2,624 research outputs found

    Hiperurisemia Pada Kehamilan dan Diabetes Gestasional

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    This review aims to determine the metabolic effect of hyperuricemia in pregnant woman, especially those with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). In women, the serum uric acid level is lower compared to men of similar age. The value is related to higher estrogen concentration to increase uric acid clearance. Hyperuricemia already established as independent risk factors for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Asymptomatic hyperuricemia in non-pregnant adult women will increase insulin resistance due to oxidative stress, and production of inflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor-a), which inevitably increases blood sugar level. Uric acid level and serum creatinine is lower in normal pregnancy due to increased renal clearance and the uricosuric effect of estrogen. Hyperuricemia is one of the contributing factors associated with insulin resistance among pregnancy instead direct effect of placental hormones. Earlier in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk for GDM is increased. However, the causal effect of uric acid levels on DM still requires further study .Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek metabolik hiperurisemia pada wanita hamil, khususnya pada populasi gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Kadar asam urat serum pada wanita lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan pria dengan usia yang sama. Hal ini terkait dengan konsentrasi hormon estrogen yang lebih tinggi yang dapat meningkatkan bersihan asam urat. Seperti yang diketahui, hiperurisemia merupakan faktor risiko independen sindrom metabolik dan penyakit kardiovaskular (CVD) maupun diabetes mellitus (DM). Hiperurisemia asimptomatik pada orang dewasa yang tidak hamil akan meningkatkan resistensi insulin akibat peningkatan stres oksidatif, dan produksi sitokin inflamasi (tumor necrosis factor-a), yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan kadar gula darah. Kadar asam urat dan kreatinin serum lebih rendah pada kehamilan normal karena terjadi peningkatan pembersihan ginjal dan efek urikosurik dari hormon estrogen. Hiperurisemia merupakan salah satu faktor yang berkorelasi dengan terjadinya resistensi insulin selama kehamilan, alih alih efek langsung dari hormon plasenta. Pada awal trimester pertama kehamilan, risiko GDM meningkat. Meskipun demikian, efek kausal dari kadar asam urat pada DM membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut

    Precision Agriculture Workflow, from Data Collection to Data Management Using FOSS Tools: An Application in Northern Italy Vineyard

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    In the past decades, technology-based agriculture, also known as Precision Agriculture (PA) or smart farming, has grown, developing new technologies and innovative tools to manage data for the whole agricultural processes. In this framework, geographic information, and spatial data and tools such as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and multispectral optical sensors play a crucial role in the geomatics as support techniques. PA needs software to store and process spatial data and the Free and Open Software System (FOSS) community kept pace with PA’s needs: several FOSS software tools have been developed for data gathering, analysis, and restitution. The adoption of FOSS solutions, WebGIS platforms, open databases, and spatial data infrastructure to process and store spatial and nonspatial acquired data helps to share information among different actors with user-friendly solutions. Nevertheless, a comprehensive open-source platform that, besides processing UAV data, allows directly storing, visualising, sharing, and querying the final results and the related information does not exist. Indeed, today, the PA’s data elaboration and management with a FOSS approach still require several different software tools. Moreover, although some commercial solutions presented platforms to support management in PA activities, none of these present a complete workflow including data from acquisition phase to processed and stored information. In this scenario, the paper aims to provide UAV and PA users with a FOSS-replicable methodology that can fit farming activities’ operational and management needs. Therefore, this work focuses on developing a totally FOSS workflow to visualise, process, analyse, and manage PA data. In detail, a multidisciplinary approach is adopted for creating an operative web-sharing tool able to manage Very High Resolution (VHR) agricultural multispectral-derived information gathered by UAV systems. A vineyard in Northern Italy is used as an example to show the workflow of data generation and the data structure of the web tool. A UAV survey was carried out using a six-band multispectral camera and the data were elaborated through the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique, resulting in 3 cm resolution orthophoto. A supervised classifier identified the phenological stage of under-row weeds and the rows with a 95% overall accuracy. Then, a set of GIS-developed algorithms allowed Individual Tree Detection (ITD) and spectral indices for monitoring the plant-based phytosanitary conditions. A spatial data structure was implemented to gather the data at canopy scale. The last step of the workflow concerned publishing data in an interactive 3D webGIS, allowing users to update the spatial database. The webGIS can be operated from web browsers and desktop GIS. The final result is a shared open platform obtained with nonproprietary software that can store data of different sources and scales

    Meniscus matrix morphological composition: age-dependent evaluation in a swine model

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    Menisci are fibro-cartilaginous structures interposed between femoral condyle and tibial plateau, which have multiple functions in the stifle joint: act as shock absorbers, bear loaders and allow joint stability, congruity and lubrication (Sweigart et al., 2004; Proffen et al., 2012). It is well known that meniscal injuries lead to osteoarthritis and for these reasons, menisci are considered important target of investigation. Their important role in the knee wellness is only equalled by their deficiency in proper self-repairing.Nowadays, the gold standard technique is not just to remove the damaged meniscus, but to rebuild it or to replace it. For these reasons, studies are necessary to increase the knowledge about these small but essential structures (Streuli, 1999; Deponti et al., 2013). Composition and morphology are basic fundamental information for the development of engineered meniscal substitutes (Di Giancamillo et al., 2014). The analysis of the morphological, structural and biochemical changes, which occur during growth of the normal menisci, represent the goal of the present study. For this purpose, menisci from adult (7-month old), young (1-month old), and neonates (stillbirths) pigs were collected. Cellularity and glycosamiglycans (GAGs) deposition were evaluated by ELISA, while Collagen-1 and Collagen-2 were investigated by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analyses. Cellularity (P<0.01, all comparisons) and Collagen-1 (P<0.05, neonatal-young vs adult) decreased from neonatal to adult stage while GAGs (P<0.01 neonatal vs young-adult) and Collagen-2 (P<0.01 neonatal-young vs adult) showed the opposite trend. Immunohistochemistry revealed similar changes occurring during animal growth thus revealing that cellular phenotype, cellularity and protein expression, as well as fibers aggregation in the matrix, are dissimilar in the three ages analysed categories. These changes reflect the progressive menisci maturation and hyper-specialisation. We observed the correlation between biochemical and phenotype properties of swine menisci follow age-dependent changes during growth: starting with an immature cellular and fiber pattern to the mature organised and differentiated adult menisci.Acknowledgments: This work was funded by the “Finanziamento Piano Sviluppo Ateneo - Linea 2A

    Weight Loss and Sleep, Current Evidence in Animal Models and Humans

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    Sleep is a vital process essential for survival. The trend of reduction in the time dedicated to sleep has increased in industrialized countries, together with the dramatic increase in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes. Short sleep may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and on the other hand, obesity is associated with sleep disorders, such as obstructive apnea disease, insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep and metabolic disorders are linked; therefore, identifying the physiological and molecular pathways involved in sleep regulation and metabolic homeostasis can play a major role in ameliorating the metabolic health of the individual. Approaches aimed at reducing body weight could provide benefits for both cardiometabolic risk and sleep quality, which indirectly, in turn, may determine an amelioration of the cardiometabolic phenotype of individuals. We revised the literature on weight loss and sleep, focusing on the mechanisms and the molecules that may subtend this relationship in humans as in animal models

    Educación intercultural como política pública: el análisis de la experiencia de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Este artículo reflexiona sobre las experiencias de trabajo de un equipo interdisciplinario de investigadoras, en un espacio de gestión y definición de política educativa. Se trató de la Dirección de Educación Intercultural dependiente de la Dirección General de Escuelas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante el año 2007, período en que duró esa dependencia. En aquel momento un pequeño grupo de docentes e investigadoras de distintas universidades públicas fuimos invitadas a participar de una experiencia desarrollada durante la gestión de Adriana Puiggrós. La convocatoria tenía como fin la conformación de un equipo de trabajo en la recientemente creada Dirección de Modalidad de Educación Intercultural, cuyo objetivo principal era desarrollar lineamientos y orientaciones que impulsaran una educación intercultural en las escuelas provinciales, en sintonía con lo propuesto por la Ley de Educación Nacional que se sancionara el año anterior, y que creaba la Modalidad de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe.Las líneas de trabajo definidas en aquel momento fueron a) Normativa: la elaboración de aportes para la Ley de Educación Provincial, la escritura y revisión de diseños curriculares para todos los niveles educativos; b) construcción de aportes y espacios de trabajo en la formación inicial y continua de docentes; c) acompañamiento de iniciativas de investigación de los ISFD y de experiencias que tuvieron lugar en el cotidiano escolar, entre otras.Estas líneas de acción se sustentaron en una perspectiva de la interculturalidad en los procesos educativos, donde distintos repertorios culturales interactúan confrontándose, poniendo en cuestión principios y contenidos de saber y de identidad en sentido amplio. El abordaje intercultural propuesto pretendía impulsar el debate en los espacios educativos acerca de los modos en que se hacen visibles algunas identidades y se niegan o limitan otras, a veces en forma explícita y otras encubiertas.Fil: Diez, Maria Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Thisted, Sofia Irene. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Maria Elena. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentin

    Efecto de un programa de intervención en los procesos y estrategias para la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de 5º y 6º grado

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    Background: Various investigations have revealed that the promotion of cognitive and metacognitive strategies can improve reading comprehension and that when readers receive this type of instruction, they can use monitoring processes and regulation strategies adequately. The goal of this work is to analyze the effects of strategic and metacognitive instruction on reading comprehension processes and strategies, using the "Aprender a Comprender" [Learning to Understand] program. Method: Instruction was carried out in the classroom by two teachers during six months. Ninety-four students participated, 49 from 5th grade and 45 from 6th grade. A pretest-intervention-posttest-follow-up design was used with a comparison group by grade. Results: The analysis of variance shows an impact of the intervention and its differential maintenance in each grade. The 5th-grade intervention group scored higher than the comparison group in the reading comprehension test, both at posttest and at follow-up. The 6th-grade intervention group scored higher than the comparison group in the Planning scale, both at posttest and at follow-up. Conclusions: Textual strategy instruction favors reading comprehension and the progressive development of planning, which is necessary for supervision and regulation, and its effects are maintained over time.Antecedentes: diferentes investigaciones han evidenciado que el fomento de estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas puede mejorar la comprensión lectora y su instrucción favorece la utilización adecuada de los procesos de monitoreo y de las estrategias de regulación. El objetivo del estudio es analizar los efectos de la instrucción estratégica y metacognitiva con el programa “Aprender a Comprender” en los procesos y estrategias para la comprensión lectora. Método: la instrucción se llevó a cabo durante seis meses, en el aula, a cargo de dos docentes. Participaron 94 escolares, 49 de 5º grado y 45 de 6º grado. Se utilizó un diseño pretest-intervenciónpostest-seguimiento con un grupo de comparación por grado. Resultados: los análisis de varianza muestran un impacto de la intervención y su mantenimiento diferencial en cada grado. Los estudiantes del grupo de intervención de 5º grado puntuaron más alto en la prueba de comprensión lectora en postest y en el seguimiento. Los del grupo de intervención de 6º grado puntuaron más alto en la escala de planifi cación tanto en postest como en el seguimiento. Conclusiones: la instrucción estratégica textual favorece la comprensión lectora y el progresivo desarrollo de la planifi cación necesaria para su supervisión y regulación, manteniendo sus efectos en el tiempo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of TiO2 and Al2O3 Addition on the Performance of Chitosan/Phosphotungstic Composite Membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

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    : Composite chitosan/phosphotungstic acid (CS/PTA) with the addition of TiO2 and Al2O3 particles were synthesized to be used as proton exchange membranes in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). The influence of fillers was assessed through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, liquid uptake, ion exchange capacity and methanol permeability measurements. The addition of TiO2 particles into proton exchange membranes led to an increase in crystallinity and a decrease in liquid uptake and methanol permeability with respect to pristine CS/PTA membranes, whilst the effect of the introduction of Al2O3 particles on the characteristics of membranes is almost the opposite. Membranes were successfully tested as proton conductors in a single module DMFC of 1 cm2 as active area, operating at 50 °C fed with 2 M methanol aqueous solution at the anode and oxygen at the cathode. Highest performance was reached by using a membrane with TiO2 (5 wt.%) particles, i.e., a power density of 40 mW cm-2, almost doubling the performance reached by using pristine CS/PTA membrane (i.e., 24 mW cm-2)