41 research outputs found

    MP-14 Antibiotics Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry in West Java

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    Most of poultry industries use antibiotics for health management program. They use them as bacterial infection treatment and disease prevention, known as antibiotic growth promotor (AGP) [1]. Now, worldwide concern is about antibiotics resistance. Monitoring programs are done by countries in the world to protect human and animal health [2]. The monitoring programs usually use indicator bacteria such as Escherichia coli [3].Many researchers studied about antibiotics resistance in Indonesia. Escherichia coli isolated from poultry has been resistance to doxycycline (25%) and gentamycin (12.5%) [4]. Seven E. coli isolated from fecal samples shown that resistance to methicillin (85.7%), penicillin G (71.4%) and 42,9% were resistance both doxycycline hydrochloride and streptomycin [5]. Start from Januari 1st 2018 Indonesian Misintry of Agricuture banned antibiotics as AGP, based on Permentan No. 14/2017. They tried to prevent the spread of antibiotics resistance. So, it is necessary to determine antibiotics resistance patterns, especially in E. coli as indicator bacteria

    MP-5 Antibiotic Resistance of Klebsiella Species Isolated from Broiler Chickens in Sukabumi and Bogor Areas

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    Animal protein needs in Indonesia increase every year. One source of animal protein that is affordable for all levels of society is poultry. Poultry mostly farmed in several parts of Indonesia. The region that has the largest poultry population in Indonesia is the province of West Java. The regions in West Java that contribute the highest poultry populations are Sukabumi and Bogor. The largest number of poultry populations is broiler chicken population, which is 108,304,978 tails.Antibiotics often used in livestock and poultry as a prevention of disease transmission and as a growth promoter. Routine use of antibiotics in the livestock industry, especially chickens, has a negative impact. One of them is the emergence of antibiotic resistance. One of the bacteria that has experienced antibiotic resistance is the Klebsiella species.Klebsiella bacteria are Gram-negative bacteria are normal flora in the oral cavity, skin and intestines, but can become pathogens in animals and humans under certain conditions. This bacterium is one of the causes of bacterial diseases that attack large livestock and poultry.  Many reports say that Klebsiella species have experienced resistance to antibiotics. Klebsiella had experienced resistance to several antibiotics, namely ampicillin as much as 66.7%, Nalidixic Acid 61.8%, tetracycline 59.8% and trimethropin 50%. Klebsiella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics are very dangerous for animal and human health. Diseases caused by Klebsiella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics will be difficult to cure. Akova (2016) states that Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria that experience resistance will produce infections that are difficult to treat or cannot even be treated using antimicrobials

    Uji Resistensi Terhadap Beberapa Antibiotika pada Escherichia coli yang Diisolasi dari Kucing di Klinik Hewan Kota Bogor

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    ABSTRAKPermasalahan resistensi Antibiotika pada hewan kesayangan menjadi kendala kesehatan hewan di seluruh dunia. World Health Organisation (WHO) menyebutkan bahwa pada masa mendatang resistensi antibiotika akan menjadi tantangan yang terbesar dalam dunia kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat resistensi antibiotika terhadap Escherichia coli yang diisolasi dari kucing pada klinik hewan di Kota Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa resistensi Escherichia coli tertinggi terjadi pada golongan β-laktam (ampisilin 66% dan amoksisilin 60%) yang diikuti oleh golongan tetrasiklin (oksitetrasiklin 54% dan dosisiklin 24%), serta golongan kuinolon (enrofloksasin 38% dan ciprofloksasin 28%). Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan medis bagi praktisi hewan kesayangan dalam penggunaan antibiotika.Kata Kunci: Escherichia coli, klinik hewan, kucing, resistensi antibiotikaABSTRACTThe problem of antibiotic resistance in pets is obstacles to animal health throughout the world. World Health Organization (WHO) states that in the future, antibiotic resistance will become the biggest challenge in the health concern. This study aims to measure the level of Escherichia coli resistance to antibiotics which is isolated from cats on veterinary clinics in Bogor City. The results showed that the highest resistance of Escherichia coli occurred in the β-lactam group (ampicillin 66% and amoxicillin 60%) followed by tetracycline (oxytetracycline 54% and doxycycline 24%), and quinolone group (enrofloxacin 38% and ciprofloxacin 28%). This study is expected to become medical considerations for pet practitioners in the use of antibiotics.Keywords: animal clinic, antibiotic resistance, cats, Escherichia col

    Pengembangan Media Transpor untuk Koleksi Sampel Preputium, untuk deteksi Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis

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    Campylobacter fetus subsp. Venerealis (Cfv) is bacteria causing contagious genital diseases in cows called Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis (BGC) or vibriosis. Isolation of Cfv is difficult, because the bacteria are fragile and need specific nutrients and oxygen (5-10%). The transport media is very important to maintain Cfv survival before culturing in laboratory. The aim of this study was to modify a new transport media as an alternative media for Cfv. Developed media capability was compared to Weybridge media, and Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS). All transport media was contaminated by Cfv with concentrations of 105,104,103,102,101 (CFU/ml), and was stored for <6, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours in each transport medium before culturing on blood agar, all in triplicate. The quality of transport media was analyzed based on bacterial growth on blood agar. PCR test was used as a confirmatory test of growing bacteria cultured on blood agar. Based on culture results, Cfv stored in three transport mediums for <6 hours, Cfv grew on blood agar from all concentration levels provided. Cfv stored for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours on PBS did not grow, whereas on developed media and Weybridge media, the bacteria could grow and enrichment occurs at all concentration levels given. This study indicated the developed media can be used as an alternative transport medium for Cfv bacteria

    Formulasi susu berkhasiat anti flu burung dan anti diare; produksi imunoglobulin Y dalam berbagai bentuk

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    The ultimate goal of fresh milk formulations are efficacious against-bird flu and diarrhea (against Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis). Outputs generated in this first year of immunoglobulin Y anti-bird flu and anti-diarrhea in various forms of spray dry yolk, dry freeze egg yolks, and pure extracts. lg Y that collected is located in the egg yolks and tested positive for HSNl virus, E. coli and S. enteritidis. Production of Ig Y begins with the treatment in the form of vaccination in laying hens 4 (four) times during the 4 (four) weeks. The vaccines were used in the form of HSNl in the first and third week, while E. coli and S. enteritidis used every week. Serum and yolk was collected and checked for the presence of anti-lg Y was the third agent since the first week after the last vaccination. Inspection method for E. coli and S. Enteritidis is the order Presipitation Gel Test (AGPT) while the HSNl method Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI). The results give a positive result against all three antigens, but in a different week. This situation is common given the immunity of each chicken is different depending on race, age and environment.

    Formulasi susu berkhasiat anti flu burung dan anti diare; produksi imunoglobulin Y dalam berbagai bentuk

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    The ultimate goal of fresh milk formulations are efficacious against-bird flu and diarrhea (against Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis). Outputs generated in this first year of immunoglobulin Y anti-bird flu and anti-diarrhea in various forms of spray dry yolk, dry freeze egg yolks, and pure extracts. lg Y that collected is located in the egg yolks and tested positive for HSNl virus, E. coli and S. enteritidis. Production of Ig Y begins with the treatment in the form of vaccination in laying hens 4 (four) times during the 4 (four) weeks. The vaccines were used in the form of HSNl in the first and third week, while E. coli and S. enteritidis used every week. Serum and yolk was collected and checked for the presence of anti-lg Y was the third agent since the first week after the last vaccination. Inspection method for E. coli and S. Enteritidis is the order Presipitation Gel Test (AGPT) while the HSNl method Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI). The results give a positive result against all three antigens, but in a different week. This situation is common given the immunity of each chicken is different depending on race, age and environment.


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    Brucellosis is among the important diseases in livestock because the disease infects multiple species of animals and causes economic loss. Brucellosis in sheep is generally caused by Brucella melitensis and/or Brucella ovis. This study aimed to detect seropositive brucellosis in sheep. Serological tests used in this study was a parallel test between Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and Complement Fixation Test (CFT). Samples were collected from 150 sheep slaughtered in small ruminant slaughterhouse, Sentul, Bogor Regency. Seropositive proportion of brucellosis in sheep based on parallel test RBT and CFT was 52% (78/150)

    Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Ficus variegata Blume as Antibacterial Compounds Producer

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    Endophytic bacteria can produce antibacterial compounds. Their existence in the medicinal plant of Ficus variegata Blume enables the production of bioactive compounds similar to those contained by the host plants. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify endophytic bacteria from F. variegata which is potential to produce antibacterial compounds. The methods used include isolation of endophytic bacteria from leaves, stem, aerial root, and fruit of F. variegata plants. Antibacterial activity assay was done against four types of bacteria i.e. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtillis, Escherichia coli, and Psedomonas aeruginosa. Identification of endophytic bacteria was conducted based on morphological analysis, biochemical test, and molecular analysis of 16S rRNA. Endophytic bacterial culture was extracted by ethyl acetate and analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 29 isolates of endophytic bacteria were obtained from F. variegata. The BH2 isolate was found to have potential activity. Analysis of 16S rRNA showed that BH2 isolate was related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain SV1 with 99 % identity. The result of GC-MS analysis showed that the antibacterial compound was Nonanoic acid ethyl este

    MP-7 Isolation of Antibiotic Resistance Gene from Staphylococcus aureus from Chicken Poultry Farm in Bogor West Java Indonesia

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen in human and another animal species. It also associated with staphylococcosis, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and bumble foot disease in poultry. Antibiotics including penicillin, erythromycin and tetracycline are widely used for treating infection caused by S. aureus.Chicken poultry play important role in food supply as one of protein source in Indonesia. West Java province has largest population of chicken poultry, where Bogor has the largest population of chicken poultry with 19.75.850 chicken in 2018. In order to maintain the production, farmers used antibiotics for prophylaxis, growth promotor, and therapy. However, extensive use of antibiotic can be found in low income and developed country, caused the increasing number of antibiotic resistant bacteria.The aim of this study is to determine the antibiotic resistance pattern of S. aureus isolated from cloacal swab of chicken poultry in Bogor West Java Indonesia

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Aeromonas hydrophila pada Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus) Pertambakan Muara Jambi, Provinsi Jambi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila pada ikan lele dengan gejala klinis pada kolam bioflok di Kabupaten Muara Jambi, Provinsi Jambi. Bakteri diisolasi dari 35 ekor ikan lele yang memiliki gejala infeksi A. hydrophila. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan Purposive random sampling. Identifikasi dilakukan uji biokimia berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI 7303.1-2015 dan dilakukan uji konfirmasi metode PCR taget gen aerA. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa sebanyak 35 ekor ikan terisolasi 12 isolat bakteri A. hydrophila pada uji biokimia. Namun pada pengujian PCR pada agarose gel 0.8% menujukkan 8 Isolat posistif gen aerA pada 309 bp. Hasil yang berbeda dapat diakibatkan karena adanya positif palsu pada saat uji biokimia. Hasil identifikasi A. hydrophila dengan metode PCR dapat digunakan hasil yang lebih akurat dan waktu uji lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan uji biokimia. Identifikasi yang cepat dapat mempermudah dalam pencegahan infeksi lebih efektif dan cepat