39 research outputs found

    Diseño de estrategias centradas en el aprendizaje para las visitas escolares a los museos de ciencias

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    Las visitas a los Museos de Ciencias pueden constituir un complemento al aprendizaje de las ciencias realizado en la Escuela. Sin embargo, los Museos de Ciencias son entornos de aprendizaje no formal donde los profesores solemos tener poco control sobre las ideas implicadas o las experiencias que los estudiantes realizan. En el caso de visitas escolares, para que el Museo constituya un auténtico instrumento de aprendizaje son necesarios enfoques y estrategias centrados en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes más que en tareas de manipulación de módulos. Será necesario, diseñar materiales para la visita al Museo que integren el aprendizaje en la Escuela y en el Museo, que estimulen el interés y curiosidad de los estudiantes promoviendo un aprendizaje autónomo mediante trabajo en grupo orientado por el profesor. En este trabajo se explica cómo hemos elaborado estos materiales y sus principales características.Palabras clave: aprendizaje no formal, estrategias centradas en el aprendizaje, manipulación de módulos, museos de Ciencia, visitas escolares.Design of strategies focused on learning for school visits to science museumsVisits to the Science Museums can be a complement to Science learning at the School. However, Science Museums are non-formal learning environments where teachers tend to have little control over the ideas involved or the experiences that the students make. In the case of school visits, in order for the Museum to constitute a true learning instrument, it is necessary to focus on strategies and strategies focused on student learning rather than on module manipulation tasks. It will be necessary to design materials for the visit to the Museum that integrate the learning in the School and in the Museum, that stimulate the interest and curiosity of the students promoting an autonomous learning through work in group guided by the teacher. This paper explains how we have developed these materials and their main characteristics.Key words: non-formal learning, strategies focused on learning, manipulation of modules, science museums, school visits

    Diseño de estrategias centradas en el aprendizaje para las visitas escolares a los museos de ciencias

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    Las visitas a los Museos de Ciencias pueden constituir un complemento al aprendizaje de las ciencias realizado en la Escuela. Sin embargo, los Museos de Ciencias son entornos de aprendizaje no formal donde los profesores solemos tener poco control sobre las ideas implicadas o las experiencias que los estudiantes realizan. En el caso de visitas escolares, para que el Museo constituya un auténtico instrumento de aprendizaje son necesarios enfoques y estrategias centrados en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes más que en tareas de manipulación de módulos. Será necesario, diseñar materiales para la visita al Museo que integren el aprendizaje en la Escuela y en el Museo, que estimulen el interés y curiosidad de los estudiantes promoviendo un aprendizaje autónomo mediante trabajo en grupo orientado por el profesor. En este trabajo se explica cómo hemos elaborado estos materiales y sus principales características

    Effect of ATG12-ATG5-ATG16L1 autophagy E3 complex on the ability of LC3/GABARAP proteins to induce

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    Trabajo presentado en el 44º Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM), celebrado en Málaga entre el 6 y el 9 de septiembre de 2022.In macroautophagy, the autophagosome (AP) engulfs portions of cytoplasm to allow their lysosomal degradation. AP formation in humans requires the concerted action of the ATG12 and LC3/GABARAP conjugation systems. The ATG12–ATG5-ATG16L1 (E3) complex acts as a ubiquitin-like E3 ligase enzyme, promoting LC3/GABARAP protein anchoring to the AP membrane. The role of the various proteins in the AP expansion process is still unclear, in part because there are no studies comparing LC3/GABARAP-family member roles under the same conditions, and also because the full human E3 complex was only recently available. In the present study, the lipidation of six members of the LC3/GABARAP family has been reconstituted in the presence and absence of E3, and the mechanisms by which E3 and LC3/GABARAP proteins participate in vesicle tethering and fusion have been investigated. In the absence of E3, GABARAP and GABARAPL1 showed the highest activities. Differences found within LC3/GABARAP proteins suggest the existence of a lipidation threshold, lower for the GABARAP subfamily, as a requisite for tethering and inter-vesicular lipid mixing. E3 increases and speeds up lipidation and LC3/GABARAP-promoted tethering. However E3 hampers LC3/GABARAP capacity to induce intervesicular lipid mixing or subsequent fusion, presumably through formation of a rigid scaffold on the vesicle surface. Our results suggest a model of AP expansion in which the growing regions would be areas where the LC3/GABARAP proteins involved should be susceptible to lipidation in the absence of E3, or else a regulation should exist to inhibit the formation of an E3 immobile scaffold

    E3 autophagy complex and LC3/GABARAP proteins in autophagosome generation

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    Póster presentado al 8th International Iberian Biophysics Congress celebrado en Bilbao los días 20 y 21 de junio de 2022.In macroautophagy, autophagosome (AP) formation in humans requires the concerted action of the LC3/GABARAP and ATG12 ubiquitin-like conjugation systems. In the present study, the conjugation to the membrane of six members of the LC3/GABARAP family has been reconstituted in the presence and absence of the product of the ATG12 system (the E3 complex). In addition, the mechanisms by which the different LC3/GABARAP proteins and E3 could participate in vesicle tethering and fusion during AP expansion have been investigated. In the absence of E3, GABARAP and GABARAPL1 showed the highest activities. E3 increases and speeds up lipidation and LC3/GABARAP-promoted tethering. However, E3 hampers LC3/GABARAP capacity to induce inter-vesicular lipid mixing or subsequent fusion, presumably through formation of a rigid scaffold on the vesicle surface. Our results suggest a model of AP expansion in which the growing regions would be areas where the LC3/GABARAP proteins involved should be susceptible to lipidation in the absence of E3, or else a regulation should exist to inhibit the formationof an E3 immobile scaffold

    PSA Kinetics as Prognostic Markers of Overall Survival in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Treated with Abiraterone Acetate

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    Background: Abiraterone acetate (AA) is widely used in the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). However, a significant percentage of patients will still progress, highlighting the need to identify patients more likely to benefit from AA. Parameters linked to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) kinetics are promising prognostic markers. We have examined clinical and PSA-related factors potentially asso- ciated with overall survival (OS) in patients treated with AA. Methods: Between 2011 and 2014, 104 patients with mCRPC treated with AA after progression to docetaxel at centers of the Catalan Institute of Oncology were included in this retrospective study. Patients were assessed monthly. Baseline characteristics and vari- ables related to PSA kinetics were included in univariate and multivariate analyses of OS. Results: Median OS was 16.4 months (range 12.4-20.6) for all patients. The univariate analysis identified the following baseline characteristics as significantly associated with OS: ECOG PS, location of metastases, time between starting androgen deprivation therapy and starting AA, time between stopping docetaxel treatment and starting AA, neutrophil- lymphocyte ratio (NLR), alkaline phosphatase levels, and PSA levels. Factors related to PSA kinetics associated with longer OS were PSA response >50%, early PSA response (>30% decline at four weeks), PSA decline >50% at week 12, PSA nadir 140 days, the combination of PSA nadir and time to PSA nadir, and low end-of- treatment PSA levels. The multivariate analysis identified ECOG PS (HR 37.46; p<0.001), NLR (HR 3.7; p<0.001), early PSA response (HR 1.22; p=0.002), and time to PSA nadir (HR 0.39; p=0.002) as independent prognostic markers. Conclusion: Our results indicate an association between PSA kinetics, especially early PSA response, and outcome to AA after progression to docetaxel. Taken together with other factors, lack of an early PSA response could identify patients who are unlikely to benefit from AA and who could be closely monitored with a view to offering alternative therapies

    Supplementary Information for Effect of ATG12–ATG5-ATG16L1 autophagy E3-like complex on the ability of LC3/GABARAP proteins to induce vesicle tethering and fusion

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    15 pages. -- This file includes: Supp. Fig. 1-13. -- Supp. Table 1. List of protein constructs used in this work: vector, expression system, detailed protein encoded, and reference study.Peer reviewe

    Effect of ATG12-ATG5-ATG16L1 autophagy E3-like complex on the ability of LC3/GABARAP proteins to induce vesicle tethering and fusion

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    In macroautophagy, the autophagosome (AP) engulfs portions of cytoplasm to allow their lysosomal degradation. AP formation in humans requires the concerted action of the ATG12 and LC3/GABARAP conjugation systems. The ATG12-ATG5-ATG16L1 or E3-like complex (E3 for short) acts as a ubiquitin-like E3 enzyme, promoting LC3/GABARAP proteins anchoring to the AP membrane. Their role in the AP expansion process is still unclear, in part because there are no studies comparing six LC3/GABARAP family member roles under the same conditions, and also because the full human E3 was only recently available. In the present study, the lipidation of six members of the LC3/GABARAP family has been reconstituted in the presence and absence of E3, and the mechanisms by which E3 and LC3/GABARAP proteins participate in vesicle tethering and fusion have been investigated. In the absence of E3, GABARAP and GABARAPL1 showed the highest activities. Differences found within LC3/GABARAP proteins suggest the existence of a lipidation threshold, lower for the GABARAP subfamily, as a requisite for tethering and inter-vesicular lipid mixing. E3 increases and speeds up lipidation and LC3/GABARAP-promoted tethering. However, E3 hampers LC3/GABARAP capacity to induce inter-vesicular lipid mixing or subsequent fusion, presumably through the formation of a rigid scaffold on the vesicle surface. Our results suggest a model of AP expansion in which the growing regions would be areas where the LC3/GABARAP proteins involved should be susceptible to lipidation in the absence of E3, or else a regulatory mechanism would allow vesicle incorporation and phagophore growth when E3 is present.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grants No. PGC2018-099857-B-I00 and PID2021-124461NB-I00), by the Basque Government (grants No. IT1625-22 and IT1270-19), by Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia, by Fundación Ramón Areces (grant No. CIVP20A6619), and by the Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) program of the Basque Government. MI and YV were recipients of predoctoral FPU fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU16/05873, FPU18/00799), UB thanks the University of the Basque Country for a predoctoral contract. This work was supported by Human Frontiers Science Program RGP0026/2017 (S.M.).Peer reviewe

    Primera cita de reproducción de garceta común Egretta garzetta L., 1766 en Gipuzkoa

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    Se notifica la primera cita conocida de reproducción de garceta común Egretta garzetta L., 1766 en la provincia de Gipuzkoa. En agosto de 2014 se observan dos pollos con plumaje aún no formado en el Parque Ecológico de Plaiaundi (estuario del Bidasoa)

    Chatter suppression in a high speed magnetic spindle by adding damping

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    Magnetic bearings are used in several applications, but they didn’t succeed in the machine tool industry, due basically to their low damping, with its associated low chatter free cutting capacity. This work shows the development of a high speed milling spindle supported on magnetic bearings with high chatter resistance. That is achieved by using control strategies which add damping to the bearings. Excitation by means of the magnetic bearings is used to identify its dynamic behaviour and to optimize the damping parameters. Finally the results of the industrial validation are presented; showing an increase of six times in the cutting capacity

    Tamaño y estado de conservación de las poblaciones nidificantes de carricero tordal Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) y carricero común Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann, 1804) en el País Vasco

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    En el año 2007 se efectuó un censo de los territorios de nidificación de carricero tordal Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) y de carricero común Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann, 1804) en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, con la intención de evaluar el estado de conservación de sus poblaciones. Se contabilizaron 108 territorios de la primera especie y 243 de la segunda. En el caso del carricero tordal, mediante la comparación con los resultados de un estudio anterior (1996), se apreció una disminución en el número de cuadrículas UTM de 100 km2 con presencia (-90%), de localidades ocupadas (-86%) y de territorios (-91%) en la vertiente cantábrica del área de estudio, y estabilidad en esas mismas variables en la mediterránea. La fragmentación de los hábitats podría ser uno de los factores asociados a la regresión de la población de carricero torda