41 research outputs found

    Experimental Tools for Studies of Heterogeneous Catalysis - Development and Case Studies

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    In this project four reactors for studies of heterogeneous catalysis have been developed. They were tested using case studies, especially concerning methane oxidation over palladium. The test measurements showed that the reactors work or would work very well after slight modifications. The first reactor allowed for activity measurement using mass spectrometry for temperatures up to at least 1000°C. The reactor was tested with methane oxidation over different palladium foil samples. With the second reactor it is possible to perform activity measurements of three catalysts simultaneously using planar laser induced fluorescence. The reactor was tested with CO oxidation over three different monolith catalysts. From the measurement it was possible to follow the activation process of the three catalysts simultaneously. However, it was not possible to study methane oxidation due to the higher temperature needed to run this reaction, but with minor modifications, this should be possible as well. The third and fourth reactor allowed for structural studies of powder catalysts using X-ray diffraction. It was tested using methane oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 powder catalyst. The result showed that it is possible to see when the palladium particles are metallic and when they are oxidized. But also here a slight modification is needed before really good result can be achieved. The different case studies also reveal some interesting results, which are discussed further in the report and would be interesting to study further in the future.Utveckling och testning av reaktorer för katalysmÀtningar Katalysatorer Àr oumbÀrliga i sÄvÀl livsprocesser som industriella tillÀmpningar. Bilismen Àr ett exempel dÀr katalysatorer anvÀnds vid sÄvÀl brÀnsletillverkning som avgasrening. Men detta Àr lÄngt ifrÄn det enda anvÀndningsomrÄdet. Katalysatorer Àr ocksÄ delaktiga i tillverkningen av uppemot 90% av alla kemikalier. Industriella katalysatorer för oxidering av kolmonoxid och metan, CO och CH4, Àr mycket komplexa system som ofta bestÄr av katalytiskt aktiva nanopartiklar utspridda i ett supportmaterial. SÄdana katalysatorer Àr svÄra att undersöka med ytfysikens metoder. DÀrför har det under mÄnga Är anvÀnts modeller med enkla kristallprover, ultrahögvakuum och ex situ metoder, tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt som lÄngt ifrÄn avspeglar industriella katalysatorer. Under senare Är har nya in situ tekniker utvecklats och dÀrmed möjligheter till att studera mer realistiska modeller som i sin tur bidrar till ökad förstÄelse. I mitt examensarbete har jag bidragit till detta genom att testa och utveckla fyra typer av reaktorkammare dÀr masspektrometri, lasertekniken PLIF och röntgendiffraktion har anvÀnts för att karakterisera flera typer av katalytiska system, frÄn enklare modeller till mer verkliga som anvÀnds av industrin. Med den första reaktorn var det möjligt att göra aktivitetsmÀtningar av katalysatorer med masspektrometri för temperaturer upp till minst 1000°C. Med reaktorn gjordes flera aktivitetsmÀtningar av metan oxidering över olika palladiumfolier, vilket visade pÄ flera intressanta resultat. Med den andra reaktorn anvÀndes PLIF för att göra aktivitetsmÀtningar av tre katalysatorer samtidigt. Detta testades för CO oxidation och resultatet var lovande. Men mindre Àndringar behövs för att kunna göra metan oxidation. Den tredje och fjÀrde reaktorn möjliggjorde kombinerad masspektrometri och röntgendiffraktionsmÀtningar av bÄde gasen och den atomÀra strukturen hos katalysatorerna. MÀtningen med den fjÀrde reaktorn var lovande och det var möjligt att följa strukturförÀndringar samtidigt som det pÄgÄr reaktioner pÄ katalysatorerna. Men ocksÄ hÀr skulle det behövas en mindre förÀndring för att kunna följa processen tydligare. Eftersom mÄnga delar av vÀrlden Àr pÄ vÀg att industrialiseras behövs troligtvis bÀttre, billigare men ocksÄ nya katalysatorer till reaktioner dÀr katalysatorer tidigare inte anvÀnts. För att utveckla dessa mÄste troligtvis kunskapen om katalys pÄ grundlÀggande atomÀr nivÄ öka, vilket i sin tur betyder att ocksÄ nya metoder behövs

    Infrared Spectroscopy as Molecular Probe of the Macroscopic Metal-Liquid Interface

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    Metal-liquid interfaces are of the utmost importance in a number of scientific areas, including electrochemistry and catalysis. However, complicated analytical methods and sample preparation are usually required to study the interfacial phenomena. We propose an infrared spectroscopic approach that enables investigating the molecular interactions at the interface, but needing only minimal or no sample preparation. For this purpose, the internal reflection element (IRE) is wetted with a solution as first step. Second, a small plate of the metal of interest is put on top and pressed onto the IRE. The tiny amount of liquid that is remaining between the IRE and the metal is sufficient to produce an IR spectrum with good signal to noise ratio, from which information about molecular interactions, such as hydrogen bonding, can be deduced. Proof-of-concept experiments were carried out with aqueous salt and acid solutions and an aluminum plate

    Knowledge management in growing IT companies. A qualitative case study at a small IT company

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    Denna uppsats Àmnar att undersöka kunskapsutmaningar inom mindre IT-bolag som Àr under snabb tillvÀxt. Förflyttning av information och kunskap Àr en social och mycket komplex process. Utmaningen för teknologin Àr det sociala som information och kunskap krÀver. Att tro blint pÄ att tekniken kommer lösa problemen Àr vad mÄnga tror. För att förstÄ hur tekniken kan stödja information och kunskapshantering mÄste man förstÄ vad information och kunskap Àr. Ignorerar man detta riskerar man att tekniken inte anvÀnds och företaget uteblir med onödigt stora investeringar. Detta Àr en kvalitativ fallstudie med fem intervjuer hos ett mindre IT-konsultbolag. VÄrt empiriska resultat visar att det finns mÄnga kunskapsrelaterade utmaningar för ett vÀxande IT-bolag. Den underliggande utmaningen vi fann i vÄr studie var att vÄrt studieobjekt inte realiserar hur viktigt det Àr med kunskapshantering. Detta beror pÄ att företaget fokuserar mer pÄ annan verksamhet istÀllet för sina interna behov. Vi vill adressera mindre IT-bolag som Àr under tillvÀxt att vÀrna om sin egen organisation och tÀnka lÄngsiktigt. Vi anser Àven IT kan anvÀndas som hjÀlpmedel för kunskapshantering förutsatt att man beaktar det viktiga med kunskapshantering och har vetskap om organisationen, dess kultur och information och kunskapshantering.This paper intends to examine the knowledge challenges in small IT companies which is going through rapid growth. The movement of information and knowledge is a social and very complex process. The challenge for technology is the social as information and knowledge requires. To believe blindly that technology will solve the problem is what many people think. In order to understand how technology can support information and knowledge management one needs to understand what information and knowledge is. By ignoring this, technology might not be used and the company will be left out on excessive investments. This is a qualitative case study of five interviews in a small IT consulting firm. Our empirical results show that there are many knowledge-related challenges for a growing IT company. The underlying challenge we found in our study was that our studied company does not realize how important it is with knowledge management. This is because the company choose to focus more on other activities instead of their internal needs. We want to address smaller IT companies going through growth to safeguard its own organization and think long term. We also believe IT can be used as a tool for knowledge management, provided that it is considered the importance of knowledge management, its culture and information and knowledge management. This report is written in Swedish. Keywords: Knowledge management, content management, intranet

    Protective and Nanoporous Alumina Films Studied in situ by X-ray and Electrochemical Methods

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    In this thesis, the studies of native and anodic oxides on both aluminum model single crystal surfaces as well as on aluminum alloys found in applications are presented. The focus has been on the characterization in situ as the oxide is growing by an electrochemical process called anodization. For the investigations, a combination of various X-ray scattering and spectroscopy methods, as well as electrochemical methods were used. In addition, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy were used for ex situ characterization after the oxide growth.From thickness measurements of native oxide films, it was found that the film was thicker on the aluminum alloys than on the pure aluminum single crystal surfaces. It was also found that the thicknesses obtained from the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were thinner than from X-ray reflectivity and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The anodic oxide film was studied during anodization in sodium sulfate and citrate buffer solutions using a combination of X-ray reflectivity and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It was found with both techniques that the film thickness increased with anodization potential, but the thicknesses obtained from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were thinner. The difference was attributed to a porous layer that is difficult to determine with impedance spectroscopy. It was also found that the electrochemical resistance of the oxide was less on the alloys than on the pure aluminum single crystals, which was partly attributed to the alloying elements. Finally, it was found that the anodic oxides formed in the buffer solution were less rough than the oxides formed in the sodium sulfate solutions. Generally, the approach provides the possibility of studying both the electrochemical and structural properties of anodic oxides, which in the future also can be used for corrosion studies of aluminum materials as well as other materials.The growth of self-ordered nanoporous anodic aluminum oxides was studied using grazing-incidence transmission small-angle X-ray scattering by which the interpore distance between the pores, domain size of ordered pores and thickness of the oxide could be followed during the anodization process. In 0.3 M sulfuric acid at 25 V and 0.3 M oxalic acid at 40 V the interpore distance and domain length increased with time, where the final interpore distance and domain length were larger in the case of oxalic acid at 40 V. In both electrolytes it was found that the single crystal orientation did not significantly influence the interpore distance or the domain length. However, it was found that the orientation had a strong influence on the growth rate, especially during anodization in oxalic acid. The electrodeposition of tin into the pores of the oxides was also studied with X-ray fluorescence and grazing-incidence transmission small-angle X-ray scattering, and it was possible to follow the increase of tin in the pores during the deposition. Generally, the method and the approach provides a tool for high statistical and temporal investigations during the growth as well as during possible applications of the nanoporous oxides, which is not obtained with standard microscopy methods that are classically used for studies of these systems

    Characterization of an in situ chamber for catalytic studies using LIF.

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    PopulÀrvetenskaplig sammanfattning. Katalyskammare för aktivitetsmÀtning med laser. Katalysatorer Àr oumbÀrliga i sÄvÀl livsprocesser som industriella tillÀmpningar. Bilismen Àr ett exempel dÀr katalysatorer anvÀnds vid sÄvÀl brÀnsletillverkning som avgasrening. Med hÀnsyn till miljön mÄste mycket stÀndigt förbÀttras, ocksÄ katalytiska processer. I mitt examensarbete har jag karakteriserat en ny typ av reaktorkammare dÀr Laser Inducerad Flourescens (LIF) anvÀnds för aktivitetsmÀtning av katalysatorer. Industriella katalysatorer för oxidering av kolmonoxid och metan, CO och CH4, Àr mycket komplexa system som ofta bestÄr av katalytiskt aktiva nanopartiklar utspridda i ett supportmaterial. SÄdana katalysatorer Àr svÄra att undersöka med ytfysikens metoder. DÀrför har det under mÄnga Är anvÀnts modeller med enkla kristallprover, ultrahögvakuum och metoder ex situ, tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt som lÄngt ifrÄn avspeglar industriella katalysatorer. Under senare Är har nya tekniker utvecklats in situ och dÀrmed möjligheter till mer realistiska modeller som i sin tur bidrar till ökad förstÄelse. I mitt projekt har jag karakteriserat ett experimentsystem med en ny typ av reaktorkammare för in situ undersökning av katalysatorer. Med kammaren ska CO2 producerat frÄn CO- och CH4-oxidering med hjÀlp av katalysatorer mÀtas med en laser (LIF), vilket möjliggör jÀmförelse av flera olika prover samtidigt i kammaren. Systemet kan anvÀndas till bÄde flödesexperiment och stÀngda experiment för tryck mellan 10-2 och 1000 mbar, men den stora kammaren, 200 ml, gör den mest lÀmpad för det senare. Förutom LIF mÀtning av CO2 Àr andra gaser mÀtbara med en masspektrometer. Det gjordes ocksÄ tvÄ reaktionsmÀtningar med systemet. I det första jÀmfördes CO oxidering pÄ Pd(100) och PdAg(100) för att se om Pd-atomerna i legeringen segregerar till ytan och ger samma aktivitet som det rena Pd-provet. Försöket visade att aktivitet för PdAg nÄdde samma nivÄ eller nÀstan samma nivÄ som det rena Pd- provet, men efter lÀngre tid, troligen pÄ grund av att Pd-atomerna behöver segregera upp till ytan av provet. I det andra experimentet anvÀndes LIF för att jÀmföra reaktiviteten för tvÄ mycket reaktiva pulverprover. I samma experiment syntes det vid lÄga temperaturer att ett prov med 1 % Pd och 2 % Pt i ett aluminiumoxidpulver Àr mer reaktivt Àn ett liknande prov med 4 % Pd. Under försöket syntes tydligt tre aktivitetsfaser och hur de skilde sig Ät i de olika proverna i reaktorn. Slutsatsen Àr att systemet fungerade bra och genom att förbÀttra noggrannheten kommer det i framtiden troligtvis vara anvÀndbart.Industrial catalysts are very complex systems, often produced of nanoparticles dispersed in a so-called support material to maximize the surface area and minimize the cost. These catalysts are very difficult to study in surface science. Therefore industrial catalysts have been developed in a trial-and-error approach, with the loss of the fundamental understanding of the reactions. In surface science, CO and CH4 oxidation have been studied for many years in model systems using single crystal samples, ultra high vacuum and ex situ techniques, which means that many of the properties of real industrial catalysts will be lost. For a few years, better in situ methods operating in higher vacuum have been developed to get closer to the real systems. In this project I have characterized a new type of in situ system with both industrial and surface science applications. The idea is that the CO2, produced in an oxidation reaction, should be measured with Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF), directly giving a spatially resolved image of the CO2 produced over each of several samples in the reactor. This makes it possible to compare different catalysts in a live mode. The system can be used for both flow and batch experiments for pressures between 102 - 1000 mbar, but the rather large reactor, 200 ml, makes it best suited for the later. In addition to the LIF measured CO2, also other gases are measurable with a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. The sample temperature is controlled by a bohr electric heater and measured with a thermocouple. Performance and some catalysis measurements were used to characterize the system and find possible improvements. In a test experiment using LIF the results were good. Together with some improvements the next measurement could give more accurate results, making it possible to compare different catalytic samples. In this thesis two measurements are presented. The first compares CO oxidation on Pd(100) and PdAg(100) to see if the Pd atoms can segregate to the surface of the alloy and give the same activity as the pure Pd sample. The result showed that the activity of the PdAg reached the same or almost the same level as the Pd sample, but after longer time probably due to the time it took for the Pd atoms to segregate to the surface. The second experiment was on two very reactive Powder samples where also LIF was used. In the same experiment it was found that the sample with 1 % Pd + 2 % Pt was more reactive then the 4 % Pd, at least at low temperatures. Three different activity phases of the samples were very clearly seen in the LIF signal. Also the exothermic effect of the CO oxidation, which is an interesting property, could easily be seen in the experiment


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