28 research outputs found

    A nationwide study of chronic pain prevalence in the general Spanish population, identifying clinical subgroups through cluster analysis.

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    Objective. This study aims to assess the prevalence of chronic pain, its characteristics, and its impact on the general Spanish population. Also, to establish chronic pain patient subgroups according to the characteristics of pain and to identify variables specifically associated with each subgroup. Design. Telephone-based, cross-sectional nationwide study. Subjects. A sample of 1,957 individuals representative of the Spanish population. Methods. Data were collected through telephone interviews. A subject was considered to have chronic pain if they had suffered pain (at least 4 days a week) during the last 3 months. The subjects were divided into two subgroups through a cluster analysis, and a regression model was established to determine the variables most specifically associated with these subgroups. Results. The prevalence of chronic pain was 16.6% (95% confidence interval: 14.9–18.3) and among these subjects, more than 50% referred to limitations in their daily activities, 30% felt sad and/or anxious, and 47.2% indicated that their pain was affecting their family life. Two subgroups of subjects with pain were identified: 1) characterized by generalized pain in more than one location and of a long evolution (150 months); and 2) characterized by pain localized to only one site with a shorter duration (100 months). Individuals who felt anxious because of their pain and those who considered that their pain was affecting their family were more likely to belong to group 1. Conclusions. Pain affects an important proportion of the Spanish adult population and that it has a strong personal impact. Two pain groups were clearly distinguished by their clinical characteristics

    The time lag between deformation process and seismic activity in El Hierro Island during the eruptive process (2011-2014): a functional phased approach

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    On 10 October 2011, a submarine eruption occurred in El Hierro island. Thus, the eruptive process in the Canary islands was reactivated after 40 years of inactivity. The main objective of this work is to evaluate, using Functional Data Analysis, how the surface deformation phenomenon explains the seismic-volcanic activity in the island. The GNSS-GPS data are from the FRON (GRAFCAN) station, located in Frontera. These data measure, each 4 h, the distance between the FRON station and the reference station LPAL (La Palma island) from August, 2010 to December, 2013. In this study a functional correlation measure is employed to establish the relation between the deformation curve and the curve of cumulative energy released. The period of time analysed has been divided into four phases to avoid the mix of phenomena. For each phase, the correlation measure and the time lag between deformation curve and the curve of cumulative energy released have been estimated. These values show a strong relation between these curves. With respect to time lag period, the only significant lag, of about 1 month, occurred in Phase 1, which was after a long period without seismic activity. The later phases had very short, insignificant, lags. After a long period without seismic and volcanic activity in El Hierro island, the time lag between the deformation process and the beginning of the seismic activity takes approximately 1 month. In a similar situation a method to predict in real time the beginning of the seismic activity is proposed. This method, based on the changes produced in the derivative curves when there is a rapid descent in the deformation curve, could activate a warning system approximately 13 days before the beginning of seismicity

    Simple Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations (WGEE) in longitudinal studies with dropouts: guidelines and implementation in R.

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    Missing data are a common problem in clinical and epidemiological research, especially in longitudinal studies. Despite many methodological advances in recent decades, many papers on clinical trials and epidemiological studies do not report using principled statistical methods to accommodate missing data or use ineffective or in appropriate techniques. Two refined techniques are presented here: generalized estimating equations (GEEs) and weighted generalized estimating equations (WGEEs). These techniques are an extension of generalized linear models to longitudinal or clustered data, where observations are no longer independent. They can appro priately handle missing data when the missingness is completely at random (GEE and WGEE) or at random (WGEE) and do not require the outcome to be normally distributed. Our aim is to describe and illustrate with a real example, in a simple and accessible way to researchers, these techniques for handling missing data in the context of longitudinal studies subject to dropout and show how to implement them in R. We apply them to assess the evolution of health-related quality of life in coronary patients in a data set subject to dropout

    Analysis of a GPS network based on Functional Data Analysis

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    This work demonstrates the usefulness of approaching the dynamic study of the precise positioning of a network of GPS (Global Positioning Sys- tem) permanent stations through the Functional Data Analysis (FDA). The displacement data for each GPS station, obtained from observations of Global Navigation Satellite System, are a discrete sample of the positioning curve. The aim of this work is the reconstruction of the original functions in order to use it as functional data. In the methodology presented in this work, the geodetic series are obtained first by processing the GPS data with respect to a reference station. Second, for each station, a cleaning process is applied to eliminate the values considered as outliers and the missing values are imputed by using Kalman filter. Finally, the original functions are reconstructed by using smoothing techniques and by evaluating several bases of functions. Moreover, these funcions are treated with statistical techniques for functional data. This procedure is applied to the permanent stations of SPINA network (South of the Iberian Peninsula and North of Africa). We analyze the topocen- tric series: East, North and Up. In the analysis of the positioning curves it is observed a synchronized behaviour of the functions in the periods of time with an important seismic activity. This behaviour also appears in the analysis of the second principal component of East and Up dimensions. Furthermore, the first two principal components of East coordinate enable us to make a classifi- cation of the stations in SPINA network. The classification made is consistent with the previous knowledge of the tectonic plates in the studied area

    Estadística Básica con R y R-Commander

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    Los objetivos docentes se centran en introducir a los alumnos en los conceptos básicos de la Estadística Descriptiva y la Inferencia y en la resolución, a través del software estadístico R, de problemas de análisis de datos y cálculo de probabilidades. En concreto nos centramos en análisis exploratorio de una y dos variables, distribuciones de probabilidades, inferencia en una y dos poblaciones y análisis de la varianza unifactorialUniversidad de Cádi

    El techo de cristal en las pequeñas y medianas empresas

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    A pesar de los cambios sociales y políticos que se han llevado a cabo en las últimas décadas en el ámbito laboral, continúa siendo patente la escasa participación de las mujeres en los puestos de trabajo directivos. Con la finalidad de contribuir al principio de igualdad de oportunidades en el acceso de las mujeres al poder, en el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis del Techo de Cristal en las pequeñas y medianas empresas a partir de una muestra de 816 PYMEs de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, pertenecientes a diferentes sectores de actividad, en el que se pone de manifiesto que la cultura predominante en el ámbito laboral continúa provocando una clara segregación de género vertical.     ABSTRACT  In spite of social and political changes throughout in the last decades, it’s still evident the low presence of women in managerial positions. In the pursuit of contribute with the equal opportunities principle, this paper analyzes the glass ceiling in 816 SMEs of different activity areas from Andalusia. It shows that the ruling culture of labor market is still causing clear vertical gender segregation. &nbsp

    Marco activo de recursos de innovación docente: Madrid

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    Una guía de espacios e instituciones para actividades educativas complementarias en enseñanza secundaria y Formación Profesional

    Renta total social y capital georreferenciados de los ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía

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    En esta investigación se presenta en primer lugar la metodología aplicada en RECAMAN, que incluye el sistema de cuentas agroforestales simplificado (se omiten las actividades animales y agrícolas), el método de valor de cambio simulado y los métodos de valoración empleados para cada una de las actividades consideradas. El sistema de contabilidad de los ecosistemas presentado amplía el concepto de proceso productivo manufacturado admitido por el actual sistema de cuentas nacionales, al incorporar los procesos productivos naturales de las actividades públicas y las ganancias de capital. El objetivo es medir la renta total social, la renta ambiental y los capitales sociales privados y públicos. La renta ambiental se obtiene residualmente y representa la contribución de los servicios del ecosistema que se producen sin la intervención humana a su renta total social. Los valores comerciales se estiman directamente del mercado. Para las actividades actualmente fuera del mercado se aplican métodos de valoración ambiental para estimar las demandas de bienes y servicios no comerciales. Utilizando esta información y los costes implicados se utiliza el método del valor de cambio simulado para estimar los valores que se intercambiarían si el bien o servicio estuviera comercializado. Esto permite integrar estos valores de servicios y productos no comerciales de manera consistente en las cuentas con valores comerciales. Los resultados se muestran en forma de tablas, gráficos y mapas, al encontrarse todos los valores georreferenciados. Se obtienen valores para el conjunto de Andalucía, para las ocho provincias y para las vegetaciones principales. Los resultados muestran que el capital en los ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía es principalmente ambiental, siendo el servicio ambiental privado el componente principal, seguido de los servicios recreativos públicos. Respecto a la renta total, las actividades ambientales siguen siendo las que más contribuyen, en especial los servicios ambientales privados, el carbono y el agua forestal, aunque hay que resaltar la importancia de la renta total generada por la actividad forestal, especialmente por la mano de obra ligada a esta actividad. Las metodologías de valoración de las rentas de los activos individuales y las aplicaciones experimentales a escala regional en cerca de 4,4 millones de hectáreas de ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía representan una novedad entre las publicaciones que están apareciendo sobre la valoración de los servicios de los ecosistemas en la literatura internacional especializada. El contenido de esta investigación sigue una presentación de resultados a escala de Andalucía y por especies forestales principales individuales y agregadas por formaciones vegetales. Los resultados se presentan por cuentas privadas, públicas (del gobierno) y sociales. El análisis del texto se centra en los resultados sociales. Se presentan los resultados de renta ambiental por vegetaciones clasificada en servicios de suministro de materias primas (madera, corcho, leña, frutos industriales, pastos y bellotas, agua y setas), regulación (carbono, paisaje y biodiversidad amenazada) y culturales (residenciales, caza, autoconsumo ambiental, y recreativo público).Peer reviewe

    Un problema de localización max-min con restricciones

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    En nuestro trabajo, tratamos el problema de localización de un centro peligroso en un polígono convexo, S -aunuqe en la Segunda parte del Capítulo II consideramos un caso en el que sólo exigimos a S que sea múltiplemente conexo- dentro de una región dond