8,469 research outputs found

    How triathletes mount their bikes after first transition (T1). A proposal of classification

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    A proposal is submit for the classification referring to the different ways in which triathletes mount their bikes to start pedalling. This action happens at the end of the transition area (T1) after having gone across on foot, with the bikes at their side, or, led across by hand, in a specific way (Fernández, Romero, Merino and April, 2015). These are unique aspects of this sport, compared to other sports in which a bike is also used. The purpose of this research was concentrates in describing and classifying the motor behaviours that occur at the end of the transition area, in front of the “judge’s line”. This study was bassed on participants of 3 Spanish Elite Championships of different distances (407 triathletes). It was filmed in the moment when they picked up their bikes, passed through the transition area and mounted their bikes. Eleven different ways were discovered on how to mount a bike when passing the judge’s line.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Mineral carbonation of ceramic brick at low pressure and room temperature. A simulation study for a superficial CO2 store using a common clay as sealing material

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    This research explores the possibilities of CO2 sequestration on ceramic bricks in a short time and at surface conditions. The experiment was carried out in a specially designed reaction chamber, filled with brick wastes and sealed with common clays. The brick used were composed of quartz, wollastonite, diopside, orthoclase and anhydrite, and the common clay was a marl composed of calcite, quartz, illite, smectite and kaolinite. Experimental condition in the reaction chamber were: reaction time 5 months, pressure of CO2 0.5 bar, 4:1 solid/water ratio. The experiment was followed by XRD, XRF, BET, physical sorption by N2 and CO2, Hg porosity, TG-DTA, SEM and ICP-EOS. After the CO2 treatment, wollastonite and anhydrite were practically destroyed and some diopside and orthoclase. Calcite precipitated as new phase (up to 48 wt%), and small amount of illite was the result of orthoclase alteration. Concerning the sealing clay, the CO2 produced an increment of calcite content (from 32 to 41 wt%) and a partial destruction of smectite, particularly close to the upper part of the brick layer. These results are hopeful in relation with the possible mineral carbonation of building ceramic waste in a short time at surface conditions, and open the opportunity to use those wastes for CO2 trapping in an appropriate system, as a quarry reclamation

    De ceros y unos a unos y ceros

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    Obra ressenyada: Enrique BUSTAMANTE; José María ÁLVAREZ MONZONCILLO (Eds.), Presente y futuro de la televisión digital. Madrid: Edipo, 199

    A harassed city in the first half of the 15th century. The capital of France seen by a "Bourgeois of Paris"

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    El conocido como "Burgués de París" (quizás un clérigo) nos transmite en su diario (1405-1449) lo que fue la situación de la capital de Francia y del reino en general. Registra acontecimientos políticos mezclados con abundantes datos de la vida cotidiana de una ciudad en dificultades.The individual known as “A Bourgeois of Paris” (maybe a clerk) depicts in his diary (1405-1449) the situation in the capital of France and in the kingdom in general. He includes political events mixed with ample information about every day life in a city in difficulties

    Iglesia, salvación y teocracia romana en el Medievo. (Un apunte en torno al axioma "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus")

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    The axiom Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus was drawn up by Cyprian of Carthage in the middle of the third century. In the Middle Ages it was essential for the pontifical theocracy with popes like Gregory VII (Dictatus papae, 1075) Inocent III (IV Lateran Council, 1215) and Boniface VIII (Bull Unam Sanctam, 1302).With the necessary adaptations and nuances (St. ThomasAquinas in the XIIIth century; the theologians of Salamanca in the XVIth century, the II Vatican Council in the XXth century) the controversy around this maxim has reached our days.El axioma Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus fue elaborado por Cipriano de Cartago a mediados del siglo III. En la Edad Media fue esencial para la teocracia pontificia con papas como Gregorio VIII (Dictatus Papae, 1075), Inocencio III (IV Concilio de Letrán, 1215) o Bonifacio VIII (Bula Unam Sanctam, 1302). Con las necesarias adaptaciones y matices (Santo Tomás deAquino en el siglo XIII, los teólogos de Salamanca en el siglo XVI, o el Concilio Vaticano II en el siglo XX) la polémica en torno a esta sentencia ha llegado hasta nuestros días