3,074 research outputs found

    A reduction in long-term spatial memory persists after discontinuation of peripubertal GnRH agonist treatment in sheep

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    Chronic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) administration is used where suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activity is beneficial, such as steroid-dependent cancers, early onset gender dysphoria, central precocious puberty and as a reversible contraceptive in veterinary medicine. GnRH receptors, however, are expressed outside the reproductive axis, e.g. brain areas such as the hippocampus which is crucial for learning and memory processes. Previous work, using an ovine model, has demonstrated that long-term spatial memory is reduced in adult rams (45 weeks of age), following peripubertal blockade of GnRH signaling (GnRHa: goserelin acetate), and this was independent of the associated loss of gonadal steroid signaling. The current study investigated whether this effect is reversed after discontinuation of GnRHa-treatment. The results demonstrate that peripubertal GnRHa-treatment suppressed reproductive function in rams, which was restored after cessation of GnRHa-treatment at 44 weeks of age, as indicated by similar testes size (relative to body weight) in both GnRHa-Recovery and Control rams at 81 weeks of age. Rams in which GnRHa-treatment was discontinued (GnRHa-Recovery) had comparable spatial maze traverse times to Controls, during spatial orientation and learning assessments at 85 and 99 weeks of age. Former GnRHa-treatment altered how quickly the rams progressed beyond a specific point in the spatial maze at 83 and 99 weeks of age, and the direction of this effect depended on gonadal steroid exposure, i.e. GnRHa-Recovery rams progressed quicker during breeding season and slower during non-breeding season, compared to Controls. The long-term spatial memory performance of GnRHa-Recovery rams remained reduced (P < 0.05, 1.5-fold slower) after discontinuation of GnRHa, compared to Controls. This result suggests that the time at which puberty normally occurs may represent a critical period of hippocampal plasticity. Perturbing normal hippocampal formation in this peripubertal period may also have long lasting effects on other brain areas and aspects of cognitive function

    Glacial lineations and recessional moraines on the continental shelf of Northeast Greenland

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    The Northeast Greenland continental shelf is only sparsely mapped due to its remoteness and harsh year-round sea-ice conditions. Mapping the distribution of submarine glacial landforms relies mainly on single track lines of multibeam echo sounder bathymetric data with only occasional systematic surveys. Ice streams drain the modern Greenland Ice Sheet [GrIS] to its northeastern margin in several fjords near the head of the Westwind Trough (Fig. 1a). The presence of glacial lineations and recessional moraines in the inner to middle trough indicates that the GrIS extended onto the continental shelf probably during the Last Glacial Maximum (Evans et al. 2009; Winkelmann et al. 2010)

    Spatial memory is impaired by peripubertal GnRH agonist treatment and testosterone replacement in sheep

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    Chronic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) is used therapeutically to block activity within the reproductive axis through down-regulation of GnRH receptors within the pituitary gland. GnRH receptors are also expressed in non-reproductive tissues, including areas of the brain such as the hippocampus and amygdala. The impact of long-term GnRHa-treatment on hippocampus-dependent cognitive functions, such as spatial orientation, learning and memory, is not well studied, particularly when treatment encompasses a critical window of development such as puberty. The current study used an ovine model to assess spatial maze performance and memory of rams that were untreated (Controls), had both GnRH and testosterone signaling blocked (GnRHa-treated), or specifically had GnRH signaling blocked (GnRHa-treated with testosterone replacement) during the peripubertal period (8, 27 and 41 weeks of age). The results demonstrate that emotional reactivity during spatial tasks was compromised by the blockade of gonadal steroid signaling, as seen by the restorative effects of testosterone replacement, while traverse times remained unchanged during assessment of spatial orientation and learning. The blockade of GnRH signaling alone was associated with impaired retention of long-term spatial memory and this effect was not restored with the replacement of testosterone signaling. These results indicate that GnRH signaling is involved in the retention and recollection of spatial information, potentially via alterations to spatial reference memory, and that therapeutic medical treatments using chronic GnRHa may have effects on this aspect of cognitive function

    On the Evolved Nature of CK Vul

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    Original paper can be found at: http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/381.html Copyright ASPCK Vul was classified as the oldest observed nova. Recent studies have proven however, that CK Vul cannot be unambiguously classified as any known kind of eruptive variable. We present the optical and radio observations of the remnants of the eruption of CK Vul in the year 1670 in order to discuss possible scenarios for this object. We have measured the proper motion which proves that the nebula is attributed to the star observed during its 1670−1672 brightening. A large bipolar nebula of 70 arcsec is discovered in a deep Hα image. Radio observations reveal a barely resolved source placed in the expansion center of the ejecta

    Construction management and lean thinking in highways maintenance

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    To realize the benefits of BIM in construction management using (4D and 5D applications), it has to be implemented first. There are various BIM implementation plans to select from; with BIM features and guides, companies better understand BIM concepts and can easily choose a plan to apply in their operations. A literature review was conducted and 15 different definitions of BIM were encountered. Twelve different BIM implementation plans were found in publications by academics, software vendors and Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) industry professionals. Those implementation plans were compared using a matrix which covers the complete building lifecycle. This research concludes that out of the 12 implementations plans, three were equipped with additional guides attached to their plans, simplifying project data collection; namely those by Autodesk, Penn State University and Indiana University. One implementation plan that scored very highly (based on 16 key issues identified from the three categories of stakeholders specified in this project) was the implementation plan proposed by a major software vendor. BIM is poised to solve many of the shortcomings reported in the construction industry. However, before realizing the full potential of BIM in construction management, it needs to be systematically implemented

    The Pathways for Intelligible Speech: Multivariate and Univariate Perspectives

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    An anterior pathway, concerned with extracting meaning from sound, has been identified in nonhuman primates. An analogous pathway has been suggested in humans, but controversy exists concerning the degree of lateralization and the precise location where responses to intelligible speech emerge. We have demonstrated that the left anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) responds preferentially to intelligible speech (Scott SK, Blank CC, Rosen S, Wise RJS. 2000. Identification of a pathway for intelligible speech in the left temporal lobe. Brain. 123:2400-2406.). A functional magnetic resonance imaging study in Cerebral Cortex used equivalent stimuli and univariate and multivariate analyses to argue for the greater importance of bilateral posterior when compared with the left anterior STS in responding to intelligible speech (Okada K, Rong F, Venezia J, Matchin W, Hsieh IH, Saberi K, Serences JT,Hickok G. 2010. Hierarchical organization of human auditory cortex: evidence from acoustic invariance in the response to intelligible speech. 20: 2486-2495.). Here, we also replicate our original study, demonstrating that the left anterior STS exhibits the strongest univariate response and, in decoding using the bilateral temporal cortex, contains the most informative voxels showing an increased response to intelligible speech. In contrast, in classifications using local "searchlights” and a whole brain analysis, we find greater classification accuracy in posterior rather than anterior temporal regions. Thus, we show that the precise nature of the multivariate analysis used will emphasize different response profiles associated with complex sound to speech processin

    A new bathymetry of the Northeast Greenland continental shelf: constraints on glacial and 2 other processes

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    A new digital bathymetric model (DBM) for the Northeast Greenland (NEG) continental shelf (74°N–81°N) is presented. The DBM has a grid cell size of 250 m × 250 m and incorporates bathymetric data from 30 multibeam cruises, more than 20 single-beam cruises and first reflector depths from industrial seismic lines. The new DBM substantially improves the bathymetry compared to older models. The DBM not only allows a better delineation of previously known seafloor morphology but, in addition, reveals the presence of previously unmapped morphological features including glacially derived troughs, fjords, grounding-zone wedges, and lateral moraines. These submarine landforms are used to infer the past extent and ice-flow dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the last full-glacial period of the Quaternary and subsequent ice retreat across the continental shelf. The DBM reveals cross-shelf bathymetric troughs that may enable the inflow of warm Atlantic water masses across the shelf, driving enhanced basal melting of the marine-terminating outlet glaciers draining the ice sheet to the coast in Northeast Greenland. Knolls, sinks, and hummocky seafloor on the middle shelf are also suggested to be related to salt diapirism. North-south-orientated elongate depressions are identified that probably relate to ice-marginal processes in combination with erosion caused by the East Greenland Current. A single guyot-like peak has been discovered and is interpreted to have been produced during a volcanic event approximately 55 Ma ago

    Thresholds of biodiversity and ecosystem function in a forest ecosystem undergoing dieback

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    Ecological thresholds, which represent points of rapid change in ecological properties, are of major scientific and societal concern. However, very little research has focused on empirically testing the occurrence of thresholds in temperate terrestrial ecosystems. To address this knowledge gap, we tested whether a number of biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem condition metrics exhibited thresholds in response to a gradient of forest dieback, measured as changes in basal area of living trees relative to areas that lacked recent dieback. The gradient of dieback was sampled using 12 replicate study areas in a temperate forest ecosystem. Our results provide novel evidence of several thresholds in biodiversity (namely species richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi, epiphytic lichen and ground flora); for ecological condition (e.g. sward height, palatable seedling abundance) and a single threshold for ecosystem function (i.e. soil respiration rate). Mechanisms for these thresholds are explored. As climate-induced forest dieback is increasing worldwide, both in scale and speed, these results imply that threshold responses may become increasingly widespread