15 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Prosecutors with special powers can act inside or outside the court for and on behalf of the state or government. Based on the provisions in Article 2 paragraph  (2)  Law  Number  37  of  2004  in  conjunction  with  Government Regulation Number 17 of 2000, it is stipulated that the Prosecutor's Office as one of the parties that can file bankruptcy, with the conditions that must be met is that no other party submits a similar application for the sake of public interest. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of the Attorney's Office's  authority  as  a  petitioner  in  filing  for  bankruptcy  in  the  midst  of Indonesian society so that the general public's understanding of the Attorney's authority can be applied and beneficial to people who are about to go bankrupt. The law under study is the ius constitendum. The data used are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques are interview data collection and library materials. The implementation of the exercise of the authority of the Attorney General's Office as an applicant in bankruptcy for the sake of the public interest is regulated in the applicable laws and regulations. The provision which states that an application for bankruptcy in the public interest can only be carried out if there is  no party filing an  application  for bankruptcy,  it  is best  if an exception is granted by the legislators, in the event that the Attorney requests bankruptcy for the public interest involving the interests of the state, the Prosecutor's Office should be empowered to act on behalf or as proxies. from state institutions that directly have debts and receivables against Debtors, so that institutions that have a direct relationship between debts and debtors do not think that the AGO is working independently without paying attention to the interests of the institution. Keywords: Attorney General's Office, Petitioner, Bankruptcy ABSTRAK Kejaksaan dengan kuasa khusus dapat bertindak di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan untuk dan atas nama negara atau pemerintah. Berdasarkan ketentuan dalam  Pasal 2  ayat  (2)  Undang-Undang Nomor 37  Tahun  2004  jo  Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 17 Tahun 2000 diatur bahwa Kejaksaan sebagai salah satu    pihak yang dapat mengajukan kepailitan, dengan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah   tidak   ada   pihak   lain   yang   mengajukan   permohonan   serupa   demi kepentingan umum. Oleh karena itulah perlu kiranya memperkuat implementasi kewenangan Kejakasaan ini sebagai pemohon dalam mengajukan kepailitan di tengah masyarakat Indonesia sehingga pemahaman masyarakat umum terhadap kewenangan Kejaksaan tersebut dapat diterapkan dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang akan berpekara kepailitan tersebut. Hukum yang dikaji adalah ius constitendum. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder, teknik pengumpulan data berupa pengumpulan data wawancara dan bahan-bahan perpustakaan.  Implementasi  pelaksanaan  kewenangan  Kejaksaan  sebagai pemohon dalam kepailitan demi kepentingan umum diatur dalam aturan per Undang-Undangan yang berlaku. Ketentuan yang menyatakan permohonan pailit untuk kepentingan umum hanya dapat dilakukan apabila tidak ada pihak yang mengajukan permohonan pailit sebaiknya diberikan pengecualian oleh pembuat undang-undang, dalam hal Kejaksaan memohon pailit untuk kepentingan umum yang  menyangkut  kepentingan  negara  Kejaksaan  sebaiknya  diberi  wewenang untuk bertindak mewakili atau sebagai kuasa dari lembaga negara yang secara langsung memiliki utang piutang terhadap Debitor, agar lembaga yang secara langsung memiliki hubungan utang piutang terhadap Debitor tidak menganggap Kejaksaan bekerja secara mandiri tanpa mengindahkan kepentingan dari lembaga tersebut. Kata kunci: Kejaksaan, Pemohon, Kepailita


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    The Public Prosecutor's Office may act in and out of court for and on behalf of the state or government. Subject to the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (2) of Law Number. 37 Year 2004 jo Government Regulation Number. 17 Year 2000 stipulates that the Attorney General as one of the parties who may file for bankruptcy, with the requirements to be met is that no other party has submitted similar applications in the public interest. Based on the matters in this journal then formulated in the formulation of the problem namely; How is the implementation of the authority of the Prosecutor Office as an applicant in filing for bankruptcy in the public interest based on the value of social justice? What factors influenced the effectiveness of the implementation of the authority of the Prosecutor as an applicant in filing for bankruptcy in the public interest?Sociolegal approach method with postpositivist paradigm according to Norman K Denzin and Yvona S Lincoln. Where the authors analyzed from the angle of ontology, epistemolginya and metodelogi. From the results of the discussion in this paper shows that the implementation of the authority of the Prosecutor Office as an applicant in bankruptcy in the public interest based on the value of social justice, regulated in the rules of applicable laws. And the effectiveness of the implementation of Authority to the Attorney as Petitioner In Filing Bankruptcy Case for Public Interest requires the performance of the Prosecutor in establishing the national legal system. Because basically the Prosecutor is one part of the legal structure that affects the workings of the law. Keywords: Authority of Attorney, Applicant of Bankruptcy, Value of Social Justic

    Establishing Regional Regulations for the Protection of Local Wisdom

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    Local governments structure legislation into a policy rule regarding the protection of local wisdom that must be carried out due to globalization. Globalization is something that cannot be avoided. Its influence can become a problem or negatively impact fading cultural identity if the community wrongly addresses it. This is different if the community and local government can respond positively to globalization because this can increase the community's cultural identity. This paper focuses on the study of how local government policies maintain cultural traditions as a pearl of local wisdom? and what is the paradigm of the local government in establishing regional regulations regarding the protection of local wisdom. The approach method utilized is a socio-legal or socio-juridical approach. This research was carried out in the city of Pariaman, West Sumatra. The research data, both primary and secondary data, were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the research result, the concrete paradigm of the Regional Government in protecting the values of local wisdom is a regional legislation on safeguarding indigenous culture as a Pariaman community's local wisdom. It can be interpreted that the Regional Regulation is a concrete agreement towards the ideal concept of protecting local wisdom in the Pariaman community. The ideal concept seen from the substantive values of protecting Local wisdom's worth in the Pariaman community must be founded on sociological, philosophical, and legal considerations. These three factors prioritize or rank the values within this local wisdom

    The Limitations of Living Law in Indonesian Criminal Law Reform: An Effort to Realize Justice

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    One of the important points of criminal law reform in the Criminal Code is the regulatory provision regarding living law. The Criminal Code authentically determines that living law is customary criminal law, which is declared valid and further regulated through Local Regulations. The absence of limitations related to customary criminal law standards that can be qualified as a living law has the potential to cause injustice. This study aims to analyze the urgency and the formulation of limitations on living law arrangements in the Criminal Code in realizing justice. The results of the study show that the urgency regarding limitations on living law arrangements in the Criminal Code is meant to protect human rights while at the same time preventing potential criminalization. The formulation of limitations of the living law arrangements in the Criminal Code is to realize justice. Therefore, the limitations of customary criminal law can be categorized as a living law according to the Criminal Code, that are: indigenous people still practice the law; these customary crimes do not conflict with the principles of the rule of law; they do not conflict with Pancasila values; and the crimes are further formulated by local regulations


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze Human Rights in Indonesia from a Legal Perspective and a Customary Life Perspective. Based on Indonesian law and the way of life in each region, regional regulations are established to protect inhabitants' human rights. This research was carried out using normative methods with research through a literature study. As a guarantee of the notion of equality among all humans, HAM, or human rights, is a fundamental value that must be safeguarded and maintained. It is not just in Indonesia but anywhere else in the world. Right now, there is an imbalance between the respect for human rights and how those rights are put into practice. In spite of these circumstances, Indonesian conversation and debate are nonetheless highly fascinating. With regard to human rights, in particular. In order to examine human rights in relation to various legal and customary aspects of life in Indonesia, this research was conducted utilizing the literature review technique. The findings of this research describe the state of human rights in light of Indonesia's legislative and cultural traditions. The issue of indigenous peoples has indeed become one of the strongest issues in international development. Indigenous peoples are a community group that must receive attention in mitigation and adaptation efforts

    Dampak Pemberlakuan UU Cipta Kerja Pasca Putusan MK Nomor 54/PUU-XXI/2023 Ditinjau Dari Sosiologi Hukum

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    Omnibus Law Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja jauh sebelum disahkan pada 5 Oktober 2020 menuai penolakan luas dari masyarakat, mulai dari serikat buruh, aktivis HAM, hingga mahasiswa. Penolakan itu kemudian berlanjut pada gugatan uji formil ke Mahkamah Konstitusi dan pada tanggal 25 November 2021, “MK dalam putusan Nomor 91/PUU-XVII/2020 menyatakan UU Cipta Kerja sebagai inkonstitusional bersyarat”, dan memerintahkan pemerintah untuk memperbaiki UU Cipta Kerja dalam jangka dua tahun sejak putusan dibacakan. Selama tenggang waktu itu, UU Cipta Kerja dinyatakan “masih tetap berlaku”. Kemudian pada 30 Desember 2022. Alih-alih memperbaiki UU Cipta Kerja tersebut seperti perintah MK, Pemerintah malah menerbitkan Perppu Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 tentang Cipta Kerja dengan alasan “kegentingan memaksa” dan DPR bersama pemerintah justru mengesahkan Perppu tersebut menjadi Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2023, dan dilakukan pula uji materill ke MK, hingga kemudian, pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2023 Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) menolak lima gugatan uji materil terhadap Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja seperti tertuang dalam putusan MK Nomor 54/PUU-XXI/2023. Kajian sosiologis hukum menilai bahwa Putusan MK Nomor 54/PUU-XXI/2023 tidak berlandaskan pada argumentasi konstitusional dan sosiologis yang sangat kuat dengan mengabaikan partisipasi bermakna (meaningful participation) sejak awal pembentukannya sebagaimana pada putusan terdahulu (Putusan MK Nomor 91/PUU-XVII/2020), dan merupakan pembangkangan konstitusional (constitutional disobedience), sehingga dapat berdampak pada ancaman disintegrasi sosial, instabilitas keamanan dan hukum

    Draft Completion Cancellation Certificate of Mortgage Rights by the Land Office Regency Sukabumi to Achieve Legal Certainty

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    Uncertainty law-related ownership of land Lots triggers disputes and conflicts with land in various regions in Indonesia. There is a certificate right canceled dependents Because exists decision court already canceled the certificate right already owned attached to rights dependents. So by canceling it certificate rights dependents become conflict land separately Because creditor holder rights dependents will feel at a loss with existing cancellation. This research aims to How the implementation of cancellation certificate rights depends on the decision the court annulled certificate rights owned by. Then How to draft a solution cancellation certificate right responsibility by the BPN or Land Office Regency Sukabumi to achieve certainty law? Type of study This is empirical legal research that is descriptive and qualitative. Primary data was obtained from the National Land Agency of Sukabumi Regency and the Cibadak District Court, then secondary data came from various documents, books, literature, magazines, newspapers, the internet, and legal regulations related to the research issue. Data collection methods used include interviews and literature study. The author applies qualitative data analysis techniques with an interactive model. From the results study and data analysis, it can be concluded that the process of making a deed of sale and purchase of land rights by the Land Deed Drafting Officer (PPAT) was carried out against the law, resulting in legal defects. Elimination of Mortgage Rights due to loss of land rights results in the creditor losing the ability to sell through auction, which is a characteristic of Mortgage Rights. Objections from creditors who hold mortgage rights are the reason for deletion. To strengthen the value of an authentic deed, such as a Deed of Granting Mortgage Rights, it is recommended to contain stronger promises to protect creditor rights during the registration process. Regulations regarding the cancellation of property rights certificates that are encumbered with mortgage rights need to be regulated to protect creditors holding mortgage rights in a preventive manner, namely preventive measures by the government based on freedom of action and methods of resolving disputes

    Tinjauan Sosiologis Pada Perkawinan Berbeda Agama Dalam Hukum di Indonesia

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    Indonesia, dengan keberagaman budaya dan agama, mengatur perkawinan dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Dalam hukum positif, hanya ada dua ketentuan: perkawinan antar-Islam dan antar-Non Islam. Meski Yurisprudensi Nomor 1400K/PDT/1986 menimbulkan polemik, SEMA Nomor 2 Tahun 2023 memperbolehkan pencatatan perkawinan beda agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif, mengkaji data sekunder dan peraturan hukum. Diharapkan, penerbitan SEMA No 2 Tahun 2023 mengakhiri polemik perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia, memastikan keadilan dan kepastian hukum