77 research outputs found

    The Sacrifice of Atonement in Roman Catholic Communities in the Székelyföld Region

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    In the light of the Marian apparitions in the 20th-21st centuries, people today are in a crisis situation characterised by alienation from the church and the faith, selfishness, the proliferation of sin, from which the way out would be atone-ment, accepting a sacrifice of atonement. From the mid-20th century a growing number of private revelations in Hungary and Transylvania face us with the same phenomenon and solution to the problem. The study presents a few atonement practices that have appeared in the last thirty years in Roman Catholic religious practice in the Székelyföld regio

    Heterotrimeric G-proteins and their role in opioid receptor function

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    Heterotrimeric G-proteins are signal transducers of heptahelical receptors. They consist of a and bg subunits, both capable of interacting with several different effectors. Specific domains in their structures enable them to connect different intracellular signaling cascades, such as the adenylyl cyclase, phosphoinositol-bisphosphate or MAP kinase pathways. Their activity is synchronized by several components, one of them being a new protein family termed RGS (regulators of G-protein signaling). Members of this family inhibit the G-protein function. The intracellular localization of G-proteins indicates their role in plasma membrane-independent processes. Opioid receptors transmit their signals mainly via Gi/o proteins. Although the heterogeneity of opioid ligands (peptides and alkaloids) and their receptors (m, d, k and suggested subtypes in these classes) reveals a complicated picture, their unique characteristic of a high dependence capacity can not be explained without the analysis of the G-protein function

    A nők egy székelyföldi falu rózsafüzér társulataiban

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    On the Spread of the Living Rosary Confraternities in Transylvania

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    Lelkiségi mozgalmak a székelyudvarhelyi főesperesi kerületben

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    The study presents briefly three communities of sekler spirituality movement (Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Legion of Mary, St.Monica). The common features of the communities from Sovata and Zetelaka, that they would like to draw the attention to various examples of authentic Christianity with their life examples, like the experience of the Holy Spirit or the traditional Catholic practice of religion inserted in a recent form of the more committed and strict rules. One specific example in the district is the initiative from Székelyudvarhely, the mission for the Christian mothers and families

    Az engesztelő mozgalom húsz éve a Székelyföldön

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    The expiatory movement began to spread over twenty years ago in the Székelyföld region. The Roman Catholic Gyulafehérvár Archdiocese had parishes in 144 localities in the region. According to the census of 1998 expiation was performed at that time in 40% of them, in 58 parishes. There was little change in this proportion by 2010 when the figure was 38%. Some expiatory communities had ceased to exist, but new ones had arisen. At first the practice of prayers of expiation was confined to private homes, but nowadays it has been introduced into many churches as well. Organisation is no longer exclusively from below. We now find occasions of expiation created at church initiative and under church guidance. The centre of expiation in Csiktaploca has lost the significance it had a decade ago. From the regional viewpoint, it can be said that the expiatory movement is spreading widely in some archdeaconries. There are also examples of expiatory communities comprised of young people

    Az új engesztelő mozgalom nyomán elterjedt vallásos ábrázolások a Csíki-medencében

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    The study deals with two pictures which spred after getting acquanted with the new expiatory movement in the Csiki-basin: The Rosa Mystica and the Cross of the Last Times. The sculptures spred mostly among the leaders of religious movements who provided place to these cultic objects on house-altars, in sacred corner. Around the Rosa Mystica sculptures individual devotion and communal prayer-groups were organised. The sculpture itself or the picture made on the basis of it often functions as an ornament. To the Cross of the Last Times, protective nature is attributed. At the same time we can say that the function of religious objects can be different in the individual worship

    The sacrifice of atonement in Roman Catholic communities in the Székelyföld region

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    In the light of the Marian apparitions in the 20th-21st centuries, people today are in a crisis situation characterised by alienation from the church and the faith, selfishness, the proliferation of sin, from which the way out would be atone-ment, accepting a sacrifice of atonement. From the mid-20th century a growing number of private revelations in Hungary and Transylvania face us with the same phenomenon and solution to the problem. The study presents a few atonement practices that have appeared in the last thirty years in Roman Catholic religious practice in the Székelyföld regio
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