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    El Bronce Antiguo en el oriente de la submeseta norte

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Prehistoria, leída el 15-03-2011Los datos procedentes de las excavaciones de los yacimientos sorianos de El Parpantique en la localidad de Balluncar y el de Los Torojones en Morcuera, contrastados con otros en el del Alto Duero, y el análisis de la distribución de los yacimientos a partir de un amplio catálogo elaborado con trabajos de prospección superficial, permiten definir un nuevo grupo de poblados que se encuadran en el transito del III al II milenio AC, en una fase intermedia entre los hallazgos calcolíticos-campaniforme y los del Bronce Medio o Proto-Cogotas. Se trata de poblados de pequeño tamaño, constituidos por unas pocas cabañas de planta rectangular, algunas compartimentadas, levantadas con entramado vegetal y recubiertas con manteados de barro. En la mayoría de estos sitios se han localizado silos de almacenaje de diverso tamaño, excavados en el terreno, probablemente revocados. Su distribución es siempre agrupada y diferente a la de las cabañas, lo que confirma una actividad planificadora previa a la construcción de estos poblados. De los materiales asociados se deduce la actividad agrícola y ganadera de estas gentes. Los análisis palinológicos y antracológicos permiten reconstruir en el entorno de estos hábitats paisajes mixtos de secuencia vertical. En los dominios intermedios alternarían espacios abiertos, deforestados, probablemente para el cultivo de ciertos cereales, algunas leguminosas y plantas forrajeras que cultivadas o recolectadas constituirían la base de su alimentación y la de la cabaña ganadera que debió asociarse, pero de la que no existen restos directos. Estas y otras evidencias posibilitan argumentar que se trata de poblaciones estables que explotan un territorio próximo al poblado con una economía autárquica. Hay evidencias directas de alfarería, de uso del telar, de producción de quesos, de siega y de trabajo de la piedra, e indirectas de metalurgia. En suma se concluye en la existencia en el Alto Duero y en el transito del III al II milenio AC, de un grupo con personalidad propia y cuyas características le aleja de las interpretaciones tradicionales que suponían que, en este momento inicial de la Edad del Bronce, los grupos humanos que ocuparían el interior peninsular constituirían comunidades nucleares con una actividad agrícola itinerante, de tala y roza. Por el contrario, el registro parece encajar mejor con el modelo que se atribuye al estadio inicial de una comunidad campesina de estructura segmentaria, al modo que se ha propuesto para la zona de la campiña madrileña para ocupaciones cronológicamente anteriores. The information from the excavations of the sites of The Parpantique in the town of Balluncar and Los Torojones in Morcuera, along with other Alto Douro, and analysis of the distribution of similar sites -identified from surface prospecting- to define a new group of villages that fall in traffic from Third to the Second millennium BC, at an intermediate stage between the findings Calcolithic-Bell Beakers and Middle Bronze Age or Proto-Cogotas. These settlements are small, consisting of a few rectangular huts, some on them compartmentalized. Made with vegetable framework and covered with mud. In most of these sites have been identified storage pits different sizes, dug into the ground. Their distribution is clustered and always different from the huts, thus confirming a planning activity prior to construction of these early villages. For localized artifacts follows agricultural and cattle activity. Palynological analysis and anthracological make possible to reconstruct these habitats with mixed landscapes vertical sequence. In the intermediate domains alternated open spaces, deforested, probably for growing certain grains, some legumes and forage crops cultivated or collected form the basis of their food and the livestock that should be associated, but of which no remains direct. These and other evidence, make possible to argue that stable populations exploiting a territory next to the village with a self-sufficient economy. There is direct evidence of pottery activity, use the loom, cheese production, mowing and stonework, and indirect metallurgy. We conclude on the existence, in the Upper Douro and step from Third to the Second Millennium BC, a group with own personality and whose characteristics away from traditional interpretations, which assumed that, in this early stage of the Bronze Age, human groups that occupy the peninsular nuclear communities constitute an itinerant farming, logging and slash or swidden system. On the contrary, the record seems to correspond to a model that is attributed to the initial stage of a peasant community segmental structure, the way that has been proposed for the area of the countryside Madrid to slightly above occupations chronologicallyDepto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu

    El Bronce Antiguo en el oriente de la submeseta norte

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    Los datos procedentes de las excavaciones de los yacimientos sorianos de El Parpantique en la localidad de Balluncar y el de Los Torojones en Morcuera, contrastados con otros en el del Alto Duero, y el análisis de la distribución de los yacimientos a partir de un amplio catálogo elaborado con trabajos de prospección superficial, permiten definir un nuevo grupo de poblados que se encuadran en el transito del III al II milenio AC, en una fase intermedia entre los hallazgos calcolíticos-campaniforme y los del Bronce Medio o Proto-Cogotas. Se trata de poblados de pequeño tamaño, constituidos por unas pocas cabañas de planta rectangular, algunas compartimentadas, levantadas con entramado vegetal y recubiertas con manteados de barro. En la mayoría de estos sitios se han localizado silos de almacenaje de diverso tamaño, excavados en el terreno, probablemente revocados. Su distribución es siempre agrupada y diferente a la de las cabañas, lo que confirma una actividad planificadora previa a la construcción de estos poblados. De los materiales asociados se deduce la actividad agrícola y ganadera de estas gentes. Los análisis palinológicos y antracológicos permiten reconstruir en el entorno de estos hábitats paisajes mixtos de secuencia vertical. En los dominios intermedios alternarían espacios abiertos, deforestados, probablemente para el cultivo de ciertos cereales, algunas leguminosas y plantas forrajeras que cultivadas o recolectadas constituirían la base de su alimentación y la de la cabaña ganadera que debió asociarse, pero de la que no existen restos directos. Estas y otras evidencias posibilitan argumentar que se trata de poblaciones estables que explotan un territorio próximo al poblado con una economía autárquica. Hay evidencias directas de alfarería, de uso del telar, de producción de quesos, de siega y de trabajo de la piedra, e indirectas de metalurgia. En suma se concluye en la existencia en el Alto Duero y en el transito del III al II milenio AC, de un grupo con personalidad propia y cuyas características le aleja de las interpretaciones tradicionales que suponían que, en este momento inicial de la Edad del Bronce, los grupos humanos que ocuparían el interior peninsular constituirían comunidades nucleares con una actividad agrícola itinerante, de tala y roza. Por el contrario, el registro parece encajar mejor con el modelo que se atribuye al estadio inicial de una comunidad campesina de estructura segmentaria, al modo que se ha propuesto para la zona de la campiña madrileña para ocupaciones cronológicamente anteriores. The information from the excavations of the sites of The Parpantique in the town of Balluncar and Los Torojones in Morcuera, along with other Alto Douro, and analysis of the distribution of similar sites -identified from surface prospecting- to define a new group of villages that fall in traffic from Third to the Second millennium BC, at an intermediate stage between the findings Calcolithic-Bell Beakers and Middle Bronze Age or Proto-Cogotas. These settlements are small, consisting of a few rectangular huts, some on them compartmentalized. Made with vegetable framework and covered with mud. In most of these sites have been identified storage pits different sizes, dug into the ground. Their distribution is clustered and always different from the huts, thus confirming a planning activity prior to construction of these early villages. For localized artifacts follows agricultural and cattle activity. Palynological analysis and anthracological make possible to reconstruct these habitats with mixed landscapes vertical sequence. In the intermediate domains alternated open spaces, deforested, probably for growing certain grains, some legumes and forage crops cultivated or collected form the basis of their food and the livestock that should be associated, but of which no remains direct. These and other evidence, make possible to argue that stable populations exploiting a territory next to the village with a self-sufficient economy. There is direct evidence of pottery activity, use the loom, cheese production, mowing and stonework, and indirect metallurgy. We conclude on the existence, in the Upper Douro and step from Third to the Second Millennium BC, a group with own personality and whose characteristics away from traditional interpretations, which assumed that, in this early stage of the Bronze Age, human groups that occupy the peninsular nuclear communities constitute an itinerant farming, logging and slash or swidden system. On the contrary, the record seems to correspond to a model that is attributed to the initial stage of a peasant community segmental structure, the way that has been proposed for the area of the countryside Madrid to slightly above occupations chronologicall

    Gestión docente de la creatividad en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) de Madrid: análisis de los procesos de generación, transmisión y absorción de conocimiento

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    El análisis de la metodología docente empleada en la ETSII se ha llevado a cabo con encuestas realizadas a profesores y alumnos del Centro. Las conclusiones de las encuestas apuntan a que hay un amplio campo de mejoras encaminadas a mejorar la transmisión de habilidades creativas a los futuros ingenieros. La aplicación de las TICs, potenciación del trabajo en equipo, mayor control de la calidad de la enseñanza impartida, desarrollo de grupos de investigación de las metodologías docentes, reducción del número de alumnos por clase y contratación de profesores con experiencia profesional, son aspectos a potenciar

    Arquitectura de barro. Reconstrucción gráfica del hábitat del inicio de la Edad del Bronce en el interior peninsular

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    [ES] La excavación de dos yacimientos de la Edad del Bronce en la provincia de Soria aporta datos sobre la estructura y urbanismo de los poblados en altura entre el II y III milenio AC, los primeros conocidos en la zona del Alto Duero.Los materiales constructivos encontrados informan sobre las soluciones arquitectónicas utilizadas. Su distribución y la de los ajuares domésticos permiten interpretar la organización de los poblados y la especialización de actividades en relación con los espacios de habitación.De tal forma, se cuenta con una completa información para reconstruir virtualmente estos poblados, ajustándose a las evidencias arqueológicas e integrándolos en un modelo digital del terreno.[EN] The results of the excavation of two archaeological sites from the Bronze Age in the province of Soria bring forward valuable information on the structure and town planning of the villages set up on high grounds in the second and third millennium BC, which are the oldest villages known in the upper area Duero river.The building materials found on the sites tell us on the architectural solutions used in those villages. Their distribution, as well as the outlay of the household objects allow for an interpretation of the organization of the villages and the specialization of activities in relation to the different rooms.In this way, one is provided with relevant information for a virtual reconstruction of these villages, complying with archaeological findings and integrating them into a digital model of the area.Fernández Moreno, JJ.; Almeida Olmedo, JR. (2011). Arquitectura de barro. Reconstrucción gráfica del hábitat del inicio de la Edad del Bronce en el interior peninsular. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):93-97. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4620OJS939723BELLIDO BLANCO, A, (1996): Los campos de hoyos. Inicio de la economía agrícola en la submeseta norte. Studia Archeologica, 85. Universidad de Valladolid.DÍAZ DEL RÍO ESPAÑOL, P. (2001): La formación del Paisaje Agrario: Madrid en el III y II milenios BC. Arqueología, Paleontología y Etnografía, Consejería de las Artes. Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid.GRAU MIRA, I. (Ed) (2006): La aplicación de los SIG en la arqueología del paisaje. Universidad de Alicante.HARRISON, R. J.; MORENO LÓPEZ, G. Y A. J. LEGGE (1994): Moncín: un poblado de la Edad del Bronce (Borja, Zaragoza), Colección Arqueología, 16, Diputación General de Aragón, Departamento de Educación y Cultura, Zaragoza.JIMENO, A. Y J. J. FERNÁNDEZ MORENO (1991): Los Tolmos de Caracena (Soria) Campañas de 1981 y 1982). Aportación al Bronce Medio de la Meseta. Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España, 161. Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid. (1992): El poblamiento desde el Neolítico a la Edad del Bronce constantes y cambios; 2º Symposium de Arqueología Soriana (octubre, 1989), Vol. I Col. Temas Sorianos, núm. 20; Diputación Provincial de Soria: 71-101.JIMENO, A.; FERNÁNDEZ MORENO, J. J. Y Mª L. REVILLA (1988): Asentamientos de la Edad del Bronce en la provincia de Soria: Consideraciones sobre los contextos culturales del Bronce Antiguo; Noticiario Arqueológico Hispanico, 30: 83-119.JIMENO, A.; MARTÍNEZ NARANJO, J. P; CHAÍN, A, Y H. ALGARRA (2007): Incendio en Numancia, una experimentación no pensada. Arqueología experimental en la Península Ibérica: investigación, didáctica y patrimonio / coord. Ramos Sáinz, M L.; González Urquijo, J. E., y J. Baena Preysler: 245- 253MALDONADO RAMOS, L. Y F. VELA COSSÍO (1988): De arquitectura y Arqueología, Ed. Munilla-Lería, 10, Madrid.RODRÍGUEZ MARCOS, J. A. Y A. L. PALOMINO LÁZARO (1997): Un asentamiento castreño del Bronce Antiguo en la cuenca del Duero: El Pico Romero en Santa Cruz de la Salceda (Burgos). II Congreso de Arqueología Peninsular, Zamora, del 24 al 27 de septiembre de 1996, Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques, Tomo II Neolítico, Calcolítico y Bronce: 579-590.SANZ ARAGONÉS, A., J.P. BENITO BATANERO Y C. TABERNERO GALÁN (2006) : Construcciones con cubierta vegetal en el sur de la provincia de Soria. Junta de Castilla y León.SIGAUT, F. (1979): La redécouverte des silos a grains en Europe Occidentale, 1708-1880, en Gast, M y F. Sigaut (Edits.): Les techniques de conservation des grains à long terme. Leur rôle dans la dynamique des systèmes de cultures et de sociétés, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris: 15-3

    Relación de pareja y sintomatología depresiva de la mujer: implicaciones clínicas desde una perspectiva de género

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación con una muestra de mujeres casadas y con hijos (un grupo control y un grupo de pacientes depresivas). Se evaluó en ambos grupos y en la muestra global la asociación entre la intimidad y distintos aspectos del poder en la pareja, por un lado, con el nivel de satisfacción marital y el nivel de sintomatología depresiva, teniendo en cuenta también la influencia de otras variables psicosociales habitualmente vinculadas a la depresión. Los resultados muestran la relevancia del grado de intimidad y de todos los aspectos referentes al poder en la relación (recursos educativos y laborales, estrategias de comunicación, reparto de tareas y decisiones y grado de equidad o igualdad) a la hora de explicar las vivencias depresivas de las mujeres. Finalmente se exponen las implicaciones clínicas de estos resultados para el trabajo psicoterapéutico con mujeres o con parejas.This article presents a research conducted with a Spanish sample of married women with children (divided into a community group and a clinical group of depressed patients). The goal of the research was to evaluate in the global sample and in both groups the association between marital intimacy and several aspects of marital power, on one hand, with the level of marital adjustment and depressive symptomatology. Several psychosocial variables usually associated with depressive symptomatology were also assessed. The results establish a strong and significant association between the level of intimacy and the different aspects of marital power (educational and economic resources, communication strategies, the division of tasks and decision making, and the degree of equity and equality) with the depressive symptomatology of women. Clinical implications for individual or couples psychotherapy are drawn from these results

    Adsorptive and surface characterization of Mediterranean agrifood processingwastes: prospection for pesticide removal

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    The sustainable management of biomass is a key global challenge that demands compliance with fundamental requirements of social and environmental responsibility and economic effectiveness. Strategies for the valorization of waste biomass from agrifood industries must be in line with sustainable technological management and eco-industrial approaches. The efficient bioremoval of the pesticides imazalil and thiabendazole from aqueous effluents using waste biomass from typically Mediterranean agrifood industries (citrus waste, artichoke agrowaste and olive mill residue) revealed that these residues may be transformed into cost-effective biosorbents. Agrifood wastes present irregular surfaces, many different sized pores and active functional groups on their surface, and they are abundant in nature. The surface and adsorptive properties of olive mill residue, artichoke agrowaste and citrus waste were characterized with respect to elemental composition, microstructure, crystallinity, pore size, presence of active functional groups, thermal stability, and point of zero charge. Olive mill residue showed the highest values of surface area (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method), porosity, crystallinity index, and pH of zero point of charge. Olive mill residue showed the highest efficiency with sorption capacities of 9 mg·g−1 for imazalil and 8.6 mg·g−1 for thiabendazole.This research is part of the QUIMYTEC R&D group. The excellent technical assistance of M.J. Roca, V. Muñoz, L.A. Alcolea and M. Vázquez (Technical Research Support Service, UPCT) is greatly appreciated. This research was funded by the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT), grant number ACI B

    A Low-Cost Modular Platform for Heterogeneous Data Acquisition with Accurate Interchannel Synchronization

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    Most experimental fields of science and engineering require the use of data acquisition systems (DAQ), devices in charge of sampling and converting electrical signals into digital data and, typically, performing all of the required signal preconditioning. Since commercial DAQ systems are normally focused on specific types of sensors and actuators, systems engineers may need to employ mutually-incompatible hardware from different manufacturers in applications demanding heterogeneous inputs and outputs, such as small-signal analog inputs, differential quadrature rotatory encoders or variable current outputs. A common undesirable side effect of heterogeneous DAQ hardware is the lack of an accurate synchronization between samples captured by each device. To solve such a problem with low-cost hardware, we present a novel modular DAQ architecture comprising a base board and a set of interchangeable modules. Our main design goal is the ability to sample all sources at predictable, fixed sampling frequencies, with a reduced synchronization mismatch (<1 s) between heterogeneous signal sources. We present experiments in the field of mechanical engineering, illustrating vibration spectrum analyses from piezoelectric accelerometers and, as a novelty in these kinds of experiments, the spectrum of quadrature encoder signals. Part of the design and software will be publicly released online

    Impact of Early Nutrition, Physical Activity and Sleep on the Fetal Programming of Disease in the Pregnancy: A Narrative Review

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    Early programming is the adaptation process by which nutrition and environmental factors alter development pathways during prenatal growth, inducing changes in postnatal metabolism and diseases. The aim of this narrative review, is evaluating the current knowledge in the scientific literature on the e ects of nutrition, environmental factors, physical activity and sleep on development pathways. If in utero adaptations were incorrect, this would cause a mismatch between prenatal programming and adulthood. Adequate caloric intake, protein, mineral, vitamin, and long-chain fatty acids, have been noted for their relevance in the o spring brain functions and behavior. Fetus undernutrition/malnutrition causes a delay in growth and have detrimental e ects on the development and subsequent functioning of the organs. Pregnancy is a particularly vulnerable period for the development of food preferences and for modifications in the emotional response. Maternal obesity increases the risk of developing perinatal complications and delivery by cesarean section and has long-term implications in the development of metabolic diseases. Physical exercise during pregnancy contributes to overall improved health post-partum. It is also interesting to highlight the relevance of sleep problems during pregnancy, which influence adequate growth and fetal development. Taking into account these considerations, we conclude that nutrition and metabolic factors during early life play a key role of health promotion and public health nutrition programs worldwide to improve the health of the o spring and the health costs of hospitalization.University of Granad

    Adipose tissue homeostasis orchestrates the oxidative, energetic, metabolic and endocrine disruption induced by binge drinking in adolescent rats

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    Binge drinking (BD) is the most common alcohol consumption model for adolescents, and has recently been related to the generation of high oxidation and insulin resistance (IR). White adipose tissue (WAT) is a target organ for insulin action that regulates whole-body metabolism by secreting adipokines. The present study aimed to analyse the oxidative, inflammatory, energetic and endocrine profile in the WAT of BD-exposed adolescent rats, to obtain an integrative view of insulin secretion and WAT in IR progression. Two groups of male adolescent rats were used: control (n = 8) and BD (n = 8). An intermittent i.p. BD model (20% v/v) was used during 3 consecutive weeks. BD exposure led to a pancreatic oxidative imbalance, which was joint to high insulin secretion by augmenting deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT-1) pancreatic expression and serum adipsin levels. However, BD rats had hyperglycaemia and high homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance value (HOMA-IR). BD exposure in WAT increased lipid oxidation, as well as decreased insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and AKT expression, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1), forkhead box O3A (FOXO3a) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), and adipocyte size. BD also affected the expression of proteins related to energy balance, such as SIRT-1 and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), affecting the adipokine secretion profile (increasing resistin/adiponectin ratio). BD altered the entire serum lipid profile, increasing the concentration of free fatty acids. In conclusion, BD led to an oxidative imbalance and IR process in WAT, which modified the energy balance in this tissue, decreasing the WAT lipogenic/lipolytic ratio, affecting adipokine secretion and the systemic lipid profile, and contributing to the progression of IR. Therefore, WAT is key in the generation of metabolic and endocrine disruption after BD exposure during adolescence in rats.Andalusian Regional Government, which support the CTS-193 research group (2021/CTS-193; 2019/CTS-193)USE-22 212-V, Andalusian Regional Governmen

    Protective effects of fermented goat milk on genomic stability, oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in testis during anaemia recovery

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    Oxidative stress is a harmful factor for male reproductive function, and a major cause of infertility. On the other hand, fermented goat milk has positive effects on anemia recovery and mineral metabolism. This study evaluated the effect of feeding rats with fermented milks during anaemia recovery on molecular mechanisms linked to oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in rats reproductive system. Forty male Wistar rats were placed on a pre-experimental period of 40 days (control group, receiving normal-Fe diet and Fe-deficient group, receiving low-Fe diet). Lately, rats were fed with fermented goat or cow milk-based diets during 30 days. After feeding the fermented milks, Total antioxidant status (TAS) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), 15-F2t-isoprostanes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) decreased in testis. DNA oxidative damage in testis germ cells was lower with fermented goat milk. Fermented goat milk reduced IL-6 and TNF-α in control animals, increasing INF-γ in control and anaemic rats. NRF2 and PGC-1α protein levels increased in testis after fermented goat milk consumption in control and anaemic rats. Fermented goat milk also increased TAS and decreased oxidative damage, protecting the main testis cell bioconstituents (lipids, proteins, DNA, prostaglandins) from oxidative damage and reduced inflammatory activity, preventing injuries to testis germinal epithelium. Fermented goat milk enhanced lipolysis, fatty acids degradation and immune response, attenuating inflammatory signalling, representing a positive growth advantage for testicular cells.Jorge Moreno-Fernandez was supported by fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain) and is grateful to the Excellence Ph.D. Program “Nutrición y Ciencias de los Alimentos” from the University of Granada. This study was supported by Andalusian Government, Excellence Research Project No. P11-AGR-7648