126 research outputs found

    Implicación de la dieta en las habilidades relacionadas con la conducción de vehículos

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    El objetivo del estudio es observar si el mantenimiento de un correcto estatus nutricional con la ingesta de una dieta adecuada, es un factor de riesgo controlable y que debe ser tenido en cuenta a la hora de la prevención de los accidentes de tráfico. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo sobre 81 voluntarios, 36 mujeres y 45 hombres, con edades comprendidas entre los 21 y los 51 años. Todos en posesión del permiso de conducir. Cada voluntario ingirió a primera hora de la mañana de forma alternativa y al azar un preparado alimenticio rico en proteínas (TRAUMACAL) y otro compuesto rico en oligosacáridos (oligosacáridos-CM). A las tres horas de la ingesta se realizaron las pruebas psicotécnicas. Nuestros resultados nos permiten llegar a la siguiente conclusión: La ingesta de carbohidratos y de proteínas no parecen influir sobre las habilidades psicotécnicas para la correcta conducción

    Neuropsychology of perception and facial expression of emotions: studies with children and non human primates

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    Este estudio revisa diferentes investigaciones sobre la neuropsicología de la percepción y la expresión facial de emociones en niños y en primates no humanos. Se parte de las teorías neodarwinianas sobre el origen de la emoción, que presuponen la existencia de circuitos cerebrales específicos para la expresión y comprensión del afecto y consideran que estos comportamientos son innatos y filogenéticamente determinados . A partir de la literatura examinada, las conclusiones principales que pueden extraerse son las siguientes: (1) A lo largo del primer año de vida los niños manifiestan capacidades básicas para reconocer emociones. Entre otros correlatos neurobiológicos, se ha observado que este proceso se corresponde con una mayor actividad del hemisferio cerebral derecho, frente al izquierdo. (2) En primates no humanos, y desde distintas aproximaciones experimentales, se ha encontrado un patrón similar al de nuestra especie en tareas de reconocimiento y discriminación de expresiones faciales de emociones.(3) Los lactantes expresan emociones con acciones musculares similares a las descritas en adultos. La mayoría de los autores señalan que el hemisferio cerebral derecho muestra una mayor implicación que el izquierdo, también en el caso de la expresión emocional y para todas las emociones estudiadas. No obstante desde algunas investigaciones se concluye que el hemisferio izquierdo es el dominante en el caso de la expresión de emociones positivas y el hemisferio derecho sólo en las negativas. (4) Los estudios sobre expresión facial en primates no humanos indican que existe una asimetría facial que se manifiesta en una mayor intensidad de la expresión en la mitad izquierda de la cara y, de manera correspondiente, en una mayor implicación del hemisferio cerebral derecho. Se concluye esta revisión considerando que la existencia de semejanzas anatómicas y funcionales entre adultos, niños y primates no humanos justifica el interés por los estudios de ontogenia y filogenia para conocer mejor las bases neurobiológicas que subyacen a la conducta emocionalThis study reviews different researches on the neuropsychology of facial perception and expression of emotions in children and non-human primates. It parts from neodarwinian theories on the origin of the emotion that take into account the existence of specific cerebral circuits for the expression and understanding of affect, and consider such behaviours as innate and phylogenetically determined. From literature reviewed, the main conclusions that can be extracted are the following ones: (1) During the first year of life infants show basic abilities to recognize emotions. Among other neurobiological correlates, it has been observed that this process corresponds with a greater activity of the right hemisphere, as opposed to the left one. (2) From different experimental approaches, human and non-human primates show a similar pattern in the recognition and discrimination of facial expressions of emotions. (3) Infants express emotions with similar muscular actions to those described in adults. Most of the authors also point out a greater involvement of the right hemisphere than the left one, for all of the emotional expressions. However, some studies report that right hemisphere is dominant only for the negative expressions, while the left hemisphere is for the positive ones. (4) Studies on facial expression in human and non-human primates show an asymmetry in the production of emotional responses with a greater involvement of the left side of the face (right cerebral hemisphere). This review concludes that the existence of anatomical and functional similarities in non-human primates, children and adults justifies the interest by the ontogenetic and phylogenetic studies in order to understand the neurobiological bases underlying emotional behaviou

    Deciphering the Nature of Trp73 Isoforms in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Models: Generation of Isoform-Specific Deficient Cell Lines Using the CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue The Isoforms of the p53 Gene Family and Their Role in Cancer and Aging:Selection Papers from International p53/p63/p73 Isoforms Workshop[EN] The p53 family has been widely studied for its role in various physiological and pathological processes. Imbalance of p53 family proteins may contribute to developmental abnormalities and pathologies in humans. This family exerts its functions through a profusion of isoforms that are generated by different promoter usage and alternative splicing in a cell type dependent manner. In particular, the Trp73 gene gives rise to TA and DN-p73 isoforms that confer p73 a dual nature. The biological relevance of p73 does not only rely on its tumor suppression effects, but on its pivotal role in several developmental processes. Therefore, the generation of cellular models that allow the study of the individual isoforms in a physiological context is of great biomedical relevance. We generated specific TA and DN-p73-deficient mouse embryonic stem cell lines using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system and validated them as physiological bona fide p73-isoform knockout models. Global gene expression analysis revealed isoform-specific alterations of distinctive transcriptional networks. Elimination of TA or DN-p73 is compatible with pluripotency but prompts naïve pluripotent stem cell transition into the primed state, compromising adequate lineage differentiation, thus suggesting that differential expression of p73 isoforms acts as a rheostat during early cell fate determinationSIThis work was supported by Grants PID2019-105169RB-I00 from Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación cofinanced by FEDER funds (to M.C.M.) and LE021P17 from Junta de Castilla y Leon. L.L.-F. was a holder of a postdoctoral contract “Juan de de la Cierva-Incorporacion” from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. N.M.-G. and H.A.-O. are supported by a predoctoral scholarship from the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC). M.M.-L. was a recipient of a Torres Quevedo contract from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación at Biomar Microbial Technologies. Á.D.-M., J.V.-F. and L.M.-A. are funded by Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Influence of two dietary fibers in the oral bioavailability and other pharmacokinetic parameters of ethinyloestradiol

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    P. 253-257Dietary fibers are widely used in hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic, slimming diets. It is probable that their ingestion coincides with the oral administration of drugs and a modification of their pharmacokinetics can appear. In the present study, the influence of two soluble fibers (guar gum and psyllium) was evaluated on the pharmacokinetics of ethinyloestradiol (EE) when they were administered together to female rabbits via the oral route. Three groups of rabbits were used. All animals received 1 mg/kg of EE; this compound was administered alone in the control group and with 3.5 g of guar gum or psyllium in the other two groups. When guar gum was administered, there was a decrease in the extent of EE absorbed, but no change was observed in the rate of absorption. When psyllium was administered, the extent of EE absorbed increased slightly and the rate of absorption was slower.S

    Life cycle assessment of alternative processes to treat fly ash from waste incineration

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    Unsustainable consumption and production patterns, together with industrialization and population growth, have increased the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), causing several environmental problems. The European Waste Framework Directive (WFD) sets waste prevention, preparation for reuse and recycling as priority strategies. Nevertheless, still a great amount of MSW ends up in landfills and waste-to-energy (WtE) plants. WtE plants reduces waste volume and allows efficient recovery of energy, however, incineration results in various types of solid wastes, bottom, boiler and fly ashes (FA). Due to the concentration of dangerous substances, FA are treated by means of stabilisation/solidification (S/S), thermal treatments or combined treatments, to reduce their toxicity and to avoid negative impacts on the environment and human health. Among S/S alternatives, stabilisation with cement and carbonation are one of the most popular. To determine the environmental performance of these processes this paper conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA). The study evaluated FA stabilisation with cement and water and FA carbonation for 55 % and 100 % excess of CO2 in the flue gas at the outlet of the reactor, and pressures of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 bar. The results showed that the range of pressure between 3 and 4 bar, and 55 % excess of CO2 in the flue gas have an efficient performance. The comparison of FA carbonation and stabilization displayed that the latter has higher impacts than the alternative carbonation due mainly to the cement production and the reduction of lixiviation and CO2 capture in the ash

    Enhancing sucrose synthase activity results in increased levels of starch and ADP-glucose in maize (Zea mays L.) seed endosperms.

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    Póster presentado en el XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fisiologia Vegetal, celebrado en Lisboa del 24 al 28 de julio de 2013.Sucrose synthase (SuSy) is a highly regulated cytosolic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of sucrose and a nucleoside diphosphate into the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate glucose and fructose. In cereal endosperms, it is widely assumed that the stepwise reactions of SuSy, UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase and ADPglucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase (AGP) take place in the cytosol to convert sucrose into ADPG necessary for starch biosynthesis, although it has been also suggested that SuSy may participate in the direct conversion of sucrose into ADPG. In this study, the levels of the major primary carbon metabolites, and the activities of starch metabolism related enzymes were assessed in endosperms of transgenic maize plants ectopically expressing StSUS4 , which encodes a potato SuSy isoform. A total of 29 fertile lines transformed with StSUS4 were obtained, 5 of them containing a single copy of the transgene that was still functional after five generations. The number of seeds per ear of the 5 transgenic lines containing a single StSUS4 copy was comparable to that of wild type (WT) control seeds. However, transgenic seeds accumulated 10-15% more starch at the mature stage, and contained a higher amylose/amylopectin balance than WT seeds. Endosperms of developing StSUS4-expressing seeds exhibited a significant increase in SuSy activity, and in starch and ADPG contents when compared with WT endosperms. No significant changes could be detected in the transgenic seeds in soluble sugars content, and in activities of starch metabolism related enzymes when compared to WT seeds. A suggested metabolic model is presented wherein both AGP and SuSy are involved in the production of ADPG linked to starch biosynthesis in maize endosperm cells.This research was partially supported by grant BIO2010-18239 from the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Spain), by Iden Biotechnology SL, and by the Government of Navarra (grant IIM01491.RI1).Peer Reviewe

    X-linked hypophosphatemia and growth

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    X-Linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is the most common form of hereditary rickets caused by loss-of function mutations in the PHEX gene. XLH is characterized by hypophosphatemia secondary to renal phosphate wasting, inappropriately low concentrations of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D and high circulating levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). Short stature and rachitic osseous lesions are characteristic phenotypic findings of XLH although the severity of these manifestations is highly variable among patients. The degree of growth impairment is not dependent on the magnitude of hypophosphatemia or the extent of legs´ bowing and height is not normalized by chronic administration of phosphate supplements and 1α hydroxyvitamin D derivatives. Treatment with growth hormone accelerates longitudinal growth rate but there is still controversy regarding the potential risk of increasing bone deformities and body disproportion. Treatments aimed at blocking FGF23 action are promising, but information is lacking on the consequences of counteracting FGF23 during the growing period. This review summarizes current knowledge on phosphorus metabolism in XLH, presents updated information on XLH and growth, including the effects of FGF23 on epiphyseal growth plate of the Hyp mouse, an animal model of the disease, and discusses growth hormone and novel FGF23 related therapies

    Intervenções de Enfermagem Frente à Necessidade de Informações da Família do Paciente Crítico

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    Introduction: During the admission and stay of patients in intensive care units, addressing the communication and information needs of family members of critically ill patients is essential. Objective: To integrate the results of nursing intervention research to meet the information needs of family members of patients in intensive care units. Materials and Methods: An integrative research review was conducted in ScienceDirect, PubMed, Virtual Health Library and SciELO databases, using critical care and needs assessment and family as keywords and filtering by full-text articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese published from 2009 to 2019. Results: After the analytical reading of 41 studies, these were classified into 5 main topics: use of information leaflets, educational sessions, phone calls, use of information technology, and family meetings. Conclusions: Nursing interventions used to meet the information needs of family members are diverse, including the use of leaflets and information technology. However, the nursing intervention that responds most to these needs is holding formal meetings with the family. Interventions reported in research results are key tools for nurses to use them depending on the resources available in their workplaces such as family rooms. How to cite this article: Guáqueta Parada Sandra Rocio, Henao Castaño Ángela María, Motta Robayo Claudia Lorena, Triana Restrepo Martha Cecilia, Burgos Herrera Juan David, Neira Fernández Karen Daniela, Peña Almanza Berni Alonso. Intervenciones de Enfermería ante la Necesidad de Información de la Familia del Paciente Crítico. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e1775. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1775  Introducción: Durante el ingreso y permanencia del paciente en la unidad de cuidado intensivo, es imperativo considerar la satisfacción de las necesidades comunicacionales e informativas de la familia del paciente. Objetivo: Integrar los resultados de investigación sobre las intervenciones llevadas a cabo para satisfacer la necesidad de información de las familias de los pacientes en la unidad de cuidado intensivo. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión integrativa de estudios en bases de datos Sciencedirect, PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Scielo, con la estrategia de búsqueda [Critical care] and [Needs assessment] and [Family] con criterios de inclusión de estudios publicados entre el año 2009 y el 2019 en idioma inglés, español y portugués disponibles en texto completo Resultados: Después de la lectura analítica de 41 estudios seleccionados se organizaron en 5 temas; uso de folletos de información, sesiones educativas, llamadas telefónicas, uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación y reuniones familiares. Conclusión: Las intervenciones de enfermería que se han utilizado en la satisfacción de la necesidad de información de la familia son muy variadas e incluyen entre otras los folletos o el uso de TICs, sin embargo la intervención que responde en mayor medida a esta necesidad son las reuniones formales con la familia. Las intervenciones reportadas en los resultados de investigación para responder a la necesidad de información son herramientas clave para que el personal de enfermería las utilice según los recursos con los cuales dispone en su entorno laboral como salas de información para la familia. Como citar este artículo: Guáqueta Parada Sandra Rocio, Henao Castaño Ángela María, Motta Robayo Claudia Lorena, Triana Restrepo Martha Cecilia, Burgos Herrera Juan David, Neira Fernández Karen Daniela, Peña Almanza Berni Alonso. Intervenciones de Enfermería ante la Necesidad de Información de la Familia del Paciente Crítico. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e1775. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1775    Introdução: Durante a admissão e permanência do paciente na unidade de terapia intensiva, é primordial considerar a satisfação das necessidades de comunicação e informativas da família do paciente. Objetivo: deste estudo foi integrar os resultados da pesquisa sobre as intervenções realizadas para atender às necessidades de informação dos familiares dos pacientes na unidade de terapia intensiva. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa dos estudos nas bases de dados Sciencedirect, PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Scielo, com a estratégia de busca [Critical care] e [Needs assessment] and [Family] critérios de inclusão de estudos publicados entre 2009 e 2019 em inglês, espanhol e o português disponível na íntegra, Resultados: Após leitura a analítica de 41 estudos selecionados foram organizados em 5 temas; utilização de folhetos informativos, sessões educativas, chamadas telefônicas, utilização de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, reuniões familiares. Conclusão: As intervenções de enfermagem que têm sido utilizadas para satisfazer a necessidade de informação da família são muito variadas e incluem, entre outras, folhetos ou a utilização de TICs, entretanto as intervenções que mais respondem a esta necessidade são as reuniões formais com a família. As intervenções relatadas nos resultados da pesquisa para atender à necessidade de informação são ferramentas chaves para a equipe de enfermagem usá-las de acordo com os recursos de que dispõem no seu ambiente de trabalho, como salas de informação para a família. Como citar este artigo: Guáqueta Parada Sandra Rocio, Henao Castaño Ángela María, Motta Robayo Claudia Lorena, Triana Restrepo Martha Cecilia, Burgos Herrera Juan David, Neira Fernández Karen Daniela, Peña Almanza Berni Alonso. Intervenciones de Enfermería ante la Necesidad de Información de la Familia del Paciente Crítico. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e1775. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1775  &nbsp