125 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Effects of Sports Education on University Students' Stress Coping Strategies

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of sports education on university students' strategies to cope with stress. 150 sports sciences and 150 education faculty students participated in the study. “Ways of Coping Inventory” scale was used as data collection tool in the study. Mann Whitney U test was performed in statistical processes. In terms of the faculty variable, the scores of the sports science faculty students who received Social Sports education in the sub-dimension of “self-confident approach” and “optimistic approach” were found higher than the students who did not receive sports education (p <0.05).In addition, it was determined that the students of the education faculty who did not receive sports education had high scores from the sports science students who received sports education under the sub-dimension of “self-confident approach” and “social support seeking approach” (p <0.05). According to gender, it was determined that the scores that men got from the Self-Confident and Optimistic approach sub-dimensions were statistically higher than those of women (p <0.01). Result: It is concluded that sports education at university level has a positive effect on students' strategies to cope with stress. It can be said that taking sports education is effective in increasing self-confident and optimistic approach and accordingly developing self-confidence. It is recommended that feelings of self-confidence of faculty students who do not have sports education should be raised by giving courses and seminars on sports

    Optimal timing of regime switching in optimal growth models: A Sobolev space approach

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    This paper analyses the optimal timing of switching between alternative and consecutive regimes in optimal growth models. We derive the appropriate necessary conditions for such problems by means of the standard techniques from calculus of variations and some basic properties of Sobolev spaces.Multi-stage optimal control ; Sobolev spaces ; Optimal growth models

    Optimal timing of regime switching in optimal growth models: A Sobolev space approach

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    This paper analyses the optimal timing of switching between alternative and consecutive regimes in optimal growth models. We derive the appropriate necessary conditions for such problems by means of the standard techniques from calculus of variations and some basic properties of Sobolev spaces.Multi-stage optimal control ; Sobolev spaces ; Optimal growth models

    Is general anesthesia a risk for myocardium? Effect of anesthesia on myocardial function as assessed by cardiac troponin-i in two different groups (isofluran+N2O inhalation and propofol+fentanyl iv anesthesia)

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    Demet Dogan Erol1, Ibrahim Ozen21Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, School of Medicine, Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey; 2Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Trabzon, TurkeyBackground and objectives: Peroperative myocardial infarction (MI) is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality. What is the role of general anesthesia in this process? Is general anesthesia a risk for myocardial infarction? The present study was designed to determine whether the measurement of serum levels of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), a highly sensitive and specific marker for cardiac injury, would help establish the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in two different types of anesthesia.Method: Elective abdominal hysterectomy was planned with the permission of the ethic committee in 40 patients who were 20–45 years range, in ASA-I group, and have a Goldman Cardiac Risk Index-0. The patients were divided into two groups. Isoflurane + N2O was administrated to first group, and Propofol + Fentanyl to second group. cTnI levels were determined before anesthesia, after induction before surgery and 9 hours after the second period respectively.Results: There was no significant difference between the groups by the means of demographic properties, hemodynamic parameters and cTnI levels, and the cTnI levels were determined under the basal levels in all samples.Conclusion: General anesthesia is not a risk for myocardial infarction to state eliminating risk factors and protection hemodynamia cardiac.Keywords: cardiac troponin-I, myocardial infarction, isofluran + N2O inhalation anesthesia, propofol + fentanyl intravenous anesthesia

    Extensions of Retrospective Cost Adaptive Control: Nonsquare Plants, and Robustness Modifications.

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    Controllers that have adjustable parameters, and an update law for adjusting these parameters, are called ``adaptive controllers''. Adaptive controllers typically entail assumptions about the dynamic order, relative degree or transmission zeros of the system, and may not be applicable to systems that are not positive real, passive, or minimum phase. In 1980s, the fragility of adaptive controllers to violations in these assumptions has been demonstrated through various counterexamples. This motivated the development of robustness modifications for adaptive controllers, which is the main goal of this dissertation. In this dissertation, we focus on retrospective cost adaptive control (RCAC), which is a direct, digital adaptive control algorithm. RCAC is applicable to MIMO, nonminimum-phase (NMP) systems, but it assumes that the NMP zeros of the plant, if any, are known. The main contribution of this work includes theory and analysis for retrospective cost adaptive control of nonsquare systems and development of a modified, robust RCAC update law for maintaining stability and convergence in the presence of unmodeled NMP zeros.PHDAerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97926/1/dogan_1.pd

    A case of nonconvulsive status epilepticus presenting as dissociative fugue

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    Nonconvulsive status epilepticus is characterised by changes in behaviour, memory, affect or level of consciousness. We report a case of nonconvulsive status epilepticus precipitated by carbamazepine that presented as dissociative fugue. The patient was a 49-year-old man. He first experienced a tonic-clonic seizure nine years previously and was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy. He had been using carbamazepine 800 mg daily for the last eight years. He had not had any tonic-clonic seizures since carbamazepine was introduced but began to display behavioural disturbances periodically. He also left home many times, and remembered nothing about the period he had been away after he returned. He was hospitalised with a preliminary diagnosis of dissociative fugue. He had recurrent episodes with dissociative symptoms during his stay in the hospital. An electroencephalogram (EEG) and a 24-hour video EEG revealed nothing abnormal. An EEG recording taken during an episode indicated complex partial status epilepticus. Carbamazepine was substituted with valproate, and the patient was discharged in remission

    Türkiye’de farklı branşlardaki sporcularının cinsel ve psikolojik tacize maruz kalma farkındalıklarının araştırılması

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de farklı branşlardaki sporcularının cinsel ve psikolojik tacize maruz kalma farkındalıklarının araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla toplam 474 takım ve bireysel sporlarda yarışmalara katılan sporcuya cinsel taciz envanteri uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel işlemlerde ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. Sporcuların toplamda %74,65’i cinsel taciz davranışlarına maruz kalmadıklarını belirtirken, %9,12si bir kez, %14,12’si ara sıra ve %2,58’i ise çok sık bu davranışlarla karşılaşmışlardır. Spor ortamında cinsel taciz davranışına uğrama durumu ve sıklığının takım ve bireysel sporlarda yarışma durumuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir (p>0,05). Takım ve bireysel spor yapma durumuna göre spor ortamında cinsel taciz davranışına uğrama sıklığında maruz kalınan cinsel içerikli şakalar ve cinsel ilişkiye zorlamaya uğrama sıklığında istatistiksek olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p0,05). Takım ve bireysel spor yapma durumuna göre spor ortamında cinsel taciz davranışına uğrama sıklığında ise “cinsel içerikli şakalar ve cinsel ilişkiye zorlamaya uğrama” durumunda farklılık bulunmuştur. Cinsel tacize uğrayan kişilerin başvuru yapacağı özel bir birimin oluşturulması gerekli görülmüştür. Bu birimde sporculara yönelik cinsel tacizin tüm failleri için sporculara ve antrenörlere büyük özen gösterilerek cinsel taciz müdahale programları tasarlanmalı ve uygulanmalıdır

    Macular Findings Obtained by Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Retinopathy of Prematurity

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    Purpose. To examine the macular findings obtained with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD OCT) in infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Materials and Methods. The macular SD OCT images of 190 premature infants were analyzed. Data regarding central foveal thickness (CFT), cystoid macular edema (CME), and cyst grading were compared. The relationships of CFT with gestational age and birth weight were investigated. Results. The results were obtained from 358 eyes of 179 infants (81 females and 98 males) of a mean gestational age of 30.9±2.7 weeks and a mean birth weight of 1609±477 g. ROP was diagnosed in 126 eyes and CME in 139 eyes. A significantly greater percentage of eyes with ROP were found to have CME (54%) compared to eyes without ROP (31%; P=0.001). The incidence of CME was 46.3% for stage 1 ROP, 57.1% for stage 2, and 87.5% for stage 3. There was a weakly inverse correlation between CFT, gestational age, and birth weight (P=0.025, r=-0.227; P=0.002, r=-0.182, resp., Spearman correlation test). Conclusions. High-quality SD OCT images can be obtained from premature infants using the iVue system. Severity and frequency of CME in premature infants increase as stage of ROP increases

    Optimizing of Wear Performance on Elevated Temperature of ZrO2 Reinforced AMCs Using Weighted Superposition Attraction Algorithm

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    462-474In the current study, the zirconium oxide (ZrO2) reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs) was designed as a brake lining and produced by mechanical alloying (MA) method. Wear tests of AMCs were performed according to ASTM G-99 at different sliding distance, operating temperatures and load in the range of 53 to 94 m, 20 to 340℃ and 10 to 30 Nrespectively. Optimum wear performance parameters were determined using the Weighted Superposition Attraction (WSA)algorithm. Firstly, to formulize the problem as an optimization problem through the guidance of the regression modelling, anexperimental design has been constructed, and the wear tests have been done at different reinforced rates, operatingtemperature and loads. Secondly, WSA algorithm has been adapted to tackle the formulated optimization problem.According to the results of WSA algorithm, the optimum rate of zirkonium oxide (ZrO2), load and operating temperaturewas determined as 12%, 206.33°C and 21.20 N respectively while keeping the friction coefficient between 0.15–0.24

    Intrauterine growth restriction and placental angiogenesis

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    Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic-fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) are factors that take part in placental angiogenesis. They are highly expressed during embryonic and fetal development, especially in the first trimester. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of placental angiogenesis in the development of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) by comparing the levels of expression of VEGF-A, b-FGF, and eNOS in normal-term pregnancy and IUGR placentas.Methods: The expression of VEGF-A, b-FGF, and eNOS was studied using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method in placental tissues diagnosed as normal (n = 55) and IUGR (n = 55). Results were evaluated in a semi-quantitative manner.Results: The expression of all the markers was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in cytotrophoblasts, syncytiotrophoblasts, extravillous trophoblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells, chorionic villous stromal cells, and villous vascular endothelial cells of the IUGR placentas when compared with those collected from normal-term pregnancies.Conclusion: Increased expression of VEGF-A, b-FGF, and eNOS may be the result of inadequate uteroplacental perfusion, supporting the proposal that abnormal angiogenesis plays a role in the pathophysiology of IUGR. © 2010 Barut et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd