26 research outputs found

    Effect of sumac extract on serum oxidative status, RANKL/OPG system and alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis in rats

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    Objectives Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) is widely used spice which has several properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. The purpose of this animal study was to evaluate the effects of sumac extract on levels of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression, serum oxidative status, and alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis. Material and Methods Twenty-four Wistar rats were separated into three groups: non-ligated (NL, n=8), ligature only (LO, n=8), and ligature and treated with sumac extract (S, n=8) (20 mg/kg per day for 11 days). A 4/0 silk suture was placed around the mandibular right first molars subgingivally; after 11 days, the rats were sacrificed, and alveolar bone loss was histometrically measured. The detection of RANKL and OPG were immunohistochemically performed. Levels of serum total antioxidant status (TAS)/total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI) were also analyzed. Results Alveolar bone loss was significantly greater in the LO group compared to the S and NL groups (

    A Case Of Sporadic Mesenteric Fibromatosis Mimicking Pancreatic Mass

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    Abdominal fibromatozis sporadik, pelvik, mezenterik lezyonlar ile garder sendromunda görülen fibromatozis lezyonlarının hepsi için kullanılmaktadır. Sporadik fibromatozis ise çok daha nadirdir ve literatürde az sayıda vaka bildirilmiştir. 14 yaşında kadın hasta, 2 aydır olan epigastrik bölgede müphem karın ağrısı, dispeptik yakınmalar ve yemeklerden sonra olan kusma nedeni ile başvurdu. Yapılan gastroskopide mideye dıştan bası yapan kitle lezyonuna rastlanması üzerine endoskopik ultrasonografi yapıldı. Pankreas kuyruğundan kaynaklandığı düşünülen 9x5 cm ebadında hiperekoik kitle lezyonu görüldü.Cerrahi olarak kitle eksize edildi. Mezenterik fibromatozis patolojik olarak benign bir tümör özelliği göstermesine rağmen klinik olarak ileri derecede agresif ve nüks oranı oldukça yüksektir.Bu hastalara malign gibi davranıp mümkün olduğunca geniş cerrahi rezeksiyon uygulanmalıdır.The term abdominal fibromatosis refers to sporadic, pelvic, and mesenteric lesions and to all the fibromatosis lesions seen in Gardner's syndrome. Sporadic fibromatosis, however, is very rarer and literature offers a limited number of cases. The 14-year-old female patient presented to our clinic with complaints of indefinite abdominal pain in the epigastric area for the last 2 months, dyspeptic problems, and vomiting after eating. Upon the patient's gastroscopy revealed a mass lesion pressuring the stomach, endoscopic ultrasonography was performed. A hyperechoic mass lesion of 9x5 cm thought to have originated from the pancreatic tail was detected. The mass was surgically excised. Although mesenteric fibromatosis shows the characteristics of a benign tumor pathologically, it is extremely aggressive clinically and has a very high rate of recurrence. These patients should be treated like they have malign tumors and surgeons should perform surgical resection as wide as possible

    Ratlarda Deneysel Omurilik Travmasında Karvedilol’ün İkincil Hasara Etkisi

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    Aim: Previous studies have shown that carvedilol has a neuroprotective effect in animal models of brain ischemia and brain oxidative damage in vitro. This study was perfomed to investigate the effect of carvedilol on the secondary damage in experimental spinal cord injury (SCI). Material and methods: Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups. Group 1 underwent laminectomy alone. Group 2 underwent laminectomy followed by SCI and received carvedilol. Group 3 underwent laminectomy followed by SCI and received no medication. The neurological functions were assessed by Tarlov’s motor scale at the first and 24th hours. Oxidative stress status was assessed by MDA, SOD, MPO, GSH activities. A TUNEL-based apoptosis kit was used for evaluating apoptosis in the spinal cord samples and hematoxylinand eosin-stained specimens were used for light microscopic examination. Results: Carvedilol reduced apoptosis and regulated oxidant and antioxidant status by increasing SOD and GSH levels and reducing MPO and MDA levels in the spinal tissue homogenate. Neurological examination of rats revealed statistically significant improvement 24 hours after the trauma. Conclusion: Carvedilol has a statistically significant therapeutic effect, especially on functional recovery, and we found that carvedilol reduced secondary damage by inhibiting apoptosis and regulating the oxidant and antioxidant status.Amaç: Beyinde oksidatif hasar ve iskemi ile ilgili daha önce yapılan in vitro hayvan modeli çalışmalarında karvedilolün nöron koruyucu etkilerinin olduğu gösterildi. Çalışmada karvedilolün deneysel spinal travma modelinde ikincil hasar üzerine olan etkileri araştırıldı. Yöntem ve Gereçler: 24 adet Wistar albino tipi sıçan üç gruba ayrıldı. Spinal kord yaralanması ağırlık düşürme modeli ile gerçekleştirildi. Birinci gruba sadece laminektomi uygulandı. İkinci gruba laminektomi yapılarak spinal kord yaralanması oluşturuldu ve karvedilol verildi. Üçüncü gruba laminektomi yapılıp spinal kord yaralanması oluşturuldu ve herhangi bir medikasyon uygulanmadı. Tüm gruplarda deneklerin birinci ve 24. saatlerde Tarlov motor skorlaması ile nörolojik muayeneleri kaydedildi. Oksidatif stres ölçümü için MDA (malonildialdehit), SOD (süperoksit dismutaz), MPO (myeloperoksidaz) ve GSH (glutatyon) aktiviteleri kullanıldı. Apoptozis düzeyini belirlemek için TUNEL kiti ve ışık mikroskobi bulguları için hematoksilen eozin boyası kullanıldı. Bulgular: Karvedilol apoptozis düzeyini azalttı ve SOD ile GSH düzeyini artırıp MPO ve MDA düzeylerini azaltarak oksidasyon ve antioksidasyon olaylarını düzenledi. Sonuç: Karvedilol özellikle fonksiyonel iyileşme üzerine istatistiksel olarak olumlu etki oluşturdu ve apoptozisi azaltıcı ve oksidasyon-antioksidasyon olaylarını olumlu yönde düzenleyici etki gösterdi


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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of local rifamycin application on BMP-2 expression and bone healing.Materials and Methods: A standardized 5.0-mm- diameter critical size bone defect was created mandible angulus region. In the control group (8 rats) defects were left empty. In the Group 1 (n=8 rats) defect was irrigated with rifamycin solution and 25 mg rifamycin solution injected defect area at 1, 3, 7 days after surgery. In the group 2 (n=8 rats) defects were grafted with a gelatin sponge mixed 25 mg rifamycin solution. Rats were sacrificed at 21 days after surgery. Histological slides were prepared from defect site for both immunohistochemical analysis (bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) antibody) and histomorphometric analysis. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney U and Kruskall Wallis test.Results: The average new bone formation, number of osteoblast and new vessel formation count were increased more in both of experimental groups in comparison with control group. Anti-BMP-2 labelling (Cell count) was increased more in both of experimental groups in comparison with control group. Conclusion: Local rifamycin application has positive effects on BMP-2 expression and bone regeneration at critical sized bone defects

    Association of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, CYCLIN D1 and Cathepsin D with Clinicopathological Parameters in Breast Carcinoma; an Immunohistochemical Study

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    WOS:000395502400002PubMed ID: 28331761Objective: Breast carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor detected in women. fte hypothesis that increased levels of adhesion molecules and Cathepsin D affect cancerous cells moving away the primary tumor and contributes to migration of the cancerous cell and may cause remote organ metastases is defended. fte aim of the present study was to search the association of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), Cyclin D1, cathepsin D immunohistochemically with clinicopathological parameters in the patients diagnosed with invasive ductal breast carcinoma.Materials and Methods: fte pathological slides of 153 patients diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma were evaluated retrospectively. ftree groups were created. Group 1 consisted of patients with positive lymph node metastasis and extranodal tumor invasion; Group 2 consisted of patients with positive axillary lymph node metastasis and negative extranodal tumor invasion and Group 3 consisted of the patients with negative axillary lymph node metastasis. In all groups, 20 paraffin blocks belonging to the primary tumor in the breast were stained by ICAM-1, VCAM-1, Cyclin D1 and Cathepsin D. Findings were examined by comparing with clinicopathological parameters.Results: fte highest number of metastatic axillary lymph nodes and the highest rate of cathepsin D staining were statistically found in the cases with positive axillary lymph node metastasis and extranodal tumor invasion. CerbB2 was negative in the cases with negative ICAM-1 whereas estro- gen receptor and progesterone receptor were positive in the cases with positive VCAM-1.Conclusion: fte present study reveals significant results for the patients diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma through breast biopsy espe- cially before mastectomy in terms of increased number of metastatic axillary lymph nodes and extranodal tumor invasion by immunohistochemical Cathepsin D stain without any additional invasive intervention. Results of the present study may contribute to monitoring and treatment of the patients in the future

    The relation between psa and gleason score and clinical phase in prostate adenocarsinoma

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    Prostat Adenokarsinomlarında PSA değerlerinin, Gleason Skor ve Klinik Evreile ilişkisi.Materyal Metod : Çalışmamızda 68 PACa olgusu ile 55 BPH olgusu incelendi. H&Eile boyanan preparatlar ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Histolojik Grade olarak GleasonGrade sistemi kullanıldı. Olgular WHO ve TNM sınıflamasına göre evrelendirildi.Olguların total ve s-PSA değerleri Beckman Coulture DXI800 marka cihazlarıkullanılarak `chemiluminescence' metodu ile ölçüldü.Veriler bilgisayar ortamına aktarılarak `SPPS for Window's 10.0' programı ileistatistiksel analiz yapıldı. Veriler ortalama ± standart sapma şekline özetlendi.Gruplar arası karşılaştırma için Stedent-t testi kullanıldı. Parametreler arası ilişkiSpearman's korelasyon testi ile değerlendirildi. Cut-off noktası tespiti için ROC analiziyapıldı ve anlamlılık değeri olarak 0.05 seviyesi alındı.Bulgular : Çalışmamızda PACa ile BPH olguları arasında ortalama yaşlarda farktespit edimedi. Ortalama serum t-PSA değerleri: PACa olguları 67.09±5.32 ng/ml ikenBPH da 4.70±1.02 ng/ml olarak bulundu. PACa olgularının 56 sında t-PSA â ¥10 ng/mliken, BPH lı olguların 51 inde t-PSA <10 ng/ml olarak tespit edildi. Gri Zon aralığında11 PACa, 24 BPH olgusu bulunmaktadır. Bu olgularda t-PSA , s-PSA ve yaş arasındabir fark tespit edilemeyip, s-PSA/ t-PSA oranı anlamlı derecede farklı bulunmuştur.0.18 sınır değeri için spesifite %92, sensivite %82, 0.16 değeri için spesifite % 95sensivite %55 dir. 48 PACa olgusuna klinik evreleme yapılabildi, bunlardan da 5 olguEvre A, 12 olgu Evre B, 14 olgu Evre C, 17 olgu ise Evre D olarak bulundu. 48olgudan 4 tanesi: GS 2-4, 15 tanesi; GS 5-6, 19 tanesi; GS 7, 10 tanesi GS 8-10. GS2-6 arasında olan 19 olgunun tamamı Evre A, B, C ( lokalize evre), GS 7-10 olan 29olgunun 12 tanesi Evre B ve C ( lokalize evre ) 17 tanesi Evre D ( metastatik evre ) deidi. Serum t-PSA düzeyi 0-10 ng/ml aralığında olan 9 PACa olgusunun 8 tanesilokalize evrede 1 tanesi metastatik evrede tespit edilmiştir. Bu PSA aralığında 7olgunun GS si 7 den düşük iken sadece 2 olgunun GS si 7-10 aralığında tespit edildi.Lokalize evrede olgularında ortalama serum t-PSA seviyesi: 44.8±6.76 ng/ml ikenmetastatik evrede 120.2 ± 8.65 ng/ml tespit edildi.91Sonuç : Serum t-PSA düzeyi parametresinin kullanımı faydalı bir belirteçtir. PSA;PCa tanısında, evrelemesinde, histolojik grade' i tahmin etmede, izlemde verekürrenslerin belirlenmesinde iyi bir göstergedir.s-PSA/ t-PSA oranı, t-PSA değeri 4,1-10 ng/ml düzeyinde olan benign vemalign olguları ayırmada son derece yaralı bir parametredir.GS nin kullanılması, PCa lı olgularda progresyonu ve sağ kalımı belirlemede iyive güvenilir bir göstergedir.The relation between PSA values and Gleason Score and Clinical Phase in Prostate Adenocarcinoma. Materials and Methods: In this study, 68 PACa and 55 BPH cases were examined. The preparations tinted with H&E were examined under the light microscope.Gleason Grading was used as histological grading. They were graded according to WHO and TNM classifiying. The total and free PSA values of the cases were measured with ‘chemiluminescence’ method using Beckman Coulture DXI800 instruments. The data were loaded onto the computer and statistically analyzed with SPPS for Window’s 10.0 program. Data were summed up as average ± standard deviation. Stedent-t test was used to compare the groups with each other. Spearman’s correlation test was applied to determine the relation between the parameters. ROC analyses was used to establish Cut-off point and 0.05 level was regarded as significant. Findings: There was no difference between the average age of the cases with PACa and BPH. While the mean t-PSA value was 67.091±5.32 ng/ml in cases with PACa, it was 4.701±1.02ng/ml in cases with BPH. In 56 of the cases with PACa, t-PSA was: ≥10 ng/ml, and 51 of the cases with BPH, t-PSA was <10ng/ml. 11 PACa, 24 BPH existed in Grey Zone. There was no difference between t-PSA, s-PSA and ages but s-PSA and t-PSA rate was significantly different. The specification was 92% and sensivity %82 for 0.18 limit value. The specification was 95% and sensivity %55 for 0.16 limit value. This rate is not significant in t-PSA>30ng/ml. Clinical phasing was applied in 48 cases with PACa and 5 cases were in phase A, 12 in phase B, 14 in phase C and 17 in phase D, and 4 of 48 cases; GS 2-4, 15; GS 5-6, 19; GS 7, and 10 cases were GS 8-10. All of 19 cases in GS 2-6 were in phase A,B and C (localised phase) and 12 of 29 cases in GS 7-10 were in phase B and C (localised phase) and 17 cases were in phase D (metastatic phase). 8 of 9 PACa cases in t-PSA 0-10 ng/ml were in localised phase and one in metastatic phase. While the GS of these 7 cases were lower than 7, the GS of two cases were at 7-10 interval. We determined the mean serum t-PSA level as 44.8±6.76 ng/ml in the localised phase and 120.2 ± 8.65 ng/ml in metastatic phase

    Des pièces de la collection Cotinat au Musée de pharmacie de Lisbonne : Maria Paula Basso, « Artefactos farmacêuticos europeus no Museu da Farmácia » ; Medicamento, História e Sociedade, 1999

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    Julien Pierre. Des pièces de la collection Cotinat au Musée de pharmacie de Lisbonne : Maria Paula Basso, « Artefactos farmacêuticos europeus no Museu da Farmácia » ; Medicamento, História e Sociedade, 1999. In: Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 87ᵉ année, n°323, 1999. p. 386

    İmmunohistochemical Evaluation of CD4, CD8 and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Expressions in Biopsies Before and After Treatment of Mycosis Fungoides Patients

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    CD4/CD8 T lenfosit oranının mikozis fungoides (MF) hastalarında yükseldiği birçok çalışmada belirtilmektedir. Dokudaki matriks metalloproteinaz (MMP) düzeyindeki yükseklik ve tümör yayılımı arasında paralel bir ilişki olduğu bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, tedavi öncesi ve sonrasında MF hastalarının CD4, CD8 ve tümöral invazyonun göstergesi olan MMP-9 düzeylerindeki değişiklikleri değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Selçuk Üniversitesi, Meram Tıp Fakültesi, Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı’nda biyopsileri örnekleri alınarak plak evresinde patolojik MF tanısı konulan 32 hasta ile nonspesifik kronik dermatoz olarak tanı alan 10 kontrol hastası dahil edildi. MF tanılı hastaların tümüne 3 ay süreyle fototerapi uygulandı ve 3 ay sonunda kontrol biyopsileri alındı. Yirmi hastada MF lehine bulgu saptanmazken 12 hastada patolojik olarak MF ile uyumlu bulgular saptandı. Histopatolojik inceleme için Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda yeterli sayıda kesitler alınarak kontrol grupları yanı sıra tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası MF’li hasta gruplarına CD4, CD8 ve MMP-9 immunohistokimyasal boyamalar uygulandı. Çalışmada tedaviden fayda görmeyenlerde epitel altı CD4/CD8 değerleri ile epitel içi MMP-9’un anlamlı yüksek olduğu gözlendi . Tedaviden fayda görenlerde epitel içi ve altı CD4/CD8 değerleri ile epitel altı MMP-9 değeri tedavi sonrasında anlamlı düşük tespit edildi. MF hastalarında kontrol grubuna göre CD4/CD8 ve MMP-9 düzeyleri anlamlı yüksek bulundu ve tedaviden fayda gören olgularda bu oranlarda düşme gözlendi. Tüm bulgular ışığında çalışmanın literatür bilgileriyle paralellik gösteren sonuçlar içerdiği gözlendi.Several studies reported increased CD4/CD8 ratio in patients with mycosis fungoides (MF). A parallel relationship was indicated between tumor progression and elevated matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate levels of CD4, CD8 and MMP-9, which is an indicator of tumoral invasion, in before and after treatment of MF patients. A total of 10 control patients and 32 patients with plaque stage MF pathologically diagnosed as nonspecific chronic dermatosis were included. Biopsies were taken at the Department of Dermatology, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selçuk University. Phototherapy was performed for 3 months on all patients diagnosed with MF and control biopsies were taken at the end of 3 months. In 20 patients, there were no findings in favor of MF was diagnosed. MF pathological findings were observed in the other 12 patients. For histopathological examination, sections were taken from a sufficient number of control groups and as well as groups of MF patients before and after treatment. CD4, CD8 and MMP-9 immunohistochemical staining was performed at the Department of Pathology, Meram Faculty of Medicine. Intraepithelial MMP-9 and subepithelial CD4/CD8 values were found to be significantly higher in MFA patients having no benefit from the treatment. It was determined that subepithelial MMP-9, intraepithelial and subepithelial CD4/CD8 values were significantly lower after treatment in the MF patients who had benefit for the treatment. Comparing with the controls, CD4/CD8 and MMP 9 levels were significantly higher in MF patients, and these levels were observed to be decreased in patients who respond well to treatment. Findings of this study were concordant with literature

    Adrenal myelolipoma - evaluating of four cases

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    Adrenal myelolipom, genellikle tek taraflı, düzgün sınırlı, değişken boyutlarda olan, adrenal bezin nadir, benign ve hormonal olarak inaktif bir tümörüdür. Neoplazm yağ doku ve kemik iliğine ait myelopoetik hücrelerden olu- şur. Pekçok tümör asemptomatiktir ve çoğunlukla otopsi çalışmalarında tesadüfen tespit edilir. Dört tane adrenal myelolipom vakamızı, makroskopik ve mikroskopik özelliklerini vurgulayarak sunduk.Adrenal myelolipoma is a rare, benign and hormonally inactive tumor of the adrenal gland, usually unilateral, well limited, variable in size. The neoplasm consists of adipose tissue and myelopoietic cells of the bone marrow Most tumors are asymptomatic and usually are discovered incidentally at autopsy studies. We have reported four cases of adrenal myelolipoma, emphasizing their macroscopic and microscopic features

    Adrenal myelolipoma - evaluating of four cases

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    Adrenal myelolipom, genellikle tek taraflı, düzgün sınırlı, değişken boyutlarda olan, adrenal bezin nadir, benign ve hormonal olarak inaktif bir tümörüdür. Neoplazm yağ doku ve kemik iliğine ait myelopoetik hücrelerden olu- şur. Pekçok tümör asemptomatiktir ve çoğunlukla otopsi çalışmalarında tesadüfen tespit edilir. Dört tane adrenal myelolipom vakamızı, makroskopik ve mikroskopik özelliklerini vurgulayarak sunduk.Adrenal myelolipoma is a rare, benign and hormonally inactive tumor of the adrenal gland, usually unilateral, well limited, variable in size. The neoplasm consists of adipose tissue and myelopoietic cells of the bone marrow Most tumors are asymptomatic and usually are discovered incidentally at autopsy studies. We have reported four cases of adrenal myelolipoma, emphasizing their macroscopic and microscopic features