The GNMT-KO mice develop steatosis, fibrosis and finally HCC. The observations that both low andhigh SAMe levels lead to similar pathology highlight the importance of the SAMe homeostasis.The regulation of SAMe levels involves MAT1A and MAT2A mRNA expression regulation. The regulationof their expression based on the promoter methylation and histone acetylation does not completely explain thechanges between MAT1A and MAT2A. In addition, methionine conversion into SAMe regulates MAT2AmRNA turnover.The main objective of this study is to identify new mechanisms implicated in the hepatocyte proliferation,differentiation and dedifferentiation, liver regeneration and malignant transformation, in relation with SAMe.We hypothesize that there is a post-transcriptional regulation of MAT1A and MAT2A mRNAs that involveRBPs, which bind to mRNAs stabilizing or destabilizing them. Our data indicate that the RBP HuR binds toMAT2A mRNA stabilizing it, and the RBP AUF1 binds to and destabilizes MAT1A mRNA. Importantly, SAMemethylates HuR promoting MAT2A mRNA destabilization or inhibition of the translation. The levels of methyl-HuR/HuR and AUF1 vary during liver development, hepatocyte de-differentiation and malignant34 RESUMEN/SUMMARYtransformation, thus regulating the levels of MAT2A and MAT1A mRNAs. The knockout mouse model GNMTKO,with chronically elevated SAMe levels, also presents an impairment in MAT2A mRNA regulation bymethyl-HuR/HuR.As the GNMT-KO mice presents dysregulation of MAT2A and is characterized by high SAMe levels, westudied its regenerative response after partial hepatectomy (PH). We found that GNMT-KO mice present highmortality after PH, together with the inhibition of the LKB1/AMPK/eNOS pathway and the translocation of HuRto the cytoplasm, processes fundamental for the normal liver proliferation and regeneration. In addition, theblockade of AMPK phosphorylation promotes NF¿B basal activation and lack of TNF¿-induced NF¿Bactivation and iNOS expression after PH. All these results show the impairment in the liver regeneration of theGNMT-KO mice.The RBP HuR appears, according with our results, as fundamental in the hepatocyte proliferation, liverdifferentiation and malignant transformation processes. The regulation of its function is related with HuRsubcellular localization, phosphorylation, methylation and protein abundance. In particular, HuR abundance isregulated by ubiquitination, but the mechanisms leading to HuR stability are not known. We studied theregulation of HuR protein stability in HCC and colon cancer, and we found that HuR is stabilized byNEDDylation. By studying HuR abundance in HCC and colon cancer cell lines, and in human HCC andmetastatic colon cancer samples, we conclude that Mdm2 NEDDylates HuR in the cytosol, promoting itsnuclear localization and protecting it from the proteasomal degradation. The mutational analysis of HuRprotein allowed us to map the lysines involved in this post-translational modification.In conclusion, our results uncover a new regulatory post-transcriptional mechanism for MAT1A andMAT2A, highlighting the importance of SAMe homeostasis in the proliferation, differentiation and malignanttransformation of the liver. In addition, the finding of a new mechanism for the regulation of HuR abundance inHCC and colon cancer through Mdm2-mediated NEDDylation opens a new field in the treatment of thesemalignancies.Esta tesis doctoral ha sido realizada gracias al disfrute de una beca Predoctoral de Formación en Investigación en Salud (PFIS) del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Orden SCO/523/2008) durante el periodo 2008-2012. El trabajo experimental ha sido financiado por los siguentes proyectos: NIH grants: AT-1576 y AT004896; Plan Nacional de I+D: SAF 2005-00855 and SAF 2008-04800; HEPADIP-EULSHM-CT-205; ETORTEK 2008, 2009 and 2011; Fundación “La Caixa”; CIBERehd del fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Sanidad del Gobierno Vasco 2009; Educación del Gobierno Vasco 2011; FIS PI11/01588

    La prensa como vehículo de la historia del eucalipto en Galicia

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    The debate around Eucalyptus in Galicia has a long way behind it. The discussion about it’s cultive’s convenience has never really ceased, and galician media are, in good part, responsible for the debate’s continous existance.Es largo el recorrido de la polémica en torno al Eucalipto en Galicia. La diatriba sobre la conveniencia de su cultivo nunca ha cesado realmente, y los medios de comunicación locales son en buena medida responsable de mantener el litigio público abierto

    La prensa como vehículo de la historia del eucalipto en Galicia

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    Es largo el recorrido de la polémica en torno al Eucalipto en Galicia. La diatriba sobre la conveniencia de su cultivo nunca ha cesado realmente, y los medios de comunicación locales son en buena medida responsable de mantener el litigio público abierto

    A Combined Systematic-Stochastic Algorithm for the Conformational Search in Flexible Acyclic Molecules

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    We propose an algorithm that is a combination of systematic variation of the torsions and Monte Carlo (or stochastic) search. It starts with a trial geometry in internal coordinates and with a set of preconditioned torsional angles, i.e., torsional angles at which minima are expected according to the chemical knowledge. Firstly, the optimization of those preconditioned geometries is carried out at a low electronic structure level, generating an initial set of conformers. Secondly, random points in the torsional space are generated outside the “area of influence” of the previously optimized minima (i.e., outside a hypercube about each minima). These random points are used to build the trial structure, which is optimized by an electronic structure software. The optimized structure may correspond to a new conformer (which would be stored) or to an already existing one. Initial torsional angles (and also final ones if a new conformer is found) are stored to prevent visiting the same region of the torsional space twice. The stochastic search can be repeated as many times as desired. Finally, the low-level geometries are recovered and used as the starting point for the high-level optimizations. The algorithm has been employed in the calculation of multi-structural quasi harmonic and multi-structural torsional anharmonic partition functions for a series of alcohols ranging from n-propanol to n-heptanol. It was also tested for the amino acid L-serineFinancial support from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Axuda para Consolidación e Estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas do Sistema Universitario de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia ED431C 2017/17 & Centro singular de investigación de Galicia acreditación 2016-2019, ED431G/09) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is gratefully acknowledgedS

    New computational tools for chemical kinetics: the Cathedral Package

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    The advent of recent technological developments in software engineering has enabled the exploration of reaction mechanisms inside intricate reaction networks, thereby propelling the beginning of a new era in ab initio kinetics. While it is feasible to consider a substantial number of reactions, determining their rate constants with precision remains an arduous task, even for gas-phase processes. The difficulties are attributed not only to the inherent limitations in the calculation methodology but also to the manual labor and extensive chemical dynamics required, rendering these calculations inaccessible to the general public. As such, there is a pressing need for the development of automated codes and user-friendly interfaces to address this limitation. The present work focuses on the introduction of the Cathedral package, a unified computational code comprising the Q2DTor, TorsiFlex, and Pilgrim programs. This package serves to bridge the gap between theoretical studies in chemical kinetics and non-specialist users, making it more accessible and user-friendlyThe authors thank “Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia” (CESGA) for the use of their computational facilities. This work was partially supported by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia acreditación 2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03 and Grupo de referencia competitiva ED431C 2021/40) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through Grant PID2019-107307RB-I00. D.F.-C. thanks Xunta de Galicia for fnancial support through a postdoctoral grantS

    Estimating the one-repetition maximum on the leg-press exercise in female breast cancer survivors

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    We examined the accuracy of twelve different velocity-based methods for predicting the bilateral leg-press exercise one-repetition maximum (1RM) in breast cancer survivors. Twenty-one female breast cancer survivors (age 50.2 ± 10.8 years) performed an incremental loading test up to the 1RM. Individual load-velocity relationships were modeled by linear and quadratic polynomial regression models considering the mean velocity (MV) and peak velocity (PV) values recorded at five incremental loads (~45-55-65-75-85% of 1RM) (multiple-point methods) and by a linear regression model considering only the two distant loads (~45–85% of 1RM) (two-point method). The 1RM was always estimated through these load-velocity relationships as the load associated with a general (MV: 0.24 m/s; PV: 0.60 m/s) and an individual (MV and PV of the 1RM trial) minimal velocity threshold (MVT). Compared to the actual 1RM, the 1RMs estimated by all linear regression models showed trivial differences (Hedge’s g ranged from 0.08 to 0.17), very large to nearly perfect correlations (r ranged from 0.87 to 0.95), and no heteroscedasticity of the errors (coefficient of determination (r2) < 0.10 obtained from the relationship of the raw differences between the actual and predicted 1RMs with their average value). Given the acceptable and comparable accuracy for all 1RM linear prediction methods, the two-point method and a general MVT could be recommended to simplify the testing procedure of the bilateral leg-press 1RM in breast cancer survivorsPatronato Municipal de Deportes, Ayuntamiento de Almería, University of Almería: TRFE-SI-2019/004, TRFE-SI-2022/010University of Almería: TRFE-BT-2019/002Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain: FPU19/04608 and FPU20/05746Sede Provincial de Almería de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and the AECC Scientific Foundation: PRDAM222381EST

    Development of advanced software for control and monitoring of potenciometric titrations

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    [Resumen]: Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado recoge el desarrollo de un programa que permite la realización de una valoración potenciométrica de forma automática y desatendida. Dicho desarrollo se llevará a cabo dentro del entorno de programación LabView® de National Instruments. El programa consta de tres partes diferenciadas: la selección del modo de adición de volumen de disolución valorante, la selección del método de lectura del potencial, y el almacenaje y presentación en pantalla de los datos experimentales. Los resultados experimentales se analizarán mediante dos métodos matemáticos: optimización multiparamétrica mediante el algoritmo Levenberg-Marquardt y el método de aproximación de Gran.[Abstract]: The main goal of this End-of-Degree Project is the development of an automatic control program for potentiometric titrations, so they could be carried out unattended. It will be developed under the National Instruments LabView® programming environment. The program structure consists of three different parts: the selection of the volume adding mode of titrant solution, the selection of the potential reading method, and the screen plot and saving of the experimental data. The experimental results will be analyzed using two mathematical tools: multiparametric optimization using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Gran approach method.[Resumo]: Este Traballo de Fin de Grao vai dirixido ao desenvolvemento dun programa que permita realizar unha valoración potenciométrica de xeito automático e desatendido. O desenvolvemento levarase a cabo dentro do entorno de programación LabView® de National Instruments. O programa consta de tres partes diferenciadas: a selección do modo de engadir volume de disolución valorante, a selección do método de lectura do potencial e o almacenamento e presentación en pantalla dos datos experimentais. Os resultados experimentais serán analizados empregando dous métodos matemáticos: a optimización multiparamétrica mediante o algoritmo Levenberg-Marquardt e o método aproximado de Gran.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2018/201

    Second order SUSY transformations with `complex energies'

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    Second order supersymmetry transformations which involve a pair of complex conjugate factorization energies and lead to real non-singular potentials are analyzed. The generation of complex potentials with real spectra is also studied. The theory is applied to the free particle, one-soliton well and one-dimensional harmonic oscillator.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted on 23 August 2002 to Phys. Lett.

    The influence of cultural identity on the WTP to protect natural resources: some empirical evidence

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    This paper shows that cultural identity may have considerable influence on the WTP to protect natural resources. The Basque Country, the region with the highest ethnic homogeneity in Europe, serves as an example to illustrate how important this issue can be in the environmental valuation of natural resources. The rationale for this influence may be found in the deep roots of the Basque culture, a culture where amalurra (mother Earth), i.e. the natural environment, has a central role, as studies from diverse disciplines such as anthropology, psychology and political science have shown. Simulated full distribution of the WTP to protect a Basque natural area using a random parameter logit model reveals that mean marginal WTP to protect its environmental attributes is approximately 60% higher if the cultural identity of the respondent is Basque. To our knowledge, this is the first application to show the influence of cultural identity on the WTP to protect natural resources. Our findings have some methodological and policy implications. On the one hand, failure to take into account cultural identitary issues could result in significantly biased results in benefit transfer applications. On the other hand, policies aimed at conservation natural resources should consider the cultural context in which they will be implemented.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Department of Environment of the Basque Government and from the Department of Education of the Basque Government through grant IT-334-07 (UPV/EHU Econometrics Research Group)

    The levels of the RNA binding protein Hu antigen R determine the druggability of the neddylation pathway in liver cancer

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common liver cancer, is an important leading cause of death worldwide. Neddylation is a post-translational modification involved in several processes such as cell growth, viability and development. Importantly, the neddylation pathway is upregulated in liver cancer and specifically enriched in patients with poor prognosis. Hu antigen R (HuR), is a RNA-binding protein that stabilizes target mRNAs involved in hepatocyte proliferation, differentiation and malignant transformation. And notably, HuR levels are highly representative in liver and colon cancer. A ground-breaking knowledge about HCC has been to identify that neddylation plays a role in HCC by regulating the liver oncogenic driver HuR. In addition, the neddylation inhibitor MLN4924 has shown antitumoral effects in vitro and in vivo in liver cancer, partly through HuR destabilization. Importantly, high levels of HuR made hepatoma cells more resistant to neddylation inhibition while low levels of HuR sensitized cells to the treatment, suggesting that the levels of HuR determine the druggability of the neddylation pathway in HCC. Overall, our findings highlight the impact that neddylation plays in liver cancer and open a completely new area of research, paving the way for novel therapeutical approaches