82 research outputs found

    Plant-soil feedbacks promote coexistence and resilience in multi-species communities

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    Both ecological theory and empirical evidence suggest that negative frequency dependent feedbacks structure plant communities, but integration of these findings has been limited. Here we develop a generic model of frequency dependent feedback to analyze coexistence and invasibility in random theoretical and real communities for which frequency dependence through plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) was determined empirically. We investigated community stability and invasibility by means of mechanistic analysis of invasion conditions and numerical simulations. We found that communities fall along a spectrum of coexistence types ranging from strict pair-wise negative feedback to strict intransitive networks. Intermediate community structures characterized by partial intransitivity may feature “keystone competitors” which disproportionately influence community stability. Real communities were characterized by stronger negative feedback and higher robustness to species loss than randomly assembled communities. Partial intransitivity became increasingly likely in more diverse communities. The results presented here theoretically explain why more diverse communities are characterized by stronger negative frequency dependent feedbacks, a pattern previously encountered in observational studies. Natural communities are more likely to be maintained by strict negative plant-soil feedback than expected by chance, but our results also show that community stability often depends on partial intransitivity. These results suggest that plant-soil feedbacks can facilitate coexistence in multi-species communities, but that these feedbacks may also initiate cascading effects on community diversity following from single-species loss.DEB - 0919434, DEB - 1050237, DEB-1556664, DEB-173804

    Структурно-грамматическое оформление лингвистических терминов в крымскотатарском языке

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    В статье предпринята попытка исследования структурных и частеречных особенностей лингвистических терминов крымскотатарского языка. Подробно анализируется соотношение однословных и многокомпонентных терминологических единиц. Рассматриваются типология структурных моделей двухсловных терминов-словосочетаний.У статті здійснена спроба дослідження структурних особливостей лінгвістичних термінів кримськотатарської мови та їх належність до частин мови. Докладно аналізується співвідношення однослівних і багатокомпонентних терінологічних одиниць. Розглядається типологія структурних моделей двослівних термінів-словосполучень.The author of the article makes an effort to research into structural and parts-of-speech peculiarities of Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology. The correlation of one-word and multi-componential terminological units is analyzed in detail. The article also deals with the structural types of the two-word term combinations

    Grazing away the resilience of patterned ecosystems

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    Ecosystems’ responses to changing environmental conditions can be modulated by spatial self-organization. A prominent example of this can be found in drylands, where formation of vegetation patterns attenuates the magnitude of degradation events in response to decreasing rainfall. In model studies, the pattern wavelength responds to changing conditions, which is reflected by a rather gradual decline in biomass in response to decreasing rainfall. Although these models are spatially explicit, they have adopted a mean-field approach to grazing. By taking into account spatial variability when modeling grazing, we find that (over)grazing can lead to a dramatic shift in biomass, so that degradation occurs at rainfall rates that would otherwise still maintain a relatively productive ecosystem. Moreover, grazing increases the resilience of degraded ecosystem states. Consequently, restoration of degraded ecosystems could benefit from the introduction of temporary small-scale exclosures to escape from the basin of attraction of degraded states.</p

    Antigonon leptopus invasion is associated with plant community disassembly in a Caribbean island ecosystem

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    Invasions by non-native plant species are widely recognized as a major driver of biodiversity loss. Globally, (sub-)tropical islands form important components of biodiversity hotspots, while being particularly susceptible to invasions by plants in general and vines in particular. We studied the impact of the invasive vine A. leptopus on the diversity and structure of recipient plant communities on the northern Caribbean island St. Eustatius. We used a paired-plot design to study differences in species richness, evenness and community structure under A. leptopus-invaded and uninvaded conditions. Community structure was studied through species co-occurrence patterns. We found that in plots invaded by A. leptopus, species richness was 40–50% lower, and these plots also exhibited lower evenness. The magnitude of these negative impacts increased with increasing cover of A. leptopus. Invaded plots also showed higher degrees of homogeneity in species composition. Species co-occurrence patterns indicated that plant communities in uninvaded plots were characterized by segregation, whereas recipient plant communities in invaded plots exhibited random co-occurrence patterns. These observations suggest that invasion of A. leptopus is not only associated with reduced species richness and evenness of recipient communities in invaded sites, but also with a community disassembly process that may reduce diversity between sites. Given that A. leptopus is a successful invader of (sub-)tropical islands around the globe, these impacts on plant community structure highlight that this invasive species could be a particular conservation concern for these systems

    The relationship between ecosystem services and human modification displays decoupling across global delta systems

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    The ties between a society and its local ecosystem can decouple as societies develop and replace ecosystem services such as food or water regulation via trade and technology. River deltas have developed into important, yet threatened, urban, agricultural and industrial centres. Here, we use global spatial datasets to explore how 49 ecosystem services respond to four human modification indicators, e.g. population density, across 235 large deltas. We formed bundles of statistically correlated ecosystem services and examined if their relationship with modification changed. Decoupling of all robust ecosystem service bundles from at least one modification indicator was indicated in 34% of deltas, while 53% displayed decoupling for at least one bundle. Food-related ecosystem services increased with modification, while the other bundles declined. Our findings suggest two developmental pathways for deltas: as coupled agricultural systems risking irreversible local biodiversity loss; and as decoupled urban centres externalising the impact of their growing demands

    Travelling waves due to negative plant-soil feedbacks in a model including tree life-stages

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    The emergence and maintenance of tree species diversity in tropical forests is commonly attributed to the Janzen-Connell (JC) hypothesis, which states that growth of seedlings is suppressed in the proximity of conspecific adult trees. As a result, a JC distribution due to a density-dependent negative feedback emerges in the form of a (transient) pattern where conspecific seedling density is highest at intermediate distances away from parent trees. Several studies suggest that the required density-dependent feedbacks behind this pattern could result from interactions between trees and soil-borne pathogens. However, negative plant-soil feedback may involve additional mechanisms, including the accumulation of autotoxic compounds generated through tree litter decomposition. An essential task therefore consists in constructing mathematical models incorporating both effects showing the ability to support the emergence of JC distributions. In this work, we develop and analyse a novel reaction-diffusion-ODE model, describing the interactions within tropical tree species across different life stages (seeds, seedlings, and adults) as driven by negative plant-soil feedback. In particular, we show that under strong negative plant-soil feedback travelling wave solutions exist, creating transient distributions of adult trees and seedlings that are in agreement with the Janzen-Connell hypothesis. Moreover, we show that these travelling wave solutions are pulled fronts and a robust feature as they occur over a broad parameter range. Finally, we calculate their linear spreading speed and show its (in)dependence on relevant nondimensional parameters

    Modelling how negative plant-soil feedbacks across life stages affect the spatial patterning of trees

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    In this work, we theoretically explore how litter decomposition processes and soil-borne pathogens contribute to negative plant-soil feedbacks, in particular in transient and stable spatial organisation of tropical forest trees and seedlings known as Janzen-Connell distributions. By considering soil-borne pathogens and autotoxicity both separately and in combination in a phenomenological model, we can study how both factors may affect transient dynamics and emerging Janzen-Connell distributions. We also identify parameter regimes associated with different long-term behaviours. Moreover, we compare how the strength of negative plant-soil feedbacks was mediated by tree germination and growth strategies, using a combination of analytical approaches and numerical simulations. Our interdisciplinary investigation, motivated by an ecological question, allows us to construct important links between local feedbacks, spatial self-organisation, and community assembly. Our model analyses contribute to understanding the drivers of biodiversity in tropical ecosystems, by disentangling the abilities of two potential mechanisms to generate Janzen-Connell distributions. Furthermore, our theoretical results may help guiding future field data analyses by identifying spatial signatures in adult tree and seedling distribution data that may reflect the presence of particular plant-soil feedback mechanisms

    Long-term transients help explain regime shifts in consumer-renewable resource systems

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    As planetary boundaries loom, there is an urgent need to develop sustainable equilibriums between societies and the resources they consume, thereby avoiding regime shifts to undesired states. Transient system trajectories to a stable state may differ substantially, posing significant challenges to distinguishing sustainable from unsustainable trajectories. We use stylized models to show how feedbacks between anthropogenic harvest regimes and resource availability drive transient dynamics. We show how substantial time lags may occur between interventions and social-ecological outcomes, and that sudden system collapses need not be linked to recent environmental changes. Historical reconstructions of island state populations show a variety of transient dynamics that closely corresponds to model expectations based on island differences in productivity and harvesting regime. We conclude that vulnerable social-ecological systems may persist when the population:resource ratio remains within a viable range of intermediate (rather than small) values, which implies that averting environmental crises may require counter-intuitive measures

    The role of land use and land cover change in climate change vulnerability assessments of biodiversity: a systematic review

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    Context For many organisms, responses to climate change (CC) will be affected by land-use and land-cover changes (LULCC). However, the extent to which LULCC is concurrently considered in climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) is unclear. Objectives We identify trends in inclusion of LULCC and CC in vulnerability assessments of species and the direction and magnitude of their combined effect on biodiversity. Further, we examine the effect size of LULCC and CC in driving changes in “currencies” of response to CC, such as distribution, abundance and survival. Methods We conducted a systematic literature review of articles published in the last 30 years that focused on CCVA and accounted for impacts of both CC and LULCC. Results Across 116 studies, 34% assumed CC and LULCC would act additively, while 66% allowed for interactive effects. The majority of CCVAs reported similar effect sizes for CC and LULCC, although they affected different CCVA currencies. Only 14% of the studies showed larger effects of CC than of LULCC. Another 14% showed larger effects of LULCC than CC, specifically for dispersal, population viability, and reproduction, which tend to be strongly affected by fragmentation and disturbance. Although most studies found that LULCC and CC had negative effects on species currencies, in some cases effects were neutral or even positive. Conclusions CCVAs that incorporate LULCC provided a better account of drivers of vulnerability, and highlight aspects of drivers that are generally more amenable to on-the-ground management intervention than CCVAs that focus on CC alone

    Genetic constraints on temporal variation of airborne reflectance spectra and their uncertainties over a temperate forest

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    Remote sensing enhances large-scale biodiversity monitoring by overcoming temporal and spatial limitations of ground-based measurements and allows assessment of multiple plant traits simultaneously. The total set of traits and their variation over time is specific for each individual and can reveal information about the genetic composition of forest communities. Measuring trait variation among individuals of one species continuously across space and time is a key component in monitoring genetic diversity but difficult to achieve with ground-based methods. Remote sensing approaches using imaging spectroscopy can provide high spectral, spatial, and temporal coverage to advance the monitoring of genetic diversity, if sufficient relation between spectral and genetic information can be established. We assessed reflectance spectra from individual Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech) trees acquired across eleven years from 69 flights of the Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) above the same temperate forest in Switzerland. We derived reflectance spectra of 68 canopy trees and correlated differences in these spectra with genetic differences derived from microsatellite markers among the 68 individuals. We calculated these correlations for different points in time, wavelength regions and relative differences between wavelength regions. High correlations indicate high spectral-genetic similarities. We then tested the influence of environmental variables obtained at temporal scales from days to years on spectral-genetic similarities. We performed an uncertainty propagation of radiance measurements to provide a quality indicator for these correlations. We observed that genetically similar individuals had more similar reflectance spectra, but this varied between wavelength regions and across environmental variables. The short-wave infrared regions of the spectrum, influenced by water absorption, seemed to provide information on the population genetic structure at high temperatures, whereas the visible part of the spectrum, and the near-infrared region affected by scattering properties of tree canopies, showed more consistent patterns with genetic structure across longer time scales. Correlations of genetic similarity with reflectance spectra similarity were easier to detect when investigating relative differences between spectral bands (maximum correlation: 0.40) than reflectance data (maximum correlation: 0.33). Incorporating uncertainties of spectral measurements yielded improvements of spectral-genetic similarities of 36% and 20% for analyses based on single spectral bands, and relative differences between spectral bands, respectively. This study highlights the potential of dense multi-temporal airborne imaging spectroscopy data to detect the genetic structure of forest communities. We suggest that the observed temporal trajectories of reflectance spectra indicate physiological and possibly genetic constraints on plant responses to environmental change