786 research outputs found

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques Angiospermes marocaines

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de cinco taxones pertenecientes a cinco familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 et Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 et 32. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotografía en mitosis o meiósis así como de un breve comentario."Chromosome numbers of some Moroccan angiosperm". Chromosome numbers of five taxa from five families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 and Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 and 32. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Variabilité chromosomique de neuf plantes medicinales au Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de 9 taxones usados como medicinales en Marruecos: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 y 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 y 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 y Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. La mayoría de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotrografía en mitosis así como de un breve comentario.Chromosomal variability of some medicinal plants in Morocco. Chromosome numbers of nine plants used in Moroccan pharmacopoeia are reported: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 and 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 and 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 and Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. Most of those numbers are reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    A priori and a posteriori analysis of non-conforming finite elements with face penalty for advection-diffusion equations

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    We analyse a non-conforming finite-element method to approximate advection-diffusion-reaction equations. The method is stabilized by penalizing the jumps of the solution and those of its advective derivative across mesh interfaces. The a priori error analysis leads to (quasi-)optimal estimates in the mesh size (sub-optimal by order ½ in the L2-norm and optimal in the broken graph norm for quasi-uniform meshes) keeping the Péclet number fixed. Then, we investigate a residual a posteriori error estimator for the method. The estimator is semi-robust in the sense that it yields lower and upper bounds of the error which differ by a factor equal at most to the square root of the Péclet number. Finally, to illustrate the theory we present numerical results including adaptively generated meshe

    Emotion and Judgment in Young Women of a Society in Transition

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    The present study asked whether emotional responses to narratives of moral transgressions are shaped by the reader’s assumed relationship with the injured party (i.e., oneself, familiar other, and unfamiliar other). Its goal was to test a cultural, religious, and individualistic account of such responses in young females of a traditional society in transition towards a sustainable integration into the global economy. To this end, female college students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were asked to identify their emotional reaction to each of several moral transgressions, report its intensity and then judge the severity of the transgression. In agreement with the religious norm hypothesis, whereby others are to be treated as oneself, reported emotions, affective intensity, and moral judgment did not change with students’ relationship with the injured party. The only exception was students’ lenient judgment when feeling angry for being the victim of a transgression, which underlies the tenet of forgiveness in religious doctrine

    Bilingualism and Self-Perception: Self-Efficacy through the Veil of Two Languages

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    This chapter is concerned with the relationship between language, as the vehicle of a person’s culture, and self-assessment of one’s capabilities (i.e., self-efficacy) via conventional self-report measures. It relies on the assumption that a language “is ‘a veil’ over the reality of the culture in which it is used, involving an agreement of its users about what there is to be seen and how it should be seen”. Thus, the information weighted and integrated into judgments of one’s self-efficacy is filtered through, and thus it is shaped by cultural schemas which are elicited by the language used to formulate such judgments. Evidence that supports this viewpoint is reviewed

    Deformations des feuilletages transversalement holomorphes a type differentiable fixe

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    Let F be a transversely holomorphic foliation on a compact manifold. We show the existence of a versal space for those deformations of F which keep fixed its differentiable type if F is hermitian or if F has complex codimension one and admits a transverse projectable connection. We also prove the existence of a versal space of deformations for the complex structures on a Lie group invariant by a cocompact subgroup

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques plantes a fleurs du Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de once taxones pertenecientes a nueve familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea et Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nueve de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon estudiado se acompaña de un breve comentario y de la mayoría de ellos se aportan observaciones en mitosis o meiosis.Chromosome numbers of some flowering plants from Morocco. Chromosome numbers of eleven taxa from nine families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea and Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nine of those numbers were reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied.Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur SVT 04 / 0

    Análisis de fracturas geológicas extraídas por teledetección en imágenes Landsat TM, ejemplo de la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite (Alto Atlas central, Marruecos)

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    The use of remote sensing, in this research, can be summarized in mapping and statistical studies of lineaments on the satellites images of the Jurassic outcrops in the Imilchil-Tounfite area, Central High Atlas of Morocco. This is to apply various manual techniques for extracting lineaments from Landsat TM image. Analytical techniques used in this work are: the principal component analysis (PCA) applied to selective bands of the visible and infrared, which allows creating new images with better visual interpretation. Directional filters N0°, N45°, N90°, and N135° with a 5.5 matrix were used to enhance lineaments in the corresponding perpendicular directions, and therefore to obtain a good discrimination of those structures. Preliminary results highlight a dominant geological fracturing trending ENE/WSW with 52% of the total lineaments, a second fracture trending is WNW/ESE at 23%, a third fracture series trending NE/SW with 20% and finally, a minor series of fractures trending NW/SE with 5% of the total lineaments. Distribution and statistical relationship, between fractures and the affected surface on the one hand and the fracture length on the other hand, shows a network of well-structured fractures. The final lineament map constitutes a contribution to complete the geology and assisting the mining and hydrogeological prospection, in the Imilchil-Tounfite area.En este trabajo se han aplicado metódos estadísticos de datos obtenidos por teledetección, para la cartografía de lineamientos en afloramientos del Jurásico en la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite, Alto Atlas Central de Marruecos. Las técnicas analíticas utilizadas incluyen el análisis de componentes principales (PCA) aplicado a las bandas visible y infrarrojos, que permite crear nuevas imágenes con una mejor interpretación visual, y filtros direccionales N0°, N45°, N90° y N135° con una matriz de 5.5 para mejorar rasgos en las direcciones perpendiculares correspondientes y obtener una buena discriminación de esas estructuras. Los resultados preliminares ponen de manifiesto una fractura geológica dominante de tendencia ENE-SW con un 52% del total de lineamientos, una segunda tendencia ONO-S (23%), una tercera serie de fracturas orientada NE-SW (20%) y, por último, una serie de menor importancia de fracturas tendencia NW-SE (5%). Las relaciones estadísticas entre las fracturas y la superficie afectada por un lado y la longitud de la fractura, por otra parte, muestra una red de fracturación bien estructurada. El mapa final de lineamientos constituye una contribución para completar la geología de la zona y como ayuda a las prospecciones mineras e hidrogeológicas en la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite