305 research outputs found

    How Leadership can be impacted by different Organizational Cultures and have influence on followers.

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    Industial symbiosis in a circular economy:towards firms' sustainable competitive advantage

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    The main objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive view of academic studies that address simultaneously the circular economy and industrial symbiosis, based on bibliometric data for the years 1900 to 2018. Data are collected in Web of Science using the VOSviewer software. Bibliometric indicators, network citation, cluster analysis, and density view analysis are used. From our findings we highlight four clusters in the research, which help to contextualize the literature review: (a) circular economy: approaches and tools; (b) industrial symbiosis Dynamics; (c) circular economy: strategies and performance; (d) the efficiency of resources in symbiosis industry. This study also establishes perspectives for future lines of research and, correspondingly, seeks to provide a theoretical basis that can serve as a starting point for future studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3): Past, present and future research

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    The recent change in the regional development strategy of the European Union (EU) results in an important need to study the terms of change and their respective implications. This study seeks, through a bibliometric analysis, to ascertain the developments taking place in studies on research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) to identify shortcomings and opportunities for future research. This bibliometric review drew upon the Scopus database with the sample selected containing all the articles containing the keywords “Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation” or “RIS3.” This correspondingly reports how some authors maintain that the path the EU should take involves imitative innovation. Meanwhile, others propose that each region should specialise in those industries that are already established there and thus avoid targeting any areas they do not already know/specialise in. Our findings detail six clusters in RIS3 research, which help in contextualising the literature review: (a) business discovery; (b) smart specialisation; (c) innovation; (d) specialisation; (e) regional policies; and (f) regional development. This study furthermore sets out perspectives for future lines of research and correspondingly seeks to convey a vast theoretical basis that may serve as the point of departure for future studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does hallucinatory predisposition influence voice processing? : probing the interactions between speech, identity, and emotion

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitiva-Comportamental e Integrativa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2017Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are a core symptom of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, although similar experiences have been widely reported in nonclinical samples. Due to these observations, a dimensional approach to the understanding of these symptoms has been in discussion: the continuum model of psychosis. One of its assumptions is that the experiences observed in both clinical and nonclinical groups rely on similar cognitive and neural mechanisms. For example, psychotic patients reveal impairments in the recognition of their own speech, often attributing it to an external source, particularly when it carries negative content. This could also be the case in nonclinical samples experiencing hallucinations, although more studies probing voice perception in these individuals are needed, to assess the existence of similar impairments. We recruited nonclinical participants with different scores on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised. They pre-recorded words and vocalizations that were subsequently used in a set of tasks. We assessed voice identity processing at both the discrimination and recognition levels, while taking into account the interactions between the three main voice dimensions: speech, identity, and emotion (Experiment 1). We also wanted to explore if these potential differences could be related to differences in the emotional evaluation of the voice stimuli (Experiment 2). Our results suggest that hallucinatory predisposition is associated with differences in the voice recognition processes: there was an association between lower performance in recognizing one’s own speech and a higher predisposition for auditory hallucinations, particularly when listening to vocalizations not carrying semantic content. We did not find an association between these impairments and negative emotional content of the auditory stimuli, as observed in previous studies with patients. However, our study suggests that the processes involved in the recognition of self-produced vocal stimuli could underlie the experience of auditory hallucinations in nonclinical individuals.Nos últimos anos, tem surgido um interesse cada vez maior no estudo de manifestações sintomáticas observadas em camadas não-clínicas da população (e.g., Broyd et al., 2016; Powers, Kelley, & Corlett, 2016). Este tipo de sintomas ou experiências, cuja descrição surge habitualmente ligada a perturbações diagnosticáveis, nem sempre estão associados a um mal-estar significativo nos indivíduos ou a uma necessidade de ajuda psicoterapêutica ou psiquiátrica (e.g., Daalman, Diederen, Hoekema, Lutterveld, & Sommer, 2016). Assim, ainda não é claro se estas manifestações – ou quais delas – estão associadas a fases mais precoces de uma perturbação, ou constituem simplesmente traços ou estados dos indivíduos sem um risco clínico (e.g., Johns et al., 2014; Yung et al., 2009). A progressão sintomática varia fortemente de indivíduo para indivíduo, e isto tem levado ao surgimento de novas abordagens dimensionais que possam alargar o estudo da psicopatologia além das categorias já existentes, contribuindo assim para a exploração da emergência transdiagnóstica dos sintomas (e.g., Nelson, McGorry, Wichers, Wigman, & Hartmann, 2017; iniciativa RDoC em Yee, Javitt, & Miller, 2015). As perturbações psicóticas têm sido um foco deste tipo de abordagens mais dimensionais, uma vez que experiências habitualmente associadas a perturbações como a esquizofrenia – por exemplo, experiências anómalas na perceção de voz, similares a alucinações auditivas – têm vindo a ser observadas na população em geral, muitas vezes sem mal-estar associado (e.g., Strauss, 1969; van Os, 2003; Yung et al., 2009). Uma destas abordagens, que tem sido sujeita a uma vasta discussão na literatura científica, é o modelo do contínuo das experiências psicóticas (e.g., Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012; van Os, Linscott, Myin-Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam, 2009). Este modelo sugere que a experiência deste tipo de sintomas se distribui ao longo de um contínuo entre o funcionamento saudável e o funcionamento psicopatológico, não estando necessariamente associada à presença de perturbação (van Os et al., 2009). Além disso, o modelo sugere também que os sintomas das populações clínica e não-clínica poderão ter subjacentes os mesmos mecanismos cognitivos e neurológicos (Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012). Contudo, são necessários mais estudos que ajudem a esclarecer se estamos a discutir o mesmo tipo de experiências, com as mesmas origens, nestas diferentes camadas da população. Um dos sintomas comuns em perturbações psicóticas, como a esquizofrenia, que tem sido reportado em indivíduos sem perturbação são as alucinações auditivas verbais (e.g., Daalman et al., 2011; Sommer et al., 2010). Vulgarmente descritas como “ouvir vozes”, estas experiências ocorrem sem qualquer estimulação externa (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Embora existam vários modelos explicativos para a sua origem, um dos mais relevantes é o que associa estas experiências a anomalias no processamento da voz, particularmente da voz do próprio indivíduo (ver Conde, Gonçalves, & Pinheiro, 2016a para uma revisão). Estudos com pacientes com esquizofrenia, e que sofrem de alucinações auditivas, têm revelado que estes têm maior dificuldade em reconhecer a sua própria voz quando ouvem excertos auditivos da mesma, muitas vezes atribuindo-a a uma fonte externa (e.g., Allen et al., 2004; Johns et al., 2001). Este viés externalizante parece ainda acentuar-se com a severidade das alucinações destes pacientes, bem como quando o conteúdo dos excertos ouvidos é negativo ou injurioso (Pinheiro, Rezaii, Rauber, & Niznikiewicz, 2016). Este é um exemplo do tipo de anomalias de perceção de voz que requer estudos com amostras nãoclínicas que reportem experiências alucinatórias semelhantes. É importante averiguar a existência do mesmo tipo de alterações no processamento da voz destes sujeitos, de forma a perceber se os mesmos mecanismos cognitivos e neurológicos lhes estão subjacentes. Ao estudar perceção de voz, devem ser tidos em conta não só diferentes níveis de processamento, como também os diferentes tipos de informação contida nos estímulos vocais (e.g., Belin, Fecteau, & Bédard, 2004; van Lancker & Kreiman, 1987). Vários estudos com pacientes que sofreram lesões cerebrais sugerem que a discriminação e o reconhecimento da identidade da voz podem ser vistos como dois níveis de processamento distintos, podendo ser estudados em separado (e.g., van Lancker & Kreiman, 1987; van Lancker, Kreiman & Cummings, 1989). A discriminação de voz é maioritariamente feita com recurso às propriedades acústicas dos estímulos vocais (processos mais bottom-up; e.g., Chhabra, Badcock, Maybery, & Leung, 2014), enquanto que o reconhecimento envolve a integração de informação específica sobre a identidade de quem produziu esses estímulos vocais, recrutando mais recursos atencionais (processos mais top-down; e.g., Conde, Gonçalves, & Pinheiro, 2015; Sohoglu, Peelle, Carlyon, & Davis, 2012). No processamento da voz estão ainda envolvidos diferentes tipos de informação linguística e paralinguística, que dizem respeito ao discurso/conteúdo semântico, à identidade, e à emocionalidade (e.g., Belin et al., 2004; Schirmer & Adolphs, 2017). O nosso estudo teve em conta todos estes aspetos, estudando a perceção de voz de uma amostra não-clínica e composta por participantes com níveis variados de predisposição para experiências alucinatórias. Neste estudo participaram 32 indivíduos recrutados através das suas pontuações (baixas, intermédias e altas) na Escala de Alucinações de Launay-Slade Revista (adaptação portuguesa de Castiajo & Pinheiro, 2017; Larøi & van der Linden, 2005; originalmente desenvolvida por Launay & Slade, 1981). Este é um instrumento que tem sido usado previamente em estudos sobre a prevalência de experiências alucinatórias nas populações clínica e não-clínica (e.g., Morrison et al., 2000; Serper, Dill, Chang, Kot, & Elliot, 2005). Numa primeira sessão, os participantes gravaram excertos da sua própria voz, que envolviam tanto palavras como vocalizações. Mais tarde, numa segunda sessão, os participantes realizaram duas experiências comportamentais com recurso a um computador. Na Experiência 1, foi pedido aos participantes que discriminassem ou reconhecessem a identidade de excertos de voz, que incluíam a sua própria voz e a voz de uma outra pessoa desconhecida. Nesta experiência, os julgamentos eram feitos explicitamente sobre a identidade dos estímulos, com as dimensões do discurso/conteúdo semântico e da emocionalidade dos estímulos a serem analisadas de forma implícita. Na Experiência 2, foi pedido aos participantes que avaliassem as propriedades emocionais dos estímulos apresentados. Nesta experiência, os julgamentos eram feitos explicitamente sobre as propriedades emocionais dos estímulos, com as dimensões do discurso/conteúdo semântico e da identidade dos estímulos a serem analisadas de forma implícita. No que diz respeito à primeira experiência (foco na identidade dos estímulos), os nossos resultados apontam para diferenças nos processos de discriminação e reconhecimento da identidade da voz, relacionadas com os diferentes tipos de informação contida nos estímulos vocais. Na discriminação, os participantes apresentaram melhor desempenho quando ouviam palavras, do que quando ouviam vocalizações. Também apresentaram melhor desempenho quando os estímulos vocais envolviam a sua própria voz e quando envolviam conteúdo positivo. Estas diferenças não foram influenciadas pela variabilidade individual na predisposição para experiências alucinatórias. Contudo, foram também encontradas diferenças nos processos de reconhecimento da identidade da voz, essas sim influenciadas pela variabilidade na predisposição para experiências alucinatórias da nossa amostra. Uma análise de correlações subsequente revelou que, quanto maior a predisposição para alucinações – particularmente, alucinações auditivas –, pior o desempenho no reconhecimento de vocalizações positivas e produzidas pelo próprio indivíduo. Finalmente, no que diz respeito à segunda experiência (foco nas propriedades emocionais dos estímulos), os nossos resultados sugerem que existe uma tendência para avaliar de forma mais extrema (mais positiva ou mais negativa) vocalizações que envolvem a voz do próprio. Estas diferenças nos julgamentos dos participantes não foram, contudo, influenciadas pela variabilidade individual na predisposição para experiências alucinatórias. Em suma, os nossos resultados têm implicações importantes para a discussão do modelo do contínuo das experiências psicóticas (e.g., Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012; van Os et al., 2009), particularmente no que diz respeito ao reconhecimento da identidade da voz e ao conteúdo semântico ou não dos estímulos. Os resultados apontam para uma associação entre o pior desempenho no reconhecimento de estímulos vocais produzidos pelo próprio – particularmente vocalizações, sem conteúdo semântico – e uma maior predisposição para alucinações. Isto vai ao encontro da observação prévia de défices nos processos de reconhecimento em pacientes psicóticos (e.g., Allen et al., 2004; Johns et al., 2001) e sugere que o reconhecimento da identidade da voz poderá ser um mecanismo subjacente tanto em grupos clínicos, como não-clínicos, que experienciam alucinações auditivas. Contudo, não foi encontrada uma associação entre a predisposição para experiências alucinatórias e um pior reconhecimento de estímulos com emocionalidade negativa, algo que foi previamente observado em estudos com pacientes (Pinheiro et al., 2016). Ainda assim, isto está também em linha com evidência prévia que sugere que a experiência de alucinações auditivas poderá estar mais relacionada com o processamento das dimensões da identidade e do discurso/conteúdo semântico, do que com o processamento da emocionalidade (ver Conde et al., 2016a para uma revisão)

    Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite sills and petrogenetic links with granites, Guarda-Belmonte area, central Portugal

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    Granitic amblygonite-subtype and lepidolite-subtype, aplite-pegmatite sills intruded a biotite>muscovite granite (G1). Two other biotite>muscovite granites (G2 and G3) and a muscovite>biotite granite (G4) crop out in the area. Variation diagrams for major and trace elements of the Variscan rocks show fractionation trends for a) G1 and G4; b) G2, G3 and aplite-pegmatite sills. The two series are confirmed by the two trends defined by major elements of primary muscovite. The sills also contain Li-bearing muscovite, which has higher Mn, Li, F and paragonite contents and lower AlVI content than primary muscovite from G2, G3 and sills. All sills have pure albite and P2O5 content of K-feldspar and plagioclase increases in the series G2, G3 and sills. Beryl occurs in all sills, but lepidolite and a nearly pure petalite only occur in lepidolite-subtype sills, which are the most evolved sills. Primary topaz and amblygonite have a similar composition in all sills. Aplite-pegmatite sills contain cassiterite, which shows sequences of alternating darker and lighter zones. The former are richer in (Nb + Ta + Fe + Mn) than the latter. Manganocolumbite is common in all sills, but ferrocolumbite only appears in amblygonite-subtype sills and manganotantalite in lepidolite-subtype sills. The sills richest in Li contain reversely-zoned crystals with a homogeneous microlite core and a heterogeneous uranmicrolite rim. Least squares analysis of major elements shows that granite G3 and amblygonite-subtype and lepidolite-subtype aplite-pegmatite sills can be derived from granite G2 magma by fractional crystallization of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and ilmenite. Modelling of trace elements shows good results for Sr, but magmatic fluids controlled the Rb and Ba contents of the aplite-pegmatite sills and probably also their Li, F, Sn and Ta contents and crystallization of lepidolite, cassiterite and Nb–Ta oxide mineral assemblage. Schorl from the lepidolite-subtype sills that cut granite G1 has higher Mg/(Mg + Fe) than schorl from metasomatised granite at sill walls and resulted from the mixing of magmatic fluids carrying B and some Fe with a meteoric fluid that has interacted with the host granite G1 and carried Fe and Mg. Schorl and dravite, respectively from metasomatised granite and micaschist at sill walls, were also formed from the mixing processes

    Leadership behaviors impacting follower’s results

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    This study explores the concepts of Leadership Behavior and the impact on the followers. which can generate engagement, commitments and organizational success. The purpose of the paper is to discuss How Leadership Behavior impacts on follower’s results through implied motives how communication about autonomy and responsibility leads to a better performance both personal and organizational, from employees and also how communication can be performed by leaders to be effective on the organizational success. The research question is “How Leadership Behavior impacts on follower’s results through implied motives? And it will lead us to test and validate the impact of communication on performance through organizations structures. Is necessary to gather the right people with certain behaviors and with the right information for better decision making and consequently better and faster business results can be achieved. Communication is the main factor for information to flow within the organization hierarchies or teams and departments. Employees transform that information into knowledge, thus their perception capacity and performance, being knowledge defined as “understood information” or information as “organized facts”, applying it to their activities. In this context it’s possible to say that knowledge workers and organizations are those, which use knowledge intensively Reinforcing the main purpose of this research mentioning that "effective leadership is still largely a matter of communication. An effective leader thinks about what he says, carefully working out every expression of any significance". The central idea here is that for a system to have the freedom to self-organize, it must have some degree of "space" or autonomy for the occurrence of the relevant innovation. The idea of integrating the needs of individuals and organizations became a powerful force. Alternatives to the bureaucratic organization have begun to emerge as the research showed how bureaucratic structures, leadership styles and the general work of organizations could be modified to create "richer" jobs and motivators that would encourage people to exercise their capacities and creativity This is a conceptual paper, which explores the concepts of communication, autonomy and responsibility, framed by leadership models. The methodology used to was documentary analysis, including papers from the main scientific databases: Scopus and WOS, using the keywords communication, autonomy, responsibility and leadership. In the near future the field methodology will be "Action Research” to study methods, contents and ways of communication from leaders to their teams. The study is going to be performed during 2015/2016 in a specific company environment, using several techniques to collect data: observation and the register of evidences in loco. Data collected will be analyzed and preliminary conclusions will lead to new researches and analysis and a cycle will be done until the end of the study. As expected results we hope to prove that Communication within organization hierarchies will generate more autonomy and better performance from employees which will originate better results from their tasks and thus more efficiency which in turn will lead to high organizational performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How is Trust affected by a Leader’s failure on his role?

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    This study explores the trust concept on leadership and how it can affect employee’s behavior. The purpose of the paper is to discuss how leadership trust can be affected by a leader’s failure on his role. The research question is "How is trust affected by a leader’s failure on his role?” And it will lead us to test and validate the impact of leader’s trust on employee’s behavior and performance through organizations structures. In leadership, trust between superiors and followers plays a very important role. Since last decade, there has been a considerable increase in researching trust at the organizational level. Researchers and practitioners continue to recognize trust as an important factor in determining organizational success, organizational stability and the well-being of employees. Trust has also emerged as a central construct in a wide range of management studies including those focusing on performance. This is a conceptual paper, which explores the concepts of trust, behavior and performance, framed by leadership models. The literature review includes a documentary analysis of papers from the main scientific databases: Scopus and WOS, using the keywords leadership, trust, behavior and performance. As expected results we anticipate to confirm if leader’s trust within organization hierarchies will generate and be a key factor on behavior and thus lead to better performance from employees which will originate better results from their tasks and thus more efficiency which in turn will lead to high organizational performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Leadership Fosters Communication and Impacts Employees Responsibility and Autonomy

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    This study explores the communication, autonomy and responsibility concepts, which can generate organizational success. The purpose of the paper is to discuss how communication about autonomy and responsibility leads to a better performance both personal and organizational, from employees and also how communication can be performed by leaders to be effective on the organizational success. The research question is "How Leadership fosters Communication and impacts Employees Responsibility and Autonomy?" And it will lead us to test and validate the impact of communication on performance through organizations structures. Is necessary to gather the right people with certain behaviors and with the right information for better decision making and consequently better and faster business results can be achieved. Communication is the main factor for information to flow within the organization hierarchies or teams and departments. Employees transform that information into knowledge, thus their perception capacity and performance, being knowledge defined as "understood information" or information as "organized facts", applying it to their activities. In this context it's possible to say that knowledge workers and organizations are those, which use knowledge intensively Reinforcing the main purpose of this research mentioning that "effective leadership is still largely a matter of communication. An effective leader thinks about what he says, carefully working out every expression of any significance". The central idea here is that for a system to have the freedom to self-organize, it must have some degree of "space" or autonomy for the occurrence of the relevant innovation. The idea of integrating the needs of individuals and organizations became a powerful force. Alternatives to the bureaucratic organization have begun to emerge as the research showed how bureaucratic structures, leadership styles and the general work of organizations could be modified to create "richer" jobs and motivators that would encourage people to exercise their capacities and creativity This is a conceptual paper, which explores the concepts of communication, autonomy and responsibility, framed by leadership models. The methodology used to was documentary analysis, including papers from the main scientific databases: Scopus and WOS, using the keywords communication, autonomy, responsibility and leadership. In the near future the field methodology will be "Action Research" to study methods, contents and ways of communication from leaders to their teams. The study is going to be performed during 2015/2016 in a specific company environment, using several techniques to collect data: observation and the register of evidences in loco. Data collected will be analyzed and preliminary conclusions will lead to new researches and analysis and a cycle will be done until the end of the study. As expected results we hope to prove that Communication within organization hierarchies will generate more autonomy and better performance from employees which will originate better results from their tasks and thus more efficiency which in turn will lead to high organizational performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Private equity challenge field lab - a leveraged buyout of biotelemetry inc

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    This Investment Committee Paper was elaborated by agroup of students from the Master in Finance Program which is intended to beused for academic purposes only. It consist sonaproposal for raleveraged buy out on BioTelemetry Inc.,theleading US-based company focused on providing remote cardiac monitoring, centralized research services for clinical trials, remote glucose monitoring, and original equipment manufacturing. The group developed a value creation strategy and anoperating business model for the proposed investment, which was based on athorough market and company analysis, as well as on the company’s valuation. Subsequently ,the group suggested an optimal capital structure for the investment as well as arange of possible exit strategies

    Motivation and physical fitness in old people participating in a hydro-gymnastics

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    Introduction: The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the motivations and the impact of the hydro-gymnastics in the physical fitness of old people involved in a 16 weeks exercise program. Methods: Participants were 83 old people doing a community hydro-gymnastics exercise program. Motivations were assessed using the Sport Activity Motivation Questionnaire and physical fitness was evaluated using the Functional Fitness Test battery, in two separate moments with a 16 weeks interval. The assumption of normality was checked using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Wilcoxon test was used to compare the group in different time moments. Results: Regarding motivations to hydro-gymnastics the items that scored higher were: “need to exercise”, “be with friends”, “make new friends” and “fun”. In terms of physical fitness variation, improvements in average were found in practically all fitness test between the 1st and 2nd evaluation, with significant statistical differences in 3 of the 5 tests applied. Conclusions: Old people´s major motives to participate in hydro-gymnastics are related to the motivational dimensions of physical fitness, general affiliation and pleasure. Additionally, hydro-gymnastics exercise programs have a positive impact to improve physical fitness in old people and play a determinant role on health promotion and successful aging.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio