624 research outputs found

    K-ary n-cube based off-chip communications architecture for high-speed packet processors

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    A k-ary n-cube interconnect architecture is proposed, as an off-chip communications architecture for line cards, to increase the throughput of the currently used memory system. The k-ary n-cube architecture allows multiple packet processing elements on a line card to access multiple memory modules. The main advantage of the proposed architecture is that it can sustain current line rates and higher while distributing the load among multiple memories. Moreover, the proposed interconnect can scale to adopt more memories and/or processors and as a result increasing the line card processing power. Our results portray that k-ary n-cube sustained higher incoming traffic load while keeping latency lower than its shared-bus competitor. © 2005 IEEE

    Logo Counseling for Low Spiritual Self-Esteem Among College Students

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    The purpose of this research was to examine logo counseling model in improving low spiritual self-esteem problem for college students. This research used descriptive method and quasi-experiment method with a non-equivalent pre-test-post-test control group design. The results then analyzed from the statistical significance and the practical significance. The result showed that logo counseling model could improve low spiritual self-esteem among college students, indicated by statistical significance of tcount (43.851) > ttable (2.144) and N-gain of the experimental group (0.75) > N-gain of the control group (0.15) and practical significance of positive attitude, behavior and value changes. Recommendation also given for related agencies to implement logo counseling model in training program and for further research by related experts in the field

    Interaction monitoring model of logo counseling website for college students’ healthy self-esteem

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    The purpose of this research is to develop the client-counselor interaction monitoring model of the logo counseling website. The model attempts to help counselors in guiding and helping the students (clients) to achieve healthy self-esteem. Machine learning techniques integrated into the model will ensure that the recommendations can be available for counselors and supervisors in the near real-time environment. For the first implementation, a chatbot application is developed and tested with excellent responses from the students. Further research is needed to implement the complete specifications of the interaction monitoring model on the logo counseling website


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    This study aims to examine the meaning of life from the views of paramedics and religious leaders about cancer patients at Ken Saras Hospital, Ungaran. This research is motivated by the fact that most cancer patients lose the meaning of their life. This study applies a descriptive qualitative research approach. Interviews and observations were used to collect data. This research shows that cancer patients need support and assistance to be able to rediscover the meaning of their lives. They can get this support and assistance from various parties, namely families, paramedics and religious leaders. This paper is expected to help families, paramedics and religious leaders to be able to provide support and assistance to cancer patients so that they can rediscover the meaning of their lives. For this purpose, the authors focus on Ken Saras Hospital which treats cancer patients. The author hopes that the results of this study can be a reference for families, paramedics and religious leaders to provide support and assistance to cancer patients in order to find the meaning of their lives

    Racial Inequities in the Delivery of Social Services

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    Data from a survey of registered social workers in Michigan indicate inequities in the delivery of social services. Providers serving non-whites tend to spend less time providing casework services and more time on providing welfare services than do providers serving whites. These interracial differences may be explained by income or employment auspice. The major racial inequity is apparent when providers serving primarily non-white clients are analyzed. White providers serving non-whites spend more time on welfare activities and less on casework services than do non-white providers serving non-whites. These differences cannot be explained by income or the providers\u27 education and experience. Such patterns of delivery raise issues for the profession and have implications for manpower needs, usage, and training. Research aimed at evaluating the consequences of these differences and programs to eliminate inequities should be of the highest priority

    Pranikah di HKBP Pangkalpinang Bangka Dari Perspektif Konseling dan Pendampingan Keluarga

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    Abstract:This paper will discuss the influence of pre-marital assistance on families in the context of HKBP Pangkalpinang-Bangka. Lately, separation has become an atmosphere that colors the lives of many families, including church congregations. Divorce is carried out as the last solution for the many conflicts that arise in the family caused by problems of incompatibility, finances, heredity and family interference. A husband and wife decided to end their relationship with the hope that afterward they would be happy. Uniting two people with different attitudes and traits, different ways of life and backgrounds, different strengths and weaknesses, of course, is not an easy thing. For this reason, mentoring in the context of introducing prospective mentoring partners after becoming husband and wife needs to be done. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach. From this study it was found that pre-marital is something that need attention in the pattern of family assistance, especially in HKBP Pangkalpinang-Bangka. Pre-marital as a form of church mentoring are very important in ministry to reach the entire congregation. A service that keeps people on the Christian path, both in family, church and community life.Abstrak:Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang pengaruh pendampingan pranikah terhadap keluarga dalam konteks HKBP Pangkalpinang-Bangka. Akhir-akhir ini perpisahan menjadi suasana yang mewarnai kehidupan banyak keluarga tidak terkecuali jemaat-jemaat gereja. Perceraian dilakukan sebagai solusi terakhir atas banyaknya konflik yang muncul dalam keluarga yang disebabkan oleh masalah ketidakcocokan, keuangan, keturunan dan campur tangan keluarga. Pasangan suami-istri memutuskan mengakhiri hubungan rumah tangga dengan harapan setelahnya akan menjadi bahagia. Menyatukan dua orang dengan sikap dan sifat yang berbeda, cara hidup dan latar belakang yang berbeda, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang juga berbeda tentu saja bukanlah hal yang mudah. Untuk itulah, pendampingan dalam rangka pengenalan calon pasangan pendampingan setelah menjadi pasangan suami-istri perlu dilakukan. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pranikah menjadi hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pola pendampingan keluarga khusunya di HKBP Pangkalpinang-Bangka. Pranikah sebagai bentuk pendampingan gereja menjadi sangat penting dalam pelayanan untuk menjangkau seluruh jemaat. Pelayanan yang menjaga umat tetap berada dalam jalur kristiani baik dalam kehidupan berkeluarga, bergereja dan bermasyarakat

    Pendampingan Pastoral Keindonesiaan

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    Indonesian pastoral assistance is affiliated with developing potential and improving the quality of life in cultural encounters in Indonesia. This was motivated by the fact of rejection of Western aid, which is only emphasized as an individual approach without regard to the plural of socio-cultural and religious values of Indonesian society. A descriptive-analytical approach is describing and analyzing cultural encounters in spiritual and religious perspectives becomes a mentoring effort that refers to the improvement, development, and transformation of society. Besides that, the cultural encounter is a pastoral assistance effort to empower, revive, and humanize Indonesian people with different characteristics. Meanwhile, the study found that the meaning of pastoral care in the Indonesian context is cooperation, share feelings and mutual acceptance, harmonious brotherhood, solidarity, and friendship that show respect to one another. Pastoral assistance is also carried out to develop their potential, to empower and improve their quality of life. The development of the potential and quality of life occurs in cultural encounters, which are related to the development of mindsets, feelings, and personal behavior patterns of each individual as well as the community and society. Abstrak Pendampingan pastoral keindonesiaan berafliasi pada pengembangan potensi dan peningkatan kualitas hidup dalam perjumpaan budaya di Indonesia. Hal tersebut dimotivasi oleh fakta penolakan terhadap pendampingan barat, yang hanya menekankan pada pendekatan individualis tanpa memperhatikan nilai-nilai sosial budaya dan agama masyarakat Indonesia yang plural. Pende-katan deskriptif analitis untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perjumpaan budaya dalam perspektif spiritual dan agama menjadi suatu upaya pendam-pingan yang mengacu pada peningkatan, pengembangan dan transformasi masyarakat. Perjumpaan budaya menjadi suatu upaya pendampingan pastoral dalam rangka memberdayakan, menghidupkan serta memanusiakan manusia Indonesia yang berbeda-beda karakteristiknya. Kajian tersebut menemukan pen-dampingan pastoral dalam konteks Indonesia mempunyai arti gotong ro-yong, berbagi rasa dan saling menerima, persaudaraan yang rukun dan solida-ritas serta pertemanan yang saling menghargai dan menghormati. Pendam-pingan pastoral dilakukan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki, dalam rangka memberdayakan dan meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Pengembangan potensi dan kualitas hidup terjadi dalam perjumpaan budaya, yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan pola pikir, perasaan dan pola perilaku pribadi setiap individu maupun komunitas dan masyarakat
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