38 research outputs found

    Acoustic monitoring of a prestressed concrete beam reinforced by adhesively bonded composite

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    ICCRRR 2018, International Conference on Concrete Repair Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 19-/09/2019 - 21/09/2019The use of adhesively bonded composite reinforcement is relatively widely used for concrete structures. Yet, some questions remain regarding its use in the case of prestressed concrete structures especially in relation with the influence of existing cracking and the verification of the encountered damage phenomena at real scale. French National Organism CEREMA with the help of French motorway bridge owners association ASFA and French National Research Organism IFSTTAR realized several real size experimental investigations of an old prestressed concrete beam coming from a deconstructed bridge to answer these questions (Project CLERVAL). Both flexure and shear tests up to failure were carried out and several measurement methods were used to understand the role of the composite reinforcement on the behavior of the structure and the damage scenario. Acoustic emission was one of these methods and two different systems were investigated. The proposed communication will first describe the two used acoustic systems and their dedication (localized acoustic emission and overall acoustic survey). A specific development will then be presented aiming at optimizing the obtained acoustic phenomena localization taking into account the anisotropy of the prestressed concrete beam. Finally, main results will then be presented for both flexure and shear tests

    Mycobacterium marinum antagonistically induces an autophagic response while repressing the autophagic flux in a TORC1- and ESX-1-dependent manner.

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    Autophagy is a eukaryotic catabolic process also participating in cell-autonomous defence. Infected host cells generate double-membrane autophagosomes that mature in autolysosomes to engulf, kill and digest cytoplasmic pathogens. However, several bacteria subvert autophagy and benefit from its machinery and functions. Monitoring infection stages by genetics, pharmacology and microscopy, we demonstrate that the ESX-1 secretion system of Mycobacterium marinum, a close relative to M. tuberculosis, upregulates the transcription of autophagy genes, and stimulates autophagosome formation and recruitment to the mycobacteria-containing vacuole (MCV) in the host model organism Dictyostelium. Antagonistically, ESX-1 is also essential to block the autophagic flux and deplete the MCV of proteolytic activity. Activators of the TORC1 complex localize to the MCV in an ESX-1-dependent manner, suggesting an important role in the manipulation of autophagy by mycobacteria. Our findings suggest that the infection by M. marinum activates an autophagic response that is simultaneously repressed and exploited by the bacterium to support its survival inside the MCV

    Extraction d'information conceptuelle de textes, basée sur une annotation interlingue et guidée par une ontologie

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    International audienceNous proposons dans ce papier une méthode générique (indépendante de la langue et du domaine) permettant d'extraire des informations conceptuelles à partir de textes. Une ontologie de domaine, considérée comme un paramètre du système, détermine les informations pertinentes et guide le processus d'extraction. Les textes sont lemmatisés puis annotés par des lexèmes interlingues, ce qui permet à la majeure partie du processus de rester indépendante de la langue. Un alignement automatique entre l'ontologie et le lexique interlingue permet, ensuite, l'identification des concepts présents dans le texte. Notre méthode est implémentée suivant une architecture distribuée, orientée services. Par ailleurs, dans le cadre, du projet ANR OMNIA, elle est combinée avec des analyses visuelles pour l'indexation de documents bimodaux (images et textes)

    ScienQuest: a treebank exploitation tool for non NLP-specialists

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    International audienceThe exploitation of syntactically analysed corpora (or treebanks) by non NLP-specialist is not a trivial problem. If the NLP community wants to make publicly available corpora with complex annotations, it is imperative to develop simple interfaces capable of handling advanced queries. In this paper, we present query methods developed during the Scientext project and intended for the general public. Queries can be made using forms, lemmas, parts of speech, and syntactic relations within specific textual divisions, such as title, abstract, introduction, conclusion, etc. Three query modes are described: an assisted query mode in which the user selects the elements of the query, a semantic mode which includes local pre-established grammars using syntactic functions, and an advanced search mode where the user create custom grammar

    40 itinéraires vers des systèmes herbagers : comprendre les transitions pour mieux les accompagner

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    How can farmers bset be supported as they transition towards systems that make greater use of grazing and grasslands ? After having analysed the motivations of farmers that infrequently employ grasslands, researchers leading the Casdar PraiFacE action research project conducted interviews with individuals who had made the move towards grassland farming. This study thus examines 40 unique situations in which farmers transitioned towards a greater use of grasslands ; it looks at the farmers' rationales, the difficulties the encountered, and the factors that facilitated the process. Certain strong trends emerge. The farmers were looking to create better working conditions for themselves and were also driven by a sense of social consciousness. It was challenging for them to archieve their target levels of agricultural self-sufficiency and to master the new system of feeding their livestock. It was helpful for them to have group support as part of the learning process and when facing peer pressure related to the transition. Not a single one of the farmers interviewed expressed an interest in abondoning grassland farming. Thanks to the results on this study, the researchers were also able to see how to make grassland farming easier to understand and more accessible.Comment faciliter les évolutions vers des systèmes plus pâturants et plus herbagers ? Telle était la question placée au cœur du Casdar PraiFacE. Après s'être penchés sur les logiques d'action des éleveurs et futurs éleveurs peu herbagers, les animateurs engagés dans ce projet ont interrogé des éleveurs ayant mis en place un système plus herbager puis analysé comment s'est déroulée leur évolution. Un travail riche d'enseignements et de perspectives. L'enquête a permis d'analyser 40 situations singulières de transition vers un système plus herbager, réparties dans 5 régions et 3 systèmes de production : quelles ont été les motivations ?, les difficultés qui ont jalonné le parcours ?, les facteurs qui l'ont facilités ? Des tendances fortes se dessinent : la recherche d'un mieux-être au travail (suivie par les motivations sociétales), des difficultés dans l'acquisition de l'autonomie alimentaire visée et la maîtrise du système fourrager ; l'accompagnement de groupe est un atout qui permet d'apprendre mais aussi de rassurer face à la pression sociale. Tout n'est pas facile, mais aucun des agriculteurs ne retournerait en arrière. Ce travail de recherche - action a également permis aux animateurs de percevoir comment rendre les systèmes herbagers plus compréhensibles et accessibles

    Ontology driven content extraction using interlingual annotation of texts in the OMNIA project

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    International audienceOMNIA is an on-going project that aims to retrieve images accompanied with multilingual texts. In this paper, we pro- pose a generic method (language and do- main independent) to extract conceptual information from such texts and sponta- neous user requests. First, texts are la- belled with interlingual annotation, then a generic extractor taking a domain on- tology as a parameter extract relevant conceptual information. Implementation is also presented with a first experiment and preliminary results

    Redox-responsive Host-Guest Association Between g-Cyclodextrin and Mixed-Metal Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates

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    International audienceThe complexation of Keggin-type polyoxometalates (POMs) with g-cyclodextrin (g-CD) leads to supramolecular inclusion assemblies in aqueous solution driven by chaotropic effect. The strength of the interaction between g-CD and oxidized or one-electron reduced POMs in a series of molybdenum and vanadium monosubstituted phospho-and silico-tungstates, [XW11MO40] n-Keggin-type anions where X = P or Si and M = Mo V/VI or V IV/V , has been evaluated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), NMR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Such a study reveals the host-guest binding constant K1:1 increases strongly with the decrease of the global ionic charge of the POM unit. There is almost one magnitude order of variation in K1:1 per charge unit, where K1:1 falls down from about 10 5 to values close to zero as ionic charge varies from 3-to 6-. Such POMs with molybdenum and vanadium addenda offer the possibility of tuning the hostguest association strength by simple addition/removal of one electron to POMs, opening new avenue for the design of smart materials through redox stimuli