30 research outputs found

    Experiencia piloto de satisfacci贸n estudiantil con estilos de transmisi贸n en vivo de clases sincr贸nicas durante la pandemia por Covid 19

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    In this pilot study, was analyzed the perception of synchronous virtual classes by engineering students in Colombia, specifically concerning four live streaming styles used as tools for digital teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: talking head, speaker next to slide, speaker inside slide, and lightboard. Student opinions were collected using a Likert scale survey and open-response questions, and data were quantified to determine the influence of live streaming styles on teaching processes. Two populations were analyzed to determine whether continuous interaction with live streaming styles influenced student perceptions. Variation among the live streaming styles was observed only for the population with continuous interaction. Results indicate that the experiences between populations using the fourth live streaming style influence student perceptions of live streaming styles. The continuous interaction population preferred lightboard style, while the control population preferred speaker inside slide style. Factors for improvement were identified in all live streaming styles and mainly considered how the quality of audio and interaction impacted perception

    Performance of biodiesel production by means of Ultrasonic Transesterification

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    Introduction- In recent years, the use of renewable energies and eco-friendly fuels has increased, among which one of the best performance is biodiesel, the paper shows an upgrade in the efficiency and effectiveness laboratory level's biodiesel obtaining. Objective- Evaluating the production of biodiesel employing ultrasound is presented, leading to improve the response time and efficiency of the reaction, concerning the conventional method using only temperature. Methodology-. In the transesterification process, castor oil, methanol, and potassium hydroxide are used, obtaining biodiesel and glycerin. A factorial design with two levels for transit time, mixing temperature, and ultrasound intensity were applied in an instrumented scale reactor to control these variables. Results- In the tests, values close to the reference stoichiometric value of the reaction were obtained. The statistic indicates a normal behavior of data, and identifies it as a factor of incidence in the efficiency of the reaction to the intensity of the ultrasound, concerning the response time of the reaction, the mixing temperature and the intensity of ultrasound. Conclusions- The efficiency of the reaction concerning the studied factors, it only depends on the ultrasound obtaining up to 95.7% of the stoichiometric value; and the response time of the reaction depends on the temperature and ultrasound, obtaining times of formation of product four times faster.Introducci贸n- En los 煤ltimos a帽os, el uso de energ铆as renovables y combustibles ecol贸gicos ha aumentado, entre los cuales uno de los mejores resultados es el biodiesel, el art铆culo presenta una mejora en la eficiencia y la eficacia en la obtenci贸n de biodiesel a nivel de laboratorio. Objetivo- Evaluar la producci贸n de biodiesel por medio de ultrasonido, lo que lleva a mejorar el tiempo de respuesta y la eficiencia de la reacci贸n, con respecto al m茅todo convencional que usa solo temperatura. Metodolog铆a- En el proceso de transesterificaci贸n, se utilizan aceite de ricino, metanol e hidr贸xido de potasio; obteniendo biodiesel y glicerina. Se aplic贸 un dise帽o factorial con dos niveles de tiempo de tr谩nsito, temperatura de mezcla e intensidad de ultrasonido en un reactor a escala instrumentado para controlar dichas variables. Resultados- En las pruebas, se obtuvieron valores cercanos al valor estequiom茅trico de referencia de la reacci贸n. La estad铆stica indica un comportamiento normal de los datos y lo identifica como un factor de incidencia en la eficiencia de la reacci贸n a la intensidad del ultrasonido; con respecto al tiempo de respuesta de la reacci贸n, la temperatura de mezcla y la intensidad del ultrasonido. Conclusiones- La eficiencia de la reacci贸n con respecto a los factores estudiados, solo depende de que el ultrasonido obteniendo hasta el 95.7% del valor estequiom茅trico; y el tiempo de respuesta de la reacci贸n depende de la temperatura y el ultrasonido, obteniendo tiempos de formaci贸n del producto cuatro veces m谩s r谩pidos


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    Este art铆culo presenta resultados de una gu铆a propuesta para estudio del potencial de ahorro el茅ctrico en las instalaciones de un edificio. En la literatura se identificaron procedimientos primordiales para el an谩lisis de consumo de energ铆a el茅ctrica en una instalaci贸n, mediante los cuales se dise帽贸 una gu铆a que consta de cuatro fases: An谩lisis de la instalaci贸n, an谩lisis de la informaci贸n, identificaci贸n del potencial de ahorro y propuestas de medidas de ahorro, las cuales se aplic贸 al sector Santo Domingo de la Universidad del Cauca, compuesto por 4 edificios localizados en el centro hist贸rico de la ciudad de Popay谩n a los cuales llega una 煤nica factura de cobro de energ铆a el茅ctrica. El proceso implic贸 realizar el inventario de 2.203 equipos consumidores de energ铆a el茅ctrica en todos los edificios, verificando el estado de las instalaciones el茅ctricas y las caracter铆sticas de dise帽o de cada edificio, estimando un consumo mensual de energ铆a en el sector de 20.298,61 KWh, del cual el 49% corresponde al Claustro Santo Domingo, siendo el edificio de mayor consumo, el 64% del consumo total del sector equivalente a 13.021,43 KWh se presenta en iluminaci贸n por lo que se consider贸 como potencial de ahorro el茅ctrico. Finalmente, se propuso como medida de ahorro el cambio de luminaria actual por tecnolog铆a Led, proyectando un consumo mensual aproximando de 13.802,95 KWh que significa un ahorro del 32% mensual, mediante an谩lisis de costo-beneficio se determin贸 que el tiempo de recuperaci贸n de dicha inversi贸n es de 2.3 a帽os una vez implementada la medida de ahorro.PALABRAS CLAVES: Potencial de ahorro el茅ctrico, consumo de energ铆a el茅ctrica, instalaciones el茅ctricas, medidas de ahorro, tecnolog铆a Led, an谩lisis costo-beneficio

    Sistemas de gesti贸n de energ铆a para microrredes: evoluci贸n y desaf铆os en el marco de la transici贸n energ茅tica

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    Context: Microgrids have been gaining space and credibility in terms of research and real applications. Technological maturity and new regulations have allowed these types of systems to position themselves as a real alternative to increase the coverage of the energy service and improve its quality. One of the biggest challenges of microgrids is the management of resources and their synchronization with conventional grids. In order to overcome the inconvenience of synchronizing and managing the components of a microgrid, research on management systems has been conducted, which usually consist of a set of modules and control strategies that manage the available resources. However, these studies have not reached unanimity on the best method to perform these tasks, which is why it is necessary to perform a systematic collection of information and clearly define the state of research in energy systems management for this type of network. Method: Based on the above, a systematic mapping was carried out in this article, wherein a significant number of papers that have contributed to this area were compiled. Taxonomies were generated based on the nature of the variables collected. These variables correspond to the data or information that enters and/or leaves the microgrid management system, such as meteorological variables, power, priority loads, intelligent loads, economic, operating states, and binary outputs. Conclusions: It was observed that, despite the advances in studying different techniques and strategies microgird control and management, other factors that may affect performance have not been covered in a relevant way, such as the nature of variables and microgrid topology, among others.聽聽聽聽聽Contexto: Las microrredes el茅ctricas han venido ganando espacio y credibilidad a nivel de investigaci贸n y aplicaciones reales. La madurez tecnol贸gica y las nuevas regulaciones han permitido que este tipo de sistemas se posicionen como una alternativa real para aumentar la cobertura del servicio de energ铆a y mejorar su calidad. Uno de los mayores retos de las microrredes es la gesti贸n de los recursos y su sincronizaci贸n con la red convencional. Con el fin de superar el inconveniente de sincronizar y gestionar los componentes de la microrred, se ha investigado sobre sistemas de gesti贸n, los cuales normalmente consisten en un conjunto de m贸dulos y estrategias de control que administran los recursos disponibles. Sin embargo, estas investigaciones no han llegado a una unanimidad sobre el mejor m茅todo para realizar estas tareas, por lo cual se hace necesario realizar una recopilaci贸n sistem谩tica de informaci贸n y definir claramente el estado de la investigaci贸n en gesti贸n de sistemas de energ铆a para este tipo de redes. M茅todo: Con base en lo anterior, en este art铆culo se realiz贸 un mapeo sistem谩tico, donde se recopil贸 un importante n煤mero de art铆culos que han aportado a este campo. Se generaron taxonom铆as basadas en la naturaleza de las variables que se recopilaron. Dichas variables corresponden a los datos o informaci贸n que entran y/o salen del sistema de gesti贸n de la microrred, tales como variables meteorol贸gicas, potencia, cargas prioritarias, cargas inteligentes, econ贸micas, estados de operaci贸n y salidas binarias. Conclusiones: Se observa que, a pesar de los avances en el estudio de las diferentes t茅cnicas y estrategias de control y gesti贸n de microrredes, no se han cubierto de forma relevante otros factores que pueden afectar al rendimiento, como la naturaleza de las variables y la topolog铆a de la microrred, entre otros

    Spectral clustering and fuzzy similarity measure for images segmentation

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    In image segmentation algorithms using spectral clustering, due to the size of the images, the computational load for the construction of the similarity matrix and the solution to the eigenvalue problem for the Laplacian matrix is high. Furthermore, the Gaussian kernel similarity measure is the most used, but it presents problems with irregular data distributions. This work proposes to perform a pre-segmentation or decimation by superpixels with the Simple Linear Iterative Clustering algorithm to reduce the computational cost, and to build the similarity matrix with a fuzzy measure based on the Fuzzy C-Means classifier, providing the algorithm a greater robustness against images with complex distributions and by spectral clustering the final segmentation is determined. Experimentally, it was found that the proposed approach obtains adequate segmentations, good clustering results and a comparable precision with respect to five algorithms; measuring performance under four determined validation metrics.En los algoritmos de segmentaci贸n de im谩genes mediante agrupamiento espectral, debido al tama帽o de las im谩genes, la carga computacional para la construcci贸n de la matriz de similitud y la soluci贸n al problema de valores propios para la matriz laplaciana son altos. Adem谩s, la medida de similitud m谩s utilizada es el kernel gaussiano, el cual presenta problemas con distribuciones de datos irregulares. Este trabajo propone realizar una presegmentaci贸n o diezmado mediante superp铆xeles con el algoritmo Simple Linear Iterative Clustering, para disminuir el costo computacional y construir la matriz de similaridad con una medida difusa basada en el clasificador Fuzzy C-Means, que proporciona al algoritmo una mayor robustez frente a im谩genes con distribuciones complejas; mediante agrupamiento espectral se determina la segmentaci贸n final. Experimentalmente, se comprob贸 que el enfoque propuesto obtiene segmentaciones adecuadas, buenos resultados de agrupamiento y una precisi贸n comparable respecto a cinco algoritmos, midiendo el desempe帽o bajo cuatro m茅tricas de validaci贸n


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    RESUMEN ANAL脥TICOEste art铆culo presenta resultados de una investigaci贸n exploratoria de identificaci贸n de actividades聽de nivel de negocio y administraci贸n de manufactura en MIPYMES de confecci贸n en Popay谩n; se聽realiz贸 acercamiento a entidades relacionadas con el sector productivo de la regi贸n, entrevistas con聽experto en el sector y entrevistas en una muestra heterog茅nea de 24 empresas. El objetivo de esta聽investigaci贸n es dar un primer paso para la organizaci贸n individual y colectiva de las MIPYMES de聽confecci贸n, soportada en el concepto de integraci贸n empresarial que a su vez requiere la identificaci贸n聽y definici贸n de los procesos, actividades y flujos de informaci贸n que interact煤an. Durante la聽investigaci贸n se cre贸 una lista de requerimientos propios del sector y un marco de referencia para聽caracterizar las actividades objeto de estudio y servir de base para formular el cuestionario de las聽entrevistas. Para la construcci贸n del marco se hizo an谩lisis detallado y se tomaron elementos de los聽modelos de integraci贸n Siemens FIET, basado en CIM, y el est谩ndar ISA-95; que se complementaron聽con conceptos adicionales para proponer un marco de referencia ajustado a la problem谩tica tratada.聽Se logr贸 identificar que la actividad de confecci贸n en Popay谩n no est谩 organizada individual ni聽colectivamente; adem谩s, las MIPYMES desarrollan actividades de planeaci贸n, contabilidad, calidad,聽compras, ventas, dise帽o, producci贸n, inventario y mantenimiento, basadas en conocimientos m谩s聽emp铆ricos que acad茅micos. Como resultado adicional, se obtuvo una identificaci贸n cultural del聽sector en la ciudad y un marco 煤til en la caracterizaci贸n de MIPYMES en general. A partir de esta聽investigaci贸n, se posibilita la generaci贸n de herramientas que permitan a los empresarios del sector聽organizar sus actividades y definir la informaci贸n de sus empresas.PALABRAS CLAVES: Sector confecciones, Actividades de nivel de negocio y administraci贸n de聽manufactura, MIPYMES, Integraci贸n empresarial.聽IDENTIFICATION OF BUSINESS LEVEL AND聽MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES INGARMENT MSMEANALYTICAL SUMMARYThis article presents the results of exploratory research oriented to identify business level and聽manufacturing management activities in Popay谩n鈥檚 garment MSMEs; it was performed approach to聽entities related to the productive sector in the region, interviews to sector鈥檚 expert and interviews聽to heterogeneous sample of 24 entrepreneurs. The objective of this research is a first step for聽the individual and collective organization of MSMEs garment, supported the enterprise integration聽concept, which in turn requires the identification and definition of processes, activities and information聽flows. During the research it was created a list of industry-specific requirements and a reference聽framework to characterize the activities under study and to serve as a base for formulating the聽questionnaire interviews. To frame construction analysis was done and elements of integration聽models Siemens-FIET, based in CIM, and ISA-95 standard were taken; that were complemented聽with additional concepts to propose a framework set to threated problem. It was possible to identify聽the garment activity in Popay谩n is not organized individually or collectively; further, MSMEs develop聽planning, accounting, quality, purchasing, sales, design, production, inventory and maintenance聽activities based on more empirical than academic knowledge. As a further result, a sector cultural聽identification in the city and a useful framework for the characterization of MSMEs in general were聽obtained. From this research, it was possible the generation of tools that enable entrepreneurs to聽organize their activities and define their business information.KEYWORDS: Garment industry, Business level and manufacturing management activities, MSMEs,聽Enterprise integration.聽Forma de citar: Mu帽oz Camayo, M. A., Rinc贸n Ramos, J. E. & Fl贸rez Marulanda, J. F. (2014). Identifi caci贸n de actividades de nivel de negocio y administraci贸n de manufactura en mipymes de confecci贸n. En R, Llamosa Villalba (Ed.). Revista Gerencia Tecnol贸gica Inform谩tica, 13(37), 29-43. ISSN 1657-8236

    Procedimiento de modelado ISA S88 para ejecuci贸n de 贸rdenes de producci贸n basadas en r茅cipes

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    This paper proposes and develops a systematic procedure for carrying out the modeling of the ISA S88 for execution of production orders based on recipes, applied to a case study. This procedure provides guidelines for the issue of physical models and procedural control in industrials software tools, so that this issue be conducted in a proper, accurate and organized. Also included the steps that allow the construction of piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) so that both the process models, physical and procedural control, established in ISA S88, and the P&ID are designed with the same information and so as to have consistency between each of them.Este documento propone y desarrolla un procedimiento organizado para realizar el modelado de la norma ISA S88, partes 1 y 2, en la ejecuci贸n de 贸rdenes de producci贸n basadas en r茅cipes, aplicado a un caso de estudio. Dicho procedimiento proporciona pautas para editar los modelos f铆sico y de control procedimental en las herramientas del software industrial, de manera que dicha edici贸n se haga de una forma adecuada, precisa y organizada. Adem谩s, se incluyen pasos que permiten construir diagramas de tuber铆as e instrumentaci贸n (P&ID), de tal forma que tanto los modelos de proceso, f铆sico y de control procedimental, establecidos en ISA S88, as铆 como el diagrama P&ID sean dise帽ados con la misma informaci贸n y sean coherentes entre s铆

    Energy Management Systems for Microgrids: Evolution and Challenges within the Framework of the Energy Transition

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    Context: Microgrids have been gaining space and credibility in terms of research and real applications. Technological maturity and new regulations have allowed these types of systems to position themselves as a real alternative to increase the coverage of the energy service and improve its quality. One of the biggest challenges of microgrids is the management of resources and their synchronization with conventional grids. In order to overcome the inconvenience of synchronizing and managing the components of a microgrid, research on management systems has been conducted, which usually consist of a set of modules and control strategies that manage the available resources. However, these studies have not reached unanimity on the best method to perform these tasks, which is why it is necessary to perform a systematic collection of information and clearly define the state of research in energy systems management for this type of network. Method: Based on the above, a systematic mapping was carried out in this article, wherein a significant number of papers that have contributed to this area were compiled. Taxonomies were generated based on the nature of the variables collected. These variables correspond to the data or information that enters and/or leaves the microgrid management system, such as meteorological variables, power, priority loads, intelligent loads, economic, operating states, and binary outputs. Conclusions: It was observed that, despite the advances in studying different techniques and strategies microgird control and management, other factors that may affect performance have not been covered in a relevant way, such as the nature of variables and microgrid topology, among others

    Characterization of Microbubbles Generated in a Venturi Tube via Image Processing: Effect of Operating Parameters

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    Context: This research developed a dissolved air flotation system using a Venturi tube to produce microbubbles. The Venturi tube replaces the saturation tank and the pressure-reducing valve of conventional systems. Method: The system has both suction and injection air inlets, regulates the recirculation flow of the liquid to the tank, and provides a high hydraulic load in a reduced size. Counting and measuring the microbubbles produced via digital image processing helps to characterize the system's performance. Results: The system with air suction produces smaller bubbles than that with air injection. A higher liquid recirculation pressure produces more bubbles and reduces their size in the case of air suction. Conclusions: In air injection, the change in flow rate influences the size of the microbubbles. Air injection and recirculation pressure do not influence the number of bubbles generated

    Measurement of pressure losses using computer vision

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    En un circuito hidr谩ulico, el fluido sufre p茅rdidas de presi贸n al atravesar tramos o diferentes accesorios, estas pueden ser inspeccionadas observando el nivel del fluido en piez贸metros. Este trabajo presenta un desarrollo en visi贸n artificial, que permite la medici贸n en l铆nea de los niveles de presi贸n registrados en diecis茅is columnas piezom茅tricas. La t茅cnica de extracci贸n de fondo basada en el algoritmo de Codebook, combinada con el filtrado morfol贸gico y uni贸n de blobs, es usada para obtener los niveles piezom茅tricos. El algoritmo de procesamiento est谩 dise帽ado en Open CV y soportado en Linux. Se obtuvieron coeficientes de variaci贸n inferiores al 0,1% y errores m谩ximos del 1,4 %.In a hydraulic circuit, the fluid pressure loss when passing through different sections or accessories, and聽 it聽 can聽 be聽 inspected聽 by聽 observing聽 the聽 fluid聽 level聽 in piezometers. This paper presents a development in artificial vision, which allows on-line measurement of pressure levels recorded in sixteen piezometric columns. The technique of background subtraction based in algorithm on Codebook, combined with聽 morphological聽 filtering and聽 junction聽 blobs,聽 are聽 used聽 to聽 obtain聽 piezometrics聽 levels.聽 The processing algorithm is designed in Open CV and supported on Linux. Coefficients of variation of less than 0.1% and maximum error of 1.4% were obtained