98 research outputs found

    Branding Management in The Excellent and Islamic Schools: Manajemen Branding Sekolah Unggul dan Islami

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    This Education plays an essential part in human life and becomes an inseparable part of civilization. This leads to branding management needed to make the school's best brand can be recognized by the public. This research is conducted with a qualitative research method and aims to describe brand management in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Modern Islamiyah (MTs YPPMI). The results show that MTs YPPMI has carried out brand management by planning, organizing, supervising, and evaluating three branding indicators. Their goals are to maintain a brand that has been strong, excellent, and unique in public and even increased from time to time : the excellent and Islamic branding amid society is maintained

    The treatament of ulcero-necrotized gingival-stomatitis with VMM and Pau D’Arco

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    Rezumat Au fost supuşi tratamentului complex 29 pacienţi cu gingivo-stomatită ulcero-necrotică, la care pentru tratamentul general au fost utilizate preparatele vegetale imunostimulatoare, antiinflamatoare VMM şi Pau D’Arco. Pentru tratamentul local se utilizau aplicaţii cu Eliminator. Eficacitatea preparatelor şi metodei s-a dovedit destul de mare, deoarece timp de 3-4 zile procesul patologic dispărea.Summary: To 29 patients with ulcero-necrotized gingival-stomatitis were given a complex treatment. Where for the general treatment were used vegetal, imunostimulent, anti-inflamatory medicaments VMM and Pau D’Arco. The medicaments were found to be very efficient because after 3-4 days the pathological process disappeared


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    In the analytical balance sheet of the base money monetary authority, Bank Indonesia explained that net foreign assets (NFA) affected the circulation of base money, including currency. This gives an assumption regarding the indication of a causal relationship between currency circulation and NFA. In addition to the causality test, the primary purpose of this study is to identify long-term equilibrium relationships between NFA and Currency Circulation. The cointegration test obtained r = 1, indicating cointegration (long-term equilibrium). Time series data plots of these two variables tend to have a trend and are not stationary. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is applied as an analytical method used to correct long-term relationships between variables that are not stationary. However, in the concept of VECM deviation and short-term dynamics, the association is assumed to be linear. At the same time, in applying economics, the relationship between economic variables is not necessarily linear. The significance test for the presence of a threshold using a fixed regressor bootstrap shows a threshold effect or nonlinear VECM, so it is necessary to use an analytical method that can combine nonlinearity and cointegration through the Threshold Vector Error Correction Model (TVECM). In this study, modeling of TVECM 2 regimes and three regimes were carried out. TVECM 3 regimes obtain the best model with two threshold values ​​of -310850 and -260156

    Korea uzrokovana arteriovenskom malformacijom: prikaz slučaja i pregled literature

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    Chorea is a movement disorder that can be caused by a large range of degenerative, vascular, metabolic and toxic disorders in basal ganglia. Arteriovenous malformations are rare vascular malformations the clinical presentation of which depends on the malformation characteristics and localization. Th ey are most commonly presented with intracranial hemorrhage, while focal neurological deficit is the rarest presentation. A case is reported of a 64-year-old female patient presented with hemichorea. Magnetic resonance imaging and digital subtraction angiography revealed the presence of arteriovenous malformation in the right temporal lobe.Korea je poremećaj pokreta koji može biti uzrokovan velikim rasponom degenerativnih, vaskularnih, metaboličkih i toksičnih poremećaja u bazalnim ganglijima. Arteriovenske malformacije su rijetke vaskularne malformacije klinička prezentacija kojih ovisi o karakteristikama i lokalizaciji malformacije. Najčešće se prezentiraju intrakranijskom hemoragijom, a najrjeđe fokalnim neurološkim defi citom. Prikazujemo slučaj 64-godišnje bolesnice koja se prezentirala hemikoreom. Učinjena magnetska rezonanca i digitalna subtrakcijska angiografi ja otkrila je prisutnost arteriovenske malformacije u medijalnom dijelu desnog temporalnog režnja

    Complex treatment of the mucoparodontal component making use of Neways (USA) and Green Visa (Ukraine) drugs

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    Catedra Stomatologie terapeutică FPM a USMF ”N. Testemiţanu”The work gives reasons showing the efficiency of drugs manufactured by Neways (SUA) and Green Visa (Ukraine) firms and used in the complex treatment of the mucoparodontal component in 151 patients. One hundred and eight of these patients presented different degrees of gingivitis and parodontitis, 48 patient developing various forms of stomatitis. În lucrare se argumentează eficacitatea preparatelor firmelor Neways (SUA) şi Green Viza (Ucraina) în tratamentul complex al componentului mucoparodontal la 151 pacienţi. Dintre care 108 pacienţi au avut diferite grade de gingivite şi parodontite, iar 48 pacienţi cu diverse forme de stomatite

    Uspješno liječenje akutnog diseminiranog encefalomijelitisa (ADEM) pravodobnom primjenom imunoglobulina – prikaz slučaja i pregled literature

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    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that usually affects children and young adults. It most commonly has a monophasic course, although relapses are reported. Clinical presentation of the disease includes encephalopathy and multifocal neurological deficits. There are no established reliable criteria for diagnosis of ADEM and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from first attack of multiple sclerosis, especially in adults. The diagnosis of ADEM is based on clinical, radiological and laboratory findings. In the treatment of ADEM, high doses of corticosteroids, plasmapheresis and immunoglobulins are used. We report a case of a young adult female patient with ADEM who fully recovered after prompt administration of high dose methylprednisolone and immunoglobulins.Akutni diseminirani encefalomijelitis (ADEM) je upalna demijelinizirajuća bolest središnjega živčanog sustava koja obično pogađa djecu i mlade odrasle osobe. Najčešće ima monofazni tijek, iako su zabilježeni i relapsi bolesti. Klinička prezentacija bolesti uključuje encefalopatiju i multifokalne neurološke deficite. Pouzdani kriteriji za dijagnozu ADEM-a nisu utvrđeni i ponekad ga je teško razlikovati od prve atake multiple skleroze, osobito kod odraslih. Dijagnoza ADEM-a temelji se na kliničkim, radiološkim i laboratorijskim nalazima. U liječenju ADEM-a primjenjuju se visoke doze kortikosteroida, plazmafereza i imunoglobulini. Prikazujemo slučaj mlade odrasle bolesnice kod koje je potpun oporavak uslijedio nakon pravodobne primjene visoke doze metilprednizolona i imunoglobulina

    Depresija i umor uzrokovani opstrukcijskom apnejom tijekom spavanja u multiploj sklerozi

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    To our knowledge, there is no study investigating whether fatigue and depression as the most commonly reported symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients have arisen from primary mechanisms of MS or from secondary associated conditions such as OSA in MS patients. The aim of our survey study was to determine whether depression and fatigue in MS patients were associated with clinical features of OSA or with MS. We conducted a self-administered survey using four validated questionnaires (STOP-BANG, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Fatigue Severity Scale and The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-Revised) in 28 consecutive outpatients with proven MS. The prevalence of MS patients at an increased risk of OSA was 29% and age was positively correlated with this risk (p=0.019). None of the clinical features of MS patients (subtype, disability status, disease duration, modifying therapy, other medication) was correlated with depression and fatigue. On the contrary, excessive daytime sleepiness as a hallmark of OSA was significantly and positively associated with the level of depressive symptoms (p=0.004) and level of fatigue (p=0.015). Also, depression was significantly and positively correlated with the increased risk of OSA (p=0.015) and age of MS patients (p=0.016). Finally, a significant positive correlation was found between fatigue severity and level of depressive symptoms (p=0.003). OSA is a common disorder in MS patients. The clinical features and risk factors for OSA in MS patients are associated with the two most commonly reported symptoms of depression and fatigue, thus supporting the hypothesis that both symptoms are due to a secondary condition in MS.Sukladno našim saznanjima nema studije koja je istraživala nastaju li umor i depresija kao najučestaliji simptomi kod bolesnika s multiplom sklerozom (MS) i opstrukcijskom apnejom tijekom spavanja (OSA) primarnim mehanizmima MS ili iz sekundarnih povezanih stanja kao što je OSA kod bolesnika s MS. Cilj naše anketne studije bio je utvrditi jesu li depresija i umor u bolesnika s MS povezani s kliničkim obilježjima OSA ili MS. Proveli smo anketu pomoću četiri validirana upitnika (STOP-BANG, Epworthova ljestvica pospanosti, ljestvica težine umora i revidirana ljestvica depresije Centra za epidemiološke studije) u 28 uzastopnih ambulantnih bolesnika s klinički i paraklinički dokazanom MS. Učestalost bolesnika s MS s povećanim rizikom od nastanka OSA bila je 29%, a dob je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji s tim rizikom (p=0,019). Nijedna od kliničkih značajka bolesnika s MS (podtip, status invaliditeta, trajanje bolesti, modificirajuća terapija, drugi lijekovi) nije bila u korelaciji s depresijom i umorom. Naprotiv, pretjerana pospanost tijekom dana kao obilježje OSA bila je značajno i pozitivno povezana s razinom simptoma depresije (p=0,004) i razinom umora (p=0,015). Također, depresija je značajno i pozitivno korelirala s povećanim rizikom od OSA (p=0,015) i dobi bolesnika s MS (p=0,016). Konačno, utvrđena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između težine umora i simptoma depresije (p=0,003). OSA je čest poremećaj kod bolesnika s MS. Kliničke značajke i čimbenici rizika za OSA u bolesnika s MS povezani su s dva najčešće prijavljivana simptoma depresije i umora, podupirući tako hipotezu da su oba simptoma posljedica sekundarnog stanja u MS

    The muco‑parodontal complex, the stomatological doctor and the patient

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    Rezumat S‑a efectuat anchetarea a 250 medici stomatologi din diferite localităţi ale R. Moldova şi consultaţia a 150 pacienţi mucoparodontopaţi cu scopul de a determina locul şi atitudinea medicilor şi pacienţilor faţă de starea componentului mucoparodontal, evidenţierea şi constatarea paradoxurilor stomatologice în acest domeniu.Summary We accomplished a survey of 250 dentists from different localities of the R. Moldova and consulted 150 patients with muco‑parodontal diseases in order to determine their place and attitude towards the muco‑parodontal component, to emphasize and to establish the stomatological paradoxes in this area

    Highlighting the aesthetic problems in dental occlusal abnormalities

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    Rezumat. Prezentăm mijloacele de corecţie estetică efectuate la 2 pacienţi cu anomalii dento-ocluzale pronunţate şi defecte estetico-funcţionale prin aplicarea unor variante individualizate de tratament ortopedic.Summary. We present the solution for aesthetic problems in two patients with marked occlusal and aesthetic-functional defects by an individualized orthopedic treatment

    Osteolipoma of the buccal mucosa

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    Lipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms of soft tissue that can be found in any part of the human body. Conversely, their presence in the oral mucosa is rather uncommon, with approximately 4% of the cases occurring in the oral cavity. In such cases, they are likely to have originated from mature adipose tissue and to be among several described histological variants of lipomas, which are identified according to the predominant type of tissue. There is a rare lipoma, known as an osteolipoma or an ossifying lipoma; however, little has been written this type of lipoma characterized by a classical lipoma with areas of osseous metaplasia. Considering the few cases of oral osteolipomas previously described in the English-related literature and the consequent risk of misdiagnosis and overtreatment, this paper describes an extreme case of an osteolipoma affecting the buccal mucosa of an adult patient. This paper focuses particularly on the pathogenesis of this lesion and the discussion of a correct diagnosis