2,224 research outputs found

    Dynamic hysteresis in Finemet thin films

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    We performed a series of dynamic hysteresis measurements on three series of Finemet films with composition Fe73.5_{73.5}Cu1_1Nb3_3Si13.5_13.5B9_9, using both the longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and the inductive fluxometric method. The MOKE dynamic hysteresis loops show a more marked variability with the frequency than the inductive ones, while both measurements show a similar dependence on the square root of frequency. We analyze these results in the frame of a simple domain wall depinning model, which accounts for the general behavior of the data.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    The spatial structure of chronic morbidity: evidence from UK census returns

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    BACKGROUND: Disease prevalence models have been widely used to estimate health, lifestyle and disability characteristics for small geographical units when other data are not available. Yet, knowledge is often lacking about how to make informed decisions around the specification of such models, especially regarding spatial assumptions placed on their covariance structure. This paper is concerned with understanding processes of spatial dependency in unexplained variation in chronic morbidity. METHODS: 2011 UK census data on limiting long-term illness (LLTI) is used to look at the spatial structure in chronic morbidity across England and Wales. The variance and spatial clustering of the odds of LLTI across local authority districts (LADs) and middle layer super output areas are measured across 40 demographic cross-classifications. A series of adjacency matrices based on distance, contiguity and migration flows are tested to examine the spatial structure in LLTI. Odds are then modelled using a logistic mixed model to examine the association with district-level covariates and their predictive power. RESULTS: The odds of chronic illness are more dispersed than local age characteristics, mortality, hospitalisation rates and chance alone would suggest. Of all adjacency matrices, the three-nearest neighbour method is identified as the best fitting. Migration flows can also be used to construct spatial weights matrices which uncover non-negligible autocorrelation. Once the most important characteristics observable at the LAD-level are taken into account, substantial spatial autocorrelation remains which can be modelled explicitly to improve disease prevalence predictions. CONCLUSIONS: Systematic investigation of spatial structures and dependency is important to develop model-based estimation tools in chronic disease mapping. Spatial structures reflecting migration interactions are easy to develop and capture autocorrelation in LLTI. Patterns of spatial dependency in the geographical distribution of LLTI are not comparable across ethnic groups. Ethnic stratification of local health information is needed and there is potential to further address complexity in prevalence models by improving access to disaggregated data

    SIGLA - Sistema Integrato per il Monitoraggio e Gestione di Lagune ed Ambiente, sotto-azione CARLA Parte I : CARatterizzazione chimica e chimico-fisica e qualità acque LAguna di Cabras e Golfo di Oristano

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    È stata effettuata una prima caratterizzazione chimica e chimico-fisica della colonna d’acqua nella Laguna di Cabras tramite l’analisi di dati raccolti in precedenti indagini. Tali studi sono stati completati con campionamenti di acqua e misure in situ delle variabili idrologiche nella laguna e nel golfo di Oristano. Su questo set di dati sono state effettuate le analisi per individuare le relazioni tra le variabili misurate e per studiare le variabilità stagionali delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della colonna d’acqua. Lo studio ha permesso la compilazione di un protocollo metodologico di indagine e di monitoraggio dello stato trofico e di salute di ambienti lagunari costieri. I dati più recenti hanno mostrato come rispetto alle medie storiche, si sia avuto un aumento della temperatura e una diminuzione della salinità. Quest’ultima viene associata ad un limitato scambio tra la laguna ed il mare. I valori di ossigeno e pH non sono indicativi di un elevato stress ambientale, infatti non sono state rilevate condizioni di ipossia o anossia, e valori di pH superiori alla norma. Tuttavia in precedenti campionamenti nell’estate 2002 sono stati descritti al fondo valori ipossici. Tali valori hanno indicato come la laguna sia periodicamente soggetta a crisi anossiche. Il netto calo di nutrienti rispetto agli anni ottanta-novanta è associato ad una diminuzione degli input d’acqua dolce nel periodo monitorato. Inoltre non è trascurabile l’influenza degli scambi tra sedimento e colonna d’acqua. In conclusione, dagli studi condotti si può dedurre come nello specifico, nella Laguna di Cabras, lo stato trofico del sistema sia principalmente condizionato dagli input d’acqua dolce, e come questi condizionino anche gli scambi con il golfo. In aggiunta, data la diminuzione degli input di acqua dolce nel periodo monitorato e vista la relazione positiva tra volumi e nutrienti in entrata, il loro abbattimento in entrata tramite depurazione delle acque sembra essere un valido strumento di mitigazione e di recupero

    Is demagnetization an efficient optimization method?

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    Demagnetization, commonly employed to study ferromagnets, has been proposed as the basis for an optimization tool, a method to find the ground state of a disordered system. Here we present a detailed comparison between the ground state and the demagnetized state in the random field Ising model, combing exact results in d=1d=1 and numerical solutions in d=3d=3. We show that there are important differences between the two states that persist in the thermodynamic limit and thus conclude that AC demagnetization is not an efficient optimization method.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Investigation of scaling properties of hysteresis in Finemet thin films

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    We study the behavior of hysteresis loops in Finemet Fe73.5_{73.5}Cu1_1Nb3_3Si18.5_{18.5}B4_4 thin films by using a fluxometric setup based on a couple of well compensated pickup coils. The presence of scaling laws of the hysteresis area is investigated as a function of the amplitude and frequency of the applied field, considering sample thickness from about 20 nm to 5 μ\mum. We do not observe any scaling predicted by theoretical models, while dynamic loops show a logarithmic dependence on the frequency.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Life Products of Stars

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    We attempt to document complete energetic transactions of stars in their life. We calculate photon and neutrino energies that are produced from stars in their each phase of evolution from 1 to 8 M_sun, using the state-of-the-art stellar evolution code, tracing the evolution continuously from pre-main sequence gravitational contraction to white dwarfs. We also catalogue gravitational and thermal energies and helium, and heavier elements that are stored in stars and those ejected into interstellar space in each evolutionary phase.Comment: 26 pages, including 8 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ

    Autoradiographic Study of the Turnover of Chromatin-Associated Phospholipids in Vicia Faba L.

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    SUMMARYAutoradiographic data from labelling studies on the incorporation of [14C] ethanolamine into nuclear phospholipids of meristem cells from roots of Vicia faba indicated the presence of a continuous labelling pattern for the nuclear membrane throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, a periodic labelling pattern was observed in chromatin of interphase nuclei which closely paralleled the synthesis pattern for DNA. This corroborated biochemical data from previously published studies of hepatocyte nuclear membranes and chromatin

    Resilienza costiera e sviluppo turistico : verso un approccio co-evolutivo

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    Il contributo vuole presentare una parte di ricerca legata al progetto Interreg MED CO-Evolve al fine di mostrare un approccio sperimentale utilizzato per la definizione di un processo di pianificazione che mira ad aumentare il grado di resilienza costiera. In quest\u2019ottica i processi di sviluppo turistico costiero sono stati ulteriormente migliorati integrando gli strumenti di pianificazione esistenti in un pi\uf9 ampio contesto di gestione costiera, rafforzando la valutazione dei progetti di sviluppo locale e perseguendo maggiori benefici per il miglioramento delle condizioni delle comunit\ue0 coinvolte. Attraverso questo approccio co-evolutivo il progetto CO-EVOLVE incoraggia la costruzione di politiche e iniziative per promuovere lo sviluppo di un turismo costiero e marittimo sostenibile e responsabile, applicando i principi della gestione integrata delle zone costiere (ICZM) e della pianificazione dello spazio marittimo (MSP) che tengono conto di tutte le principali sfide legate allo sviluppo del turismo costiero

    Circulating Levels of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 and Arterial Stiffness in a Large Population Sample: Data From the Brisighella Heart Study

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    Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) circulating levels are significantly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between circulating levels of PCSK9 and arterial stiffness, an early instrumental biomarker of cardiovascular disease risk, in a large sample of overall healthy participants
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