77 research outputs found

    Persepsi Bekas Pelajar Kursus Diploma Perguruan Khas (Teknologi) Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Matematik Kejuruteraan

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau persepsi pelaj ar KDPK (Teknologi) terhadap mata pelajaran Matematik Kejuruteraan (MK). Aspek yang dikaji merangkumi kandungan kurikulum MK, struktur agihan dan bentuk penilaian, kualiti pensyarah MK dan isu-isu yang berbangkit semasa perlaksanaan subj ek tersebut. Populasi kajian ini terdiri daripada 150 orang bekas pelajar KDPK (Teknologi) sesi 1996/97 yang sedang menuntut di UTM (101 orang) dan sedang mengajar di sekolah asal mereka (49 orang). Data diperolehi dengan menggunakan soal selidik dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian 'Statistical Package For Social Sciences' (SPSS). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pelajar memberikan persepsi kepentingan positif terhadap kebanyakan isi kandungan kurikulum MK. Mereka juga berpendapat pensyarah MK mempunyai kemahiran dalam MK, dapat mewujudkan hubungan rapat dengan pelajar, berkebolehan membimbing pelajar, memahami objektif MK dan pelajaran yang diajar oleh pensyarah adalah menarik. Dalam pada itu pelajar kurang berpuas hati dengan sikap pensyarah yang kurang memahami masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar. Pelajar juga berpuas hati dengan agihan penilaian kerja kursus dan bentuk-bentuk penilaian MK. Perkara yang menjadi isu ialah ketidakseimbangan masa belajar yang diperuntukkan dengan kandungan kurikulum MK yang padat dan pelajar didapati kurang berminat mempelajari MK. Daripada dapatan kajian bolehlah dibuat kesimpulan bahawa pada keseluruhannya aspek yang dikaji adalah memuaskan pelajar kecuali beberapa aspek seperti kualiti pensyarah, kandungan kurikulum dan isu berkaitan masa belajar kurang memuaskan pelajar. Oleh itu beberapa cadangan dikemukakan antaranya ialah menyemak semula kandungan kurikulum, pensyarah MK hendaklah menyelaraskan sistem penilaian dan masa belajar MK perlu ditambah

    TRANSISI EKONOMI POLITIK GAM: Kajian Arah Pembangunan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka GAM

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang kajian – kajian sosial dan politik masyarakat Aceh sebagai suatu pertimbangan pemikiran untuk memajukan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta membangun kembali peradaban, tata kehidupan dan strutkur sosial yang telah terbangun semenjak dahulu. Pasca perjanjian damai antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) di Helsinki, Finlandia, 15 Agustus 2005, bertempat di Smolna the Government Bunked Hall (Balai Pertemuan Finlandia), GAM dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dapat bertemu dan duduk bersama di satu meja untuk mengikrarkan janji, membubuhkan tandatangan dalam (Memorandum of Understanding) MoU Helsinki atas kesepakatan perdamaian, penghentian perselisihan yang telah berlangsung selama hampir tiga puluh tahun lebih. Yang memfasilitasi perdamaian adalah Crisist Management Initiative (CMI), lembaga yang dipimpin oleh mantan Presiden Finlandia Marti Ahtisaari yang memediasi pertemuan perundingan tersebut. Tercapainya kesepakatan perdamaian Aceh merupakan perjalanan panjang dari kedua belah pihak dalam proses negosiasi politik yang alot. Lobi-lobi politik dalam proses perundingan, ditempuh Pemerintah RI melalui pendekatan kemanusiaan dengan mempertimbangkan penderitaan rakyat Aceh harus dihentikan, rusaknya tatanan perekonomian harus disudahi, hancurnya sarana dan prasarana umum serta hilangnya puluhan ribu nyawa masyarakat sipil yang tidak berdosa menjadi telaah para perunding untuk mengakhiri konflik konflik rakyat Indonesia di penghujung barat.Makalah ini membahas tentang kajian – kajian sosial dan politik masyarakat Aceh sebagai suatu pertimbangan pemikiran untuk memajukan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta membangun kembali peradaban, tata kehidupan dan strutkur sosial yang telah terbangun semenjak dahulu. Pasca perjanjian damai antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) di Helsinki, Finlandia, 15 Agustus 2005, bertempat di Smolna the Government Bunked Hall (Balai Pertemuan Finlandia), GAM dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dapat bertemu dan duduk bersama di satu meja untuk mengikrarkan janji, membubuhkan tandatangan dalam (Memorandum of Understanding) MoU Helsinki atas kesepakatan perdamaian, penghentian perselisihan yang telah berlangsung selama hampir tiga puluh tahun lebih. Yang memfasilitasi perdamaian adalah Crisist Management Initiative (CMI), lembaga yang dipimpin oleh mantan Presiden Finlandia Marti Ahtisaari yang memediasi pertemuan perundingan tersebut. Tercapainya kesepakatan perdamaian Aceh merupakan perjalanan panjang dari kedua belah pihak dalam proses negosiasi politik yang alot. Lobi-lobi politik dalam proses perundingan, ditempuh Pemerintah RI melalui pendekatan kemanusiaan dengan mempertimbangkan penderitaan rakyat Aceh harus dihentikan, rusaknya tatanan perekonomian harus disudahi, hancurnya sarana dan prasarana umum serta hilangnya puluhan ribu nyawa masyarakat sipil yang tidak berdosa menjadi telaah para perunding untuk mengakhiri konflik konflik rakyat Indonesia di penghujung barat

    The History of Rapa’i Dabôh in Aceh

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    Rapa’i dabôh is a traditional art played by 12 people accompanied with risky attractions using sharp objects namely knife, sword, chainsaw, chain, sharpened bamboo and many else. The aim of this study is to find out the history of rapa’i dabôh in Aceh. The instruments used in this research are observation, interview and documentation. Techniques of data analysis are data reduction, data display and data verification/conclusion. The study revealed that the history of rapa’i dabôh in Aceh was from a prominent ulama named Syekh Abdul Qadir Jailani inherited by Syekh Rafa’i, popularly recognised later as Tarekat Rifa’iyyah. Rapa’i dabôh was early formerly used as media for preaching the Islamic teaching, but later it developed into an art fancied by most the Acehnese people. The spread of rapa’i dabôh was carried by the preachers from north-eastern to southwest-southern part of Aceh, then it inspired many groups of performance such as Rincong Pusaka at Ie Lhop village, Tangan-Tangan, Southwest Aceh and Putra Naga at Mutiara village, Sawang, South Aceh. Both groups still exist until today

    Effectiveness of assistive computer technology (act) for enhancing basic language skills among students with hearing disabilities

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    It is well-documented that deaf children are often delayed in language development compared to their hearing peers. However, invention of assistive computer technology (ACT) gives deaf students the opportunity to enhance their language skills and immerse on new and more interactive virtual learning environment. The purpose of this paper is to review the potential and effectiveness of ACT for improving language skills and learning outcomes among deaf students. The review is organized into two major sections which reflect the theoretical framework to date, as well as dialogic reading interventions and technology interventions on the deaf’s written language. Many researchers conclude that dialogic reading interventions have yielded significant improvement on deaf students’ language development and ACT has demonstrated efficacy in enhancing language skills among students with hearing disabilities. Educational considerations in planning computer-based dialogic reading intervention for students with deafness in Malaysia are deliberately discussed for future practitioners and educators

    Musculoskeletal Disorders, Pain and Fatigue among String and Wind Music Students

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    Music students are more likely to get Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), fatigue, and pain. However, limited studies compared MSDs, pain and fatigue between different types of musical instrument players. This study compared MSDs, pain, and fatigue among music students who play wind and string instruments. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a group of music students in one of the universities in Malaysia. No statistical differences in pain and fatigue were found, but more wind players experience MSD at the wrist and hand than string players. Therefore, students who play string instruments should be more watchful with MSD symptoms. Keywords: Musical instruments, pain, fatigue, musculoskeletal disorder eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i20.345

    Preliminary proteomic characterisation of primodia and vegetative dikaryotic mycelial cells from tiger’s milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus)

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    Tiger’s Milk mushrooms (Lignosus rhinocerus) are polypores with three distinct parts: cap (pileus), stem (stipe) and tuber (sclerotium). The stem of this medicinal mushroom is centrally connected to the brownish woody cap that grows out from the tuber underground rather than from the wood. To date, the biotic and abiotic factors that induce the growth of this mushroom are unclear and information regarding its development is scanty. Hence, the differential protein expressions of vegetative dikaryotic mycelial and primordial cells of this mushroom were investigated. Six two dimensional-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-SDS-PAGE) of 13 cm with pH3-10 containing the intracellular proteins of vegetative mycelial and primordial cells of L. rhinocerus were obtained. Analysis of 2D-SDS-PAGE using Progenesis Samespot version 4.1 yielded approximately 1000 distinct protein spots in the proteome of vegetative mycelial cells, while primordial proteome contained nearly 100 spots. Further comparison between the vegetative mycelial and primordial proteomes yielded significant up-regulation of protein expression of 5 primordial cells proteins that were labeled as P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. These protein spots were excised, trypsin digested and submitted to mass spectrometry. Protein identification through MASCOT yielded significant identification with P1 and P2 as DnaJ domain protein, P3 and P5 as hypothetical protein while P4 as AP-2rep transcription factor. The present results suggested that P3, P4 and P5 are novel proteins that involved in the initiation of L. rhinocerus primordia. Our findings also suggested that stress response mechanism is present during fruitification of this mushroom

    Prototype Catfish Seed Calculator Using Arduino Uno in Cloudy Water

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    Since Indonesia is an archipelagic nation, the economic sector of fisheries, particularly catfish farming, is one that has a lot of potential. However, a lot of catfish breeders still count their fish seeds by hand, which is time-consuming, particularly in hazy water conditions. Therefore, an automatic catfish seed counter is required in order to make calculations simpler, quicker, and more precise even under hazy water situations. In order to address these objectives, the prototype of a catfish seed counting device in murky water is shown in this study. This tool's prototype was created and constructed utilizing an Arduino Uno as the processor, two different types of sensors as inputs, and an LCD and buzzer as outputs. The FC-51 proximity sensor is used to count the quantity of fish seeds, while the turbidity module sensor measures the amount of turbidity in the water. With a total sample size of 50 fish fry, the test was run under three conditions for the turbidity level of the water samples: 6.21 NTU, 11.10 NTUs, and 16.38 NTU. According to the test results, the catfish seed counter in murky water performed admirably and was fairly accurate. An average error value of 3.2% is achieved with a water turbidity value of 6.21 NTU. An average error value of 6.8% was discovered at the turbidity value of 11.10 NTU. Finally, an average error value of 18.8% was discovered at a water turbidity value of 16.38 NTU. In order for this catfish seed counter to be effective, water turbidity values below 13 NTU with a minor error of 10% are preferred, particularly water turbidity values below 8 NTU with a little error of 5%

    Proses Penghasilan Bromelin daripada Batang Nenas

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    A proteolytic enzyme called bromelin can be produced from pineapple stem by precipitating it from pineapple stem juice and separating the precipitate from the juice. Acetone is used as the precipitant. The precipitating process is performed twice and the second precipitate is taken as the bromelin product. This process is not well understood and is not amenable to mathematical modelling. The main aim of the present study is to identify process variables such as the precipitant: juice ratio, precipitation time and centrifugation time in every stage which have a significant effect on the yield and activity of bromelin. Factor analysis is used. This study found that the centrifugation times in both stages, precipitation and centrifugation times in the second stage affect the yield of bromelin. The enzyme activity is affected by the precipitant: juice ratio, the precipitation and centrifugation times in the first stage,' precipitant: juice ratio and precipitation time in the second stage. This process is currently being optimised

    An assessment of task-technology fit, subjective norm and internet experience of Learning Management System in views of Malaysian higher education Students

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    In recent years, the use of Learning Management System (LMS) in higher education has dramatically increased. However, many students use LMS for limited purposes such as downloading course materials. There are many factors that may affect LMS utilization by students. In the present study three factors, namely Internet experience, subjective norm, and task-technology fit were examined. The participants of the study were 216 undergraduate students of faculty of education in one of the local universities in Malaysia. The results revealed that the constructs of Internet experience and subjective norm obtained a high mean value. This result suggests students who used LMS have a sufficient internet experience which could easily help them in using it. University and lecturer support seems to be the most important sources that encourage them to use LMS. Students also responded their satisfaction with the functionality of LMS to assists them in the process of learning

    The influence of subjective norm on intention to use of learning management system among Malaysian higher education students

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    In recent years, the use of learning management system by universities has been increasingly growing. However, the results of several studies have revealed that students do not fully use the information systems. The present study proposes a model which investigates the influence of three constructs of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm on behavior intention to use of learning management system. The sample size was 216 Malaysian undergraduate students. The results of the study revealed that the proposed model accounts for 31.1 % variance of behavior intention to use