39 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jamur Gliocladium SP. dan Bakteri Pseudomonas Fluorencens dalam Menekan Perkembangan Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Pisang Mas (Musa Paradisiaca L.) Hasil Kultur Invitro

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    The objective of the study is to determine the potence of natural agent, a mmushroom of Gliocladium sp. and bacterium Peudomonas fluorencens in resisting against the withering disease (Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp. Cubense) and their effect to the growth of the in-vitrocultured banana plant (Musa paradisiaca L). Thiswas conducted in the experimental farm of Agriculture Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, in the period of June to December 2013.This research is a single experiment using Randomized Completely Block Design. The treatment was the administration of Gliocladium sp. In three different doses of 10 g/polybag (G1),20 g/ polybag (G2), 30 g/ polybag (G3), and the giving of Pseudomonas fluorencens inthree different dosage of10 ml/l water/ polybag (PF1),20 ml/l water/polybag (PF2) and 30 ml/l water/polybag(PF3) and one control group of no treatment (K0).Based on the result of data analysis, it is proved that the treatment of natural agents of Gliocladiumsp and Pseudomonas fluorencenshas induced the plants resistance against the withering disease of FusariumOxysporumf.sp. Cubense in the banana, as it is indicated bythe increase of phenol compounds, i.e. glychoseda, saponin, and thanin. However, the treatment has no significant effect on the plant growth either on their leaves or their stalk diameter

    Karakteristik Morfologi Dan Genetik Tanaman Penghasil Gaharu (Aquilaria Spp) Endemik Sumatera Barat

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria spp) is plant of tha important tropical forest trees,which produces a high economically valuable fragrant resinous wood. The objective of this study was to characterize the agarwood based on morphologist are genetic distance using RAPD markers. Characterizeof the agarwood based on morphologist and genetic distance by using RAPD markers is on alternative method to see variance morphologist,genetic and condition population plant agarwood (Aquilaria sp) endemic West Sumatra. This experiment was conducted at rain forest West Sumatraand Laboratory Agronomy Agriculture faculty Andalas University, and Laboratory Biotecnology Seameo Biotrop Bogor, during mar 2006 toDecember 2007.The result showed two group mayor cluster to agarwood i.e. Aquilaria malacensis and Aquilaria microcarpa endemic West Sumatra by using fenotipe variabilities and RAPD markers. Broad genetic variabilties were found for long and wide leaf width

    Pengembangan Durian Batu Busuak, Kelurahan Lambung Bukit, Kota Padang

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    Kampung Batu Busuk Kelurahan Lambung Bukit Kecamatan Pauh merupakan salah satu sentra produksi buah durian di Sumatera Barat.Walaupun nama durian Batu Busuk sudah terkenal dan banyak dicari oleh pencinta durian pada saat musim durian, namun belum ada upaya untuk mengangkat durian Batu Busuk untuk bisa dikenal lebih luas. Langkah awal untuk mengangkat nama durian Batu Busuk adalah membenahi identitas varietas durian Batu Busuk, karena sampai sekarang karakteristik dari durian Batu Busuk yang sesungguhnya tidak jelas.Tanaman yang sudah dikarakterisasi juga perlu diperbanyak agar kedepan, buah yang dihasilkan oleh kelurahan Batu Busuk adalah buah dengan karakter unggul tertentu. Masyarakat atau petani yang menanam durian juga perlu memiliki keahlian memperbanyak durian unggulnya. Penerapan ipteks yang dilakukan pada kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini menggunakan beberapa metode antara lain penyuluhan, demonstrasi aplikasi dan demplot pembibitan durian. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penyuluhan yang dilakukan berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat Batu Busuk mengenai arti penting pendaftaran varietas durian. Kegiatan demplot pembibitan durian dan demonstrasi teknik sambung meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat mengenai propagasi durian

    A hidden crisis: strengthening the evidence base on the current failure of rural groundwater supplies

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    New ambitious international goals for universal access to safe drinking water depend critically on the ability of development partners to accelerate and sustain access to groundwater. However, available evidence (albeit fragmented and methodologically unclear) indicates >30% of new groundwater-based supplies are non-functional within a few years of construction. Critically, in the absence of a significant systematic evidence base or analysis on supply failures, there is little opportunity to learn from past mistakes, to ensure more sustainable services can be developed in the future. This work presents a new and robust methodology for investigating the causes of non-functionality, developed by an interdisciplinary team as part of a UK-funded development research project. The approach was successfully piloted within a test study in NE Uganda, and forms a basis for future research to develop a statistically significant systematic evidence base to unravel the underlying causes of failur

    SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Pregnant Women and Their Newborns.

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    There remain a number of uncertainties globally about the risks posed to women who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy. Furthermore, our understanding of the spread of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa is limited, owing to low testing rates in many parts of the continent. PeriCOVID Africa, in conjunction with the WHO/HRP Alliance, plans to address these knowledge gaps by harnessing research infrastructures in place in five sub-Saharan African countries in order to screen more than 50,000 pregnant women and their infants for SARS-CoV-2, while monitoring pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. We anticipate that the results of this study will provide much needed information about the risks that SARS-CoV-2 poses to pregnant women and their babies, as well as establishing potential routes of mother-to-child transmission

    A hidden crisis: strengthening the evidence base on the current failures of rural groundwater supplies

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    New ambitious international goals for universal access to safe drinking water depend critically on the ability of development partners to accelerate and sustain access to groundwater. However, available evidence (albeit fragmented and methodologically unclear) indicates >30% of new groundwater-based supplies are non-functional within a few years of construction. Critically, in the absence of a significant systematic evidence base or analysis on supply failures, there is little opportunity to learn from past mistakes, to ensure more sustainable services can be developed in the future. This work presents a new and robust methodology for investigating the causes of non-functionality, developed by an interdisciplinary team as part of an UPGro catalyst grant. The approach was successfully piloted within a test study in NE Uganda, and forms a basis for future research to develop a statistically significant systematic evidence base to unravel the underlying causes of failure