651 research outputs found


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    El diseño heráldico desde la perspectiva de la estética medieval

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    El enfoque antropológico desde el que es necesario acercarse hoy a lasciencias historiográficas es utilizado en este caso para abordar lasllamadas leyes del blasón. Bajo esa nueva perspectiva, el Arte del Blasónse convierte en Ciencia Heráldica, y el diseño de sus formas puedepercibirse enmarcado en la estética cultural de los siglos del plenomedioevo europeo, donde la metafísica de la proporción y de la luz danuna nueva vida, de la mano de la Escolástica, a las leyes heráldicas de laestilización de las figuras, de su ordenación en el campo del escudo, dela simetría, de la plenitud y de los esmaltes

    Plane wave limit of local conserved charges

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    We study the plane wave limit of the Backlund transformations for the classical string in AdS space times a sphere and obtain an explicit expression for the local conserved charges. We show that the Pohlmeyer charges become in the plane wave limit the local integrals of motion of the free massive field. This fixes the coefficients in the expansion of the anomalous dimension as the sum of the Pohlmeyer charges.Comment: v2: added explanation

    Медицинский факультет. Проблемы и перспективы инновационной образовательной программы

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    The innovative education system developed by the medical faculty of PFUR for preparation of competitive foreign and domestic doctors on the bases of new forms of continuous post gradual education is presented. The first results of realization of the Innovative educational project, problems and prospects are discussed.В статье представлена разработанная медицинским факультетом РУДН инновационная система образования для подготовки конкурентоспособных иностранных и отечественных специалистов с использованием новых форм непрерывного образования в медицине в рамках системы дополнительного последипломного образования (ДПО). Обсуждаются первые итоги реализации Инновационного образовательного проекта, проблемы и перспективы

    Oxygen and structure transformations of h-BN in focal zone of an optical furnace

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    In this contribution the recent results on a synthesis of the new structures of boron nitride are presented. Light-induced catalyst-free heating of fine-grained graphite-like h-BN powders was performed in the flow of dried and purified nitrogen in an optical furnace. The new structures of boron nitride were obtained. Scanning electron microscopy JSM-6490 supplemented with combined Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) provided information about structures, phase and element transformation of fine-grained graphite-like h-BN powders. The coarse structures, thread-like nanostructures (whiskers or dendritic structures) and new morphologies were formed due to the interaction of BN plume with nitrogen ambient on the surface of the heated compacted h-BN samples. Complicated structure and element composition of the whiskers which were formed on the surface of heated samples of compacted h-BN powders were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). X-ray Diffraction (XRD) study demonstrates presence of amorphous phase, pure boron of different modifications and boron nitride of different phase compositions on the surface of these substrates. The process of the synthesis, formation and growth of the nanostructures in an optical furnace was analyzed and understood. A role of oxygen in formation and growth mechanism of BN whiskers was proposed

    Integrable Spin Chains with U(1)^3 symmetry and generalized Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds

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    We consider the most general three-state spin chain with U(1)^3 symmetry and nearest neighbour interaction. Our model contains as a special case the spin chain describing the holomorphic three scalar sector of the three parameter complex deformation of N=4 SYM, dual to type IIB string theory in the generalized Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds discovered by Frolov. We formulate the coordinate space Bethe ansatz, calculate the S-matrix and determine for which choices of parameters the S-matrix fulfills the Yang-Baxter equations. For these choices of parameters we furthermore write down the R-matrix. We find in total four classes of integrable models. In particular, each already known model of the above type is nothing but one in a family of such models.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, references correcte

    Landau-Lifshitz sigma-models, fermions and the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We define Landau-Lifshitz sigma models on general coset space G/HG/H, with HH a maximal stability sub-group of GG. These are non-relativistic models that have GG-valued N\"other charges, local HH invariance and are classically integrable. Using this definition, we construct the PSU(2,24)/PS(U(22)2)PSU(2,2|4)/PS(U(2|2)^2) Landau-Lifshitz sigma-model. This sigma model describes the thermodynamic limit of the spin-chain Hamiltonian obtained from the complete one-loop dilatation operator of the N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory. In the second part of the paper, we identify a number of consistent truncations of the Type IIB Green-Schwarz action on AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 whose field content consists of two real bosons and 4,8 or 16 real fermions. We show that κ\kappa-symmetry acts trivially in these sub-sectors. In the context of the large spin limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we map the Lagrangians of these sub-sectors to corresponding truncations of the PSU(2,24)/PS(U(22)2)PSU(2,2|4)/PS(U(2|2)^2) Landau-Lifshitz sigma-model.Comment: 42 page

    Development of a Momentum Determined Electron Beam in the 1 -45 GeV Range

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    A beam line for electrons with energies in the range of 1 to 45 GeV, low contamination of hadrons and muons and high intensity up to 10^6 per accelerator spill at 27 GeV was setup at U70 accelerator in Protvino, Russia. A beam tagging system based on drift chambers with 160 micron resolution was able to measure relative electron beam momentum precisely. The resolution sigma_p p was 0.13% at 45 GeV where multiple scattering is negligible. This test beam setup provided the possibility to study properties of lead tungstate crystals (PbWO_4) for the BTeV experiment at Fermilab.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; work done by the BTeV Electromagnetic Calorimeter grou

    Anomalous dimension and local charges

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    AdS space is the universal covering of a hyperboloid. We consider the action of the deck transformations on a classical string worldsheet in AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. We argue that these transformations are generated by an infinite linear combination of the local conserved charges. We conjecture that a similar relation holds for the corresponding operators on the field theory side. This would be a generalization of the recent field theory results showing that the one loop anomalous dimension is proportional to the Casimir operator in the representation of the Yangian algebra.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX; v2: added explanations, reference

    Активность каспазы 3 и каспазы 8 в клетках миокарда правого желудочка при экспериментальной артериальной гипертензии

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    Caspase-3 and caspase-8 activity in right ventricular myocardial cells of rabbits with experimental arterial hypertension (AH) was investigated. Caspase-3 activity significantly increased at 2 and 4 weeks after modeling of AH. Obtained data demonstrated increased apoptosis in right ventricular myocardial cells in experimental arterial hypertension. Absence of significant increasing of caspase-8 activity indicates the predominance of intrinsic apoptogenic signals.Исследована активность каспазы 3 и каспазы 8 в клетках миокарда правого желудочка сердца кроликов с экспериментальной артериальной гипертензией (АГ). Обнаружено достоверное повышение активности каспазы 3 через 2 и 4 недели после моделирования АГ. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об усилении апоптотической гибели клеток миокарда правого желудочка при экспериментальной артериальной гипертензии. Статистически незначимое повышение активности каспазы 8 указывает на преобладание внутриклеточного апоптогенного сигнала