1,185 research outputs found

    El Sistema de Seguridad Social. Una Propuesta de Reforma.

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    En este libro se presenta una propuesta de reforma profunda, amplia e integral del financiamiento y funcionamiento de las principales instituciones que conforman lo que genéricamente se denomina "Sistema de Seguridad Social", comprendiendo las Obras Sociales, el PAMI, régimen de asignaciones familiares, el sistema de protección y seguro de desempleo, el sistema jubilatorio y, finalmente, los llamados programas sociales focalizados. 183 pag.Social Security

    El Ambiente de Negocios en las Provincias Argentinas

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    En las últimas décadas, las provincias argentinas han ganado fuerte protagonismo en la responsabilidad por el desarrollo del país. En este libro se caracteriza la situación actual de las provincias argentinas, su evolución durante la década del noventa, y se construye un Índice Provincial de Ambiente de Negocios (IPAN) que incorpora características económicas e institucionales, y obstáculos al crecimiento. El objetivo del índice es proveer información sintética que permita comparar el desempeño de las provincias y, estudiando sus detalles, promover decisiones que lleven a la convergencia de las políticas públicas hacia las de mejor diseño y resultados.Business

    Una Eduación para el siglo XXI. Propuesta de Reforma

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    El entorno familiar, las diferentes instituciones de carácter social y los medios de comunicación, entre otros, configuran el medio cultural en el cual deberá insertarse la escuela para desarrollar su labor. La inhospitalidad del contexto puede conducir al pesimismo cultural que supone una imposibilidad de mejorar la situación educativa, sin embargo es posible ubicarse en la posición alternativa que lleva a corregir las fallas del diseño del sistema que se derivan de la falta de exigencia escolar, las limitaciones de formación y capacitación del cuerpo docente y la carencia de incentivos. En este marco de referencia es que se ha desarrollado una propuesta de reforma educativa.Education

    A problemática da Gestão e da liderança estratégica nas organizações

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    O estabelecimento de uma Força Aérea num país reveste-se de uma grande importância no contexto da defesa contra invasões externas. Para o caso particular de Moçambique, muito embora não se vislumbre qualquer ameaça neste sentido, não deixa de assumir relevância o apetrechamento das Forças Armadas, incluindo a Força Aérea (FA). Qualquer organização, seja ela para fins particulares ou colectivos impõe uma liderança capaz de perceber os problemas internos e os que, eventualmente, podem emergir da sua envolvente. De acordo com Martins, as virtudes de líder, os seus vícios e as suas paixões serão referenciados pela memória colectiva dos que os observam, avaliam, acompanham e servem (Martins, 2007: 22). O processo de gestão de pessoas deve estar inteiramente ligado à concepção de liderança de uma organização, para se atingirem os desideratos propostos pela instituição. Dentro da FA tem-se verificado que as saídas dos funcionários por diversas razões, não têm sido acompanhadas pelos novos ingressos, facto que tem vindo a criar um fosso do ponto de vista dos recursos humanos impondo o redobrar de esforços por parte dos efectivos no activo, minando, por vezes, as relações entre as chefias e subordinados. Para que a FA não se torne numa carcaça do tempo entendemos que deve ser respeitado o processo de atracção de candidatos no MRH (Mercado de Recursos Humanos) para abastecer o sector (Chiavenato, 1999:91). Abstract: Aire force establishment in any country its very important in defence against foreigner force attacks. Particularly for Mozambique, although is not foreseen any threat in this way, we can not set aside relevance air force supply. Any organization imposes leadership capable to understand interior problems and others that come from external. According Martins, the leader virtues, his vices and passions shall be collective memory referred by all people that observe, evaluate, accompany and serve (Martins, 2007: 22). The management people process ought to be linked at organization leadership so that achieves institution proposal goals. In Air Force organization occur many workers asking outlet by different reasons. In these outlets we see that they are not accompanied by new ingresses. This case provokes human resources luck in Air Force Organization, in the one side, and in the other side makes that the few workers duplicate their effort undermining relationship among workers and chiefs, some time. Must be avoided that Air Force Organization become time skeleton. In this case must be respected the candidates attraction process to supply the sector (Chiavenato, 1999:91)

    Emancipating the Many: A practice led investigation into emergent paradigms of immediate political action

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    The immediate catalyst for having taken up this study was the violent outbreak of weeks of public unrest in the Paris banlieus in the wake of the shooting of young man on the run from the police on October 27 2005. The obvious inability of local municipalities and police forces to explain, let alone to anticipate the swelling discontent with a system which is generally assumed to work effectively and to benefit all has led me to the assumption that we have entered a stage where the concept of representational democracy is seriously compromised. The sheer scale or projected growth rates of urban agglomerations worldwide is certainly a strong, if not the only indicator for the radical change of ‘lived experience’ in the wake of globalized economies, politics and communication networks. If once the lack of a ‘unitary theory’ was attributed to the field of urbanism (Lefebvre, 1991 [1974]), from a contemporary point of view the range of issues and problems at stake far exceed the boundaries of any discipline in particular. Furthermore, to start the inquiry by reasserting the importance of the human condition will allow us to delve into the process of individuation, the diverse realities of individuals, their gathering in groups, their dialogue amongst each other and with their environment in its totality in order to account for the complex interrelations within a highly dynamic network of associations, since the emergence of a fully emancipated Many – as opposed to the One of the state – requires more than the flawed promise of representational democracy to act for the ‘common good,’ or ‘general will’ (Rousseau, 2009 [1762]) of all. Clearly this task is ambitious, for we have to bridge the gap between the needs, aspirations, emotions, anxieties and dreams of individuals on the one hand, and the temporal emergence of collective co-operation on the other. ‘Official’ knowledge, incorporated by endless columns of statistical data, gathered and administered meticulously thanks to the firm grip of institutionalised observation, is of little help though, for we have become increasingly conscious that the representations thereof are a poor match for the complexity of networked realities ‘on the ground’. My artistic practice conducted together with Alexandra Berlinger under the name of Tat ort is precisely aimed at looking into “matters of concern” as opposed to “matters of fact” (Latour, 2005) in order to gain a genuine insight into the workings of existing settings, where we introduce ourselves as intermediaries for the initiation of a process of active participation by means of interventional apparatuses, conceived specifically for the context in question. Our respective experience has led me to the conclusion that instead of providing alternative representations based on presumed universal identity, the full-blown heterogeneity of the multitude thrives on the general intellect and the activity of the speaker. To speak is to act, and to act is the predominant trait of political praxis. It is through our acts and deeds that we disclose ourselves in public in the presence of others (Arendt, 1998 [1958]). And it is through acting that we start anew and leave our mark in a situation the moment we intervene in the circulation of empty signifiers upon which we assign a name, the name of an event. It is through our interventional participation that we allow for novelty to emerge in time, as a process without representation and based on sustained fidelity. My research is centred around two questions: First of all, is it possible to devise an interventional apparatus (physical infrastructure) which would work independent of contextual factors, and secondly, is it possible to retain the site-specificity through a process of dynamically mapping the amalgamation of existing information and the data obtained by participants based on face to face communication in order to draw up the ‘portraits’ of existing communities beyond the scope of institutionalised representation. Emancipating the Many therefore is a statement about difference marked as intervention. This intervention requires the presence of others and the intention to act. It is the emergence of a ‘constitution of time’.Arts & Humanities Research Council of England, Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research, and Zumtobel Group

    Quiet at Night: A Quality Improvement project

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    Abstract Problem: Providing a quiet environment is essential in patient’s healing and recovery. Last year, the October 15 through May 17 survey period resulted at a 2 Star Rating for the hospital, which is below the top 25th percentile. This result along with the patient population, telemetry designation, and unit size prompted the selection of the inpatient telemetry unit in Northern California for the change strategy plan. Context: The microsystem is a 24-bed adult inpatient telemetry unit in Northern California. Assessment of the unit shows that inconsistencies exist when it comes to bundling care at night. Doors are kept open and lights are not dimmed during the nighttime hours. This initiative focuses on patient-centered care and buy-in from front line staff by involvement, education, and shared governance. Intervention: A team was formed to assess, evaluate and plan for implementation of the project. The test of change consists of establishing quiet time, designing a visual management, and standardizing the care at night. Measures: Process measures include patient rounding feedback and staff adherence to interventions and maintenance of quiet time. Balancing measures include staff engagement and patient participation. Results: Data from the post intervention patient questionnaire shows an improvement in the patient’s perception of the nighttime noise level after the project intervention was implemented. The results show an improvement of 50% to 78% (scale 4 and 5 combined) who responded, “Always and Frequently” to question “Do you feel like your room and hallway were quiet between 10 pm and 6 am?”. Conclusion: This project increased staff awareness about the impact of noise on patient’s sleep. When staff become aware through presentation of patient feedback, they are motivated to act. The structure of the Unit Practice Counsel (UPC) provided a mechanism to channel staff action and engagement to improve care for their patients. Plans for sustainability of results include continuous monitoring of quiet times, weekly patient surveys, overhead announcement, and slow-close door brackets to reduce noise from slamming doors. Further education should also be implemented with other ancillary departments such as Environmental Services, Radiology, and Laboratory


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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(地球環境学)甲第19155号地環博第130号新制||地環||26(附属図書館)32106京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻(主査)教授 ショウ ラジブ, 教授 岡﨑 健二, 准教授 西前 出学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Global Environmental StudiesKyoto UniversityDFA