55 research outputs found

    The Cognitive Link Between Geography and Development: Iodine Deficiency and Schooling Attainment in Tanzania

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    An estimated 20 million children born each year are at risk of brain damage from in utero iodine deficiency, the only micronutrient deficiency known to have significant, non-reversible effects on cognitive development. Cognitive damage from iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) has potentially important implications for economic growth through its effect on human capital attainment. To gauge the magnitude of this influence, we evaluate the impact of reductions in fetal IDD on child schooling attainment that resulted from an intensive distribution of iodized oil capsules (IOC) in Tanzania. We look for evidence of improvements in cognitive ability attributable to the intervention by assessing whether children who benefited from IOC in utero exhibit higher rates of grade progression at ages 10 to 14 relative to siblings and older and younger children in the district who did not. Our findings suggest that reducing fetal IDD has significant benefits for child cognition: Protection from IDD in utero is associated with 0.36 years of additional schooling. Furthermore, the effect appears to be substantially larger for girls, consistent with new evidence from laboratory studies indicating greater cognitive sensitivity of the female fetus to maternal thyroid deprivation. There is no indication that IOC improved rates of illness or school absence due to illness, suggesting that IOC improves schooling through its effect on cognition rather than its effect on health. However, there is weak evidence that the program also reduced child but not fetal or infant mortality, which may bias downward the estimated effect on education. Cross-country regression estimates corroborate the results from Tanzania, indicating a strong negative influence of total goiter rate and strong positive influence of salt iodization on female school participation. Together, these findings provide micro-level evidence of the direct influence of ecological conditions on economic development and suggest a potentially important role of variation in rates of learning disability in explaining cross-country growth patterns and gender differences in schooling attainment.

    Creación de un sitio web para una asociación

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    Este proyecto va a tener como objetivo el aprendizaje de Drupal, el cual consiste en un sistema modular multipropósito muy configurable. Permite publicar artículos, imágenes, archivos, además de servicios añadidos como foros, encuestas, votaciones, blogs, administración de usuarios y permisos. Drupal es un sistema dinámico: en lugar de almacenar sus contenidos en archivos estáticos en el sistema de ficheros del servidor de forma fija, el contenido textual de las páginas y otras configuraciones son almacenados en una base de datos y se editan utilizando un entorno Web. El diseño de Drupal es especialmente idóneo para construir y gestionar comunidades en Internet, no obstante, su flexibilidad y adaptabilidad, así como la gran cantidad de módulos adicionales disponibles, hace que sea adecuado para realizar muchos tipos diferentes de sitio web y es por ello por lo que nuestro tutor David Picó nos animó a desarrollar nuestro proyecto final de carrera con este sistema gestor de contenidos. El proyecto va a constar de dos partes: una parte entorno a la estructura (pública) y la otra entorno a la parte más interna (intranet). Se realizará para una asociación, la cual ya dispone de una página web, pero se requiere rediseñarla, estructurarla e innovarla.Vila Robles, E.; Calatayud Pedrós, MJ. (2014). Creación de un sitio web para una asociación. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38552.Archivo delegad

    Validación de un cuestionario de tareas de crianza en mujeres mexicanas

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    Objectives. The purpose of this study is to establish the validity and reliability of an instrument for measuring the rearing process practiced by Mexican mothers. Method. An instrumental study with factor analysis was carried out for the validation of an instrument. Rink and Knot-Dickscheit’s Rearing Task Questionnaire for Parents was applied to a sample of 670 women with children of 12 years old or more, in the city of Toluca. Results. Seven factors of the instrument were found: communication between parents and children, acceptance of the child’s identity, sufficient material resources, control over the children’s activities, care of mental and physical health, limits and expectations and environment and housing. Three of the ten rearing tasks in the original version of the questionnaire no longer appeared in the validated instrument: regularity in daily activities, a good social network, and adequate relations at home. Conclusion. The conclusion was that these aspects are considered to be less important in the rearing process by mothers in the Mexican socio-cultural context.Objetivo: este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la validez y confiabilidad de un instrumento para medir la crianza que practican las madres mexicanas. Método: se realizó un estudio instrumental con análisis factorial para la validación de un instrumento. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de tareas de crianza para padres, de Rink y Knot-Dickscheit, en una muestra de 670 mujeres de la ciudad de Toluca, que tuvieran hijos de 12 años o más. Resultados: se encontraron siete factores del instrumento: comunicación entre padres e hijos, aceptación de la identidad del hijo, recursos materiales suficientes, control sobre las acciones de los hijos, cuidado de la salud física y mental, límites y expectativas y ambiente y vivienda. Tres de las diez tareas de crianza incluidas en la versión original del Cuestionario ya no aparecieron en el instrumento validado: regularidad en las actividades diarias, buena red social y relaciones mutuas adecuadas en el hogar. Conclusión: se concluye que estos aspectos aparentemente son considerados de menor importancia en el proceso de crianza por las madres en el contexto sociocultural mexicano.Objetivo. A presente investigação teve como objetivo obter a validade e a confiabilidade de um instrumento para medir a criação que praticam as mães mexicanas. Método Realizou-se um estudo instrumental com análise fatorial para a validação de um instrumento. Se aplicou o Questionário de Tarefas de Criação para os Pais de Rink e Knot-Dickscheit em uma mostra de 670 mulheres de la cidade de Toluca, que tiveram filhos de 12 años ou mais. Resultados. Se encontraram sete fatores do instrumento: comunicação entre os pais e os filhos, aceitação da identidade do filho, recursos materiais suficientes, controle sobre as ações dos filhos, cuidados com a saude física e mental, límites e expectativas e ambiente e moradia. Três das dez tarefas da criação incluidas na versão original do Questionário já não apareceram no instrumento validado: regularidade nas atividades diárias, boa rede social e as relações mutuas adequadas no lar. Conclusão. Se conclui que estes aspectos aparentemente são considerados de menor importancia no processo de criação pelas mães no contexto sociocultural mexicano

    Liderazgo Ético y el Desempeño Laboral en la Municipalidad Provincial de Huamanga, Ayacucho 2020.

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    La siguiente investigación, titulada “LIDERAZGO ÉTICO Y EL DESEMPEÑO LABORAL EN LA MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE HUAMANGA, AYACUCHO 2020” tuvo como problema general de estudio: ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre el liderazgo ético y el desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad de Huamanga, Ayacucho 2020?, consecuentemente, el objetivo general: “Determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo ético y el desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad de Huamanga, Ayacucho 2020”, en respuesta al problema, la hipótesis general: “Existe relación directa y significativa entre el Liderazgo Ético y el Desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad de Huamanga, Ayacucho 2020”. “Para el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos, y la prueba de hipótesis, utilizamos el enfoque cuantitativo, como método general el científico, de tipo aplicada, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental, la población se encontró conformada por 50 funcionarios de la Municipalidad de Huamanga, Ayacucho, la muestra fue de tipo no probabilístico, por lo tanto, se usó el total de la población. Para la medición de las variables se utilizó el cuestionario, en escala ordinal de tipo Likerth, los cuales fueron validados por el juico de expertos, y la confiabilidad sometido al estadístico Alfa de Cronbach. Nuestra conclusión principal fue: Existe relación directa y significativa entre el Liderazgo Ético y el Desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad de Huamanga, Ayacucho 2020, Lima. Consiguientemente se observa una correlación positiva muy alta con un “r” = 0,991, lo cual nos permite aseverar que, a mayor liderazgo ético, existira mayor desempeño laboral dentro de al municipalidad

    Ground-penetrating radar as phenotyping tool for characterizing intraspecific variability in root traits of a widespread conifer

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    Drought is the main abiotic stress affecting Mediterranean forests. Root systems are responsible for water uptake, but intraspecific variability in tree root morphology is poorly understood mainly owing to sampling difficulties. The aim of this study was to gain knowledge on the adaptive relevance of rooting traits for a widespread pine using a non-invasive, high-throughput phenotyping technique.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Government, grant numbers AGL2015-68274-C3-3-R (MINECO/FEDER) and RTI2018-094691-B-C31 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU). E. Lombardi was supported by a AGAUR FI-2020 pre-doctoral fellowship (with the support from the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund). J. P. Ferrio was supported by Reference Group H09_20R (Gobierno de Aragón). U. Rodríguez-Robles acknowledges the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACyT), grant number 33235

    Being watched or being special: How I learned to stop worrying and love being monitored, surveilled and assessed

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    ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between display of feedback (public vs. private) by a computer system and the basis for evaluation (present vs. absent) of that feedback. We employ a social interpersonal context (speed-dating) in a controlled laboratory setting. Participants (in male-female pairs) receive real-time performance feedback, either only about themselves (private) or about both participants (public). Participant perceptions of monitoring, conformity, and self-consciousness about themselves and their dating partner, as well as perceptions of system invasiveness, system competence, and system support are assessed. There is a consistent pattern of significant interaction between feedback display and basis for evaluation conditions. Public feedback with an added, trivial basis for evaluation creates significantly lower perceptions of monitoring, conformity, self-consciousness, and system invasiveness, than do the other three conditions. Additionally, there is a main effect for basis for evaluation with respect to system competence and supportiveness; the presence of a basis produces more positive assessments than its absence. This research shows that reactions to being monitored and evaluated do not differ strictly along the dimension of public vs. private; basis for evaluation of feedback functions as a mediator and thus co-determines participant attitudinal responses. The implications are discussed at several levels, and motivate a broader cultural explanation in terms of the theory of rationalization. Issues concerning the utility of linking laboratory settings to larger cultural contexts in this and related fields of inquiry are presented

    A bone-specific adipogenesis pathway in fat-free mice defines key origins and adaptations of bone marrow adipocytes with age and disease

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    Bone marrow adipocytes accumulate with age and in diverse disease states. However, their origins and adaptations in these conditions remain unclear, impairing our understanding of their context-specific endocrine functions and relationship with surrounding tissues. In this study, by analyzing bone and adipose tissues in the lipodystrophic \u27fat-free\u27 mouse, we define a novel, secondary adipogenesis pathway that relies on the recruitment of adiponectin-negative stromal progenitors. This pathway is unique to the bone marrow and is activated with age and in states of metabolic stress in the fat-free mouse model, resulting in the expansion of bone marrow adipocytes specialized for lipid storage with compromised lipid mobilization and cytokine expression within regions traditionally devoted to hematopoiesis. This finding further distinguishes bone marrow from peripheral adipocytes and contributes to our understanding of bone marrow adipocyte origins, adaptations, and relationships with surrounding tissues with age and disease

    Current concepts in anterior glenohumeral instability: diagnosis and treatment.

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    The glenohumeral joint is the most dislocated articulation, accounting for more than 50% of all joint dislocations. The reason behind shoulder instability should be investigated in detail for successful management, and the treatment plan should be individualized for all patients. Several classification systems have been proposed for glenohumeral instability. A physical exam is mandatory no matter what classification system is used. When treating patients with anterior shoulder instability, surgeons need to be aware of the critical size of the bone loss, which is commonly seen. The glenoid track concept was clinically adopted, and the measurement of the glenoid track for surgical decision-making is recommended. Detailed assessment of existing soft tissue injury to the labrum, capsule, glenohumeral ligaments, and rotator cuff is also mandatory as their presence influences the surgical outcome. Rehabilitation, arthroscopic repair techniques, open Bankart procedure, capsular plication, remplissage, Latarjet technique, iliac crest, and other bone grafts offer the surgeon different treatment options according to the type of patient and the lesions to be treated. Three-dimensional (3D) technologies can help to evaluate glenoid and humeral defects. Patient-specific guides are low-cost surgical instruments and can be used in shoulder instability surgery. 3D printing will undoubtedly become an essential tool to achieve the best results in glenohumeral instability surgery

    The powers in PowerPoint: Embedded authorities, documentary tastes, and institutional (second) orders in corporate Korea

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    Microsoft PowerPoint is both the bane and banality of contemporary South Korean office work. Corporate workers spend countless hours refining and crafting plans, proposals, and reports in PowerPoint that often lead to conflicts with coworkers and overtime work. This article theorizes the excessive attention to documents in modern office contexts. Where scholars have been under the impression that institutional documents align with institutional purposes, I describe a context in which making documents for individual purposes and making them for work exist under a basic tension. Based on fieldwork in corporate Korea between 2013 and 2015, I describe how Korean office workers calibrate documents to the tastes of superiors who populate the managerial chain. These practices leave little trace of real "work" on paper, but they are productive for navigating complex internal labor markets and demonstrating a higher order value of attention toward others. These findings suggest that institutional and individual authorities are not competing projects inside organizations but become entangled in increasingly complex participatory encounters, even as they are channeled through a seemingly simple software like PowerPoint. [documents, expertise, authority, technology, South Korea