11 research outputs found

    Agronomic evaluation of corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes in the warm dry region of Chiapas, Mexico

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    Abstract: The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the agronomic performance of experimental genotypes of maize in three agro-ecological environments of the Centro de Chiapas region. During the spring summer 2016 agricultural cycle, six maize genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design with four replications. The genotypes showed significant differences (P <0.05) for grain yield, plant height, ear length and number of rows; the interaction genotype by environment was not significant. The XT-5627 and XT-5610 genotypes showed greater stability and the first showed higher yield. The high yields were obtained in the Francisco Villa, Villaflores environment, of the Frailesca region, Chiapas. Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the agronomic behavior of experimental maize genotypes in three contrasting environments of the Central region of Chiapas. Design/methodology/approach: The experiments were established during the spring-summer 2016 agricultural cycle in the towns of Francisco Villa, Villaflores (730 m); San Luis, Suchiapa (600 m) and in Ocozocoautla (800 m), located in the Central region of the state of Chiapas. In the three sites, the climate is warm subhumid with rains in summer and presence of intra-festival drought during the second half of July and the first half of August.  Genetic material. The experimental genotypes were evaluated: XT-5614, XT-3402, XT-5610, XT-5612, XT-5627 and the BG7415W genotype of the Biogene company, which is used in commercial crops in the Center of Chiapas. All genotypes showed viability greater than 90%. The genotypes were distributed in the three experimental sites, which were used for seeding in a randomized complete block experimental design with four replications. The experimental unit consisted of four rows of 5 m in length each and 0.8 m apart, while the useful plot was formed by the two central rows. Variables evaluated. Days to male flowering (DFM), days to female flowering (DFF), plant height (AP), ear height (AM), ear length (LM), ear diameter (DM), rows per ear (HM) , grains per row and grain yield (REND) at 14% moisture. A combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out and the model of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) was used for the evaluation of the genotype x environment interaction (IGA). The analysis of variance was solved with the SAS system (SAS, 2000) while the GEA-R program was used for the AMMI model (Pacheco et al., 2015). Results: The combined analysis of variance detected differences between genotypes (G) for most of the variables except in grains per row and days to male and female flowering; Between environments (A) there were significant differences for all variables, for the environment genotype interaction (IGA), there were only significant differences for the number of rows per ear (Table 1). The values of the coefficient of variation (CV) were from 1.26 (DFF) to 10% (REND), which indicates an acceptable control (<20%) of the experimental variability. The results show a genetic variation between the evaluated genotypes, which allows selecting the most outstanding ones. The evaluation environments represent the agroecological conditions, where maize is grown in the Central region of Chiapas and because they are contrasting, they showed differential effects and this condition is necessary in the evaluation of germplasm in the process of genetic improvement (Córdoba, 1991). Limitations on study/implications: With regard to ear height, the values are acceptable as short plants favor ear rot in hot climates, when there is excess weeds before harvest. The flowering of the genotypes is considered acceptable and they were earlier (55 days) in the Suchiapa site, probably due to the high temperatures of this locality and, in addition, there was the presence of intra-festival drought, compared to the other two experimental sites. The asynchrony between male and female flowering in all genotypes was not significant. Findings/conclusions: Among the genotypes, there were significant differences for grain yield, plant height, ear height, ear length, and number of rows; the genotype-by-environment interaction was not significant. The XT 5627 and XT 5610 genotypes showed higher stability and the former showed higher grain yield. The high yields were presented in the environment of Francisco Villa, Villaflores, of the Frailesca region, Chiapas.Objective. To evaluate the agronomic behavior of corn (Zea mays L.) experimental genotypes in three contrasting environments in the Central region of Chiapas, Mexico. Design / methodology / approach. The experiments took place during the 2016 spring-summer agricultural cycle at Francisco Villa, Villaflores (730 m); San Luis, Suchiapa (600 m) and Ocozocoautla (800 m), at the Central region in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. At the three assessed sites, the climate is warm subhumid with rains in summer and intra-stival drought during the second half of July and the first half of August. The genotypes XT-5614, XT-3402, XT-5610, XT-5612, XT-5627, and BG7415W from the Biogene Company were evaluated, which are used in commercial crops at the Center of Chiapas. All genotypes showed viability greater than 90%. Three experimental sites were evaluated, in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The experimental unit consisted of four 5 m long rows 0.8 m apart. The useful plot was formed by two central furrows. The evaluated variables were: days to male flowering (DMF), days to female flowering (DFF), plant height (PH), cob height (CH), cob length (CL), cob diameter (CD), rows per cob (RC), grains per row and grain yield (YLD) at 14% moisture. These were analyzed with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and for the genotype x environment interaction (GEI) the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) were used, with the SAS statistical software and the GEA-R software. Results: The combined analysis of variance detected differences between genotypes (G) for most of the variables except in grains per row. and days to male and female flowering; there were significant differences between environments (A) for all variables, while for the GEI, there were significant differences for the number of rows per cob. The CV was 1.26 (DFF) at 10% (YLD), which indicates an acceptable control (<20%) of the experimental variability. The results indicated genetic variation between evaluated genotypes, which allows the selection of the most outstanding ones. The evaluation environments showed differential effects and this condition is necessary for the evaluation of germplasm for a genetic improvement process. Study limitations/implications: Cob height registered acceptable values given that short plants favor rotting in hot climates when weeds are present before harvest. The flowering of the genotypes was considered acceptable and was earlier (55 d) at the Suchiapa site. Findings/conclusions: Among the assessed genotypes there were significant differences for grain yield, plant height, cob height, cob length and the number of rows; the genotype-by-environment interaction was not significant. The XT 5627 and XT 5610 genotypes showed higher stability, and the former showed higher grain yield. The highest yields were recorded in the environment from Francisco Villa, Villaflores, at the Frailesca region, Chiapas

    Contenido de azúcares en variedades de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) para etanol en el centro de Chiapas, México

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate varieties of sweet sorghum for their sugar content and stability in different environments. Design/methodology/approximation: The experiments were established in the localities of Ocozocoautla and Suchiapa of the Center of Chiapas during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The varieties RB-Cañaveral, RB-Tehua, RB-Cañero, RB-Norteño, RB-Paloma and Fortuna were evaluated, under the experimental design of randomized complet blocks with four repetitions. The sugar conten (°Brix) in the phenological stages of flowering and physiological maturity of the grain was quantified. A combined analysis of variance was modeled using the site regression method (SREG). Results: The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) between environments, varieties and for genotype x environment interaction. In the flowering stage, the varieties RB Cañaveral and Fortuna stood out with 15.92 and 14.28 °Brix; while in physiological maturity of the grain the varieties RB-Cañaveral, Fortuna, RB-Paloma and RB-Tehua stood out with values of 17.9, 15.86, 14.82 and 14.69 °Brix, respectively. Limitatons of the study/implications: It is desirable to promote these varieties in environments with drought problems in the Center of Chiapas.Finding/Conclusions: The varieties RB-Cañaveral and Fortuna were the ones that produced the highest sugar content on average of the five environments. The RB-Cañaveral variety showed stability through the environments for the production of sugar.Objetivo: evaluar variedades de sorgo dulce (Sorghum bicolor L.) por su contenido de azúcares y estabilidad en ambientes diferentes. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Los experimentos se establecieron en las localidades de Ocozocoautla y Suchiapa del Centro de Chiapas durante los años 2015, 2016 y 2017.  Se evaluaron las variedades RB-Cañaveral, RB-Tehua, RB-Cañero, RB-Huasteco, RB-Norteño, RB-Paloma y Fortuna, bajo el diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Se cuantificó el contenido de azúcares (°Brix) en las etapas fenológicas de floración y madurez fisiológica del grano. Se realizó un análisis de varianza combinado. La interacción genotipo ambiente y la estabilidad de la producción de azúcares se modeló con el método de regresión en los sitios (SREG). Resultados: El análisis de varianza mostró diferencias altamente significativas (P<0.01) entre los ambientes, variedades y para la interacción genotipo x ambiente. En la etapa de floración destacaron las variedades RB-Cañaveral y Fortuna con 15.92 y 14.28 °Brix; mientras que en madurez fisiológica del grano sobresalieron las variedades RB-Cañaveral, Fortuna, RB-Paloma y RB-Tehua con valores de 17.9, 15.86, 14.82 y 14.69 °Brix, respectivamente. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Es deseable la promoción de estas variedades en ambientes con problemas de sequía del Centro de Chiapas. Conclusiones: Las variedades RB-Cañaveral y Fortuna fueron las que produjeron mayor contenido de azúcares en promedio de los cinco ambientes. La variedad RB-Cañaveral mostró estabilidad a través de los ambientes para la producción de azúcares

    Desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales enfocados a la enseñanza de las energías renovables

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    El presente artículo, explica el desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales que han realizado los autores del artículo, con la finalidad de enseñar, transmitir e investigar sobre temas referentes a las energías renovables. Se diseñaron y construyeron tres prototipos experimentales (secador solar, biodigestor y muro solar) para el Laboratorio de Investigación en energías renovables de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán – UNAM y se rediseño, monto e instrumentó el modelo experimental, que simula el comportamiento térmico de sistemas de descarga de calor en muros y techo, del laboratorio de Heliodiseño del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Posgrado, de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM.In the presently work, explains the development and construction of experimental prototypes that the article’s authors have carried out, with the purpose of teaching, to transmit and to investigate on relating topics to the renewable energy. They were designed and built three experimental prototypes (solar dryer, biodigestor and solar wall) for the Laboratory of Investigation in renewable energy of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan UNAM and you redraws, mount and instrumentation the experimental pattern that simulates the thermal behavior of systems of discharge of heat in walls and roof, of the laboratory of Heliodiseño of the Centro de investigacion y estudios de posgrado, of the Facultad de Arquitectura of the UNAM.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales enfocados a la enseñanza de las energías renovables

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    El presente artículo, explica el desarrollo y construcción de prototipos experimentales que han realizado los autores del artículo, con la finalidad de enseñar, transmitir e investigar sobre temas referentes a las energías renovables. Se diseñaron y construyeron tres prototipos experimentales (secador solar, biodigestor y muro solar) para el Laboratorio de Investigación en energías renovables de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán – UNAM y se rediseño, monto e instrumentó el modelo experimental, que simula el comportamiento térmico de sistemas de descarga de calor en muros y techo, del laboratorio de Heliodiseño del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Posgrado, de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM.In the presently work, explains the development and construction of experimental prototypes that the article’s authors have carried out, with the purpose of teaching, to transmit and to investigate on relating topics to the renewable energy. They were designed and built three experimental prototypes (solar dryer, biodigestor and solar wall) for the Laboratory of Investigation in renewable energy of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan UNAM and you redraws, mount and instrumentation the experimental pattern that simulates the thermal behavior of systems of discharge of heat in walls and roof, of the laboratory of Heliodiseño of the Centro de investigacion y estudios de posgrado, of the Facultad de Arquitectura of the UNAM.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Optimal fertilization dose in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) using partial budgets analysis

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    Objective: To determine the economically adequate fertilization dose for a castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) crop that improves the producer's benefits using the partial budgeting technique. Design / methodology / approach: The experiment was established at a site located 500 m from the Centro de Chiapas experimental field, with an altitude of 800 m. Two production factors were studied: nitrogen (40, 60, and 80) and phosphorus (20, 40, and 60) with three levels each. The treatments had nine combinations in a randomized complete block experimental design and four replications. Phenological and morphological variables, seed yield, and variable costs economic components were evaluated as a response. Results: With the average yields the obtained net benefits were determined; an adjustment of the benefits was made, and its dominance was determined. Four experiments were dominated, and five showed favorable profits for the producer. The 80-60-00 formulation had a return rate (RR) of 23 %. Conclusions: The 40-20-00, 40-40-00, 40-60-00, 80-40-00 and 80-60-00 formulations were dominant. The 80-60-00 formulation reported the highest RR, an increase in variable cost of US9.64,likeotherdosesoflowercostsandbenefits.Forthisdose,thenetbenefitsincreasewasus9.64, like other doses of lower costs and benefits. For this dose, the net benefits increase was us 222.61

    El extensionismo a partir de la gestión de la innovación en áreas de alta marginación de México

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    From 2009-2013, a two-stage project was developed in eight municipalities in Southeastern Mexico, a region considered to be highly marginalized. It was carried out with 480 families, in coordination with six institutions and 23 researchers. It was implemented a model which the main objective was to manage innovation based on the potential of the context where the producers work. The results indicate three points: it is possible the development of these marginalized areas; it is competitive and could be highly productive; and it could implement agribusiness with the products and the training offered by the extension system. The environmental, economic and social impacts indicate an advance between the organized groups given that seven agribusinesses were established based on the productive strengths detected in the first diagnosis.Desde 2009-2013 se desarrolló un proyecto en dos etapas donde se intervino en ocho municipios del sureste de México, región considerada como de alta marginación, trabajando en forma coordinada seis instituciones y 23 investigadores con 480 familias. Se implementó un modelo cuyo principal objetivo fue gestionar la innovación a partir del potencial del contexto donde trabajan los productores, el cual consta de tres puntos: Los resultados indican que se puede detonar el desarrollo de esas áreas marginadas, ser competitivo hasta lograr ser altamente productivo y realizar agro negocios con lo producido y la capacitación ofrecida por el sistema de extensionismo. Los impactos ambiental, económico, social, indican un avance entre los grupos organizados, dado que se lograron conformar siete agroindustrias a partir de las fortalezas productivas detectadas en un primer diagnóstico

    Contribuciones del INIFAP al extensionismo en México y la gestión de la innovación

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    Since the creation of the national research, agriculture, livestock and forestry, until the creation of INIFAP in 1985, actions for transference were done separately and with unmeasured scope. Always inlinear schemes from abroad, institutions related to the agricultural and forestry sector was until the 2000s when Mexican researchers around the Southeast region of Mexico, initiated the paradigm shift by replacing the linear models, followed by management of innovation, the results are quite encouraging in flat, hilly and with high degrees of marginalization areas, curiously more poverty levels are observed where there's richest biodiversity. In the INIFAP have been implemented 14 transfer models seeking innovation management, of which seven are linear and seven have been participatory, and these have been enriched with the addition of more methodological tools such as planning methodology based on logical framework, social network analysis, and especially the participation of the main beneficiaries actors, according to the new rurality are not only men, but women, youth, seniors and members of the original peoples.Desde la creación de los institutos nacionales de investigación, agrícola, pecuaria y forestal, hasta la creación del INIFAP en 1985, las acciones de transferencia se hacían por separado, y con alcances no medidos. Siempre se siguieron esquemas lineales provenientes del extranjero, de instituciones relacionadas con el sector agropecuario y forestal, fue hasta la década del 2000 cuando investigadores mexicanos principalmente de la región sur sureste de México, que iniciaron el cambio de paradigma al sustituir los modelos lineales, por la gestión de la innovación, los resultados son muy alentadores en áreas planas, serranas y con altos grados de marginación, curiosamente los niveles de más pobreza se observan donde existen la mayor riqueza en biodiversidad. En el INIFAP se han implementado 14 modelos de transferencia que buscan la gestión de la innovación, de ellos siete son lineales y siete han sido participativos, y estos se han enriquecido con la incorporación de más herramientas metodológicas como: la metodología de planeación basada en el marco lógico, el análisis de redes sociales, y sobre todo la participación de los principales actores beneficiados, que de acuerdo a la nueva ruralidad no solo son hombres, sino mujeres, jóvenes, personas de la tercera edad e integrantes de los pueblos originales