396 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Seluruh Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012)

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of the leverage, profitability, board size, the size of the company, the status of the company which is categorized as a company owned by the State, and institutional ownership affect to corporate social responsibility.The population in this research are listed companies (listing) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2012. The sampling design of this research is purposive sampling. Used in this research as technical analyse for test hypothesis multiple regression on the model proposed researchers using SPSS software version 19.0.The results of this research showed that board size, the size of the company, and the status of the company significant influence to corporate social responsibility. While the leverage, profitability, and institutional ownership unable to influence corporate social responsibility.Keywords: DER, ROA, BOC, the size of the company, the status of the company, institutional ownership, and CS

    Enhancenig OLSR routing protocol using K-means clustering in MANETs

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    The design of robust routing protocol schemes for MANETs is quite complex, due to the characteristics and structural constraints of this network. A numerous variety of protocol schemes have been proposed in literature. Most of them are based on traditional method of routing, which doesn’t guarantee basic levels of Qos, when the network becomes larger, denser and dynamic. To solve this problem we use one of the most popular methods named clustering. In this work we try to improve the Qos in MANETs. We propose an algorithm of clustering based in the new mobility metric and K-Means method to distribute the nodes into several clusters; it is implemented to standard OLSR protocol giving birth a new protocol named OLSR Kmeans-SDE. The simulations showed that the results obtained by OLSR Kmeans-SDE exceed those obtained by standard OLSR Kmeans and OLSR Kmed+ in terms of, traffic Control, delay and packet delivery ratio

    Novel Clustering Method Based on K-Medoids and Mobility Metric

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    The structure and constraint of MANETS influence negatively the performance of QoS, moreover the main routing protocols proposed generally operate in flat routing. Hence, this structure gives the bad results of QoS when the network becomes larger and denser. To solve this problem we use one of the most popular methods named clustering. The present paper comes within the frameworks of research to improve the QoS in MANETs. In this paper we propose a new algorithm of clustering based on the new mobility metric and K-Medoid to distribute the nodes into several clusters. Intuitively our algorithm can give good results in terms of stability of the cluster, and can also extend life time of cluster head

    Mutu Jagung yang Diperdagangkan di Kota Jambi Diukur Berdasarkan Nilai Bulk Density dan Kandungan Serat Kasar

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    Maize is being used as the main energy source in poultry feed in Indonesia. The authorities therefore, must guarantee that the maize available in markets must meet Indonesian quality standards. Determination of maize quality standards is still based on nutrient contents obtained through chemical analysis, which is very expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on the bulk density (BD) value and crude fiber (CF) content of maize, these two parameters were then correlated to obtain the prediction equation. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) of Jambi City and were divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover scale (large, medium, small). Each scale represented by 6 PS. Pure maize was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of maize samples was randomly taken from each PS represented by 3 sacks of maize.Obtained samples were subjected to BD measurement and CF analysis. The results showed that BD and CF of maize were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of maize cobs in a proportion of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and ground maize, respectively. The quality of maize traded at Jambi City was not affected by sales turnover scale. The chemical quality of maize as reflected by CF content (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) according to this equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65.The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on physical characteristics. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) in Jambi City and divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover (large, medium, small) and each turnover group consisted of 6 PS. Pure corn was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of corn samples were taken from each PS, each randomly taken from 3 sacks of corn. Corn samples were measured for bulk density (BD) and analyzed for crude fiber (CF). The results showed that BD and CF of corn were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of corn cobs of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and milled corn, respectively. The quality of corn circulating in Jambi City is not affected by sales turnover. The chemical quality of corn as reflected by CF (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) using the equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65.Maize is being used as the main energy source in poultry feed in Indonesia. The authorities therefore, must guarantee that the maize available in markets must meet Indonesian quality standards. Determination of maize quality standards is still based on nutrient contents obtained through chemical analysis, which is very expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on the bulk density (BD) value and crude fiber (CF) content of maize, these two parameters were then correlated to obtain the prediction equation. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) of Jambi City and were divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover scale (large, medium, small). Each scale represented by 6 PS. Pure maize was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of maize samples was randomly taken from each PS represented by 3 sacks of maize.Obtained samples were subjected to BD measurement and CF analysis. The results showed that BD and CF of maize were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of maize cobs in a proportion of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and ground maize, respectively. The quality of maize traded at Jambi City was not affected by sales turnover scale. The chemical quality of maize as reflected by CF content (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) according to this equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65

    Menelusuri Kehidupan Pantang Iban: Gambaran Psikologis Manusia Berbudaya Tato Sebuah Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat bagaimana gambaran psikologis subjek sebagai seorang individu yang memiliki budaya tato. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dunia psikologis subjek yang memiliki budaya tato tradisional Dayak Iban. Peneliti mendasarkan diri pada pendekatan fenomenologis, khususnya IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Pendekatan IPA dipilih karena memiliki prosedur analisis data yang terperinci. Prosedur tersebut bertitik fokus pada eksplorasi pengalaman yang diperoleh subjek melalui kehidupan pribadi dan sosialnya. Subjek yang terlibat dalam penelitian berjumlah tiga orang laki-laki yang berasal dari dua daerah, yaitu Sungai Utik dan Pontianak. Peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam pengalaman psikologis subjek selama memiliki tato tradisional terdapat tiga pokok inti, yang terdiri dari: tato sebagai identitas; dinamika kehidupan bertato iban; dan penghayatan kehidupan bertato iban. Penelitian ini sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa tato adalah sebagai warisan leluhur yang menjadi keharusan untuk dimiliki oleh para subjek. Tato menjadi sebuah kebanggaan bagi para subjek. Terdapat pencapaian-pencapaian yang harus diraih untuk dapat memiliki tato. Hal inilah yang membuat subjek dapat memaknai tato yang dimiliki

    A Study on the Ability of the First Year Students of Sman 2 Rumbio Jaya in Retelling Fairy Tales

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    This descriptive research was aimed to find out the ability of the first year students of SMA Negeri 2 Rumbio Jaya in retelling fairy tales. The research data were collected on July 2016. The subject of this research was class X1 consisted of 25 students. The data were collected by giving text to the students in term of fairy tales namely Putri Pandan Berduri, Keong Mas (The Golden Snail), Lutung Kasarung, Bunga Batu (The Stone Flower), and Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih (Onion and Garlic). The students were asked to retell fairy tales in front of the class. During the students retelling the story, three raters were listening and checking the students' performance. The students were given scores by three raters based on the five components of speaking namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Based on the research findings, it was found out thatthe ability of the first year students in retelling fairy tales is in mediocre level with the mean score 45.92. Then, the result showed that no student was in excellent level and 3 students (12%) reached good level. Furthermore, 15 students (60 %) were in mediocre level. Moreover, 7 students (28%) were in poor level and no student got the score in very poor level

    A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis to Investigate the Correlation Vegetable Irrigation with Wastewater and Concentration of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTES): a Case Study of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus)

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    Water shortage and stress around the world lead to the reuse of wastewater in many sectors while the recycling of water in agriculture as one of the most consumed sectors can boost the contamination of crops by potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the correlation between the accumulation of PTEs (Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, As, Cd, and Se) in edible parts of spinach and radish plants and sewage irrigation by the aid of a meta-analysis. Moreover, the non-carcinogenic risk (N-CR) and carcinogenic risk (CR) for health risk assessment of consumers were assessed through actual total target hazard quotient (TTHQact) and carcinogenic risk (CRact). After the screening process, 51 articles with 75 studies were included. According to findings, the rank order of PTEs in spinach and radish were Fe > Zn > Cr > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cd > As > Se and Fe > Zn > Cr > Ni > Cu > Pb > As > Cd > Se, respectively. PTE adsorption by edible parts of spinach (leafy vegetable) was higher than radish. The health risk assessment shows that residents in Iran, India, and China are at N-CR while the population of Iran, India, and Pakistan are facing CR. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Generalized Grassmannian Coherent States For Pseudo-Hermitian nn Level Systems

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    The purpose of this paper is to generalize fermionic coherent states for two-level systems described by pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian \cite{Trifonov}, to n-level systems. Central to this task is the expression of the coherent states in terms of generalized Grassmann variables. These kind of Grassmann coherent states satisfy bi-overcompleteness condition instead of over-completeness one, as it is reasonably expected because of the biorthonormality of the system. Choosing an appropriate Grassmann weight function resolution of identity is examined. Moreover Grassmannian coherent and squeezed states of deformed group SUq(2)SU_{q}(2) for three level pseudo-Hermitian system are presented.Comment: 17 page
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