260 research outputs found

    Containment through mobility: migrants’ spatial disobediences and the reshaping of control through the hotspot system

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    This article deals with the modes of (contested) control that are at play at the Mediterranean frontier for containing, dividing and discipling unruly mobility. Building on ethnographic research conducted on the island of Lesvos and of Lampedusa, it focuses on the implementation and the functioning of the Hotspot System in Greece and in Italy, analysing beyond the fences of detention centres and by looking at the broader logistics of channels, infrastructures and governmental measures deployed for regaining control over migration movements. The article argues that more than control in terms of surveillance and tracking, the Hotspot System contributes to enforce forms of containment through mobility that consists in controlling migration by obstructing, decelerating and troubling migrants’ geographies – more than in fully blocking them. The article takes into account migrants’ refusals of being fingerprinted, showing how migrants radically unsettle the association between seeking refuge and lack of choice, enacting their right to choose where to go and claim asylum

    Representatiivsete proovide võtmine reostunud pinnase kuhjadest

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    Töö keskendub representatiivsete proovide võtmisele reostunud pinnase kuhjadest. Töö esimeses pooles antakse ülevaade proovivõtu teoreetilistest alustest. Käsitletakse pinnase partii mõõtmelisust ja heterogeensust ning kirjeldatakse proovivõtul tekkivaid võimalikke proovivõtu vigu. Samuti kirjeldatakse erinevaid viise, mida saab kasutada proovi massi vähendamiseks. Töö raames viidi läbi patendi teemauuring, et saada ülevaadet leiutistest, mida saaks rakendada proovide võtmisel saastunud pinnase kuhjadest. Uuringuga leiti viis sellekohast leiutist ning nende rakendatavust on töös võrreldud. Töö raames viidi läbi ka akrediteeringu-uuring, et tuvastada, millised Eestis tegutsevad asutused ja ettevõtted omavad akrediteeringut pinnaseproovide võtmiseks ja analüüsimiseks. Leiti kolm ettevõtet akrediteeringuga naftasaaduste sisalduse määramiseks pinnases ja neist ühel on ka akrediteering pinnaseproovide võtmiseks, kuid akrediteeritud meetod ei hõlma proovivõttu pinnasekuhjadest. Proovivõtu teoorias toodud praktilisi võtteid katsetati võrdleval proovivõtmisel saastunud pinnase töötlemise väljakul ja jääkreostuse likvideerimistöö objektil. Proove võeti kokku neljast pinnasekuhjast erinevatel meetoditel ning proovi massi vähendamiseks kasutati samuti erinevaid võtteid. Saadud proovides määrati akrediteeritud laborites naftasaaduste sisaldused ning saadud tulemusi on analüüsitud ning nende põhjal on antud hinnanguid kasutatud proovivõtu meetodite kohta. Töös on antud ka praktilised soovitused representatiivseks proovivõtuks pinnasekuhjadest. Töö eesmärk kirjeldada representatiivse proovivõtu metoodika reostunud pinnase kuhjadest proovide võtmiseks on täidetud. Kuna katsetulemused ei kinnitanud esimese auna puhul olulist erinevust representatiivse ja vähem representatiivse proovivõtu metoodika vahel, siis on antud töö baasil võimalik edasi uurida proovivõtu vigade ilmnemist suurema arvu proovivõtu puhul. Samuti on võimalik katseliselt kindlaks teha, kui kaua püsivad läbisegatud aunas 0D partii omadused ehk millise aja möödudes ei anna auna pinnalt proovide võtmine enam usaldusväärseid tulemusi

    Copper Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Iodobenzoates with Bromozinc-difluorophosphonate

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    A copper-catalyzed cross-coupling of iodobenzoates with bromozinc-difluorophosphonate, generated from diethyl bromodifluoromethylphosphonate and zinc in dioxane, is reported. The notable features of this reaction are its high reaction efficiency, excellent functional group compatibility, and operational simplicity. This protocol provides a useful and facile access to aryldifluorophosphonates of interest in life science

    Modeling support for mobile ambients in service oriented architecture

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    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a promising approach for designing and developing mobile applications. However, SOA concepts need to be combined with mobile principles to fully accommodate their requirements. Previously, a metamodel called Ambient-SoaML has been defined, which combines the Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language (SoaML) and Mobile Ambients concepts inspired from Ambient Calculus. In this paper, a modeling tool that supports designing service oriented architecture of mobile systems based on Ambient-SoaML is presented. The tool allows users to graphically design Ambient-SoaML architectures and ensures that they are correctly built. The tool is an eclipse plug-in and has been implemented following Model Driven Architecture (MDA) principles and associated technologies. A running example is used to illustrate the features of the tool

    Silver-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Alkynylation of α,α-Difluoroarylacetic Acids with Ethynylbenziodoxolone Reagents

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    A decarboxylating alkynylation of α,α-difluoroarylacetic acids with ethynylbenziodoxolone reagents is reported. AgNO<sub>3</sub> serves as the catalyst and K<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub> as the oxidant. A series of functional groups were tolerated, and moderate to good yields were obtained

    Mean <i>d′</i> scores (±SE) for specific contrast types as a function of language group.

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    Mean d′ scores (±SE) for specific contrast types as a function of language group.</p

    Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Carbons for Selective Separation of Ar/Kr/Xe/Rn Gases: An Experiment-Based Simulation Study

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    It is still a challenge to find high-efficiency adsorbents for the separation of noble gases. In this work, we combine the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation and adsorption integral equation to theoretically characterize the pore size distribution (PSD) of experimentally synthesized nitrogen-doped nanoporous carbon (Carbon-ZX) and further predict the selectivity of Carbon-ZX for Xe/Kr, Xe/Ar, and Rn/N<sub>2</sub> mixtures. Results indicate that the selectivities of Carbon-ZX for Xe/Kr and Xe/Ar apparently are greater than that of other MOFs in the same conditions, which also is further confirmed by Henry’s constant and isosteric adsorption heat. Moreover, the Carbon-ZX for the Rn/N<sub>2</sub> binary mixture shows the extremely high selectivity (about 800–1200) in the molar fraction <i>X</i><sub>Rn</sub> < 0.001, which means that Carbon-ZX is a promising candidate for indoor Rn capture. In short, this work provides a useful method to characterize the experimentally synthesized nanoporous materials and further explores their applications in adsorption and separation

    Mean <i>d</i>′ scores in tonal discrimination for speech and non-speech types as a function of language group.

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    Mean d′ scores in tonal discrimination for speech and non-speech types as a function of language group.</p

    Iron(II) Bis-CNN Pincer Complex-Catalyzed Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis at Room Temperature

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    A series of unsymmetrical pyridine-bridged bis-pincer-type iron­(II) complexes were synthesized, and the complexes were used as catalysts for the cycloaddition of CO<sub>2</sub> and epoxides. At ambient temperature, the combined use of iron complexes and tetrabutyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) resulted in an efficient catalytic system for the synthesis of cyclic carbonates under low CO<sub>2</sub> pressure (0.5 MPa) and solvent-free conditions. More importantly, in the absence of TBAB, propylene oxide was also easily converted to the target products when the temperature was increased to 100 °C, and a turnover frequency (TOF) value of 7900 h<sup>–1</sup> was achieved at 120 °C. An elevated reaction temperature (80 °C) was required to achieve high conversion of challenging internal epoxides and oxetanes to their respective carbonates with good yields. Moreover, the iron catalyst can be easily recycled six times via simple filtration without any <b>s</b>ignificant loss of activity

    The degree of assimilation diversity (<i>K</i>′) of Vietnamese and Mandarin groups for six Cantonese tones.

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    The degree of assimilation diversity (K′) of Vietnamese and Mandarin groups for six Cantonese tones.</p